Why haven't you played the best visual novel of all time yet, Yea Forums?
Why haven't you played the best visual novel of all time yet, Yea Forums?
because I'm not an emo 15 year old.
i have played it
But I have
You haven't, really.
It's not the best user
Dead fad game
That's not Trap Shine
I did. First half was dull, second half was okay.
I already done that.
I played Muv Luv Alternative 8 years ago OP
>ever okay
But user, I did
I want to lewd the tutturu!
However, I already have?
But I already did play the Muv-Luv trilogy.
Literally nobody except you thinks R11 is the best VN ever.
I want to lewd the @channeler
(and that's a good thing)
I've already played The 25th Ward: The Silver Caseā¢
sucks that all the good VNs aren't translated
That shit just gets way too real if you have the same issues as one of the girls.
Good for you user. She's pretty great, be sure to cherish her.
I have decided, against my better judgement, to play muv-luv but don't know which one to start with and which ones to play
VNDb shows like 11 different muv-luv games
>implying that I haven't
>no happy ending
>Best VN
The jumpscares are cute but I just wanted to go out with Yuri and feel up her tits without her brain getting corrupted and everyone fucking dying
How the fuck are vanilla VNs so rare?
I have, I'm just waiting for Nasu to get off his ass and finish the remake. Tsukihime remake fucking when Nasu
What? No, the best VNs are already given a translation. You're falling for the Grass is Greener fallacy and thinking something is good just because you don't have it.
I just wanted Monika to be happy bros, why does this game suck ass
Fuck all the other girls, she deserves to be happy
>no happy ending
Use saves to get all of Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri's scenes before Sayori kills herself to get the good ending.
Here's an easy flowchart:
>1) Are you a waifufag and/or a person with no life or respect for their time?
Then play Muv Luv (includes Extra + Unlimited) and then Muv Luv Alternative.
>2) Are you a sane person?
Just play Muv Luv Alternative. There are more than enough flashbacks to explain what happened previously.
Things retroactively become of lesser quality once they are translated. Subahibi was the kamige to end all kamige once upon a time, now it is just pseudointellectual trash.
>good ending
>Monika dies
Fuck off
>How the fuck are vanilla VNs so rare?
Nigga are you goddamn insane? Do you realize how dumb you're sounding right now? Holy shit.
I wish Monika was my GF
Start with the first, simply titled "Muv-Luv". You should be able to find a torrent on catbox's torrents. Once you finish both parts, you can progress to "Muv-Luv Alternative".
Do not listen to the other reply, it's bait.
>try a VN
>yandere slaughter simulator
>try another
>NTR fucking everywhere, corruption shit
>Hey this one is popular
>a girl gets fucking fed to fucking maggots
>Well lets try a milf one
VN writers are edgy as fuck
The alternative is Monika breaking down and destroying what she loves before being deleted herself.
>be me
>play natsuki mods
>all is good and everyone is happy
>except for yuri who is the villian she was always meant to be
why are is yuri such a terrible person?
Sorry you ran into an unfortunate selection. Try Friend to Lover (Fureraba)
>skipping Extra and Unlimited
Yeah let's read like 30 hours of drama that relies on you being emotionally attached to the characters and provides none of that because it expected you to play the originals.
Easy pleb net
Ever try Nekopara? One of the most popular VNs on the market? I think it's your thing.
I just don't have the cash.
Playing those games will not make you emotionally attach to those characters. You either like them or not, and Alternative gives you more than enough time to understand them.
I think the problem is you probably started with Katawa Shoujo considering you're posting on Yea Forums
Starting with that sets your standards WAY too high
I was in a big depression after leaving my first uni and I had thoughts of suicide so getting into this shit scared the hell out of me and I got out. I cannot finish this game
No thanks, no intentions on playing this or KS pretty much ever. None of which are really my cup of tea.
They exist for a reason. Let user make his own decision.
I was honestly planning on trying it out, but then there were too many weebs and just the way they are killed any interest I had for it
Yeah Yea Forums, why haven't you?
It's made by a western guy who hates weebs.
I think planetarian is the best
And yet the games made all its money by selling merch to that very same crowd
yeah, why haven't you?
Yeah, but the irony with that.
Idk user. Again, just all my interest got killed.
