What game would you personally rate a 10/10 Yea Forums?

What game would you personally rate a 10/10 Yea Forums?

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Most PS2 games, take your pick

Even my favorite game of all time has flaws. There is no such thing as a perfect video game.

The Stanley Parable.

Scaler :^)

rad bats

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Bloodborne with Old Hunters.
The original Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.
Grim Fandango.

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Only one last 15 years

s e k I r o

Nothing can truly ever be perfect.

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10/10 doesn't mean perfect you fucking idiot, it means this
> 10/10 = Game that you really loved & didn't have a major flaw that negatively effected your enjoyment of it

Supa Mario brothas 2, knack and knack 2, supa Mario sunshine, every SSB, and super Mario odyssey

I don't know, but I'd rate Odyssey a 7/10 to be honest.

>MGS 4&5 Snake
>Nathan drake
>Witcher 3
>in a 10/10 banner image

The fuck.

Nobody fucking asked you what you think they asked you what a perfect game is for you do you even fucking read you dense motherfucker

PM:TTYD or Super Mario World

Well fuck you I'm rating Odyssey a 6/10 just for that.

Probably Breath of the Wild, to be perfectly honest. It has flaws, but none of them were bad enough to affect the experience for me and its strengths were collectively better than anything I've played in the franchise. It unironically felt like the very first time I played OoT, but even better.

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Based. Odyssey was average as hell and nothing compared to Galaxy. People calling it the best mario game had switch buyers remorse.

To be fair, most of those games don't deserve anything higher then a 8
> Chrono Cross
> SoulCalibur
> Ocarina of Time
> Journey
> Galaxy 2
These are the only games on there that you could genuinely argue was a 10/10 from a overall quality standpoint when it came out

>inb4 nintendo vs sony shitflinging
I love MM and plenty of other nintendo games

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holy shit nobody is continuing to ask for your goddamn opinion on a less-than-perfect game
get some goddamn sleep because you're delusional


How pathetic

Galaxy 2, PMD Explorers of Sky are my picks.

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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 if we're going by literal perfection with zero flaws

t.bought a switch on launch

Borderlands 2
Parappa the Rapper 2
Super Mario Odyssey
The Binding of Isaac: Ab+ (With Revelations 2)

This can not be disputed

This. Hands down my favorite game.
Also MGS2 and Chrono Trigger.

Dishonored. Game feels good, plays good, story's good, art's great.

Used to be I'd say Bioshock 1, but as much as I love that game for introducing me to the importance of plot and lore in vidya, It's become dated and has it's problems that make me lose the will to continue. And the """remaster""" didn't help at all.

Dishonored? None of that for me.

Metroid Prime. Nearly every game I can think of has some sort of flaw that kind of keeps it from that pristine score. Metroid Prime I can't think of any. Hell of a game.

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Fuck you 4/10

I forgot Rhythm Heaven Fever and Guitar Hero 3

lego star wars 1
super mario bros 2 lost levels
magical chase
time crisis
the game of life (john conway)
abe Odyssey
chrono trigger
guitar hero 3
joust (atari)
donkey kong jungle beat
tennis (NES(Animal Crossing Version))
crash team racing
wii sports
mlb 2k5
mlb 2k7
goosebumps choose your adventure #19
over the hedge (gamecube)
ratchet and clank non remastered
brain games for nintendo DS
mario teaches typing
rollercoster tycoon 2

refer to

Mario 64

Saya no uta if you think VNs are games.
Otherwise Pikmin 1.

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I love EoS and it's easily one of my favorite games of all time but it's the music, story, and spritework that hold the game up for me, the gameplay is just serviceable. On a totally subjective level it's 10/10 material though.


Unironically dishonored 1
Fight me

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Yoshi's Island is the only real 10/10 I can think of.

