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Baba is fun.

is this a real level? this looks unbeatable?

what's the fucking point in playing a puzzle game when there's no threat of danger? play a real puzzle game like solomon's key.

parrot that all you want but it's seriously one of the most ingenious puzzle games out there


Post your face when

I too judge puzzle games by your ability to lose at them

This is literally one of the first levels in the game, it's extremely easy considering how limited your options are.

I should try this game. How quick are the levels? I'm looking for something to play while taking breaks from Uni papers.

>what's the fucking point in playing a puzzle game when there's no threat of danger?
I literally don't understand the question. The point is solving puzzles

>Get killed by enemy
>Press Z
>Get killed by enemy
>Get booted to level select
>Select level
>Level name screen
>Redo everything you already did
One of these is good for a strategy-based puzzle game, the other isn't. Punishment for failure is only meaningful when the problem is execution/skill-based, not strategy based. In the latter you're just redoing things for no good reason.

if the only threat is the puzzle the game is too easy and a snoozefest.

>i play with savestates

Depends on how quickly you pick up on the game's logic and the different mechanics at play. Once you figure out a solution the levels can generally be beaten in under a minute, but finding that solution can take a while.

Hell yeah dude, it's not enough to be challenged by the puzzle itself, I also need to worry about dying and having to repeat everything I did up to that point for no good reason, otherwise it just isn't hardcore enough for a hardcore gamer such as myself!

So you're into "puzzle games" where you do a bunch of mundane, randomly generated tasks while a timer counts down or while enemies swarm you? God forbid the puzzles themselves actually be challenging and rewarding.


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oh yeah i already beat this one

haha i guess the brain doesnt work the smae way when baba isnt open. its different when you arent using it

it's called a skill floor to weed out brainlets like yourself

there's no threat of danger in any video game you fucking brainlet

I'd think the "brain" part would come from solving the puzzle itself, not needlessly repeating steps that you've already solved over and over again because you died.

hell yeah
I wish Riven had sticky grenades

Alright, I've reached my limit. Haven't needed hints so far, but I don't know how in the fuck Evaporating River is even possible. I've been sitting here for like 2 hours trying everything I could think of. I'm going to just sudoku if the answer is something simple again and I've been overcomplicating it like with all the others I've managed to figure out.

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Reading comprehension.
My point is that when the challenge is skill/execution-based, there's a reason to redo it, since the difficulty is in doing it, so doing it over and over again is a part of the challenge.
In a challenge that's strategy/logic-based, the challenge is figuring out how to do it. Once you've figured out how to do it, doing it again adds nothing and requires no further challenge and only adds uninteresting time spent going through screens/previously-solved puzzles.

use your words, user

if you don't solve a puzzle within a time limit, that means you failed to understand the game's mechanics. how fucking hard is this for you retards to comprehend?

A few seconds right before I saw your post I had that eureka moment and finally figured it out. I don't know if I should be proud that I got that or mad that I'm retarded for not thinking of that sooner.

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if you don't solve a puzzle it means you failed to understand the game's mechanics

I'll bet a million dollars you've never played the game.

What words can I make with 'M', 'O', 'O', 'N', 'H', and 'T' besides 'MOON' and 'HOT'?

What the fuck does a nonexistant time limit have to do with complaining about the game not "punishing" you for dying?


Think of words that aren't just objects.
Or just give him the answer, fine.

I've literally never come upon the level he's talking about and just brainstorming thanks for the hint user

Had that moment with Prison. I spent a good 30 minutes staring at it, trying to come up with something that could work before everything suddenly clicked.

Attached: prison.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

Oh, so you're a retard. Got it.


Fuck tiny puddle.

>security check
what the fuck man
the only possible thing you could do to win this is NOT KEKE IS NOT STOP so you can go through the walls. But that's literally impossible to form.

Or some horseshit like that. It's a little confusing.

Attached: YEAH.gif (571x584, 3.61M)

Can anyone give me a small hint for "get out!"? The most i've figured out is that I can make BELT IS PULL but i don't see how that helps me since i can't bring the text, belt, or tree to the fungus as it stands.

you can't move the word keke from the wall, I'm not understanding how you could form a sentence with that many words when there's no room to push in words, not to mention you can't push the word baba vertically anyway.

had the same feeling with this one.
sometimes i just want to make everything baba

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Oh wait, I remember now, it's "NOT BABA IS NOT KEKE".

Any reason to get this game on one platform over another?

I think they said there'll be a level editor, which I doubt console versions will have.

Hmm. I see. This game seems perfect for switch since it doesnt really benefit from PC strength but I wasn't sure if there were any other factors to consider.


user IS SAD


I get what he means but he posted a retarded example instead of saying Adventures of Lolo.

Anyone? I don't like looking up answers because then I feel like i haven't learned anything but I'm stumped as shit

Post level pic. There's over 200 levels and it's hard to remember each and every one.

I'm looking it up and its forest of fall level 07 but i cant find pictures of it. you're keke and you have a single conveyor belt tile, a fungus that's melt, and a tree that's hot and you have to somehow melt the fungus to drop the flag

Oh, that level.
I solved it with item stacking.

