Risk of Rain 2

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Snapfreeze rework imminent


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Gunna be a nice santa user. Someone who has put more than 50 hours into RoR1 I'll gift you RoR2.

should I buy it bros?


Being on the ground is gay.
Merc for life.
Don't @me Mul-Tfags

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t. bad player who can't aim it

so which is the
>highest IQ class?
>most braindead class?

I have 7 hours in this game and have every character except artificer. I would've had her by now if I knew lunar coins weren't per run and didn't spend them all immediately.
How much instant gratification do these people need?


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Why is the Artificer so bad, holy shit.

It's the most fun I've had with a video game since TF2

Are there people actually grinding Lunar? It literally take like 15 seconds to get as much as you want



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my legs were ok until blue wiggle


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>Scavenger not in game
>Ifrit not in game
>Ancient Wisps not even a boss and Greater Wisps are cancer enough
>No Parent + Child stage
>Giant Crab boss still not in
>Cremator forgotten

Attached: Ifrit_Portrait.png (239x239, 3K)

What's the best class to avoid Titan lasers if you're dumb like me and don't lurk by cover, Mul-T for the speed boost?

Enforcer when.

>highest IQ
artificer or engi
>most braindead

*stacks crowbars and snipes you*

rate my melty


mfw just edited all the character unlocks into my account instead of grinding them out

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just hit shift?

But there is user

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Play engie and blow bubbles

>decide to play mercenary despite usually not liking melee characters
>one of my teammates does the gay multibot auto crit glitch
>i still end up carrying the team
holy shit the blade is better then the gun
the only downside is those gay wisps that fly around

*is actually in the game*
heh, nothing personnel, kid

why do you want a character you don't play to remain so boring

I know the draw to play MUL-T is strong but the game will be better if other classes get some love too



what file is that

yer ugleh

It would take like a few runs at most to get them all though, and the game doesn't have a super huge amount of content right now anyway.

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And playing unfun characters to grind other characters isn't going to make me bored of the game?

>use the teleporter instead of going into the portal to unlock mercenary

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Hopoo said Snapfreeze is going to be changed eventually, but yeah she can be tough without good items

artificer is the ultimate boss-killer though

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seconding, nigger

wtf i love engineer now

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Slots open.

Any chances they update the first risk of rain with a lobby system in the future? I like both 1 and 2 as they have their own unique charms

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One more

I mean you unlock every character within 3-4 hours anyways

>decide to play engineer
>get fungus
>lmao okay
>get more fungus
>get even more fungus
>literally unkillable when next to both turrets
>all I have to do is stand still
>looped 3 times
So this... is the power... of fungus...

we posting scores?

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Steam -> userdata -> YOUR ID -> 632360 -> Remote

mul-t has an overloaded kit where you can just focus on one part of it and do well, but it isn't really braindead if you use the whole kit.

yeah but all bosses are the ultimate artificer-killer

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>Play Commando
>Feel like I'm doing zero damage
>Try Artificer
>Shit is exploding instantly

Someone's either OP or UP and I'm not sure which

>Early Access
That's going to be a yikes from me

Everybody forgets about the 4th samurai

Is there a way to choose the fodder item for the 3d printer?

commando is underpowered on purpose, you unlock huntress and the rest of the game with her

just run when in danger
its not that hard

Yeah, I'll give you that
But why did they remove the Imp Overlord death from RoR1?
It's suppose to die and split in the middle and open like a bloody organ flower.


How does clipboard work? Are you just supposed to copy the code and hit join clipboard lobby?

post screenshots

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>No chef

Attached: This+kills+the+sosig+_834c551dd1957527ed277483b1f458dd.jpg (218x314, 20K)

>Cremator forgotten
I don't see the problem chief.

At this point I think a remake/remaster with that, a better engine, no crashing, character/item reworks, and new characters/items/areas would be cool.

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well he was dead so he couldnt get in the pic

Alright that... sort of makes sense. Seems a little weird to intentionally gimp him when some people [not me] like his kit

I already bought 2 already though. So gift it to the first user who replies to this post.

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>>Cremator forgotten

Commando wasn't underpowered in 1, the characters were unique and balance in their own way, only items affect how strong they get.

i already have it


>fire sprite stuck below the ground
>turrets keep attempting to shoot at it because its the closest thing to them
this is a problem

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>945 hours on CS:GO
You don't deserve this game

The game overall looks like shit compared to the original. They've done a decent job but 3D just looks like shit.



apparently this game is fun but i dont want to buy early access aaaaaaa


Let's go, US WEST baby

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So how exactly does the prismatic trial work? Is your run through the first level timed or is it every level combined?

Reminder that Enforcer is the most patrician class in RoR1

Looks pretty good to me, though I like semi-cartoony 3D environments

2 levels


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>Be Merc
>Get 8 feathers
>Get H3AD 5T

Dont worry user i did the same thing :(

I just want my bosses to be true to the logs like before

>Oh, why me? My heart stopped when this great Imp manifested in previously empty space. So many horrendous eyes. With a gaping scream the Imp lets out a deadly red vapor. Some type of laser also trails me.
>This demon is just as baffling in its movement as the smaller one. Barely escaping the Imp's whipping grasp I landed a final blow. Its dying body split open at its meridian, displaying its innards like some ghastly flower. This monster is just as gruesome in death as it was in life.

