Todd Howard: Fallout 76 "Had a Lot of Difficulties During Development"

No shit, maybe it's because it was made by a buch of inept retards that never made a stable, polished game, and who stopped making actual RPGs over a decade ago. Fuck off Todd.

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Fucking incompetent shits that's your job fix it or quit.

Really? Never would have guessed.

how did it have difficulties its just fo4 multiplayer with less content and a better lighting filter

you now remember that stream with ninja

Because gamebryo

Don't forget Rick and Morty

You're a big boy making a response to what Todd said while owning up his mistakes and not directly to my face.

I'd love to see you try to make a better game than Todd and his team.

Anyone could make a better game at this point, I mean... have you seen 76'?

And I have never, ever, played a Bugthesda game that didn't lock up consoles or PCs, get the fuck out of here with your childish fanboy bullshit.

haha holy shit how did they fuck up this badly?

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It's almost like they're useless, talentless cunts (anyone play without mods?) that have been getting away with major techincal issues and half-aseed game design for nearly 20 years...

user you autist reread his post

I did, so?

>not directly to my face
Go away Todd

I don't think Bethesda Games Studios really had any hand in it.

>my face
Use your big brain user

gamebryo is literally made for mmos

converting an engine designed specifically for single player into multiplayer is far more difficult than writing it for multiplayer from the start

I'd never wish that task on my worst fucking enemy.

What kind of people would unironically watch this

If this wasn't proof that internet celebrities are the lowest tier of entertainment there is I don't know what will be.

young stupid kids who dont know any better.

Which one is it?

Is Bethesda even capable of using any engine other than Gamebryo/Creation Engine?

Do they have the staff, free staff time, staff knowledge, money to acqurie talent etc to change engines?

Gamebyro may be capable of networking but the monstrosity that Bethesda has built ontop of it was not designed for it at all.

> A primary issue facing the developers was that components of the core engine (dating back to Gamebryo used in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind) such as quests or world loading were designed centering on a single player (dubbed "Atlas" by the developers for its role in holding up the fabric of the loaded game world), a paradigm that would need to fundamentally change to allow multiple players spanning multiple worlds.

You're fucking dough boi for sure.
It would take years worth of work to make an engine that fills the rolls that the creation engine does. It's no where near as simple as "use another engine lol"

The simple fact that 76 even launched in the broken (and still broken) state that it did just shows how lazy, greedy and flat out uncaring they were with the product and anyone still defending it at this point is an embarrassment. I can't fucking wait for Todd to get on stage at E3 this year and see what kind of hoops he tries to jump through to try and salvage this absolute shitshow.

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I think people who keep trying to pretend shit like this are fanboys who refuse to see any evidence presented before them. Just like Bioware with ME:A, it was totally just the who? team and not the fact the entire company went down the shitter long ago, then we get Anthem and lo and behold its shit.

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I doub't it's Todd and idc, but if it it..

Hey Toad, you remember when you used to make RPGs and not just streamlined shit? yeah, well, we used to play them for the actual world depth, etc... not the fucking streamlining bullshit that's giving them less depth than Fable... what are you going to streamline in the next ES, retard? skills?

Oh, and fix your fucking techincal issues, faggot, Oblivion crashes every hour on PC (my friend runs it vanilla on a diffrent OS, same shit crashes)

PS: you're a complete faggot, and Bugthesda is finally a laughing stock, as it should be.


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Why is Bethesda so adamant about using the same engine? It's clearly not working anymore

Someone post the screencaps of mentions of TES 4 in Fallout 4 code

No and their autistic fanbase would reee and throw a shit fit if Bethesda every made a game where they can't play with every single fork.

supposedly that update was based on an earlier build so it was like two steps back one step forward

So they make another (from nothing, no recycling CC) or license one

Either way the question stand, do they ave the resources and dosh to do either

They didn't, it was a studio that was rebranded as a Bethesda games studio. They were working on a failed hero shooter before given the task to work on 76. The studio Todd works at had pretty much nothing to do with it other than say "hey that looks neat"

Yeah, because it's totally not more likely that that it's going to be a LARPing faggot instead...

