This is literally and unironically the greatest game of all time

This is literally and unironically the greatest game of all time.

Attached: IMG_6122.jpg (488x488, 79K)


Especially when it gets its full portable release on switch!


It's so fucking shit compared to Persona 4.

It's hilarious how much they tried to capitalize and retread the same story beats and steps that Persona 4 did, even the FUCKING COVER OF THE GAME is EXACTLY the same format as the Persona 4 cover.

I can understand liking Persona 5 if it's your first JRPG or first Persona game, but literally anyone with a brain can see how horribly it is written and see that it was rewritten multiple times over the THREE times it was delayed. Horrible. Goro isn't even in the fucking intro and half the characters don't do anything, which shows how rewritten it is.

Attached: Persona 5 Thoughts.png (2168x844, 171K)

could've been better

Of 8th gen? yes
Of all time? no

These are the 10 greatest games ever made... no Persona5.

Attached: 10 Greatest Games Ever Made.jpg (1920x1920, 1.25M)

>it's Japan's opinion therefore it must be true!


I enjoyed the game and you are entitled to your opinion but I'd like to kindly disagree.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha good one
I disagree on it being the best game ever, but it's definitely one of my favorites in a long time

FF3 is supposed to be SNES version of FF6 retard

So, a fuckton of SE rpgs and OoT? That's it? That's all the video games you've played in your life and THAT'S what you tallied up as the greatest games ever?

I mean jesus christ I like a lot of these games but come on man. I mean try some other genres or something dude.

Hmm, is that why they say Dragon Quest III and not Dragon Warrior III?

>best game of all time
its good but its not even better than p3 so...

So never :^)

P5 is one of the most stylish games I’ve played this side of TWEWY and JSR and I genuinely feel that it’s a good game but it has too many flaws with its story beats and plot structure imo to really consider it one of the greatest. Still a good game, though.

Attached: 8D764286-55C0-462F-B592-8B46D30B9C56.png (172x202, 8K)

What is bottom left?

Why is everyone suddenly talking about persona 5 again? Did something happen?

Persona 5 R was announced, also they never stopped.

I can really see the devs playing Thief the Dark Project and going, "hey, let's make a JRPG outta this." They have a whole plethora of Dark Gods to choose from, two factions corresponding to the Pagans and Hammers (order vs chaos), weird psych shit from Persona I to create their own Shalebridge Cradle... To me, it seemed like they just wanted to make a straight up heist game but were forced to make everything like P4 by a heartless corporation.

Tactics Ogre: LUCT

It was pretty good.
I'll never not be pissed about how low effort the actual Personas are. Some of their animations are even incomplete, like Thanatos's physical attack animation in P5.

Thank you. The art looks really nice.


Switchers are ready to spam the fuck out of this thread!

I've never play

I really really like building personas.

Attached: 1494754726444.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

Bottom left game? I want to look up more of its kino artwork.

too bad the gameplay in 5 is an infinite improvement and the soundtrack is G.O.A.T. or else you'd have a chance of being right

not as good as when I played P4 for the first time.

Persona: the Dark Project.
>MC only wants to make money.
>'cause let's be real here, Joker was only in it for the money even in canon.
>You blackmail Kamoshida into compliance, you steal Madarame's greatest work, you steal from the Mafia, then go up against Karras and the Mechanists-I mean the Gotou and the JSDF.
>Then you break into the ruins of a condemned boarding school that gets weirder and weirder, with nothing making sense, encountering the twisted tortured spirits who're forever damned to be trapped there.
I'd play it.