Attached: Imp_Overlord_Portrait.png (239x239, 4K)

>die after starting the teleporter
why? its not fair

>>Cremator forgotten
We have a new enemy thats literally mini-cremators, that not enough for you?

Is it worth getting this if I've not played the first?

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I sorta know that feel

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Easily. Just beg someone for a copy ;)

ew ew ew ew ew a fucking M*L-T player

It's different from the RoR1, to the point where you should play that one too.

do you like co-op PvE games?

Thinking about buying this. Is there matchmaking? Or do I need FRIENDS?

Is the Mercenary only for experts? I haven't tried a full run with it, just unlocked it and messed around in the first level, it seems very difficult.


Grab some SS, crowbars, glasses, and other onhit shit and tell me commando is underpowered

I can only imagine all the laser sights going on at once

RIP miner, acrid and chef

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just join random hosts on here

Yes, thank christ. No more being unable to play the game without begging Yea Forums for hosts



there's quick match and private

My brother

However all classes are acceptable

>3 quails
>4 feathers
>very fast artificer burning things at incredible speed

quails are probably one of the most efficient mobility items that basically gives you another dodge/sprint skill on top of the one that's already built in
I'm not sure if having more also makes you leap faster to cover the longer distance or if it was a result of my other movespeed items but you can traverse the map at insane speeds


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aye cunt anyone's not gonna be underpowered with that shit do you want me to give you a fucking spank

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There's matchmaking but people are pretty quick to quit out from what I've seen, no reason to stay if you die I guess.

>tfw you take a screenshot of hell right as you're teleporting away from it for your Merc unlock

wow that was fucking painful there were like 6 dunestriders and 11 imps and O V E R F L O W I N G W O R M

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Not him but did we have a steam group for RoR1? I remember the lobbies were mainly done in threads but having a group for announcements could help.

there were, but mostly dead

Lives on in new Huntress
Should definitely be included

just listen to anime openings

why the hell not?


they all died shortly after being made



hey fuck you buddy

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>all these plebs begging for acrid and chef to be added
>nobody wanting loader
Y'all fucking gay.

Id would be fun if we buy our items after each stage, so wr could make broken fun stuff

>Lives on in new Huntress
No, her abilities need to move you around even more to be miner-tier

Merc is one of those high skill cap high risk high reward types. You can either be invincible and slicing everything in two while never touching the ground or you accomplish dick all and die like a bitch.

This is the first time I've had fun with a game in a very long time.
I'm happy this exists and I'm excited to see where it goes.

>Play roboy
>Get no dps upgrades at alla
>Get stacks of gasoline, goats feet, and energy drink
>Kamikaze into enemies and watch everything die
>obliterate bosses

Load up some brain cells nigga, how do you think he'd play in this game?

>not killing everything before leaving
mul-tfags, i swear

Your meme character took away the one edge Enforcer had over the cast.

>he hasn't abused bandolier resets

>baby mode





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Bandits are scissors
Mercs are rock
Engineers are mushroom
everything else is paper
and this is what we call balance

youre right chef might be too based for this game, no one would play any other character

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Was in multiplayer and it's 2:30am. Gotta sleep sometime otherwise I would have for style.

no bully

entire yesterday i spent on these threads looking for a copy, no luck, i hope for better today, good luck brothers

>want both miner and loader to be added
>it's likely neither will get in
i'm sad


engineer is best character with 3 fungus and an alien head/bandolier

me 2 user, gl

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also afterburner is busted on engineer

Maybe don't beg and actually buy the game or go 50/50 on it with someone. Well worth the $20


Of course when I finally get the means to get up to high places whatever it is that always spawns here just decided to not be there this time.

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not as busted as spare clips on artificer
shitting out 5 spirit bombs is the best feeling

NA West Coast

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playing as MUL-T is faggy but getting 5 of that one item that gives you multiple uses of his shift ability is fun

invalid id

>BOGO ends tomorrow


>every lobby instantly fills
Expanded Player Count WHEN

Fucking scum

>13 hopoo feathers
>5 gamer fuels
>7 goat hoofs
>9 red whips
>11 soldiers serums
God why is it so fun

>tfw kinda want to buy vidya for Yea Forums but too many beggars
who do I give it to

>multiple uses of his charge
>stack crowbars
>doing 50% of boss hp per charge

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A friend

>tried to buy another copy to gift away
>canada cucks me

>he hasn't abused bandolier resets
No, you don't understand. Having one attack that moves you is nothing. Dem drill/backblast combos. It's just not the same feeling.

a friend

please... kind sir... i need more lunar coins....

>yfw RoR3 is a multimillion dollar AAA title akin to Anthem

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>SEAniggers and brazillian monkeys scouring the threads hoping for a handout
disgusting, you're worse than niggers because niggers don't plague the internet like your ilk

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Why all the MUL-T hate?

How is it possible to plan builds if the loot is randomized?

On one hand I want to go into this game semi-blind, on the other I REALLY want to read/watch a hundred reviews to make sure I'm not falling for the early access scam.

search for people on steam threads that delivered their profile for any other reason, and if they have the game on wishlist, give to them

>tfw stacking crowbars and speed items and tribesing around sniping with rebar launcher

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what do you mean? region restriction ?