Use your big brain user

It wouldn't be worth the investment, they wouldn't change their bad habits and do something new/different with it

I wonder why they don't switch to UE4 at this point. It supports all the features they would need for a ES style game.

>No recycling
Stopped reading there. You know nothing about this shit

I’m saying it’s a fucking joke post you turboautist

>Just like Bioware with ME:A, it was totally just the who? team and not the fact the entire company went down the shitter long ago, then we get Anthem and lo and behold its shit.
There needs to be some disclaimer when shit like that happens. The Bioware that made Anthem is nothing like the Bioware of yesteryear. Everyone gets hype and goes "Oh shit! Bioware is making an open world looter shooter!" when it might as well be a completely different company at this point.

>boo hoo it so hard making engine ;_;

yet there are AA studios who do it without complaining like a bitch

Probably licensing fee and they know it'd hurt in the longrun if huge mods aren't as easy and minor mods can't be done by the average joe

then what do you call it nigger

20 years ago Gamebryo was called NetImmerse and designed for MMOs.

>People still think it's the engine that is the issue
The lot of you are retarded, you could give Bethesda the best engine on the market tailored specifically to what they need and they'd still fuck it up because they are on the level of incompetence that it is a simple fact you play any of their games with mods(patches to fix bugs) or deal with bugs that have been present for ages and they never bother fixing themselves.

>lock up pcs and consoles
What are you even on about?

Everything is a joke-post here you fucking retard.


Everyone knows they CAN do it, but they are married to Creation Engine because they don't want to do anything else because that takes too much effort for their lazy ass or they do it out of habit, at this point it will be fascinating to see how much they can force that frankenstein code into next gen games.

>Play ESIV on xbox 360 back in the day, closed platform, crashes so bad it constantly locks up the system

>Play ESIV on PC later, open platform, it crashes so bad it constantly locks up the system

They have always been garbage-tier developers, who have only been saved, time and time again by user made mods.

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>Everyone knows they CAN do it,

can they tho
I really doubt it, even if they could they'd fuck it up extremely quickly and be so unfamiliar it'd be fucked to begin with

Tell me what you think would be a good engine to use for a potential sequel

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>Everyone knows they CAN
That's adorable you think they can.

>every Beth game since pretty much FO3 had to be fixed and kept alive by the mod community because of the devs' sheer incompetence and laziness
>Fuck it let's make an online-only game which would mean absolute no mods lol!!! :)))
What the fuck did they think would happen?

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Todd ruined the game when he banned the faggot hunters.

Why do anons say "It isn't an RPG" like it matters.
Nobody gives a shit if it is an RPG or not.
There are plenty of companies going broke making RPGs for you.

But who out here's making a post apocalyptic nuclear wasteland fps action rpg with years of lore behind it
the closest I've gotten is STALKER which is fun but the next one won't be out for years, if there ever will be a next one

>Why do anons say "It isn't an RPG" like it matters.

Because TES series started out as hardcore RPGs (and remained that way for a long time), they still market them as RPGs, so why the fuck should I bother playing them if they're turning into something else other than RPGs, ie; streamlined, dumbed-down shit?

>Nobody gives a shit if it is an RPG or not

Are you honestly this retarded?

>There are plenty of companies going broke making RPGs for you.

If they're going broke it's because they should obviously be doing it better. Cdprojekt isn't going fucking broke.

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Ask tell tale games. It would actually be refreshing if Bethesda went the same way.

The real problem are their shitty developers. I would trust Bethesda to fuck up another game engine entirely, and a switch in itself also has the potential consequence of removing the modding potential their games are known for. That said, if they hire new staff then they're likely having to go through a crash course with their tech.

Lol, no. Lots of games have used the gamebryo engine and none of them have the problems this companies games do. What comes down to is that Bethesda are lazy shits who put in the minimum amount of effort for their games. Their games current problems are because they're building the new games on more than a decade of makeshift, half-assed work. It's a tattered fucking mess.