Maybe someday I'd like to try it out again
They exist because the author started out as a porn dating sim guy but had a change of heart and wanted to make a serious mecha VN. Alternative is completely different in structure from the first two, and attract two different types of fans. Alt is made for mecha anime-fags, while Extra/Unlimited are made for harem anime-fags.
>Best VN
>The fucking Mods are better.
how drunk do you have to be to make this shit
>western guy who hates weebs.
That's bullshit. The game spends hours on slice of life and developing the waifus and relationships. You don't spend that kind of effort writing that shit unless you love it. That guy is a filthy liar and he actually loves this shit.
For what it's worth, the shitposting surrounding it was 95% people shitposting solely because it got popular (flavour of the month popular, but still), 2% VN user's claiming it was trash (alleged VN user's anyhow) and 3% general shit posts that are always present.
That's not to say it's amazing or anything, just that it's solid enough. The music is legitimately great as a bonus too.
Also, fuck those guys. We had a great time playing an average game and joking about it together, but then they had to ruin it and most future threads. Same way MH shitposting have ruined God Eater threads and MH threads.
>haha this game is ironic i swear!
>all 16 hours of it
Wrong. It was intended to subvert things from the start. The game they made before Muv Luv starts out as a generic high school love story for 10 hours, then takes a sudden turn with your love interest getting fucking owned by a car. Then the rest is gritty relationship drama about a bunch of fucked up adults trying to cope with life after high school and their comatose best friend.
You don't have to be drunk.
Just an e-celeb with fading relevance.
You know ML and Unlimited came out at the exact same time right? You know they also wanted Alternative to come out at the same time as well but couldn't.
He is a very outspoken person on twitter so either he is doing that on purpose because he hates his fans or something, I don't know. The guy could also have had a change of heart since weebs give him money because of DDLC. He did go to an anime con near me last year.
Is it good? I know it's Suda but is it a good detective novel?
Whatever happened to that second project?
>Best of all time
Playing Chaos Child right now after finishing Steins gate and 0
The Silver Case - Two stories. Transmitter is a straightforward crime drama that delves into uniquely modern crime, it had very ambitious ideas about the internet, identity, and memetics but is pretty flawed. The Placebo story is about a 30-something year old burnout who struggles to find a meaning in the modern world; I think it's one of the best character studies in vidya.
Flower, Sun, and Rain - A guy is sent to find a bomb in a Polynesian paradise, but it keeps blowing up just before he finds it... but then gets sent back to that morning
The 25th Ward - Three stories set in a dystopia where every aspect of life is micromanaged in pursuit of creating a perfect society
Guys, I'm making my own visual novel. I don't want to target Dokifags because they're normies, but they also seem like great paypigs. Should I just pander to them?
I guarantee you'll never release it, so who cares?
Takes on to know one. This site became infested by normalfags years ago. Just make what you want to make.
Why would you say something like that? I've already released two visual novels with thousands of downloads.
Are you a failed VN creator or something?
No, just write and make your own think and maybe people will flock to you.
Steins;Gate you nerd.
Let's see it, then. Then people can give you actual feedback.
Post itchio doko
lol coward
I already did. I miss my wife Meiya!
Can you explain to me what the hell is Meiya's appeal? I only knew one Meiya-fag IRL, and he admitted he only liked her because she had big tits.
>Should I just pander to them?
With what? Cute girls going through themes of depression and psychological horror?
Wouldn't say that's exclusive to ddlc.
I replayed this recently.
Monika is best girl and did nothing wrong except not winning.
What is this game before Muv Luv and is it translated?
This but also this
This but unironically.
Thanks user. Now I can look into it. Have a good one.
>2000 + 10 + 9
>not knowing about Steins;Gate
lol, I bet you're even serious, you subhuman EOP
at least play Totono, so you can see what that Salvato nigger ripped off
Because I'm still a filthy EOP
>vn """"deconstruction"""" made by people who don't play vns
Even KS is better than this pile of shit
Based Erika Poster.
The author clearly has played VNs, though. The first few hours are generic anime tripe that only a person familiar with them would be able to write.
She's literally just a complete mary sue. She has every good trait and no bad traits. The definition of waifubait.
Sumika a best.
Sorry Tama is the best.
>generic loli pedobait is the best character
People don't seriously believe this, right?