They're OP Meta-fag tier.

metacancer unga bunga brainlets will spam MUL-T, not really for MUL-T but for the fags mentioned

>mfw people hacking their saves to unlock characters and items
NIgga that's like starting pokemon red with a full pokdex. Get out.

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objectively OP

you're a metafaggot if you play him because of his crit crutch bug

>tfw you realize you were scavenger all along
But for real in RoR 2 they should make it so that every time he spawns he has different gear and is OP, but drops them all once defeated

>I need to Yea Forumsirtue signal everywhere I go
jesus play it or don't no one cares.

How? I only tried him once and got defeated in the first teleporter because he has no air crowd control and the game spawned nothing but burning heads.

Nigger, what? The 3D looks fantastic though some of the texture work isn't great, and the bloom is ugly as sin.

>die like a bitch
>team keeps fighting mobs
>isn't looking for the portal at all
>difficulty is now very hard on the second map

MUL-T players are like Bandit players in RoR1. Shitters who just play "teh str0ngest" and get mad when you do any deviation.

Although there are cool MUL-T mains. There were no cool Bandit mains.

what does crowbar mean by healthy enemies? what counts as a non healthy enemy?

I really really really really fucking hate early access but honestly, this game feels mostly complete. Definitely wroth $20.

>editing a text file is hacking
Characters is reasonable, items is stupid

how exactly do you get the "Pause" achievement to unlock the mystery character?

Why is everyone saying it costs 20 bucks? it's showing around 10 for me.

>I just want my bosses to be true to the logs like before
We don't even have the new enemy logs, though. The new Imp Overlord death is probably a lore thing.

people complaining about 3rd worlders but they end up cheating on the game

Above 50% HP.

>play artificer
>she's really fun and is literally a mage class
is she just a brainlet filter? why were so many people saying she's shit?

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Going in blind isn't going to change much, it's not like it's story heavy or anything. Co-op game about shooting aliens and grabbing loot at top speed before the game tears you a new one. Addictive and leaves you wanting to jump right back in after every death to fat mobs and boss stacks.

Hopoo expects that Risk of Rain 2 will be in Early Access for about a year, and said that it has three priorities for the full release: More content (ten characters, ten stages, 12 bosses, and more than 100 items), "a true ending and boss fight to match," and polish. It also warned that the price will increase at launch to reflect "all the content that we'll be adding and the added polish the game will receive."

Tfw total brainlet and can't find the teleporter on one random level despite being here for 50min and fucking around out of bounds now

Once you get even a few items like a single crow bar it snowballs plus the crit exploits with the ocular hud and the nail gun, and with the rebar gun you can 1 shot any air borne enemies that aren't elite.

It's all just stupid. Just play it like a normal person. Why ruin the fun by cheating?

Wait Crowbars are above 50%? I thought it was above 90% for some reason.

Mainly lack of mobility, and unlike engi who gets shields and turrets to draw aggro she's got nothing to stop enemies

Are you looking at RoR 1 or 2?

Also are you not USD?

>posting LWA shit
jump off a cliff

Will that affect people that bought early access?

look around for red/white particle effects

probably different countries

fighting magma worm as merc is the most fun ive had im a while

I fucking love the music gimmick on the boss. It's fucking amazing and I don't recall seeing something like that in any other game.

The sheer awesomeness of having a more heavy version of the same track you're listening in the exact same note whenever you go in-out of the boss dome is amazing.


Attached: hell yeah, motherfucker.png (700x992, 73K)

If you bought early access, you game gets upgraded as they add more stuff if that's what you're asking.

They've done pretty well but they lost a lot with the change of medium

I never did figure out how to make Bandit work in single player, the mobs just get so thick that lights out never kills anything.


>The sheer awesomeness of having a more heavy version of the same track you're listening in the exact same note whenever you go in-out of the boss dome is amazing.
FF14 is a dogshit game, but it does that incredibly well. Honestly the only redeeming feature of the game.
Doing Haukke manor and hearing it change from the light to heavy version when you pull was amazing.

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>free copy and reduced price for people that support SOUL

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Objective: Survive

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>bandit sniper and han-d already confirmed
>10 characters
>acrid and chef won't make it
Hold me bros


any tips for a newfag? are you supposed to grind levels and items early or just rush to the teleport?


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I'd have to disagree, though I do think they need some more 2D hand-drawn assets for some specific things, like Item icons and Logs. The 3D art looks fucking great for everything else, but the model viewer should be a separate "page" in the log viewer since right now it looks like total shit.
Hey, Hopoo, if you're reading this:
Please take inspiration from the Kingdom Hearts II/III model viewer.


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>last I checked the fact that the game was a roguelite was specifically in the "why early access" section
>now it says rogue like even though that's fucking wrong

This game is so good. I feel bad because RoR1 was great too, but I feel like they should've started with 3D.

post either his model or his texture sheet you motherfucker don't get my hopes up like this

Yeah was kinda wondering with that too, fellow flip fag.

GPU usage 100% for anyone else?

How is it wrong?

The original game was made by a very amateur developer in game maker

Pricing at different points for different consumers to maximize profit is basic economics. That's why there are so many places that charge elderly and kids less.