Keep in mind that they don't just use gamebyro. They also use havok for physics. I've never seen a company who claims to be professional mishandle that engine so badly.

So in the end, the problem isn't the tools, it is the people using them.

Saying a Bethesda game is a bad RPG is like watching a Basketball game and complaining it was a shitty Hockey game.

Todd? More like Toddler.

My yard sales made more than GoG last year.

Skyrim has more choice and consequence than Morrowind.
So there is that.

The other problem is their shitty fanbase who excuses sheer incompetence as 'flavor.' I mean if a cook consistently fucked up my meal, I wouldn't go back to that restaurant unless serious changes were made.

More recently, however, Bethesda has become very greedy so they're even more insufferable. Greed + incompetence is truly the worst combination in any company not just a game one.

> It would actually be refreshing if Bethesda went the same way.

lol, no. Skyrim dosen't even have as much choices as Oblivion, there's even less fucking ways to complete quests.

They could do nothing but coke and hookers for the next decade and still have enough money in petty cash to make a game.
They aren't going anywhere.

>The real problem are their shitty developers.

They employ animators that can't animate, and programmers that can't program... this is true.

God they are such fucking clowns.

Bethesda suffers from the delusion that 'steamlining' means dumbing things down. Instead of making a feature easier to use, they'll just cut it out entirely.

you now remember ninja exists

You are wrong.
Emp or Stormcloak
The DB
Two Daedric quests you can betray the quest giver
The Hagraven and her daughter.
The Nord lady looking for proof of her heredity.

It isn't even close.

How much funds does Bethesda as a company even have? They are owned by Zenimax, so if they stop making profits they can be closed down quickly.

Maplestory 2, an mmo, is fully made with gamebryo

>what's a proof of concept
It's like they've never made an online game before.

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This is a good post about Bethesda and Gamebryo, even if it's from R*ddit

Ideally they'd have one custom built like RAGE or Fox

Wow, you listed like a handful of fucking things... woo-wee, you sure convinced me! and how many quests and questlines ended in a dungeon crawl through a boring, copy-pasted area, exactly?

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Creation Engine is supposed to be their "custom" engine.

>Admitting to development issues now
What a fucking retard. This only makes them look worse. Why didn't the marketing/PR department tell him to shut the fuck up?

Except it's a modified Gamebryo and it shows.

He STILL thinks he can get away with everything. Starfield will be even worse.

Doesn't exactly take a genius to figure out that lots of games use gamebyro and havok but work. Bethesda is an incompetent dev who has gotten away with being one because it has had a near monopoly on open world sandbox games. Kind of how like Creative Assembly can get away with charging out the ass for their games and dlc. Little to no competition breeds greed and incompetence.

Yes I proved I was right and you were wrong.

Unless you count every possible outcome of the Whodunnit quest as a choice then Skyrim has more choice and consequence than Oblivion and Morrowind combined.

Chuckle away.

>Dark Age of Camelot, Morrowind and Freedom Froce were made in the same engine
neat but why the hell Todd stick to it all these years?

I'm guilty, I bought 76, mainly got me after the road map.
I did get a rare version, the Walmart steelcase, for $30 new

because they make money on the "mods will fix it" retards

>Modify Gamebryo
>Can't even keep the best parts spellmaking etc

Bethesda everybody.

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It was a train wreck, was funny to watch to see how bad it was.

Skyrim 2 billion
Fallout 4 1 .4 billion
Fallout Shelter topped a billion with the China launch.
Fallout 76 ...well they can't all be winners. If the 1.4 mill in sales is correct then they likely broke even .

They are in very good shape.

Yes. It would teach them humility and make way for decent companies to revitalize the genre.

>Yes I proved I was right and you were wrong.

No you didn't, the only thing you "proved" here is that you're a complete brainlet.