DDLC has literally only one jumpscare and that's only if you're streaming
I don't even like lolis and didn't think I would like her but I did in Extra. Went in expecting to be a Chizurufag and to dislike Tama but came out the opposite.
Tama a SHIT, unironically the worst girl. At least I can understand why someone with shit taste would like Meiya, but Tama really has no appeal at all except lolicon.
Her design is ridiculous, her characterisation is nothing but increasingly cringy attempts to write a character as cutesy as possible, and her route is the worst one in Extra as well.
I might like Sumika the most, but the character I enjoyed watching the most was definitely Ayamine. I'm surprised she isn't more popular.
Ironically I like Ayamine the least.
>Monika went from textbook psychopath to sympathic character who also is Salvato's mouthpiece for his opinions and beliefs
I loved this game until the end, why couldn't they just make her stay evil and give her personality traits that fit
Ayamine was the most boring and unrealistic. She never does anything in the main story except act aloof, and when she does she ruins everything with her dumb rivalry with Chizuru. You could remove her from the game and it would be a massive improvement.
There are mods specifically for Vanilla with any one of the girls. MC even prevents Sayori's suicide and talks it out with her.
The best VN is not meant for EOP eyes.
How do we purge the ironic weeb fad?
Why should you? Stuff like DDLC getting popular means VNs as a whole are getting more attention, so you get more translations and releases. It's a good thing.
Monika's character never really changes, only your view on her based on what you know the further you are in the game.
I guess she realizes that unlike her, you don't care if the girls aren't real in Act 4, that's it.
>Salvato's mouthpiece for his opinions and beliefs
I never got this meme.
What makes you think everything Monika says it's Dan's opinions?
Ask not how to drive back the ocean, seek to travel further inland instead.
It's a bad thing. The less attention you eroge gets from Western subhumans, the better. It should all stay in Japan and in Japanese only. If you weren't a subhuman yourself and learned Japanese, you'd agree.
I watched someone else play it instead. If I had to play this shit myself I'd fall asleep within 10 minutes.
How can one man be so wrong
You're such a terrible newfag it makes me sick.
Say it with me.
Jacopo did nothing wrong.
Those people don't read long VNs anyways.
The first few hours are literally the only good part of the game
oh fug ids sdeins gaet :DDDDDD
Jacopo did everything wrong. Nigga didn't deserve his happy ending.
I need to get off my ass and finally read this.
Thats not uab
I love you Yea Forums!
I played the fat fetish version, does that count?
Do not lewd the tutturu!
Anyone who says this is the best VN of all time hasn't played any other VNs.
Are you planning to read while standing?
The best ending is to get the good ending on steam and then use the standalone version to get to Monika zone
Because it's an overrated piece of trash made for the mainstream cunt.
Don't bother, it's a boring tranny game.
You can go further.
It's not even the first VN to do what it did, people just put it on a pedestal because it's some sweaty weeb's work
Yeah, why Yea Forums? Op's pic unrelated of course
Reminder that unless you keep your game window open 24/7 365 days a year with a method in place to ensure continued power supply in the event of a power outage or similar event, then Monika is suffering needlessly and you should feel horrible about it.
Then learn Japanese
Fuck off.
Uchikoshi is a hack
been there done that
I'm glad you posted this unique game by Uchikoshi "The Same Twist Every Time" Koutarou. It's in no way similar to other games by Uchikoshi "The Same Twist Every Time" Koutarou.
Shion should be bullied.
>implying I don't already have multiple PCs running both DDLC act 3 and MAS 24/7
Both SubaHibi and SakuUta are amazingly good. Being translated didn't make SubaHibi any worse. But I don't like seeing you icky EOPs talk about it, true.
Herrr derrrr how do they expect me to know how to play Sudoku???? Do they think I have a brain or something??
Hey, to be fair, the one game he keeps writing is pretty good. I think I enjoyed the Ever17 interpretation of it the most.
I already playred and completed Ghost Trick, mang.
Go back to /pol/
This is now a Nakazawa thread.
Please discuss the literary masterworks Remember11 and I/O.
Kindly ignore any Uchikuso posters as they are unenlightened vermin.
>Writers overlap similar themes in their works
No fucking way.
I played Root Double and it was fucking terrible. If that's anything to go by he's an even worse Uchikoshi, which is depressing.