Fun game but I wish the sources of damage were more apparent
keep dying and not knowing what the fuck hit me

>30 hermit crabs outside the tele area
>can't tell what direction they are
>can't leave the tele area without taking more time
>can't even tell I'm getting shelled until I'm hit
I hate this

>no miner or loader
it's a sad day

I'm trying, user ;;
Guess I can just live out of bounds for 10 hours and then kill myself

The music isn't as good as the first one. Or deadbolt.

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Yeah. I can already see the SOUL vs SOULLESS threads.

A roguelike specifically is turn based and has a tile grid. A roguelite is pretty much any game with randomization and permadeath.

Just wait until Cremator is added.

>Sold extra copy of ROR2 to a friend for 17 bucks

>play artificer
>keep dying early because I have no way to gtfo/block/redirect aggro

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hold me minerbro

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>>cremator forgotten

Somewhere inbetween rushing to the teleport and taking your time to find every last item.

>playing ror2 makes me want to play ror1
>playing ror1 makes me want to play ror2

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>a roguelike specifically is turn based and has a tile grid
user that's SRPG/TRPG and has nothing to do with rogue

Might not be as bad in 3D since I can fucking aim down at it.

If you're still around, wanna do 50-50? I'm so pissed that I can't currently buy it because I'm on-duty.

>Killing good space lizards
>All is great
>Suddenly golem laser
Every fucking time. I swear these faggot lasers are unbalanced to hell and back, especially the titan one. Sometimes I can't even find cover from it when the whole terracota army is on my ass.

No enforcer and no one cares but me :(

At least bandit will get in

we can hope, if they are adding in enforcer of all things it shouldn't be that far fetched for our boy to be added

>get 14 Energy drinks on Robonigga
>Move so fast during dash you clip through walls and climb 89 degree angles

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so who are the remaining characters in development

I bought Ror1, tried it a few times, but I never really got into it. Ror2 and I'm hooked, now I want to give Ror1 a fair shot..

it's not fair bros why is commando so weak I unlocked every class but keep coming back to play as him because I love the way he plays but this is goddamn bullshit, if you don't get the EXACT right items you need to make him viable then you do literally no fucking damage to anything past a few levels fucking WHY POPOO GAMES why the fuck would you do my commandbro dirty like that

I thought you guys were being fucking casuals about the teleporter placement, Jesus Christ, I've been wandering around for like 15 minutes

Slots open again.

Sniper and Bandit when? Loader when

Let me buy your friend key, user. Preferably for something around $10 through steam trade.

>Stack 6 Tougher Times
>*squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak*

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ror1 isn't as good until you unlock glass

Attached: both.gif (398x223, 941K)

same thing happened with Yakuza 0 and Yakuza 1 with me. I literally kept switching between chapters.

It's a sign of good games.

just report anyone that's begging for games and they'll be banned, guaranteed, already seen a few people banned from these threads like that. fuck niggers, jannies are based

I checked some files and i saw that theres Han-D, Bandit, and someone referenced as a bomber? other than that we know sniper is returning and there's some footage of bandit out there.

Retard. Don't talk about things you don't have experience with, especially to contradict people.

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I got the item that lets you use utility items multiple times, and used the wings to fly all the way up.
>level is called "origin of tar"
>there is no secret at the origin of tar
I went a ways down, but eventually got teleported back to the level.

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>game made by 3 people with less than $30000 is better than every AAA game released the previous year

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God yes.

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Bandit sniper Han-D and a new char

this was the most funnest run i ever did

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crazy what genuine fun does to a person

Flipfag as well? Still waiting for my payday

Games with honest care and thought, and aren’t outsourced to hell and back are good, wowee

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In terms of aesthetics and atmosphere, I really think the first game is way ahead. This game just feels more jumbled and bland.

Yeah. But user the deals gone later 2am.

while snooping around I found this too, nothing really interesting other than VR support related stuff

Attached: Risk of rain 2 VR mode.png (378x237, 29K)

First game had way better music too

anybody tried it with a controller yet? works fucking great. Like no disadvantage for the most part.

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Why the fuck can't I turn off the Bloom option? I've never liked it in any game ever let alone this.

commando isnt underpowered i got further on shitter items with commando than with huntress on decent ones.

companies/managers are all retarded and don't get results

CEOs and boards of directors etc were a mistake.

i got one of those all-one-enemy-type levels last run, snow level on the second loop with nothing but golems
i had like three of the big fuckers on me at once and literally couldn't hide from all of them so i just had to facetank one of the lasers while trying to dodge all the lasers from the regular golems
great time, 10/10 would recommend.

>playing merc
>get chrysalis drops five times in a row

Attached: fug dis.gif (400x286, 1.55M)

play a few rounds of merc and then report back

Gotta agree here. First game had a fantastic soundtrack, but this one is just alright.
Though he is adding more songs, so maybe we'll get some better songs.

just take 10 lunar coins to the hidden market and unlock her

never played the first one, but this shit's pretty addicting

I know. Got only 300PHP on my account.

>gameplay elements of the game Rogue, which roguelikes are named after
>nothing to do with rogue

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i really hope they add super out-of-bounds easter eggs like the dancing golems on the final level in ror1


Are you kidding me? I can't turn quickly when shot from the back with a controller. It could only work with merc with a high sensitivity, if they even let you change it.

