Before mass deforestation from urbanization, there would have been more rain.
Also game is great
The rain looks like shit too. Still a good game though. Mod support fucking when?
Already iirc
I recall downloading mods because I couldnt into lockpicking
Yeah its got its problems, some of which are pretty glaring. I'm enjoying myself so far though. I'm still pretty early in the game. Its been a pretty slow burn so far. I'm hunting in the woods right now trying to out-compete Hans.
Warhorse is supposed to be dropping some developer tools, like a creation kit lite. Supposedly after their last and upcoming DLC
What do we fucking Lord's of Leipa gear do? The "armor" we win from the tournament. Is there any point to that? Maybe even a boost to charisma, maybe unlocking a quest by some blacksmith to sponsor his weapons?
Damn, Skyrim tier sex mods when?
I’m on my second hardcore playthrough, just passed where you are. It starts to get pretty comfy at that point. A lot of cutscenes, and you’re pretty much directed to the main quest the whole time but the story has some kino moments. It’s not as shit as it was on launch either
I mean, until you get the horse the game is still introducing itself to you. Since when you do get to horse with the free saddlebag, you can finally haul your loot.
If they’re smart they’ll release some tools capable of that. It’ll give the game much longer life. I just want to work on some more environmental stuff desu.
Something needs to be done about the armor laying too, which I suspect is affecting performance the worst.
They're making a sequel, or atleast another historic rpg. So they may not be too concerned with kcd's lifespan. Unless the tool kit is incredible or something I don't think this game's mod scene would take off, but then I'm not sure of what sort of community it has around it.
Yeah I know I'm still early on. I've hardly even had any fighting or any real adventuring yet.
>It’ll give the game much longer life
Is there no multiplayer? I haven't actually checked. pvp combat seems like it would be fun.
Just take the bandit quests from Bernie, should net you some decent loot too.
Not really given how the blocking works, with two player chararcters, it's mostly come down to whomever swings first loses.
>Unless the tool kit is incredible or something I don't think this game's mod scene would take off, but then I'm not sure of what sort of community it has around it
It all probably depends on what you can do with the tools. There’s people asking about it on their forums pretty frequently, so there’s that. The game’s been out over a year already though so it’d probably be better to just start working on that next game. They’ll have better success next time if it’s not in the absolute trash state KCD was for months too
is it the same setting or can I finally start wishing for rpg set in roman empire?
The biggest flaw with KCD at launch was how random crashing and limited opportunity to save synergized to create maximum agony.
I still played it though, and it was hella successful iirc, it's just other game forums can't talk about it because DAS RAYCIS.
The game sold millions
That’s true, it did great for an indie with a bunch of controversy latched on to it. Plus it’s already been a year
Post yfw
>Warhorse and Taleworlds get together to make Mount and Blade 3
and most of those millions will remember it as a game that was impossible to play as it was so broken
so will they even consider buying another rpg from the devs like beth fans would?
Playing on launch was such a bitch.
>the horse getting stuck on fences
>not being able to walk up those stairs in Rattay
>getting stuck in doorways
>the dialogue cutscene bug where you and the other person were morphed together
Kek what a fucking mess
Rain is comfy as shit because you can't see anything unless you take shelter.
This game is full of comfy atmosphere
that's not botw
Launch of this game was a mess, my game would crash on a end mission story cutscene, forcing me to wait a month or so to complete the game
Still an elite game though, very enjoyable
It’s just that the rain particles look kind of shitty. The puddles and the rain rolling off houses look great though. The lakes and streams are beautiful too.
>This game is full of comfy atmosphere
I agree. The ambient sound is really well done. Only thing I feel is missing is more ambient particle effects. Like in RDR 2 there’s bugs flying around, dust in the air. Makes a big difference imo
>European history showing Europeans is racist
The ride never ends.
you dont need history to know that europeans hate europeans
top tier game t b h
t. Retard
They had Germans AND Czechs though.
>still playing this fucking buggy, literally unfinished mess
and c*mans
nice avatar bro
>those stairs in Rattay
I was spamming every key available on my keyboard for 10 minutes trying to get up those fucking stairs.
Also the lods for npcs have brown skin for some reason so you get about 10 seconds of diversity before their full models pop in
I almost died without having saved in hours because I was stuck in a doorway bleeding out. Only reason I broke into the house was to steal bandages too
>Only reason I broke into the house was to steal bandages too
Is this game worth getting now, or should I wait until all the DLC is out?
i really like the save system because it meant you had to drink and getting drunk synergized with so many skills in the game. its just too bad the alchemy minigame got REALLY repetitive. the autobrew skill should have been level 5-ish instead of 10. you had to make at least potion once even with autobrew anyways so you would still get to enjoy the minigame, but just enough to make fun without making it a chore. sword sharpening was cool too.
do it
Is there any dlc on the way?
the woman dlc and i think theres something about a dog companion
honestly i would wait for the rest of the dlc since it all integrated into the main game. from the ashes especially is only fun on a new playthrough
Yes, I played at launch and still enjoyed what was underneath all the jank. I haven’t played any of the DLC but I think they’re all just small quest add ons anyway.
