_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______!
Did someone say extra turns?
He's so cute.
It's funny how even all these years later, Renamon still is within the top 5-10 furry characters to get endless porn/lewd art on all sites. Some even wish they could be turned into one and more. But come on, who here would actually want to become a thick Renamon?
I love him so much
Formerly Yea Forumsmon.
Is he still macro bait?
I prefer his twink form.
Me too
>tfw you can't post any sfw fanart of him without the risk of being deleted because that's just how sexy he is
Top Digmon bro lines IMO:
>Hagurumon -> Guardromon -> Andromon -> Hi-Andromon
>Tsukaimon -> Devidramon -> Mephistomon -> Gulfmon
>Kokuwamon -> Thundermon -> Mamemon -> Metalmamemon
Why limit yourself to one when you can have them all?
Best Digimentals are Serenity, Light, Miracles, and Knowledge.
Also, do any of the other 02 partners have charts like this?
Nope. Veemon privilege.
god I want to fuck V-mon
V-mon is such a versatile husbando.
Yaksamon is underappreciated.
fuck off back to gaia