Boy I really don't care for playing engi, he's just so slow

>it actually works

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I know im late but worth a try

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have you ever played rogue?

how would acrid play?
You just put down a tiny little line of acid like the fire lemurians? Talk about a useless character

>even if half of the 52k players were playing via the free gift copy Hopoo still made over $500k in just 2 days
The timeline is fixed bros. Next thing that will happen is Bannerlord

>no diversity officers
This game is very problematic and needs to be cancelled.


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i've been saying this shit for decades

people just want fun, reasonably priced games

not bloated AAA $60 schlock

Did we ever find out what the fuck this was?

Attached: what the fuck is this.png (640x400, 38K)

>the next thing that will happen is the crystal chronicles remaster being even better than the original

Huntress cuts through trash like butter if you can get secondary buffs like extra magazine or bandolier which makes her good in MP. Commando is mediocre at everything.

Fuck is it full already?

Would be absolutely amazing during teleporter fights when you're kiting 40 guys.

el ogre de lluvia...

No one is in here

I just hope they optimize it better with time, my computer runs it well at first but after 4-5 levels it drops to 10 fps.

>highest IQ
Merc or Artifacer
>Lowest IQ

She's alright, she feels as strong as the rest of the characters. The ice wall is lackluster but that's about it

>using the merc shrine as a merc
for what purpose?

thanks rich evans

how's kb+m controls?

They need to make the magma worm thicker and faster.
Them diving at their current speed feels wrong

>most funnest

>finally unlocked engineer
>oh great let's try this bad boy out
>oh, he fucking sucks now

Attached: ap-schiff-640x480.png (640x480, 139K)

I swear you can turn it off in graphics settings.

I'm not sure where you're going with that but yes I am looking forward to that assuming I ever stop playing Risk of Rain.

Oh, it's saying for me that it's an invalid id

buddy of mine wanted to do co-op so i had to end the run.

guys my game keeps crashing. my drivers are updated, i disabled my second monitor, disabled antivirus, reinstalled the game onto my C: drive, verified game cache.

what do?

The optimal way to play though you can still use controller if you play huntress/merc.

meant for

What's the formula for crit glasses? Is it the same as ror1?

It's a game where you just play a fucking game. You jump around and shoot shit and get items that you don't have to think about. There isn't a 15 minute tutorial that treats you like you're braindead, or 20 minutes of cutscenes in the first hour. It doesn't beat you over the head with some kind of message.

>fighting the big golem in open space with no hard cover
what the fuck do I do

Attached: 1553839721909.gif (200x200, 28K)

Torrent for poorfags where?

artificer can't dodge for shit, mercenary is like 1000 times better

no thank you

What hidden market?

Get your fighting stick

damn, i was hoping there was challenge or something

i know you're reading this, it totally should be.

Bloom is non-toggleable for me in the graphics option for whatever reason. Everything else I can tweak just fine.

blue portals
you'll know when it will appear when you see " a blue orb has appeared" in the chat

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heard you were talking shit

Attached: Screenshot (30).png (969x591, 795K)

Didn't someone find some of Chef's moveset in the game's files?

Its an easter egg
It's a reference to General Tor from Iji

Attached: General_tor_by_arcticwizard-d3cepzc.png (314x242, 4K)

guys DONT look for the teleporter, look for the red sparkles surrounding it. they appear in a big radius around it and they're ten times more noticeable than the tiny black model of the tele. so much easier to find it now once I realized this

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Jump on his dick, he can't look at you fast enough.

Fucking based.

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Why the fuck does the mercenary not have a beam slash or something? Maybe I'm a shitter but solo play with him is miserable because there's constantly wisps spawning and it's nigh on impossible to hit them.

Attached: sadsponge.gif (222x379, 2.87M)

most shilled game

jesus christ how horrifying

>engineer on mushrooms
>engineer without mushrooms

>All these Lunar Coin complaint posts
>Just bought game
>First round in Forest
>Get 1st lunar coin at 3min mark
>get 2nd at 8min mark

engineer is great the fuck you talking about? easily the best support character. I can just stand in place and melt the boss with the bubble protecting me and fungus turrets healing me. his damage isn't anything to scoff at either.

Does this shit run on toasters?

> needing beam blades
> not just using judgement cut on everything in sight

holy fuck he actually knows what he's doing

Move to a place with cover, genius.

>playing on desert aqueduct level
>running from teleporter zone to heal
>come upon shrine
>there's like 6 lemurians standing on the pedestal walking in circles around it
>start to attack me when i walk near them
Anyone else encountered this? Wish i had video or screenshots

Yeah, still decent though. Deadbolt's soundtrack and aesthetic was top notch.

Is Enforcer back? Is he any good this time? This is important.

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>Obliterating yourself on monsoon while playing mercenary unlocks wicked ring

Free up space on the hard drive?

press r
or shift
or jump at them and press m1 or m2

Engineer is MUL-T tier if you get a few shrooms and a warbanner

What the fuck do you think your shift and double jump are for?

Can't remember the last time a game exceeded my expectations like this, and the devs haven't even finished it yet.