I got a good 90 hours out of it without doing many side quests, and hardcore mode will add to that I’m sure
The leveling in the game is actually pretty awesome. That first time you hold a bow you’re a complete retard, but after a few trips hunting you’ll notice that your much steadier. It’s satisfying. All those systems working in the game give it so much depth even if you’re not really conscious of it.
thanks bro
Name a more authentic medieval game (you can't)
sequal would make sense, shit dosent really kick off till 1414
It's on sale, get it now.
Other than one DLC left to release no reason to wait further.
Welcome to fucking Europe
Still a shit game. It doesn't even let you join a crusade to retake jerusalem instead of doing its story line. 0/10. Do not play it.
Medeival 2 Total War: Kingdoms Crusade Campaign. You get to control the Knights Templar or Knights Hospitaler as you retake the holy lands from the heathens.
>join a crusade to retake jerusalem instead of doing its story line
Now I’m really hype for mod tools
There is finally a Complete edition coming out in May.
Just bought a copy for $20, was actually holding out for months to buy it. Maybe DLC will be really cheap soon.
I need to give this game another chance, it was so broken when it came out but now maybe it's playable.
forests do produce rainclouds by releasing water vapor during photosynthesis
Did they ever fix combat, because thats what keeps me from playing it
>Fag dropped out of school to play video games.
What's wrong with the combat?
what isn't wrong with the combat
>tfw no quicksave
I've been spoiled for so long.
Is it worth buying yet? I know it was buggy as shit on release, has that been solved yet?
I really thought it was a bug.
I'm still baffled why they think releasing the mod tools at the end is a great idea. Imagine the mods we could have had at this point.
Attempting to dodge in this game makes Dark Souls look easy. tf even is this mechanic.
Dark Souls is easy either way.
I just spent 20 or 30 mins trying to kill this fucking camp leader and I just wasted him with 2 arrows and one 3 hit combo.
I like elderscrolls and mount and blade. Will I like this game?
big time
Got this game specifically as a PC benchmark, it really does have some beautiful graphics and scenery. Some of the best, for me personally as a fan of more realistic environments than what might be found in Witcher 3. I swear it was robbed in the Steam awards from best environment, the fking Witcher 3 won that again for 2018...
Maybe even GOTY material, now that the patches have helped a lot with stability and some performance improvement. Game still takes a beefy rig too run at very high settings over 60fps, so that alone would keep it from winning GOTY from a consumer vote.
Shit game.
Though it was made by based white nationalists developer but they're actually le centrist
>both alt right and sjw sucks
>same coin
eat shit horseshit
I wish this studio would move onto a different project with the same concept's after they are done with DLC. Not many people are familiar with this locations history so it doesn't have wide-scale appeal. If they were too make a game set in England, France or various other western european setting's in the 14-1600's it could gain much more popularity than a game set in Czech.
Very comfy game. Never finished it when I got it right after release because of bugs and CTD.
It's still buggy, but not at all gamebreaking. Nothing as rewarding as sneaking into a enemy camp and stabbing them to death in their sleep.
They just wanted to make a historically accurate game. The idea of Europe being full of whites is a radical concept these days. I swear its like somebody wants us dead.
steam awards are just pick your favorite games, nobody nominates games based on any sort of merit.
game set in around 30 years war?
they're not they have to finish this game first, the whole game is sequel bait. you don't even get your dad's sword back, the ending is literally "haha see you next time on kingdom come"
> le centrist
Bet you’re a bigger faggot than anyone who worked there.
>slavs and turks working together
Fucking mutt geography, I swear.
Just beat it a week ago. Wasn't really happy with the combat.
>have maxed strength, warfare, defense, sword
>combat is just enemies seemingly arbitrarily automatically countering 75% of my attacks until enough get through to lower their max stamina
>feinting doesn't seem to get attacks through any more consistently
>trying to do masterstrikes is inconsistent despite my maxed out skills
>so much fucking slow motion
>at this point I have the heaviest armor I could find, maxed stamina, and health regeneration so there's really nothing they can do to me
I hope they rework it for the next part. Also, the best sword I found was 5 seconds outside of a town just sitting in a conspicuous chest on the ground, what's up with that?
I thought they removed that chest, if we think of the same one. There was a chest with St. Georges Sword that was removef in one of the earlier updates north-east of Neuhof.
I got it here, according to the wiki. Still there as of a few weeks ago.
Oh, that's another chest I werent aware of. Yeh, it shouldnt be that easy to get so there is def room for improvement when it comes to loot-placing
More like Kingdom Cummies Dewiverance owo