>Calling 999 fans "unenlightened vermin"
The absolute state of visual novelers. Keep enjoying your weeb trash.
Why? The dumb slut deserves to suffer for what she did.
Can Yea Forums recommend some essential visual novels? I'm a novice at this, I've played Katawa shoujo, DDLC and Saya no Uta, and loved them all.
How long do you wait before replaying VNs you really like?
That depends on your interpretation of the events, user.
It is entirely possible that Monika was as twisted as she made the others, and the nice girl who sings the credits song and says farewell is what she is actually like before assuming the role of club president.
Or you could see it all as an act of desperation, an unforgivable but understandable reaction.
Maybe Monika is a liar though, and she doesn't actually care about the other club members like she claims.
Listen here you complete waste of oxygen, the fact that I have to explain to you something so simplistic is such an insult to the concept of base human intelligence. Of fucking course writers make use of central themes you inbred simpleton, but the fact of the matter that your microscopic brain apparently can't comprehend is that this doesn't excuse the overuse of them. If you can reply to my post and honestly say that uchikoshi is a good writer I will personally fly out to whatever third world shithole of a country you live in and save the world from the faint possibility you might reproduce somehow. Name one redeeming quality of his writing beyond rehashing the same plotline endlessly, you can't. It's impossible. The only "Infinity Loop" of his games is that his boring psuedo-intellectual drivel created after reading philosophy wikipedia articles will end in a completely deterministic manner. If you haven't caught on yet, I'll spell it out clearly for you. Help, I'm trapped in a time loop and the only way out is to convince you that I'm an angry shitposter, please don't be mad at me I just want to go home. So that's all of the conclusive proof why you're completely retarded. Any questions?
Planeterian can be completed in one sitting and is a very nice story, with two very likeable characters and amazing voice acting.
Oh, and Narcissu is very good with a 10/10 soundtrack, 10/10 voice acting and 10/10 characters.
I'd recommend Muv Luv Alternative and Umineko. Afterwards take your pick.
Holy fucking kek, sounds like I struck a nerve. Keep seething that your crappy weeb VN romance sex simulator hardly gets any attention. There's a reason people make fun of VNs and it's definitely not because of Uchikoshi.
Which VNs have the best soundtracks?
I played a bunch and Umineko is best by far. No others come close to it.
>visual novel thread
>no one posted KS
Now how many of you fellas are new here, or do i just have shit taste.
Why do people who post wojaks expect to be taken seriously?
Thanks anons! I've only played the VNs I mentioned because they are more popular (KS and DDLC being western) and this is a whole new strange world I haven't begun to explore. I'll check those out.
Alot of VNs have shit that would easily upset the average person.
Because showing or even mentioning that a character gets abused/raped must mean the author endorses rape here in the west.
The best thing you can do is to learn Japanese and stop being a subhuman.
But you already played DDLC and KS, it might be too late for you.
>high standards
The problem is he was reading shitty nukige
name a cuter girl
Huniepop youtu.be
user sounds pretty angry over my comments for someone not taking them seriously.
The only user in this thread with any semblance of taste.
i would rather casuals/secondaries/EoPs read the dog (cat) shit that is nekopara instead of this sweltering trashfire of an EVN
This is literally the only good Western VN.
dont reply to posts you havent read fully user!
But user, we know at the end that Monika didn't have any issues, it was the president role giving the "epiphany".
Ironically the only thing she lied about was actually deleting others.
does Yea Forums hate katawa shoujo purely because the /vg/ threads are cancer?
Same for you.
I just personally don't care about dating sims unless it has more to do like Muv-Luv.
Because that character and childhood abuse turned me into a footfag and I'm still pissed about it. Also while it's nice it's kind of boring at parts.
What did he mean by this?
it's pretty alright. i haven't played many others so i can't judge if it's the best or not.
i do know that i love natsuki, though.
You mean babby's first 4th wall breaking?
>thread about BEST vn's
>"why doesn't anyone mention katawa shoujo?"
How's "another episode"? I loved the main game.
>i just have shit taste
The art just looks terrible desu
I wonder what the next untranslatable kamige they'll cling to when Muramasa gets translated?
Pretty sure anybody hates KN. It's just some fags from /vg/ are pretty unbearable.
