Hard mode: Do NOT just post a recently released game or a game that is generally considered to be good just to appear cool and edgy in eyes of 13 year olds and actually post a genuinely bad game that isn't constantly talked about on Yea Forums and/or reviewed by every single youtuber.
Hard mode: Do NOT just post a recently released game or a game that is generally considered to be good just to appear...
Sekiro:shadows die twice
dear esther
payday 2
Limiting it to games that got a retail release, probably Awesome Possum on Genesis
I beat duke nukem forever. It was the worst game i played but it wasn't the total gaming holocaust that it was hyped up to be
Salt and Sanctuary. Feels like a free Newgrounds game.
Hoshigami Ruining Blue Earth
I will always be mad
Dragon's Dogma
I'm legitimately surprised that this didn't become a staple of the Angry Reviewer Plague of the late 00s.
Desert Bus
I typically don't buy games if I don't know that I'll definitely enjoy them. I guess the only time I made a mistake was with Travis Strikes Again. That game was straight up boring. Honestly the only time I've regretted a vidya purchase.
Fucking Goldeneye
stupidass game had all my friends like 'duuuude it's full 3d! wowaaaahhhh!' when we been playing quake for over a year
Valhalla Knights 3 for the Vita is honestly the worst game I can remember playing.
Over the Hedge: the videogame
every dark souls
killzone 3's utter, all-consuming blandless and mediocrity has led it to eclipse games i actually despise
fuck killzone 3
This shit taught me that games could be bad.
Fuck you nigger desert bus is god tier
Wipeout: Wii.
Wii had a shitload of completely garbage shovelware games that I used to buy because they were like a penny. They were so awful that you could just have a good time with friends and laugh about it.
A "recently released" contender would be Sonic Boom.
Hated it even when it came out. Probably expected smth like The Gothic. Hate it even now, although I love The Witcher 3. 2 is ok
because this was just so much better than everything else, right?
Dead Rising
I couldn't deal with the shitty survivors man
hurr durr
it's a meme game but it shouldn't even be considered for worst game because they set out to make stupid shit and boy they nailed that mark
Bullet Witch.
Doesn't this game make you lose EXP by walking or some shit?
Vampire masquerade bloodlines. Feels like I stepped into a hot topic and the game is too janky for me
>desert bus bad
>eurotruck good
Flotilla, some shitty steam game I got as part of a batch sale.
>he didn't read the spoiler
Dear Esther, I don't even have to think about it
What clan have you picked?
It's a tough choice, but I think Overlord 2 was pretty goddamn bad. I can only imagine what the first game was like.
Recently refunded We. The revolution
The way in which you decide trials is retarded. I only got up to the case n the first act in which a popular revolutionary raped a girl of a rich aristocrat. The public in the viewing gallery wanted him free, the jury and evidence all pointed toward a guilty verdict. I jailed him and lost popularity and integrity with everyone.
The game basically just railroads you into being a first year socialist.
Wait a minute...
That’s because you aren’t on the spectrum and thus are a pleb faggot
Cartoon network's: Project Exonaut
Unironically God Hand. It was one game that Yea Forums tricked me into buying.
>horrendous graphics
>awful camera angle
>stiff movement
>poor action game overall
Easily the worst thing done by Clover/Platinum
i remember having a lot of fun with those ridiculous burger king shovelware xbox games they made back in the day
Back when i had friends that'd actually come over to the apartment instead of meeting somewhere
The original assassins creed sucks dick
As far as just games I've downloaded just because of how bad they are, probably Big Rigs.
But as for games I actually spent money on and expected to be good, Metroid Prime 2.
That dragon cancer (gets extra shit points for such dumb title), Beginner's Guide
Probably either the NES version of Athena, or the Gamegear version of Sailor Moon S. I would have to replay them to decide which one is more awful, and that's not happening.
not sure if anyone has ever played it but dragoneers aria was pretty bad. got it as a budget bin title when i was a bit younger and wow i mean. i just remember not liking the voice acting ALOT and it was paced kinda shitty. thinking back now i dont think it was THAT bad but i can say its the most prominent bad game in my memory. lots of repeated enemies and just weird as fuck difficulty curves too
So much hype from everyone because of the original games.
Returned it in after 3 days it was so terrible.
Strange, good vanilla class for a First-timer. I fucking love the game, played First time recently
You lose HP by running
and you have to choose between earning experience in battle or earning items and abilities.
Didn't this end with everyone dying or something equally as retarded?
I honestly dislike God Hand though I beat it.
