How do you justify spending thousands of hours playing video games?
How do you justify spending thousands of hours playing video games?
I don't.
I don't care.
I don't.
i like them
You have some other better way to pass the hours until my death?
How do you justify spending thousands of hours shitposting on this board?
Replaying them with different costumes.
Your Ugleh!
how do you justify making this thread on
Ghost Spider in the Sky.
Vidya is cheaper than my three cars, two motorcycles and a four wheeler. Vidya dollars per hour is extremely cheap compared to track days.
Same way you justify any hobby.
I never justified smoking for ten years. I never justified photo editing for years and not selling my skills. I never justified spending hours enjoying a night time drive around the water front. Why the fuck would I justify the time I spend on video games?
I do what i like , nothing to justify
As I get older, I realize I’ve wasted most of my life playing pointless shit that doesn’t matter. I spent my money on vidya and collectibles while I still drive the 97 Honda Accord I had from high school.
how do you justify thousands of hours paying women to have sex?
At least you have a car.
It's fun.
I don't play videogames.
If I have to justify it to anyone, I usually call them a faggot and go about my day.
I just can.
who gives a shit about what you spend your money on
we're all going to die anyway
It don't mattah'
if its fun, it isnt a waste of time.
why spend life doing things you dont enjoy?
I think OP is trying to insinuate that people play games to distract themselves from things.
none a dis mattahs
what if i dont enjoy video games?
>Dude just do heroine lmao
Distractions won't help you fix your shitty life. Once the high wears off you'll be back in your miserable reality.
Individualism has destroyed this country that prefers hedonism over the greater good and collective.
We all need a hobby
I have a job, I go to the gym and try and keep up my house, health, and social standing, what the fuck else do you need from me
So, she and Peter had sex, right?
I can't think of a reason to justify the enjoyment of a hobby.
Thousands of hours of free time. Sure, some of those hours weren't actually free but hey, that's life.
I don't play that many games. Spend most of my waking hours at work or doing other adult shit.
I mean, let's be real: the average person doesn't contribute anything to the grand scheme except keeping the gears of The Machine going. That's still better than being a lazy asshole afraid of going outside their comfort zone like the NEETs on here though
What the fuck are you going on about, you actual goddamn retard?
>How do you justify enjoying your free time with hobbies?
The dumbest question ever asked.
No kids.
I don't get drunk.
I don't do any drugs.
Too poor to have a social life.
Poor enough to have to spend most of my life grinding at work.
Not normie NPC enough to have a harem of dudebro "friends" to spend my days with.
So I play games.
Like my father told me when I was 10, when I didn't want to play baseball: I'm a disappointment. Oh well.
I used to make art, build stuff, sculpt, crafts, etc., Hard to do stuff like that when you have to constantly move to a new place, have roommates, etc.
TL;DR Black Cat has great titties and I want to put em in my mouth immediately.
The world outside is shit
You could make some changes in the world. All those politicians have names and addresses, you know.
mail bombs can only do so much
Because I like playing them, they make me happy, and they're fun to me.
That's literally all that matters.
I feel like it.
>Dude hedonism lmao
Enjoy your short-term fun faggot.
When are these two gonna fug?
I'm sure they will.
Are you enjoying your long-term fun, user?
>been playing since I was born, starting with the Dreamcast
>still playing and having fun, now 27yo
Real short-term, just like your "short-term" depression, right?
I hate humanity and literal npcs are easier to deal with
fuck, not the Dreamcast, the Genesis because I'm high and retarded
>not "shit kos, you only got 1 insight."
How do other people justify spending thousands of hours on THEIR hobbies?
they don't have to because their hobby is on the normalfag pre-approved list
God the bully friend is the best girl.
>zero sexual desire
>normalfag pre-approved list
what is call of duty
what is battlefield
what is madden
what is NBA2k
your hobby hasn't been obscure since the early 80s
nobody plays games nowadays
>what is call of duty
>what is battlefield
>what is madden
>what is NBA2k
normalfag pre-approved games
>normalfag pre-approved games
so what you're saying is this hobby is pre-approved
whatever the fuck that means
I don't
I have nothing to prove to anyone, and I couldn't care less what anyone thinks.
>How do you justify spending thousands of hours watching TV?
>How do you justify spending thousands of hours playing/watching sports?
>How do you justify spending thousands of hours reading books/comics?
>How do you justify spending thousands of hours collecting stamps?
>How do you justify spending thousands of hours playing with yourself?
Pick one
only if you play the pre-approved games
>moving the goalposts
need a hand? might hurt your back!
>That's still better than being a lazy asshole afraid of going outside their comfort zone like the NEETs on here though
I can’t fathom how anyone can honesty believe the “average person” does something more productive with their fee time than someone who plays video games a lot, especially in our modern “ etflix and chill!!1! XD” generation. I’ve had coworkers who bragged about doing fucking nothing except binge drinking in their spare time.
Nothing better to do. I'm too stupid to better humanity, and I'm not artistic enough to create something that's worthwhile, though I am working on on the creative stuff.
Welcome to Yea Forums. You belong here.
alright, my previous statement was incorrect so now I'm going to correct it:
gaming is a normalfag-approved hobby and doesn't have to be justified as long as you play normalfag-approved games
That was my point though. Nobody cares if you do literally nothing of interest or benefit outside of work, at least you aren't a leech
consider yourself defeated in this internet argument
I hope it was nothing personnel
i don't justify shit to anyone. its pointless
I can discuss those topics with my normie friends!