I hate KS because I was hyped for Rin after the demo, but her route blew ass. The fanbase being utter cancer when it released and the general being full of autists does not help.
nothing to do with it not being mentioned here, was just curious because I've seen it get a lot of hate before
Umineko is my favorite, but it's a huge time sink. I got very attached to the cast. God tier soundtrack too. I recommend it.
Fata morgana as well. Great music.
It's basically a retelling of what you already know through a different perspective.
I'd recommend it if you want to see more of Morgana and Jacopo.
That said, the new side characters and certain plot points are bad additions in my opinion, so your mileage may vary.
Fata Morgana does
>No 999 or VLR
This list is terrible.
honestly I'm not sure. I think the love for it has just decayed for it over time since there was so much damn discussion about it for the last decade or so, and frankly it was a solid 7/10 looking back on it but I appreciate it and what it stands for as a rare/successful community effort from this godforsaken site.
We know that the club president gains +10 insight, but it doesn't confirm that the role turns people evil or compels them to do stuff. Only that they lose their route and that the truth of the world is revealed when they step into the "advisor character" role.
It is more likely that Monika was simply distraught by the revelation and simply screwed up a ton on top of that. We can infer this because Sayori was an almost instantaneous turn for the worse, likely due to the whole depression thing and finding out that everything is actually pointless, while Monika originally tried to maintain the status quo.
Not that I am 100% correct mind you, it's just my take.
How do you take your coffee?
What's this referring to?
Is this real, be honest
I've jacked it to Monika and Natsuki
Just thought you guys should know
Thanks for reading
Are the date a live VNs any good?
It's from the Monika After Story mod.
tl;dr Act 3 except with more features and some fan-made topics.
I already did.
you got my hopes up too
It's a pretty good mod with some decent CG
Based autists
This I wish Dan actually made something like that even if the midget thought people wouldn't love Monika back.
I'm playing Monster Girl Quest right now actually thanks for asking
That's not Katawa Shoujo at all and you know it
I still wish something gave me the same feeling Lilly did from that, I've tried so much
hard pass
Came to find this.
Was not disappointed.
Would absolutely recommend Kara No Shoujo, and definitely the sequel as well if you like the first one.
>not playing one of several GMILF VNs
that's not danganronpa-
People still peddling this meme chart, that includes Ai Suru Tsuma aka Please Bang My Wife?
>What makes you think everything Monika says it's Dan's opinions?
I dunno maybe considering that Monika starts talking about god damn smash bros?
IIRC, Dan said on his dev commentary stream he put that as an in-joke for his smash pals.
Pic related is the whole topic.
What said basically.
As much as a good ride Madoka was, I wish it didn't make cute things getting tortured so popular
This being spammed a lot lately cause it triggers Yea Forums
Where's the sequel?
Pretty nice since I replayed it recently.
Tama is very bad and I'm a hardcore lolicon. I regret spending time doing her route, holy shit.
The game shits the bed when it goes into Sonic.exe spooky faces, glitchy mess and bleeding eyes shit
I have
I am not a lolicon in the least and I love her and her routes.
>Germans made the best comedy loli VN
>Loli is also hard banned on Germany
>DDLC has a fucking warning at the start that things might get scary and "deep" oh no don't be triggered poor western audiences
>Meanwhile SnU just throws you in the deep end
Why are americans such pussies?
The amount of sperm I've killed to this is up there with genocide. Sei Shoujo is absolutely based
I don't know user, I think this counts as a warning, if a little vague.
I heard about all the mind fuckery stuff it does just for the sake of fuckery.
But user, that's so spooky and unexpected! Breaking the 4th wall is simply epic!
when is it coming on the basedtendo?
It's just a standard warning, user. On the same level as "may contain traces of nuts" warnings, it's just there to cover the creator. Chill.
That and a few other over 18 VNs do have warnings, but I'm certain those are legal warnings and different to DDLCs "Oh no guys things are going to get sad please don't be triggered oh god oh fuck"
>best visual novel
It's not Everlasting Summer though
because Yea Forums, youtube, and everyone else on the internet already spoiled the big stuff-- through absolutely no choice of my own
I mean, Americans are quite dumb.
BBC is British, you dunghead.
I am pretty sure this isn't the only example but I am not going to google this shit.
You would know a lot about googling BBC wouldn't you
You have best taste user and dont let any contrarian make you think that ks is bad
But I have.