It's not the worst game from Platinum/Clover, that distinction has to go to the Ninja Turtles game, with Wonderful 101 not far behind.
any movie game on wii
it's really hard for me to come up with anything because I don't go out of my way to play games that I know I won't like
and I tend to find something enjoyable in every game I play
Pimp my ride
Was so bad
Pokemon. How one could grind levels for that game will forever escape me. You get a party of six pokemon, you load one guy up with the HMs then teach five of them one good move from a specific type so you always have SOMETHING super effective and just spam that one attack at everything for the rest of the game GG theres absolutely no strategy or anything
And enemies never drop money, requiring you to either sell items (which isn't anywhere near lucrative enough to be worthwhile) or traipse back and forth between towns doing repetitive-as-hell deliveries to make money.
No, it ends with no final boss fight. You fight the villain's minion, then there's a long cutscene where the characters repeatedly say shit like "We're about to fight the final boss, yo!" Then there's an earthquake, the villain falls down a fucking hole, and BAM ending sequence.
Ok this is epic
Should’ve asked what’s the worst game you’ve beaten for an actually interesting thread, there’s too much shovelware that is indistinguishable in quality for anything interesting to be said.
Shadow the Hedgehog. I never even bought this game nor did I even want to play it but someone got it for me so I tried it and it was just awful. I got headaches just from playing it.
Probably some of the chinese rom hacks of existing game that have broken controls, missing sprites and whatnot.
Based and redpilled
Fucking Tarzan for the Gamecube. And I played it far longer than I like to admit, because I thought grinding on the branches was cool. But even seven year old me was like "this sucks"
I think it was called Lord of the Rings: the Third age. Basically you didn't play as The Fellowship (Aragor, Frodo, etc. etc.) but instead as a Skullface-esque "THEY WERE THERE ALL ALONG" group of retards who were right behind The Fellowship. The gameplay was overall bad and there was one point in the game where you're stranded as one character and can literall just get fucked over by the enemies spamming delay attacks.
Worst of all was how it shit all over the story of LOTR though. The final boss was literally you fighting the eye of sauron on top of the tower. So stupid.
Advent Rising was the game I was the most disappointed in.
Spider-Man 2. Not the Console versions, not the PC version, but the DS version. It was a sidescroller with shit hit detection and half the boss fights boiled down to using the touchscreen to not die to debris being thrown at you and dying anyway because the game failed to register 3/4 of touchscreen inputs. Shit killed my Christmas back in the day.
Bubsy 3D
>the game is hard so all criticism is invalid
Souls really is the easily the best marketed game ever. It’s a difficult single player game, which was rare when it came out so everyone who fanboyed it got to feel like they were a special snowflake, but it also appealed perfectly to the mlg pro normalfags that represented the majority of gaymers at the time. On top of this the difficulty and overall drone like behavior of your average vidya player meant any and all criticism could be brushed off.
>Do NOT just post a recently released game
That's not hardmode, that's impossible.
It was HP when running.
Never completed it but based off what is saying it was rubbish.
Call of Duty 3 singleplayer
For me, it's not a game thats just broken, because that's way too easy to make it the worst. My least favorite game I've ever played was Night in the Woods. The writing was absolutely horrendous and made the entire experience a good awful slog to get through.
NES Dragon's Lair, spent 1 hour on this years ago after going through games on a ROM compilation, didn't know what the game was like and wasn't aware of its reputation. I wasn't even mad I was just baffled and it taught me a few things like how production can't save a video game from feeling like the developers were mentally deficient and that I would rather have a game be mediocre than bad.
>Yea Forums shilled this for like a month
>10 seconds to post
>writes a paragraph explaining the rules of a hard mode
Well now I can’t in good faith name a game because it’s been like 45 seconds
Phantasy Star Online CARD Revolution
I bought this turd for 45 bucks at gamestop years and years ago.
Luckily, it was used and I could do a full refund within 7 days, which I think I used to buy The Darkness.
This has to be a fucking edit. No way anybody looked at this line and approved it.
>sequel never ever
Fuck you Yea Forums incels
Pokemon _Dash
Sonic 4
Star Wars phantom menace on PS1
3 xtreme
Bart’s nightmare on Genesis
Nah its real. Shadow isn't called an edge lord for no reason you know.
That's not even edge, that's just autism. Good god I'm buying this game right fucking now, it has to be hilarious. The only line I was aware of was "that damn 4th Chaos Emerald."
The only reason I tried it was because this board kept clamoring how the series was good.
Fucking garbage
Well user, you'll be in for a ride, I can tell you that much.
This & pic related.
I like the 2d ones. So I bought heroes.
It was bad & I thought that was just a fluke.
After Shadow I realized Sonic Team were just retarded.
If a game is complicated to play but it doesn't feel entertaining at all when you get good at it it's automatically a contender for worst game ever.
Little big world 3
Holy kek alright
Hey, at least it comes from one of my favorite eras of sonic so it'll at least look familiar.
And the controls were bad.
Circuit Beat
Back to the future, on the nes. When I was a dumbass little kid, I went to some game store and traded Ghosts and Goblins for it.