>Cell-based loading is here to stay, as is a hard limit on how many NPCs can be displayed without a massive performance impact, due to how NPC meta-data is handled (NPCs are functionally identical to players with individual skills, inventories, and equipment, which must be kept track of every frame; the version of NetImmerse that Morrowind was built on was originally envisioned as an MMO engine before its usage broadened). Many engine operations are tied to framerate due to how event scheduling works, such as physics calculation. A heightmap-based terrain generator, which only allows for a single axis of terrain modification, means that things like caves and cliffs are very difficult to build without the use of static assets (which are more expensive, computationally). There are many more things like that, but the reality is that the engine has limitations that cannot easily be circumvented.

>They are in very good shape.

Apart from being as shit (or worse) as they have been for a over a decade, sure.

Sputter away user.
You may not like losing an internet argument but here you are.
Sucks to be you.
Unless you can refute my claim and we both know you can't.
So ball up your little fists and stamp your little feet.

> I don't like a thing so they are in bad shape.
I don't think the devs lose a minute of sleep because random anons on Yea Forums are unhappy.

Keep failling, my delusional friend.

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A new engine won't make them fire Emil, or replace Todd's high school buddy animator, or educate the programmers etc

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I don't think they lose a minute of sleep either, they obviously have the general IQ of goldfish if they're this consitantly inept.

>that guy who responds to every positive post by saying 'no it's shit"

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Is it time?

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NPCs often struggle when long held beliefs are wrong.
You actually believed that Morrowind had more choice and consequence than Skyrim didn't you?

t. shithead

>Skyrim and FO4 sold record amounts
Gee, I wonder why.

>Managing to con yourself into being positive about modern-day Bugthesda Shitworks

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developers have feelings too

>NPCs often struggle when long held beliefs are wrong...

No-fucking-shit, are you going back to Streamlinerim yet?

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Yes, but we only care about the talented ones.

inb4 the based tod literally begs for forgiveness on stage and it actually works, only to release Starfield next year and it's a piece of shit

>Howard even recalls receiving a package from a fan full of bobby pins and note asking him to weigh them. It's a reference to Bethesda's decision to make bobby pins 60 times heavier than in real life.

Because zoomers are retards.

He's in

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>Spend $115 burgers on a special edition consisting entirely of cheaply made chinese sweatshop trinkets
>Don't even get the fuckin game to go with it

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Bethesda obviously doesn't, most devs actually care about their games whereas Beth is content pumping out the bare minimum, they're soulless, like bugmen

lmao do bobby pins have weight in 76
what a blunder
blunder of the fucking century

I think if you held like twenty on you it was the the equivalent of one mini nuke


all of you are so fucking stupid it amazes me. I continue to be the only smart person in any place I occupy per usual

There's a hard limit yes, but Bethesda is no where near the limit of the tools they're working with. They could easily have 3x bigger world maps and twice the npc on screen if they actually tried. I mean look at what modders have accomplished with their games and said modders don't even have access to the development tools.

The last time Bethesda put effort into a game was Morrowind because if that game didn't do well they were going to be axed.

I remember when the Power Armor edition was announced, it was sold out in hours.
Now it's in stock at most stores and as cheap as $150, 25% off

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Todd is one smooth talker in order to get so many people to buy this

>mfw you're clearly out of arguments

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Dude, no. He was being halfway honest at E3, saying shit like Bethesda wasn't sure what the game actually was, and whatnot.
People bought it because people are idiots.

the retard saying everything is shit with no arguments is currently posting in /fog/ right now too. he apparently just hates bethesda for some reason, and ironically, mindlessly hates on anything and everything when they come up and then accuses others of doing the same thing but in reverse, of being shills.

>mindlessly hates on anything and everything when they come up and then accuses others of doing the same thing but in reverse, of being shills.
Yea Forums in a nutshell. Nothing extraordinary here.

Paranoid and butthurt much? I'm only here and on Yea Forums ...but I do love the way you're seeing me eveywhere (and probably looking for me too)

kek... SEETH much?

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This, also the only stream i ever completely watched / listened to.
Game didn't even ship with a physical copy, so much greed.
Wondering if Bethesda is going to make any improvements in their ''shortcomings'' before the next installments.

Whoa that guy sure sounds like a nice addition to the roster

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They'll never change unless they face competition. I have no faith in the modern consumer to not purchase broken games.