12 months of free nintendo online if you have twitch prime. Don't miss it lads

12 months of free nintendo online if you have twitch prime. Don't miss it lads.

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>getting to play Tetris 99

worth it for this alone

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Isn’t Nintendo Online $20? The Switch doesn’t even have proper online abilities.

wow I was not expecting that

don't forget to cancel auto renew too. scummy shit if you forget

>up to 12 months
Brace for disappointment.

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But tons of people already pay for amazon prime. So for owners of both this is a pretty good perk.

I think I’d rather pay double what I do now for online if it meant ever having to see Nintendo promote Twitch again.

>up to

I only got 3 months when I connected my account two days ago

should i redeem this now or wait a month from now when i get a switch?

sound desperate, nobody want to pay for their shitty P2P online, they're giving it for free

nvm apparently after a bit they send you an email and you can claim the other 9 months.

there is literally no reason to not get amazon prime.

You have until late September to start the redemption for the first three months of it, so just wait.

>there is literally no reason to not get amazon prime.
I don't buy anything from amazon.

So let me get this straight. If someone buys Amazon Prime, they get Twitch Prime, which in turn let's them get up one year of Nintendo Switch Online for free? Is that all correct?

>forcing auto-renewal
that's some bullshit even if you can cancel it later

even then

>free subscription on twitch tv each month
>free games/loot
>free tv/movie streams
>nintendo online

if none of that suits you then yeah I guess it wouldnt be a good idea to get amazon prime.

Yes. You link your amazon account with your twitch account then you link your twitch account to your nintendo account and you get it.

Yes twitch has been doing this for a while now. You get free shit in games or even free games period

I'm not a zoomer, I don't watch eceleb faggots play video games. I play video games.

Well shoot. I might consider this. And the deadline for the free Nintendo Switch Online is till late September apparently, from posts earlier in this thread.

Simply by having amazon prime you get all that shit regardless. You don't have to deal with the cancerous shit from twitch itself if you don't want to. You can just take the shit and leave it at that.

why would you give your sub to an e-celeb? you give your sub to a bro streamer with

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>"free" if you buy this other thing

tfw i have amazon prime

What's this talk about Amazon? It says Twitch Prime??

Amazon bought twitch. If you have amazon prime you get twitch prime for free.

Does the Switch even have a Twitch app?


So can I just sign up for this twitch shit free trial, get 3 month free nintendo, then quit twitch and delete account or whatever?

Oh guess I gotta link it or some shit? I got Amazon Prime. Thanks.

Nintendo must be really struggling to get people to buy into their online service if they are already giving it away for free. Pretty pathetic showing.

You get Twitch Prime for having Amazon Prime.

test v/ros

Nope. I'd rather pay another 20 euros than have anything Twitch related.

20$ free with a 120$ subscription

amazon prime costs money. quite a bit too

>he didnt get the uni student discount.

>paying at last 500k$ for a 120$ discount

>need to have a registered nintendo switch to claim the offer
But I was planning on buying it later this year goddamn it

Think the offer is up until November? Google it

that's good maybe they can give it away for free forever by next year