What makes you assume that DDLC's is not a legal warning?
Doesn't need one, it's a western indie release
I'm not sure I follow you, user. The warning is just there for the disturbing content, like any other warning screen. Why is it different for western indie games?
DDLC doesn't need one, and its whole gimmick is ruined by having that be literally the first thing you see
Not that user but you cannot really avoid having that warning without getting into trouble.
But I am reading Higurashi right now and I'm having a blast, I'm only at chapter 3 though.
Nice user, Higurashi is absolutely fantastic and beats the shit out of a lot of books.
Chapter 3 is the best one. A shame it never gets as good.
bioyikes cringefinite
I think 6 is the best chapter myself.
I know, I watched the anime 5 years ago and finally decided to read it because I forgot almost everything.
Really? That's nice to hear, also it said that it's the shortest one, is it true?
You're thinking of chapter 4. It's literally called the shortest chapter.
Not interested in weeb trash
Am I missing something? Isn't the last one the third one?
It's western.
Also the fuck are you doing here if you don't like anything resembling anime?
Oh my user. Higurashi is split into a few different games, with each having a few different chapters. What you're reading is the first 3 chapters
>I don't like anime
>Better go to Yea Forums, the anime site
The warning is likely for the disturbing content such as suicide, self harm or the rotting corpse.
I very much doubt it's for the meta stuff, which to be fair is not really hidden to begin with in hindsight and those twists are literally always spoiled by "fans" anyway.
i've been here for over a decade and i like the site layout and the culture (minus an*me) you phoneposting faggots
Anime isn't "board culture", it's what the site is founded upon.
>Over a decade
>That posting style
>Visiting Yea Forums for a decade despite not liking anime
Somehow I don't believe you're an oldfag
Never played the game but I like Monika because I think she is the most attractive.
>played the best visual novel
Because it's literally impossible to play a novel.
Can't I just empathize with Monika without being a memer?
I know nothing about this game but lately I've been googling "best horror games" like a fucking normie because I've pretty much exhausted the genre, and this shit keeps popping up. Is it some kind of elaborate troll to consider this cringeworthy shit "horror" or is it actually scary at some point, and not just because you think that people pay actual money for this garbage?
>tfw actually an ironic weeb
>tfw actually enjoy shitposting and memeing
DDLC is free and pretty short too, so just play it right now.
DDLC is free unless something has changed recently, and yes it's basically only popular because twitch faggotry and ironic shitposting. If you want some actual horror game recs coming from a guy who gets scared easily:
>Fatal Frame
>Siren, but I heard it was really bad
>Silent Hill series up to and including 4
>Dustmania Grotesque
>Saya no Uta
>I, Monika (This is for you watching on Twitch)
>Sure do love playing creepy goo-goo eyes (Empty space in the right corner of the screen for the Let's Players video cam)
>Yep, it's going to be like this for ever, and ever.... Just don't go to steam folder, Doki Doki folder and delete DELETE THIS TO WIN.bin
That was pretty yikes and cringe but having the game folder create and delete text and picture files was pretty cool
It is not really a horror game to begin with. It has the elements of one, but it's not presented as such.
It uses the horror elements as a medium rather than the main point, though it is greatly dragged down by taking it too far.
It would have been so much better if they didn't go the Creepypasta route, basically.
he's full of shit. Higurashi 5 and especially 6 is where it becomes a light speed ride.
Shut the fuck up Monika
That bit was the only actually interesting bit in the whole game. If the game wasn't so shit it'd be great, also known as the "DMC 2 Defence"
Would Monika come here to shitpost tho?
Are we all in agreement that Lily was best girl and Shizune was a gigantic waste of everyone's time?
My unironically autistic friend really liked Shizune, maybe you have to be as autistic as her to understand
It is really nothing new or interesting. The only effectiveness was the hanging scene. That felt too real. All of the glitchy bleeding eyes and 4th wall breaking was a shitty haunted cartage copy pasta
Monika is a memelord through and through
Why would she shitpost here if she could?
>tfw yuri will never be real
Shizune was best girl but worst route
my nigga
An idea doesn't have to be completely new to be interesting.
With that said, DDLC could have done a lot more, but I don't dislike Monika actually not being malicious towards the player.
