Phantasy Star Online


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The Dreamcast had so much soul.

I feel terrible thinking about it.

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You will never play Phantasy Star Episode 1 and 2 with bros again

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Phantasy Star Universe

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fuck sega for never doing the English release ot making it easier to play on JP

Blessed post. God, just fucking make psu2 ffs!!

for PSO2 *


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where are the speakers?

Is there something like ephinea but for PSU?

Never gonna happen.
PSO2 prints money for Sega. If they did a PSU2 they'd just make it play and look like PSO2, removing all the soul from what made PSO and PSU so good.

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How much money does PSO2 actually make? And MHW isn't the same situation but it does show that "niche" Japanese online titles can be profitable without pure gacha shit.

I'll never forgot how for the longest time my dumbass could not figure out how to go online with my Gamecube. I was so fucking happy when I started playing PSO with other random players.

I can only see this picture as the monitor being like a 50 inch tv and everything else being gigantic

Yeah but it's a pain in the ass to get to work. It's called clementine.

PSO2 is better than PSO and PSU is fucking garbage.
PSP2i is the best Phantasy Star game
Phantasy Star IV is okay too.

I like PSO2 better than PSO1 from a gameplay standpoint but how can you say PSP is the best game? Abysmal controls.

I say that because I emulated it with non-shitty controls. Content wise, it easily beats every other game.

Don't fucking remind me.

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Actual MMOs on a console should be the dumbest shit but god do I love it.
Honestly if the console side of the industry wasn't the shittiest part I'd probably spend more time with them.

I only ever played local splitscreen with my friends.

Is Ephinea fun

It's not a pain in the ass at all. It's pretty straight forward. The bigger issue is that it isn't completed yet.

Buuuut they are in the process of releasing the new rewritten build which is apparently quite good. It is actually looking like the server will become this year, with a bunch of JP content we never got.

If you like classic PSO, yes.

It's already easy as fuck if you're not brain damaged, but it's shit now so you don't want it.

>PSP2I patch never ever

But I did this just a few months ago. There are still private servers up for it on PC, Dreamcast, and Gamecube.

>PSU is fucking garbage.

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pso2 is doomed and is on life support, just wait for pso3, when sega is on full damage control because of the mess that is episode 5, some staff leaked it on 5ch

>tfw first game on dreamcast i played was YA YA YA YA YA

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without PSO darksouls would not exist.

Fuck psu with its easy fucking enemies

pso is perfect cuz enemies are 1 for 1 with you and you can actually die in the game

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It's decent. Has a few improvements, new modes and features that the original sega server didn't have.

I dunno, PSU had some legit scary enemies that could fuck you up. Carriguine resisting status effects made them dangerous for rangers, and Magashi not flinching could really fuck your shit up.

I don't care if you've played PSO or not, you need to watch this commercial for PSO because it is the most amazing thing in the world.

It was way easier than PSO
All enemies in PSO could fuck you up.
That's how i like my games.

I quit because psu and pso2 were so easy i got bored and went back to pso

Now is pso 3 good?

>Fuck psu with its easy fucking enemies
the combat wasn't the strongest part of the game but if you didn't undercut people by one meseta with rappy suits and get hatemail every single time you missed out

So 90s it hurts

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PSO3 is unironically actually just PSU2 except with a few façade elements lifted from PSO.

PSO2 has barely fuckall to do with anything PSO aimed to deliver.

Here you go

>PSO2 has barely fuckall to do with anything PSO aimed to deliver.
How? PSO2 (vanilla) is extremely similar to PSO1.

The best part about pso is if you get too overleveled it's actually easier to get killed by swarms of mobs since you don't fall which has more iframes compared to the short minor damage animation.

not to mention you can potentially softlock yourself if you get surrounded and block everything... But it's really hard to get that much evp so it really doesn't happen

>just wait for pso3, when sega is on full damage control because of the mess that is episode 5, some staff leaked it on 5ch
[Citation Needed]

Good times

What was the appeal I was not into mmos for a very long time

>wait for pso3
But bro pso2 hasn't come west yet... they said it's still coming like 3 years ago... ;-;

Honestly, you haven't missed much. Vanilla PSO2 was the best, and there wasn't much content to experience. It's only gotten worse and worse over time. Sega had a game with amazing potential and completely squandered it. But it's Sega so, nobody should be surprised.

First online game for many so the combination of it being an MMO-lite + it being old gives it a lot of nostalgia points. Was also just a good game generally (a bit slow now imo) with a unique / cool aesthetic.

Probably also gets some bonus points for being on the Dreamcast.