Some Very strange picks there

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy Tactics
Devil May Cry 3
Spec Ops The Line
Super Mario Bros 3
Metal Gear Solid 3
Silent Hill 2
Resident Evil 4
Final Fantasy X
Street Fighter 3 Third Strike
Soul Calibur 2

Off the top of my head

None. MAYBE classic Tetris, Tetris DX, The New Tetris, or Tetris DS.

Prey 2017 is about as close to perfection as the medium has gotten.

that's being generous I would rate both galaxy games just as low

Hollow knight because I didnt think it had flaws. Mario 64 because it's just timeless and was a masterpiece that transitioned mario from 2d to 3d perfectly. The only knock on it is the camera.
There are other games like re4 or kotor I'd personally rate close to perfect but they had their flaws.

i'd rate Odyssey a 8/10, same rating i'd give to BOTW and Smash Ultimate

probably because i'm not under the influence of the Nintendo Bonus

Zelda Majora's Mask, the first Deus Ex, Silent Hill 2, Witcher 3, Killer 7, Red Dead Redemption 2, Paper Mario 1 and 2, maybe Resident Evil 4.

Punch Out!! for Wii.

Every thread. Nintendo really does live in your head rent free, doesn't it?

theres literally thousands of them

Mario Galaxy 2
Metroid Prime
Ranger X
Fallout New Vegas (With Mods)
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Mario 64
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Mario World
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (& Knuckles)

Majora's Mask remains the most impressive I think. It's telling that nearly two decades later no game has even come close to nailing time travel as well as Majora's Mask did.

I think as long as the game doesn't have a "that part" in them and are consistently good then that might make them good enough to be 10/10 at the same time I might prefer some games with flaws over them.

Toejam and Earl is the only thing I can think of off the top of my head. The only downside is it requires a bro to play it with

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Obsessed and pathetic

Resident evil 2 remake
Silent hill 2 and 3
Lost in Vivo
Ace combat Zero
Persona 3, 4 and 5
kingdom hearts 2
im def forgetting some but those are what i can think of rn

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One of my favorites of all time.
>legitimately heartfelt story with likable characters that grow and develop, to the point that even the side characters have their own development
>heavily vocalized OST that enhances the setting of the world and covers a large variety of genres
>soundtrack shuffles as you either exit out of the pause menu, go to another area sometimes, or go into a random battle
>you can change your own pause menu to anyone of your favorite tracks
>you can change the difficulty at anytime and if you suck at the game, it allows you to put your partner in auto until you git gud
>if you die in a battle, you can retry again on your current difficulty or lower it to easy
>you can lower your own health for increased item drops for an awesome risk-vs-reward factor
>you can choose when to fight at anytime with almost no random encounters outside of story related battles and later ambushes
>after you beat the game, you can access any chapter in the main story at anytime you want and unlock bonus content that fleshes the world even more. You can also change your partner whenever and can take on a whole slew of extra bosses hidden within the chapters, even the ones that kicked your ass before
>battle system that takes full advantage of the DS’ hardware in incredibly creative and fun ways
>you can mix and match your gameplay style in anyway you want, whether it’d be close corner combat, long ranged attacks, or a mixture of both.

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God Hand
Burnout 3
THPS from 1 to 4 I love THUG1 and 2 too
Metal Slug 3
Grim Fandango
Silent Hill 2
Mario 3

Bioshock is way better than Dishonoured.

Yoshi's Island
Metroid Prime

really close:
Galaxy 1
Galaxy 2
Dong Freeze
F-Zero GX
Chrono Trigger
Silent Hill 2
Baldur's Gate 2
Portal 2

RoR is interchangeable with 2, Deadlocked is interchangeable with any of the other first 4, and lego star wars is interchangeable with Final Fantasy 13-2 but the rest are my personal 10/10s

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All true 10/10s. The rest not so much

Diablo 2

I don't want to be that guy, but I stand by the idea of a perfect score equating to perfection, so I'd never rate anything a 10/10.