How do you even manage to set up a photo like this when there's 400 million guys coming at you by the time you have all this shit

>1 second away from the big boy posterboard on prismatic trials
why the fuck does this gay shitty teleporter take ten years to send me to the next fucking level
use your dash to chain between them, wisps are typically very weak

you really need a racing wheel to get the most out of mul t

Well sure I get that but you have to run close to them and at high levels it's a pain in the dickhole

Not yet.
And he was good in RoR1 you scrub.

Alright, thanks user.

Merc is loop and beat the third level again, a portal will open and just use the obelisk inside. Mage is 10 lunar at the store. Play on Monsoon and/or multiplayer for more lunar.

oh shit really?

thx dude

you know you can dash again after hitting an enemy right?
rotating dash->whirlwind->eviscerate keeps you in the air all day

> not having black hole, wisp, and gasoline with a bunch of bleeding items stacked

look at this dude

Point blank. Run circles around his feet. He can't spin fast enough to keep up.

>this time
u wot

This. I wish people would realize that certain characters become amazing with certain items. Not everybody desperately needs the same items to become godly.

Yes but only in toaster vision

Can you play this without a mouse? I love playing ror on my laptop with just the keyboard

Hey big boys, how are you today. Would you care to join me and my beautiful wife for a game of Risk of Rain?

my C: drive is a 1tb hard drive with only 20% of the storage being used.

Pretty much impossible with a track pad. You'll need a mouse or a controller.

I'll get on if you post benis.

>third person shooter
What the fuck do you think?

assuming we get 4 more characters
who are the other two?


No, I don't even think it's in the game yet

>tfw taco so extremely low chances of getting this gifted
Thanks Gabe

I want miner in this game.

Mouse is used for aiming now.


Attached: ohboi.png (1920x1080, 2.45M)

Enforcer and HAN-D are in the game files as well.

bandit, sniper, hanD, and enforcer are returning
assassin and bomber are new

Attached: goddamn it anon.png (279x327, 153K)

Probably not the problem then. I've got a 2 tb that starts getting crashy around 65% so I was just taking a shot in the dark.
Have you tried turning the settings down to crap levels?

>~30 minutes
I give up after 15 dude. Even in 4 man games sometimes it happens, the TP spawns halfway into a cliff or something and is impossible to find.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.73M)

Han-d is already known to be coming.

So does it have full controller support or that weird partial thing the first game had?

Every game has full controller support if you use input mapper or DS4.

ror2 has peaceful mode

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>only acrid vote

Attached: 1451422602001.jpg (540x540, 75K)

I know he was, he was my go-to guy.

In the new game, I thought that was clear

They found HAN-D, Bandit and Sniper, no mention of CHEF I think. We could also just hope for DLC

>Go out of bounds in Aqueduct
>Literally no indication aside from taking shitloads of damage
>Think it's a new enemy type
>Realize it too late
Thanks, Hopoo
I also love the addition of the Golems "Fuck You" laser's hitbox being double the lasers actual size

i cant even change the settings, game works for ~10 seconds in the main menu then it crashes to desktop. everytime i verify the game cache it downloads 1 file, starts up fine then crashes again.


>tfw lurking Yea Forums threads because friend gave me key and I want to play it so bad but he went to bed and I'm too shy to play with strangers

>it's literally right there in the screenshot

That should just show the devs that the teleporter needs to be a different color, or have some big aura around it. 4 guys splitting up and running around shouldn't take 10 minutes to find the teleporter, it's not like the maps are all that big.

Thank you anons, I will try my best to improve my shitty merc play

Here's a list of classes I've found references to in the code:
Assassin (dual blade nigga)
Bomber (possibly refers to an enemy)

Chef has some ability references, but no references to the class itself.

Also there something called Birdshark, and I have no idea what it's supposed to be. Can an user try finding its model?

t-thanks user


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Someone give me the code for unlocking the characters because i'm lazy

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The item description for the medkit hints that he may have died trying to scavenge food for a group of survivors.

Play by yourself retard.

Commando needs a buff. He's incredibly weak. He's also insanely annoying to play with his inaccurate gun. I fucking hate inaccurate guns.

What's optimal engineer deeps? Mines useful for spamming inbetween grenades? Or only shoot grenades only? Charge up grenades or just spam shoot?


Attached: initial T.png (629x357, 175K)

read the thread baka

>beam of light so intense you can see it
>wonder why being near it hurts

>30 minutes

It's not fun by yourself though.

fuck off retard

There's big floaty balls all around it

Whoever the people are that are saying "YEAH BRO MY TOASTER CAN RUN THE GAME AT 300 FPS, TOASTER FRIENDLY BRO" must not know what an actual toaster is or think a GPU 2 years out of date constitutes a toaster


One more for the road, NA EAST

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Phrasing it as "Is he any good this time" makes it sound like you think he wasn't good the first time.

don't be a bitch, nobody is going to insult you for being bad. just don't be a nigger

What's your GPU user

just making sure I'm not dumb

the best strategy is to activate the teleporter basically as soon as you find it, yeah?

Fuck you I just wanna play them all

There's some unaggressive background monsters that are really far away and you can kill them in the first area, it might refer to them. They weren't in the first game.

I just spam them as soon as the cooldowns over and go back to lobbing bombs

what triggers the alternate stage 1?

>Actually defending that decision
You are real fucking stupid, you know that

I'm using an alienware laptop from 2009 and only needed to turn off shadows

Attached: 1550876044120.gif (607x609, 821K)

Just queue up my man


rx 580



When's cutest boy
Is he gonna be a boss or a playable character?