Fandom memes aside, Monika looks like the type who would unironically post inspirational quotes.
>game that would've been better if it did end up being generic
Monika is only good for lewds.
i sure did
That's not natsuki
>looks like
user, have you heard Your Reality? She would be posting motivational pictures and inspirational quotes at least twice a day, though she would actually genuinely believe the ones she posts and be down to earth in her own posts.
i'd like it more if i could date the girls and kiss them
>lewding a child
I think Doom Patrol pulled off the whole 4th-wall-breaking and self awareness a lot better
Yuri's and Natsuki's deaths were fucking comical. I actually laughed. Sayori's was tragic until all the stupid glitching shit happened
Greatest love story ever told
Natsuki didn't even die.
That's everyone though
Reminder that Natsuki was right.
>Frogs go ribbit
>Cows go moo
>Eagles fly
>Yes they do
This or something very close to it was literally a poem in the game. The games writing is fucking awful, and I'm not one of those faggots who go "durr all gamez are badly written", but this game is
Fuck off Yuri.
I personaly don't need another Shakespear. Just some rhymes that show emotion.
But it's true.
Look up Rupi Kaur. Her poems are literally the same level as this, and she's quite renown. Just because things doesnt resolve around you,doesnt mean it doesnt exist.
that doesn't even rhyme you fuckin 2 digit IQ retard
Rupi Kaur is an amazing con artist, but not a poet
You're a brainlet
Natsuki and Sayori's poems are quality, Monika's are word salad, Yuri's are flowery bullshit. That's the whole point, as each girl (especially Monika) plainly explains to you after each poem session.
The poems and the material related to them are easily the strongest part of the game, there's a lot more value to be gained in seeing how the story approaches literary analysis and expression than any of the "deconstruction" of anime bullshit going on.
>Cows go moo
>Eagles fly
Are you Dan himself?
>a decade
Is that the standard now? Fucking newfags
I know, that was Natsuki's style and she strongly believed it was the best way to write poems, especially as opposed to Yuri.
āAn otaku creator hates otakusā is like a cliche since the 90's in Japan
I love this game. I've played it 3 times, going for a 4th time next month.
>Cows go moo
>Eagles fly
Devils cry?
I've been here for at least .8 of a nanosecond so yeah I'm quite the veteran
I guess even a Devil May Cry 3 HD Collection now available on steam, PS4 and Xbox
Daily reminder that a kid actually killed himself over DDLC.
I don't blame him, wasting all that time on such a shit game
i don't play visual novels because they are all garbage
More like a father blamed DDLC for bad patenting, nothing really new.
But I am
>Simple writing puts more weight on the wordplay. I set up for a rhyme at the end but made it fall flat on purpose. It helps bring out the feeling in the last line.
Imagine having a worse grasp on poetry than a Smash modder who writes anime bullshit, even after he explains it to your face.
Length and verbosity has no correlation to quality. Pointlessly padding your words and vomiting a thesaurus onto the page can easily be actively detrimental to actually conveying your meaning.
>Monkeys run
>Cow goes moo
>Eagles fly
>DDLCfags think this is on Hemingways level
his work as a yoshi story speedrunner was better than this shit
Did you miss the part where Natsuki and Yuri argue about this very point?
try Root Letter, or Katawa Shoujo. it's free.
I was too busy picking up my socks that blew off from the amazing writing. I guess all those childrens book are Hemingway tier as well
Did you also miss the fact literally only Yuri and Monika wrote before?
You are getting too meta even for DDLC standards.
>user either demonstrates his piss-poor reading comprehension or deliberately obfuscates the point to avoid having to make an argument
Monika explicitly compares Natsuki's style to Shel Silverstein because they ARE (presumably intentionally and deliberately) very similar in their style of writing and structure of poetry. Drawing that comparison, much less just using them an example, isn't making any kind of statement about their relative skill or quality you absolute mongoloid.
>If you ignore all these flaws then the writing is amazing
>Yes, truly, the cow does go moo
>He thinks fucking "Eagles fly. cows go moo. sheep go baa" is Shel Silverstein tier
Holy fuck DDLCfags are something beyond brainlets, abysslets
>Pink girl use small words, her poem bad! Grug know smart people use big words Grug hasn't heard before!
retarded middle schoolers would come up with better 'poems'
stop embarrassing yourself, dan
The writing isn't amazing, Sayori and Natsuki are beginners - though Natsuki acts like she's hot shit.