Wait, no, I'm retarded. Thought you were talking another one.
Here's an actual hint for Keep Out (you forgot to mention the Tree is Pull which confused me.)
Pull something else out of the way and then you can finish the job.

i dont know what that hint means but i'll let it marinate

Well, if you need another Hint...
If you can't get the Tree around the corner, what can?

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>solve parade without using the bug object or the ice/wall bypass
Eh, feels like I just cheated through somewhat.

>How quick are the levels?
Between 15 seconds and 3+ hours.

You mean Tiny Isle, right? ...RIGHT? Surely not Tiny Pond...

I saw some of you guys have fun & thought this looked pretty fun, but after finishing the " Final " Level I don't have much desire to go back. I just didn't feel much while playing. I guess I'm just not into that sort of puzzle game.

PC version patches faster than Switch. Level editor will be most/only functional on PC.

If you're talking about the final level that unlocks after the third world. It's only like 12% of the way into the game.

Shit gets much weirder and more intricate. If you just found the game boring, I'd give it more of a chance. If you just don't like the style of gameplay, abandon ship because the only shakeup is the platforming levels.

Is anyone besides me playing the patch updates to levels they've already beaten? It's like a few new EX levels every few days.


why is Tiny Island so hard?

people can't into AND

I was just going about it the wrong way most of the time
you also have to unlock that specific bit of water. I was trying to make it 'Baba is You and Win' from the top which involved having to do some retarded convoluted way of moving 'Is You' horizontally on the board. I then realized that there wasn't enough space

Because it comes very early in the game (it's potentially level 20), relies on literally nonlinear thinking, and forces you to literally use something you don't need just to use something you need.

Thinking quickly, You constructs a homemade Flag Is Win using only some Open, an And, and a Flag Is Win.

>Wtf there’s no zombies or orcs in this
Braindead retard will never know the joy of sloving a difficult problem. I bet you didn’t even enjoy learning physics in school, huh?

>Wanna participate in these threads while they are still hot and fresh
>End up spoiling shit for myself
It’s not fair.

Play faster


that still requires moving BABA IS YOU vertically. I can't see a way. If I could do that, I could just make the sentence NOT BABA IS NOT STOP.

I have classes. I can’t spend all day playing word games with sheep bro :(

LOV-[Z] Undo [R] Restart

Baba is a rabbit.

Oh, you haven't gotten Keke to stop yet? Just do the same thing as you did in VIP.


Why not try pushing more than one thing at the same time?
I mean, you have a free "is" and some stuff that's [you]

Haha lies. It’s name is what a sheep says.

Sure it's fun to waste half a hour staring at the same screen and wasting your brain power to beat some shitty level.

Er, to stop stopping.

If you can't figure out a level within a half an hour, just leave and come back to it another time. After a while you're just gonna be frustrated and you won't think as clearly as you would with a fresh start.

This is actually one of the best puzzle games I've ever played, behind only the witness maybe. It will be remembered for a long time

Nope. Tiny Puddle. It's got me good.

I didn't ask for a tip and I already knew it.

Baba Is Not Beep Beep

Attached: rabbit.png (871x933, 87K)

Haha what a reference!

in VIP I just made keke baba, since I could remove the word keke from the wall.
Is it kino?

can't push three things at the same time though. And no way to do it incrementally without more than one noun.

Gave up on the game after 134 levels done in 33 hours, it's just not my league anymore.

Oh, I guess I did it the hard way both times.
Well, you know that little area where it says KEKE IS STOP? Once you've become the rocks, which I assume you're doing, put one rock to either side of it, then move left, which will push KEKE into Keke. Also, the key to this puzzle is "NOT BABA IS YOU", if you haven't figured out how to be the rocks yet..

That's fair, that's definitely the point where the puzzles start becoming especially brutal.

>Solve level in a way that feels i tuitive
>Solve “harder” version in the exact same way
No greater feeling.

Bottleneck's EX was removed unless you're an insane person that did Scenic Pond the hard way.

This has happened to me surprisingly frequently.

Didn’t mean either of those. I’m talking about Not All There/Even Less There.

am I supposed to use the level ??? - 7: Turn the Corner to make baba? Just asking before I waste my time figuring out how to get rid of the walls.

I mean...if you want to continue the game. You should clear it the normal way first though.

But those are piss easy levels an idiot could sleepwalk through.

I already did that by making level win.

Fuck you dick, don’t rain on my parade.

I actually 100% this game earlier today, every single level completed and all achievements earned. All I can say is that I felt like my brain melted trying to solve those very last endgame puzzles, but it was a pretty incredible puzzle game all throughout.

no idea which wall I can break that gives me access to baba but which also lets me get WEAK out of the way.

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You need to break two walls.

I figured that, but I only just realized how to do it.

Breaking only one wall was enough to me, didn't have to do anything with flag or baba is you, not sure if intended.

god I want to fuck baba

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>shitty level
Blame the level for it, sure.

if you're just going to win the level, yeah that's all you have to do.

I meant put the second IS a tile above the one in NOT BABA IS YOU and push BABA and YOU up as rocks. I cant remember if it was the final solution.

>no threat of danger
There is
It's called brainshock.

is that supposed to be a bad thing?


uhm...I'm in the depths as a skull but the level select cursor is stuck, am I fucked or something ?

Level 1 has disappeared too.

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