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This, people won't even say shit if you grab every drop off a teleporter boss or fucking die immediately multiple times. Most people won't even speak unless you speak first.


still need one
rip cabbage
na west coast

Attached: 1537129579427.png (750x780, 50K)

So artificer and engi are the most dependent on items, right?

Instead of looking for the teleporter, look for glowing orange particles in the air.
This way you can find it even when it's hiding behind an object

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No, get your items first.
Only rush tele if you are trying to unlock preon anihilator (timed chest).
I hadn't thought of that, thank you user.

Well I apologize for the confusion

I meant it like, "Does he continue to be good in this installment" or "can i still shield bash niggas a mile away and then pump them full of buckshot"

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Why do monsters in the distance have hp bars?

Attached: 1546986506027.gif (448x344, 1.6M)

I swear there was a thread last night where someone had a ss of moves called sear and second helping in them. Maybe I just got trolled epic style.

commando is at least as item dependant as them, he desperately needs proc damage

Depends on your items because good items will make the bossfight go a lot quicker and easier but you don't want to lollygag getting items.


is 2019 one of the most SOULful, best years for vidya we've had in a while? I seriously feel like I'm all the way back in the early mid 2000s all over again
>Risk of Rain 2
>REmake 2
>Metro Exodus
>upcoming Pathologic 2
>potential Bannerlord


remade lobby, 4th guy can't get in for whatever reason, NA WEST

Attached: 1537971313366.jpg (701x965, 155K)

it keeps changing every year because some babies buy cheap ass laptops for school without actually looking at the specs
i've still got a single core laptop running vista chugging alone quite well and it cant run a game like La Mulana well because of how slow it is

Attached: 1552451190446.png (500x483, 322K)

>potential bannerlord


Okay, I need a playmate that's willing to play around this time. But I bet you fuckers would just take it up and run with the copy, so let's leave it to chance. First post ending with 6 gets a copy from me.

>cremator forgotten
Theres mini cremators. There is gonna be a boss variant within a few updates I bet

bannerlord is never ever user, dont kid yourself

I sure hope so, he's not in (yet).

Attached: integrity.png (640x478, 431K)

Sounds like a your problem, user. I start with 80+ fps and am still 80+ fps stage 8.

why is she so perfect bros?

no rework pls shes fine as is

Attached: artiwaifu.png (573x632, 324K)

what the fuck is the point of merc when his damage is so shit? dodge tanking and kiting?

because monsters in the distance exist

[email protected]

fuck off itoddler

it's confirmed for getting a beta this year

just play with people from posted lobbies you nerd and add the guys that you find cool.

you're forgetting other games coming out this year including the crystal chronicles remake and MAYBE digimon survive

>TFW on the second loop and a soldiers syringe 3d printer appears
>Triple Magmas.

[email protected]

just give it to someone and join the games getting posted currently
you don't need to eat eachothers assholes because you gave him a copy

What is that image from anyways?

can you play the same character if both of you have no unlocks?

>reinstalled the game onto my C: drive

I'm not the guy who gets hit by a laser that has a 5 second charge up time, flashes before it fires, and can be dodged by any number of moves or by hiding behind a rock

based and very redpilled

Probably an old Kamen Rider

games are full already. Not enough hosts.

It's as good as I hope it would be. Did they give any info on what content will be added during development, or is it mostly complete and they just have to iron out?

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Are you saying the base guys? Yes. You can play all the classes up to quads (player limit).


My nigga

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

honestly all she needs is a tiny bit more base movement speed, similar to merc
that and the execute threshold for ice wall needs a better description than "low health"

ill buy it off you for half price if you still have it

i've done every single drive. just wanna play this fuggen game my dude so i've been troubleshooting every way that i can to no avail.

US East Coast Lobby: 109775240999322555

its 70% done. everything marked with "?" in game is to be added as well as a final boss

us east lobby 109775240999323902

im drunk so dont ex[pect much from me

Attached: 1552712922258.jpg (542x513, 115K)

>or have some big aura around it
It has it, though.
I also didn't pay attention to it until one of the anons said to look for the sparklers instead of the teleporter itself.

NA West


more characters
more stages
actual final boss instead of a suicide portal

>Desperados 3
>Ion Maiden
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Windjammers 2
>Black Mesa: Xen
>Dying Light 2

It's gonna be a great year

how to get merc

Enforcer is for dudebros who like going slow and just smacking shit. Commando is for the action lads

pay money

>Out of laser graphic
>Still get hit
You're a fucking idiot

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>potential Bannerlord

Attached: 1527894439521.jpg (359x347, 66K)

You can pick anyone you want. Repeating survivors isn't an issue.
Unless you all pick MUL-T. Game would be too easy

Does the game offer any crash reports in the root folder?

Even beta will satisfy me at this point
Of course, that was just off the top of my head, what I personally enjoyed most or am most hyped form. This year has a fuckton of other great titles either already out or upcoming. It was worth the wait anons, I'm glad we all lived long enough to see this moment together

So MUL-T nerfs when? He's good at literally everything.

I assure you installing on a different partition will NEVER fix a malfunctioning game kek
unless you have more than 1 external drive and one of them is dying

what you should do is look in the windows event viewer for the reason of the crash. then troubleshoot from there, informed.