25 years and I'm still upset at myself.
Wasn't it a good deal? You already played Ghosts and Goblins and it wasn't much better.
Dragon Age Inquisition
Just ended up being tedious and the voice acting and animations and various little glitches throughout the game made it just... unenjoyable
Gone Home. Thought it was going to be a spooky game. Ended up being about a lesbo.
Camera obscura.
I knew it has something going on because I played it like a year after it came out and enjoyed the game.
SA2, journey, proteus
Cytadela. its the only game ive ever had make me nauseous, and i cant figure out what the hell to do in it.
Some shit game called Blade & Bones
Excuse me, but does that sign in fact say 5 cent coffee. The U.S. dollar is waaaaay up in the future
Oh yah, and no mans sky
Fuck you, sean murray
Dragon Age 2 for me, 100%. Felt like there wasn't an inspired bone in that game's body. Terrible narrative with godawful dialogue and telltale-tier fake branching choices. FULL of BLATANT padding. Enter slums at night? Thief waves come at you for 5-10 minutes. Dungeons re-used constantly for side quests. Barely a single interesting character in the whole game. Hawke is actually more bland than the voiceless DA1 protag. Whole game is a joke.
I once argued with someone for an hour because they loved the game.
I like the game, force mage was fun. I think it was only enjoyable because I had AoE spells, though. I enjoyed the story, since I didn't play it on release but played it right before DA:I as it served as a sorta prequel. I see where you're coming from, the waves were pretty ridiculous. And Anders made me want to kill myself.
I feel like if EA didn't fuck them over like they do all the other dev studios and didn't make them rush a product in 8 months, it would've been a lot funner.
I've never liked a video game. so its hard to say which is bad and which is good. I think most people just play any old crap and pretend it's good because its better than shitty real life like me.
Right here. The LJN terminator on Sega Genesis. It has and always will be the worst game I've ever played, with its driving stage being unplayable. Fucking zoomer kids have no idea how got they've got it, back then you had a chance to run into a game that was actually fucking unplayable. It was especially pleasing seeing James rip it to shreds in an AVGN episode because he was not exaggerating there by just how fucking bad that game was.
I've seen way worse games. but the worst game I've personally ever played is asscreed 1
Are you seeing a doc about your depression, user?
>I’ve never liked a video game
Xenosaga 2
I found Doom 2016 to be too repetitive and stale
yes. it was pointless. he just wanted to give me medication. I asked him how a reasonably intelligent person could look at the world and the state of humanity and not be depressed and he had no answer.
>his happiness depends on the state of people he doesn't know, thinks he's SMART for it
Never gonna make it
Easily this, no contest. Every single decision made during development is utterly baffling.
no, reasonably intelligent is different than SMORT
most people are reasonably intelligent.
it's not about people I don't know. its the fact that we as a species have no future. and since people will never voluntarily commit suicide. we must force them.
I will break the cycle of humanity. it will end on my watch. this curse.
Good luck there, supervillain.
t. Shadow
ok, kid
Did you try a psychiatrist? If he's just a GP then yeah, he wanted to give you medicine because that's all he can do. Be probably thinks your brain chemistry's out of whack and trying a SSRI would help. He couldn't answer your question because it's not what he's trained for.
I'm sure I've played worse games that I can't think of right now, but I remember The Adventures of Bayou Billy being pretty shit.
Hope you like falling into pits for no reason
>we as a species
You talk like this but I bet you are a hardcore individualist faggot.
Baten Kaitos
I was lying I will never go to a doctor. there's nothing wrong with me.
you will all join me in the light. in time.
give me one single reason for humanity to exist and I'll reconsider
I've donated thousands of my own dollars to charity. I've fostered numerous online communities and found them all wanting.
I've tried the "le enlightened good guy human" approach. it's time for things to change.
Dragon Age 2. It was the last time I ever pre-ordered a game. It has literally no redeeming qualities and it is a perfect representation of what EA does to game development.
to get into arguments on anime image boards with
Anime tits
Risen 3
One time I got my dick stuck in my zipper
I don't eat an entire plate of shit if I'm offered it.
>i.e. I haven't played a bad game in my life, since I have good judgement
Metroid: Other M
Borderlands: The Prequel
I have never been so bored in my life, even playing with friends.
Yes user because one can always know whether or not they will like a game they haven’t ever played
Space Pirates and Zombies
I picked up Hellblade at full price because I heard it was good and had great sound design. While the sound design was good, I couldn’t justify paying $30 for a game with such simplistic and barebones gameplay and refunded it. If it’s ever below $10, I’ll pick it up. Not a bad game by any means, but it’s a step above walking simulator tier
I agree with this. And what was with the lol oops nuked the planet lol ending? 2 was so go. What happened?