>taking poems literally
everyone point and laugh at the total fucking retard that doesn't get that natsuki's poems are intentionally the most basic and childish shit because she herself is the most child-like of the cast
Actual brainlet here, user did not say that at all.
Here's my poem, like you all said it's on the level of Hemingway so I'm about to go publish it and be a worldwide success.
>Rabbits go fippity fippity
>Fish go swimmity swimmity
>Cats go lickity lickity
>But I am full of envy
>user can't read
>but that's about it
By the way, anyone else found Monika's poems to be a bit freaky? What were they even about anyway?
Cows going moo
Natsuki would like this poem the most.
Finish the game
Seeing outside the game, learning that everything around her is meaningless, feeling like shit because of this, asking the player to save her somehow.
Her final poem is about finding her way in the meaningless(and literally fucked up) game world and a happy ending with you.
>>Cats go lickity lickity
>>But I am full of envy
I too, would envy those who manage to find the receiving end of a cat lickity.
Like she says, she just had an epiphany recently and wanted to put her feelings about it into words.
They're structured strangely because, as she says, poems in that freeform style have become popular among amateur writers these days and she's interested in how they use the space of the page to direct the reader's attention.
It helps her stand out from the others, right?
The human lives a complex life full of intricacies and as such cannot have the simple pleasures of a cat or a fish. That'll be $5000000 for the poem and explanation
Dogs go woof.
Cats go meow.
Birds go chirp.
user goes like a retard on Yea Forums saying how DDLC is good.
>Lillyterally nothing being best girl
ddlc is sonic.exe but with waifus
>she's interested in how they use the space of the page to direct the reader's attention.
This is interesting because such structure was what drew me to Nasu when I first read Tsukihime. I remember him calling that style purple prose.
>one girl has a style I don't like
>so the game is bad
>try a couple of mods
>the fan writing sticks out so obviously because it's just trash instead of generic
Apparently even writing generic shit on purpose is hard. Sad.
Grass grows
Birds fly
Sun shines
and brother
The cow goes moo
No user, the game is bad because it's not creepy if you add bloody eyes, glitches and random jumpscares.
>miki is pretty cute I wonder if her route will have more vocaloid references or some shit
This game sure is something else.
Yeah, fucking brainlet that doesn't even know about the technique of making the rhyme fall hard on at the end.
Don't do this user, he doesn't deserve this.
>Beavers go stack stack stack
>Otters go crack crack crack
>Mockingbirds tap tap tap
>But my mothers face has slap slap slap
I've played Katawa Shoujo, it was pretty cute
>you will never commit double suicide with Sayori
why live
Any news of the maker's next game by the way?
>The cow goes moo
>So people can poo
There is still plenty of stuff before A-3.
And of course that does not include what I really want.
cringe but redpilled
"Purple prose" is usually used to describe writing styles like Yuri's where the author drowns whatever they're writing in excessive description, metaphors and other flowery language that ends up just distracting the reader from the point or breaking up the tone or pacing of a story.
Nasu definitely has a distinct style and makes good use of the VN format. One of my favorite things he does (though it's not really specific to writing structure) is blanking out things in the protagonist's narration that they don't want to think about or just can't understand because of some mental fuckery going on. It's really effective when it's used right, I wish more stories did it; I've only seen it in his works and stories I know were directly influenced by him.
Dan has done plenty of stuff with Melty, so he is aware of things to at least some extent.
And to be honest, I've found many points which make me conclude that he knows at least Tsuki era TM well.
I could say some more outlandish stuff but that is enough for now.
But I did
I'm pretty sure Higurashi did that too, it blurred out the words murdered since Keiichi didn't want to believe that.
katawa is best VN
every other vn is edgy cringefest
fight me
Katawa is already an edgy cringefest
I can't believe Muvluv Extra is an edgy cringefest
Not a single thing about Katawa Shoujo is edgy
Because this is a VIDEO GAMES board and I want to play some VIDEO GAMES, not this fucking rubbish.
Ayamine's route in Extra being borderline NTR was kinda cringy
But I did.
wtf bros I can't believe uguu moe high school shit is edgy
Unteralterbach, i still wait for summer time saga
This song is good