1 more needed

Noobiebaby shit question, but how do monster spawns work? Seems like the second I break away from the group, I get no spawns ever unless I pop a challenge shrine.

The golems turn at the slowest fucking pace. Dodge behind them and you are fine.

Am I a faggot if I play on Drizzle to unlock Merc? I'm sick of trying to do this shit as Huntress on Monsoon, and if I'm going to pussy out and do it on a lower difficulty I'm not bothering with Rainstorm.

Will RoR2 get emotes down the line



Yeah, Kamen Rider Stronger I think.

commit ritualistic suicide.

>no hidden character for gold world

>teleport which can be done up three times
>another teleport
>built in double jump
Mercenary is easy as fuck to get real high up in the air with
Git gud.

Alright what line do we edit to get 12 people into one lobby


Attached: 1506860351222.jpg (512x411, 101K)

>tfw not in US so I cant try
Fuck me

>Am I a faggot
I did it

That literally only works if you are close enough, no shit you won't get hit if you are in an optimal position fuckface

What about the first game valve?

Attached: 8pxgQ.png (445x193, 60K)

I think I got super lucky, my first run I got huntress and merc.

it finally worked. i just launched the .exe on its own instead of through steam. gee what a nice coded game hopoo

Attached: 1550876318087.gif (323x318, 26K)

>maybe I'm a shitter
user you are late to the party I've already said I'll be working on my crappy play

if they don't add fortnite dances or at the very least dabbing (or if they do add emotes and some modanon doesn't make a mod that replaces emotes with fortnite dances) I'm going to be very very upset. I don't even play fortnite but the dance emotes are pure soul

>But why did they remove the Imp Overlord death from RoR1?
Jump into the portal it leaves through, nigger.

just kidding, it doesn't do anything yet.

She’s really good, but ice wall just sticks out like a sore thumb and doesn’t really have any place with her kit. She’d be better with something to give her some mobility

Wow I bet you got stuck on the ogre on Sekiro, too

>play with Switch Pro
>Configure gyro to supplement stick aim for quick and easy 180s without sacrificing accuracy either
Works well enough after some fiddling. But I feel I'll end up going to mouse in the end anyway.

How about read the log.

Attached: 3Ate9xF[1].png (561x244, 20K)

This is Hopoo's pet newt, say something nice about it!

Attached: kip2.jpg (2448x3264, 1.51M)

If there were emotes at all, I'd imagine Hopoo would add in something silly either way.

Nice argument

>his speed
my jousting..............

I like him a lotl.

Any other SEA monkeys here? This shit is so confusing. So can I gift it if I buy it, or what?

Attached: SmartSelect_20190330-142939_Chrome.jpg (987x904, 314K)

>There is now a maximum stack size for crowbar


So steam overlay was causing a crash for you? Odd.

Why would I argue with some baby who gets hit by highly telegraphed attacks?

I think that mostly comes back to the texture work, really. The environements feel just a bit *too* organic when compared to the more stylized, celshaded look everything living has going on. The bloom also, again, looks like shit.

hopoo stop shitposting and get back to work

so that's why they are called newt shrines

i don't know if it was the steam overlay i disabled it as well in my troubleshooting.

I don't think I've ever been hit by a regular golem's laser, literally just jumping is enough to avoid it.
How do you manage to be both this bad and so arrogant to think mistakes on your part are other people's fault?

Highest stack count is just your personal record for that item in any run.


How to edit files to unlock characters?

Can only gift within SEA region
Gifting it outside the region makes it a waste of library space

>Literally fucked hitbox
>lmao you just suck
Cool arguments, guys

>cheating in a game where you'll have unlocked everything in 5 hours anyway

tfw my dumbass thought you'd just email it to me and didn't realize I don't have a steam acc under this email
I already have it, was gonna give it to a poorfriend and play with you anyways, but you probably should give it to the next one
I am undeserving

she's fun but even fucking merc and engineer have a better time with flying enemies than she does
ice wall works well since you can generally use it after one of her burst skills. it absolutely fucks golems in particular, but it's useful on anything grounded. I'd rather her flamethrower be adjusted because it's range is mediocre and her only method for dealing with flyers is either waiting out her 4 fireball burst, or getting enough backup magazines that you can just shit out nano bombs.

anyone want to go halves in the game [email protected]


I don't have time to play enough :(

This is great

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-30 Risk of Rain 2 - Steam Charts.png (763x166, 82K)

literally play the game and you'll get everyone, there isn't a bullshit roundabout method for unlocking someone like acrid yet
the absolute worst one is artificer needing you to grind 10 coins

If you have time to lurk Yea Forums you have time to play Risk of Rain.


Maybe you view this as some sort of debate because you need to believe you're not just retarded that badly, but the rest of us are just laughing at you. We don't need you to agree with us, in fact it's better if you don't because it's funnier that way.

Just uninstall the game and leave the thread you gigantic vagina

Attached: 1489135953436.png (675x827, 35K)

Tomorrow will be even higher, it's Saturday.

Acrid is one of the easier unlocks user, just open the gate and backpedal until the boss dies

>Defending a fucked hitbox because "haha git gud lol"
You must fucking adore Dark Souls 2