Why aren't low int female main characters more common?

Why aren't low int female main characters more common?

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Are you implying low int male main characters are common?

they are in nip shit. both anime and games.

Because women have more intelligence than men.

Cause none will ever come close to be as cute as Akko.

See Low int characters are rare in general. You can have one in the Fallouts I guess?
Other than that, it's tropes. "comic relief idiot" is usually a male trope, often a red-neck farmer kinda guy, while dumb females are more common in the "Big breasted bimbo" category, tho it is more common in movies and tv than in video games.

Now, did you actually want to know anything, or did you just want to start a flamewar on Yea Forums?


you saw what happened to kats game

Attached: 1 - P5ziGXn.png (512x443, 88K)

>or did you just want to start a flamewar on Yea Forums?
OP here, you are correct.

akko is stupid and should be bonked on the head with a broom

Alright, carry on then.

This. The 20 billion extra neurons men have just serve to apply more internal pressure to the brain and slow it down amirite!?

Akko is NOT dumb. She is special in her own way like the great Shiny Chariot who is the greatest witch of all time. Akko can fly a broom and cast a lot of spells she just chooses to be humble because that's what Shiny Chariot would do!

>Her second OVA is shit
>Her tv anime is shit
>Her game is shit
>Her idol is shit
>Her girlfriend is shit

Is there a more JUST anime protagonist than Akko?

Attached: Akko is special.png (202x278, 90K)

I like the anime, it gets up it's own ass a bit but I thought it was quite decent all things together. Game was defo trash though.

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Neurons don't create intelligence. Grey matter does and women have more of it.

But they are look at basically every anime about girls in school

No dipshit, women have more white matter, and men more grey. Grey matter is mostly composed of nueronal cell bodies anyway, so fuck off.

Most female characters in jap games are pretty dumb honestly. Not as dumb as Akko of course but at least kinda dimwitted. It's cute as fuck.

girls are pretty fucking smart bro, one time I was fucking this broad from behind and about to nut and she said to pull out cuz she didn't wanna get pregnant

Women arent sentient

This is true but don't worry guys, you can be smart too! You just need to try hard. After all, the smartest people in the world are men, don't give up!

Because it isn’t realistic, lol

Fuck off with your shitty Stealth LWA general, moron.
Your TV Anime will be never good. Only tumblr trannies like you (pic related) unironically likes this show.
And fuck you for bumping this thread. Stop samefagging, trannyOP. Sage.

Attached: Average LWA TV fanbase.jpg (234x215, 8K)

big cringe

>Waiting for page 10 to respond the post to bumping the dead thread
LWAshits always do this. Stop forcing your shitty Anime and your shitty video game. Nobody fucking cares, your anime is a big disappointment