Is he right, Yea Forums?

Is he right, Yea Forums?

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dude titties and nipples lmao


he always uses the same fucking buzzwords, i wonder if he doesn't get tired of it

Discord is literally under investigation by the FBI for child grooming

Doesn't make him wrong.

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I've never used discord, isn't it just dependent on the people using it? If you have a bunch of meme spouting idiots, why is discord making them any worse than they would be on twitter / a facebook group or whatever?

Is that world renowned e-celebrity "Twitch Shill McBegforSubs"?

Critikal is pure garbage now.

Discord encourages it since their company is filled with meme spouting retards, pedos and pedo furries.


>the average channer thinks he's a zionist shill

>mfw newfags are still trying to act cool hating on the new popular thing

Actually, he is wrong. I have friends at the Discord HQ and they told me they do keep it professional. I don't see how having some humor with your company is an issue at all.

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ah yes, truly epic humor like

Kaya is a fucking faggot.

>he's using discord for anything else than just having a private server with his friend
i'm glad discord is here, fuck skype.

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yes. my small town had a pokemon go discord and it was ruined by infighting and people branched of and created another one. I knew the guy who made it and he was just some fat gamer guy who probably didn't know how to deal with bitchy women. just the nature of social places that aren't very transparent.

what did you say wh*Toid?

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aside from the loading screens, where does this matter?

If Discord is embarrassing why do I continue to hope to find a jackoff buddy on it? Checkmate, atheists.

He was better when he was stil depressed.

I unironically wish people I know still used IRC.

Yes, but probably not for the reasons he suggests. Moreso that the staff of it are furry pedophiles and think they're in any position to be a judge of moral character.

the software itself has a bunch of "epic for the win!" tier memes shit all over its interface, in changelogs, etc. the devs are cringecore faggots with shitty politics who datamine their users and sell people up the river to the feds, it's literally worse than skype which was a cia nigger program but it's what everybody uses now so, welp

Discord encourages the shittiest people in every community to create their own insular chat spaces and makes them feel emboldened. I hate it.

Discord is cancer

I'm 27 and have never used discord once in my life.

Discord is based. It makes newfags seethe.

What is the bitch about?
ain't givin' him views

I miss IRC. a lot of my teen and early years were spent in those chatrooms. I've downloaded entire anime series as a teen from xdcc bots. It all feels so distant now.

Is the valve PR team on Yea Forums tonight or something?

IRC still had its trannies, they're everywhere.

Yeah when the fuckin employees respond like this, I can see why it attracts such distilled autism.

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i mean its still there its just archaic as fuck


I use it for voicechat for DnD games and never touch it outside of that. Otherwise it's a cesspool like every other social media site.

>ain't givin' him views
hardcore :o

Andrew > Kaya > Jackson >>> Charlie


Yikes, you're part of the problem. Most DnD tards on discord are autistic trannies

It is but it currently has a monopoly on online communities, especially mmos.

As I said I only ever use it to talk to the 5 or so members of my group. It's a utility like any other.

literally made by dog-fucking furry pedophiles

I haven't watched him since pre-face reveal. Is he really that bad? I thought he was a hit or miss with videos at time, but his streaming and face reveal kinda ruin what made him neat from what I hear about him now. Past that I'm not sure.

charlie has his moments, like the squidward impression.

His content is now constantly the same shit over and over. The screenshot from the OP is a good portion of his videos now. Him sitting at his PC, camera focused on him while he complains about something.

Stop being obsessed with trannies I don't give a shit if they use the IRC platform. Trannies use Yea Forums and computers as well, better log off.

>does nothing but ""vlog"" these days
>podcasts are insufferable thanks to that one guy who takes every opportunity to try and start shit

I mean he was never high quality but christ did he stop pretending to give a shit. I'm pretty sure he dosn't even donate everything to charity anymore like he used to.

That sucks. I miss his "strategy" videos from bf and gears of war games. Wish he kept to that along with the few decent shitty game play vids he did. Heroes should always die young.

He's such a boring and dumb person. He just doesn't have anything ever to talk about beyond current trendy/buzzwordy shit. If you ask him anything about anything that wasn't a pop-culture thing at some point in time, he has nothing to say.

On the newest episode of the podcast, Andrew and Charlie both talked about video games they liked. Andrew was able to go into decent detail opn why he was enjoying BotW and why he liked it, while literally all Charlie could say about Sekiro was "It's fun. It's a good game" and that's it.

He's a boring person. The podcast has proven this. He may be funny and entertaining, but as a person he is extremely boring and normie.

But everyone hates discord because of the trannies right?

He used to be good before he showed his face.

you know it gurl

His streams are horrendous. All he ever does is bait people into subbing, and talk about how much he wants subs when people ask him questions. He also only ever plays BR games or whatever just came out.

He singlehandedly ruins the podcast

His old content was pretty good in my opinion, unfortunate that he's veered away from that now.

is he the one with the accent?
because if he is holy fuck please just shut the fuck up already


>who takes every opportunity to try and start shit

Where were you when you learned all of Charlie's friends are more interesting than he is?
Andrew's streams are much more entertaining and have way more production value. Kaya's guest appearances on Charlie's content are the best thing he puts out, and Jackson's optimism is infectious.

Kaya may ruin some episodes, but I think he's a good part of a lot of other episodes. It's like how sometimes Andrew never shuts the fuck up, but the episodes where he's on point are very entertaining.

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Yeah. He made two attempts at
>vaccines good, unvaccinated bad

His job is to beg for subs, he cries about not being able to have a real job because life is just too hard otherwise if not for e-celeb cash.

All he really does now is cover youtube drama and play BR games and streamer bait while saying canned silly swears. Also his girlfriend is a charisma blackhole but he shoves her into everything.

If you couldn't figure out he had basic bitch tastes in everything once he started making the kinds of videos he makes now then you're exactly his target audience

Discord is basically Tencent-backed Chinese spyware.


>critikal before
>gives all internetbux to charity, doesn’t plan on it being a job
>constantly begs for subs

What went wrong?

Who best Official boy here?

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i remember when he used to say hed rather [terrible thing] than stream on twitch but look at him go

Op dick is more embarassing than this thread loool

Came here to post this.
Yuno a shit

His content is embarrassing

whoever the one who likes dick masterson is

Your dick is embarrassing

>Also his girlfriend is a charisma blackhole but he shoves her into everything
God, all those videos where it sounds like he is babysitting a special needs child, he makes a simple stupid joke and there is just a delay while the gears try to turn in her head for a response.

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