There isn't a single piece of music in the world that sends me back to a specific time in my life like this

dunno bout these people but it was the first solid multiplayer rpg I had on my Gamecube. Spend literally hundreds of hours on 4 player co op. Never tried the online component but the fact it was there was incredible at the time (Online play on consoles was still in its infancy)

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it's much better if you socialize with other players
a lot of the content is repeated and it's akin to runescape where it turns into a glorified chatroom

PSO2 has the most comfy lobby in multiplayer gaming.

I loved the lobby in PSO2 but sadly I couldn't find any decent person to chill with.

Anyone else got some PSO figures? PSO merch is so rare. Just got back from Japan and all I could find were some kotobukiya models. PSO2 shit is even more nonexistent than PSO. Not that I want PSO2 stuff though, so it works out...

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the eng community is pretty trash unfortunately its almost always been, thats why the Japs went back on that "PLAY WITH EVERYONE" shit from PSO1 and made their own servers

There are a bunch of koto pso2 kits.

I can't blame them for trying to stay away from the english community.
PSO2 it's kinda hard to enjoy in that aspect,even more if you are coming from playing on Ephinea were everyone is super nice.

Private servers are different, the official servers for like PSO1 and PSU were complete messes with the english community. Hacking problems like with that NOL thing in pso1, people trading nudes and shit for items in PSU and the community generally being obnoxious with the chat cut ins and shit.

This makes me yearn for simpler times. I miss this game so much. To make matters worse, I'm not sure I'd even be able to enjoy it the same way again now that I'm older.

I remember my dad getting nuclear pissed when he discovered I'd been using the dial-up to play at night when everyone was asleep. The phone bill ended up super high.

I hope there would be a PSO2 private server at some point,maybe I would be able to enjoy it a little bit more.

I didn't see many when I was there. I saw more of the RAcaseal ones. I did see a few PSO2 ones though; the one Caseal and a couple of bulky looking Casts. I think there are only like 3 types though?

that furry that made the telepipe proxy was working on one but I don't know how far that got

There's also that guy who makes custom kits to sell at wf / online. I forget his name but makes a good Lisa and some boring lewd ones.

This is the most soulful picture I've ever seen

... I am intrigued... Lisa's one of the few things I liked about PSO2.

I used to follow them on twitter but havent for years so dunno how long you'll have to scroll for lisa but

Shit, these are pretty cool. I can't imagine how much a custom figma/kit would cost though.

I'm also jealous of his ability to pose as well. I've gotten better but man, sometimes you just can't get the pose you want. Or an arm comes off. Or... Something. Fuck.

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Or Yea Forums can upload it upside down for some reason, that's cool too.

>Episode 4 is a mess
>EP5 comes out
>Episode 5 is a mess
What happened now besides Hero being busted?

What's the theme for ep5?

Literally the Isekai meme

what leaks? also the new director looks like he has his shit together so ep6 looking good

I'm still angry they shut the game down, there was no need.

Go to fantasy land which is a reference to the old Phantasy star RPGS but its like an alternate history to what happened in the real world, Luther becomming Loser happens in the isekai universe because thats how it happened in the "real world". But also everyone is stronger beacuse of profound darkness fuckery or something.

At least private PSO servers were around about the same time, or shortly after. It's not like PSU which has been like... 8 years of a wait.

PSU is bad

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I did it years ago and lost hope after they silently sunseted the western release. I can do it, you think I can get dumb normie friends to do English patches? I fucking tried!

bro I waited for PSO2 after the announcement and getting a mousepad @ PAX that year. you want me to keep waiting?

Ahead of its time, it could have gotten WoW levels of success. Not many players own a DC and not many are fans of Phantasy Star series. Numbers couldn't reach critical mass for word of mouth marketing to lure skeptics of the MMORPG genre aka. the tidal wave of masses.

Chogokin Elenor is the only thing I can think of other than the endless recolors of the Kotobukiya Elenor figure, I also had a couple of PSO gashapon that I bought from Ebay when I was a lot younger but I lost them forever ago. If anything other than those couple of pieces came out then I never heard about them.

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I've got both of them, and they're honestly the best figures I own. Highly posable, a nice heavy feel, and I don't have to worry about them breaking like I do with figma.

I have this elenor, but the mag peg in her back snapped off. i don't really know how to fix it, maybe glue but i don't want to fuck it up

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How did you manage to snap that thing off? Is it one of the small pegs? I figured those would be tough since they're... Well, small.

I didn't break it, I was away for a semester at college and it was broken when I got back, probably while my mom was cleaning my room or something. Always put away my figures after that

Shit. That's rough. I'm sorry user. I'd be livid if one of my roommates broke one of my RAcaseal figures.

enjoy your back strain

did anyone rip the pso character models yet

This, nothing even comes close

Machine gun cast ftw!

Why don't you make a thread in the Ephinea forum?
I'm sure someone would help you out.

>You will never wake up on a saturday early in the morning to hear this