Xcom 2. I already hated turn based games but adding in timed objectives to it pisses me off. But the mods had really cool Halo and WH40k armors.
Ha I rented this so many times
More naked anime pics
>no Zombies Mode
What’s the fucking point then?
Digimon Rumble Arena 2.
I fucking hated this game as a kid. There's fuck all to do. You jump over robots and search desks.
The Witcher 1 was the worst game I ever played in my entire life until it somehow transformed into one of the best games I've played in my entire life
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22 on PS1
Not even as a child who was an obsessive fan of the franchise could I tolerate that shit for more than 20 minutes
>Lords of the Fallen
It’s a slow and bad take on the Souls franchise. Your character is a fat bald dude that can wear either heavy armor, or really heavy armor. That way you can move slow, or really slow.
>implying people are actually equating hard with good.
>not realizing that’s why people keep saying git gud
>taking it seriously
>b-b-b-but hard doesn’t equal good!
>get trolled more
>never learn your lesson
The difficulty provides a challenge that many find enjoyable. In the same way some people might enjoy flight simulator. Difficulty doesn’t equal good, but the developer marketed and made the game for people that like a challenge. It succeeded with what their goals are, and did an effective job at making it fair too.
Sonic Colors for the DS
Probably some indie trash like And Yet it Movies or Doki Doki Universe.
Fable 3
Halo 2 Campaign
Why the fuck did they port this piece of shit to pc?
Colonial Marines
some random ww2 dogfighter on the ds
Yeah, it sucked, but not worthy of being on a terrible games list bruh. For me, it's some hobbit game I played on PS2 back in the day. It sucked ass.
Monster Hunter World. I'm not being edgy, it was a genuinely horrible experience, and I returned the game after bashing my head against it for 6 hours - the only game I have ever returned in my life. I'd never played a Monster Hunter game before but had always been interested and was hearing the word "accessible" being used a lot around its launch. In reality it is the opposite of accessible, it's like somebody went back in time, grabbed a mediocre PS2 game mid-development, brought it back to 2018 and slapped some slightly better graphics in it.
"B-b-b-but the cool music and Arbiter!!!!", cried every Halo tard. It's not difficult to see how shitass Halo 2's campaign is compared to every Bungie's other Halos, I have no clue why people so vehemently defend it.
Super magnetic neo pissed me off but I think I was just bad at it
Secret of the Stars on SNES
Ugly, awful music, horrendous translation and a battle system that made no sense. (why do I need two different parties in different areas of the map?) I only spent like an hour on it but there's no way in hell I would play 30 hours of that shit.
Thought everyone was just meme-ing about how bad it was and had to see for myself. They were not.
I really like the story, but I abhor any type of turn based combat
The original Dragon Quest was pretty shitty.
I don't really remember that many bad games. I guess I just forget them instead of staying mad, or just only pick good stuff.
I suppose They Bleed Pixels also kinda sucked, as far as recent games go.
DMC2 is legitimately bad, DmC is the meme.
Came here to say this, never before or since have I played a game and felt like my time was truly wasted, and I LIKE gameplay light walking simulators
jesus I repressed that memory
I don't think I've ever played a more pretentious time waster
oh please
Resident Evil 6
My anger still burns for 3
Probably Fortnite.
I know, i know, it's not hardmode, but I really tried to think long and hard, and I couldn't come up with a single game that I disliked more than Fortnite.
If I had to choose something else, then maybe that Ride Racer racing game on the PS1, if I remember correctly, or the original Driver.
>it's DBZ, and it's a video game. It must be good!
>2/10? No way it's that bad.
I was a young fool.
I played the shit out of this game with my friends, can't believe it got such bad reviews. I mean, yeah, if you would review it NOW, that's about what I would give it, but back then and as kids and ON THE GBA, it was hella fun. Beat all of the other ones on the GBA too. =)
Played it for an hour then dropped it. I really don’t know what “people” see in it.
Maybe it is one of those games where you need to spoil it beforehand so you know there is stuff to actually look forward too.
Sonic 2006
Dragon Quest 1 at least has novelty going for it. You can play it and appreciate the simplicity of it.
Dragon Quest 2, however, is the only DQ came I couldn't bring myself to finish.
I went blind and it was ok, maybe it was the timing of the release that really helped it
Final Fantasy 1.
Mostly I hated how overpriced potions and inns where and how easily you could get an unwinnable fight, but I also disliked how stats increased and basically everything else about the game too.
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets on gameboy, it doesn't even finish the movies story
depression quest for all of the 2 minutes it took to write a review stating the collectors edition included a 9mm with 1 bullet
It sounds like you are fucking blessed user. Teach me your ways
Sonic Colors
It was so bad and boring that it's the only game I've never bothered to complete
Or coffee is is in high demand and short supply? Or manufacturing costs are down considerably.