F zero gx and rocket league

why not just use a scale thats usefull then

This and Kid Icarus Uprising

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Some people chase an elusive level of quality that's closer to their imagination than actual references and context.
It's taste born from make believe and imagination. You'd do well to ignore people like that, they never bring anything to the table.

Resident Evil Remake
Chrono Trigger
Vanilla TF2 (before updates)

Well they're all games I've played multiple times, or in the case of fighting games put a lot of hours into.

Hollow Knight

For me, Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix is a good example of a 10/10 game

Honestly these, i love these games so much & can't think of anything that takes away from my enjoyment of them

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The collectibles are the casual filter

Probably super smash bros brawl actually. The game was insanely fun and had a lot of single player shit to do. Tripping was actually funny but “muh tourney” fags shit talked what is essentially a great party game. I want a real fucking adventure mode and I want my fucking stage builder back sakurai. Holy fucking shit. I spent so much time playing brawl

I consider 10/10 an unreachable goal, but the closest thing that comes to mind is Rune Factory 4. I loved that shit, but it does have some minor flaws, most notably the random events.

I fucking loved DK64 growing up, me & my mom played that shit all of the time

This right here, everything is so fucking cohesive in this damn game and it has one of my favourite soundtracks by far

Super Mario World
Super Smash Bros Melee
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Dark Souls
Unreal Tournament 2004
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Kirby Super Star
Max Payne 3

mgs, s3&k, tetris, portal 2 and super metroid. 3d games haven't hit perfection quite yet imo

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We love Katamari
Magical Drop 3
Brood War

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Monster Hunter World
Risk of Rain
Dark Souls 2 (SotFS)

My nigga. TWEWY has one of the best OST’s in gaming, imo.

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>Metroid Prime
>Persona 5
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
>Minish Cap
>Pokemon Platinum
>Pokemon Emerald
>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky
You can bully me but you won't change my opinion.

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Kingdom Hearts (2002)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Resident Evil 4
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Dark Souls (Modded)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Chrono Trigger
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario Galaxy
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of Cursed King
Conker's Bad Fur Day
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Vagrant Story

You tipped your hand with Mario Teaches Typing

Pikmin 1
Pikmin 2
Dark Souls if it didn't have Lost Izalith.
Wario Ware Touched
Xenoblade Chronicles
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Rhythem Heaven
Persona 5
Strange Journey


Paper Mario 64 and Yoshi's Island are the only game I consider to be a true 10/10

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Dungeon Keeper.

Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Super Smash Bros. (the whole series). I didn't have very many different games growing up, but these are the ones that I have the best memories of and that always felt the best to play.

>Shadow of the Colossus
>Ghost Trick
>Pikmin 1

It was probably the best console ever, but you're deluding yourself if you deny it had a shit ton of shovelware.

>have a fun combat system and lots of cool stuff to use in it
>if you want to get the good ending you can't do any of that

Hey man Uncharted 3 was great

Halo 3 is 10/10 and you can’t convince me otherwise

Something about ape escape 1 has me coming back every year or so to play it so probably that

>Super Mario Söydessy

Kill yourself you fucking nigger. Anyone who seriously believe this should be fucking hanged.

>What game would you personally rate a 10/10 (The One Game)

Just say favorite game.
What is your #1
Otherwise you just get the average shitheads complaining about the ideas of perfection and objectivity.
>Ocarina of Time

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There have been a few
>God Hand
and unironically
>The Last of Us

Oh and Silent Hill 1 and 2, Heatherfags need not apply


Holy fuck your taste is shit

Holy fuck your taste is good

Kid Icarus Uprising

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Shadow of the Colossus is the only 10/10 game ever made

10 frames every 10 minutes maybe LMAOOOOO

Majoras mask

How can one man be so fucking based

My nostalgia picks. All games I either completed the campaign or put countless hours in and would personally consider a 10/10 Masterpiece

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>Senua's Sacrifice
>Onimusha 1 and 3
>Wolfenstein TNO