The legend will never die.
The legend will never die.
I just want to see the film.
What's the point of a jumpscare if you see it coming
>can't call it five grabs at cash anymore because it's on 7 or 8 now
I'm not a furry but I would fuck the chicken
I guess everything is nothing but a cash grab now, hm.
>i'm not a furry but i'm a furry
>best bot in full 3D VR
My body is not ready.
The fox is the best character.
The purble bunny boy is good too.
Which fox?
OG Foxy would be God tier qt if he were fat.
i unironically like fnaf and think scott is a great person.
He's always been a based dev, even if his decisions can be strange at times. Especially regarding the novels.
This only nu fags hate him
>that spoiler
got to be honest here, seeing them walking towards you isn't as scary as them just popping out of nowhere.
True, but there's still that sense of "Oh shit they saw me and I can't stop my imminent doom".
That set by toto/bebebebebe of Foxy getting fucked nightly is god tier.
Same actually, most people who hate it here seem to hate the fanbase and obnoxious-ness of it. Or the gameplay, because a lot of the games are repetitive and boring at times.
Even if you dislike the games, only a pleb would hate on Scott. Dude is a genuinely wonderful person.
I hope he throws some shade in the game at Matpat
Yeah, that's great and all, but when are we getting a new Desolate game?
>she canonically moves around like a spider to places she can't reach in her room
hope we get to see this in HW
>"Admit it: you wanted to let me in."
>an ancient evil awakens
Scott threw in the towel at that point. He basically just rolled with the freaks.
>tfw remembering the optimism i had for horror games when FNAF and PT dropped around the same time
She was always meant to be for the horny people, she was designed specifically to distract the adults while Baby and Funtime Freddy grabbed the kids.
Some more gameplay footage. That Toy Freddy walking down the hall.
Fuck, it would be so much better if they didn't walk. Imagine that scene but with him periodically "teleporting". Maybe when you flash your light, you can see him juuust get to his position. Sort of like the fun with plushtrap minigame.
You mean how it is in the 2D FNAF2 where they get closer every time you check the cameras? Works in the 2D games, but in 3D I feel it would look kinda cheap and hokey.
>Toy Freddy strutting at 0:54
I know I'm supposed to find this creepy but all I could think was 2 things seeing that. "hot dot hot dog hot diggity dog" and "on my way to fuck yo ass".
Maybe a mix of both. The uncannyness of how they just sort of pop around really contributes to the creepy atmosphere
Can I fuck a robot in VR?
Imagine seeing Foxy running down the hallway when you're in the FNAF 1 office.
>swiggity swooty, I'm comin' for that booty
From the footage we do have the pop-out jumpscares and the sudden jumpscares along with some "Holy shit they saw me here they come I'm so fucked" scares.
I think Scott's great and I even kinda dig the games. I don't actually give a fuck to play them buy I still buy them during sales just to throw a few bucks his way since he's a decent dude and I do like reading about the story people piece together for the games. If I was more furry I'd probably get really fucking degenerate really fast with 'em, but as it is I just occasionally jerk off to porn of it simply for the robots. I'd also get more degenerate with that too but I don't hang out in FNAF threads on /vg/ or anything so I'm contained.
>People were scared of this.
Wow, not prerendered animatronics kinda look like shit. That's just not scary at all.
People do tend to be taken aback by seeing something unexpected, yes.
Will any game in the series ever have the same level of atmosphere that FNAF 1 did?
>actual images from a game
Sadly that only worked once and it all just fell apart from there.
I keep getting why boners whenever Funtime Chica does her interference in Ultimate Custom Night.
So like any and all scary points of any media.
o oh. its time for another game theory
is fox evil
is purple guy really purple
does my wife hide that black penis shaped candy in the closet to hoard it.
who knows
thanks for watching
>last 2 games are free
>cash grab
>Scott hired a porn artist to help work on the game
the game itself may be meh, but that ambience is amazing
Remember when tumblr tried to portray purple guy as some sexy creepy anime antagonist like fucking kira when in reality this is supposedly what William Afton really looked like?
fuckin kek
steelwool said they tried that and it did end up looking more silly in VR.
Two porn artists, actually, and the second one also does some pretty gory FNAF stuff, too.
Didn't like 2 or World that much but it's a pretty good series.
I love all male foxes
Well I've never tried VR so I guess I can believe them. This is probably one of those franchises where the dynamic changes a lot when you feel like you're actually there. you get to really get a sense for the scale of the robots and all that.
You mean "Vincent" as imagined by Rebornica? Oh, we all remember that, I don't think it can ever be forgotten. Funny thing is while many people aped her concept some did make some nice art with him.
>tumblr fetishizes serial killer
Jesus fucking christ Rebornica regrets to this day ever getting involved with FNAF because of that kind of shit. She fucking hates it.
One thing you can admire the fanbase for is their dedication to making the characters with progressively better models and putting them to use in music videos.
You think Scott actually had this whole ass story planned out or did he just kinda feed off the public's theories and stuff as each game was released
Mangle is cute CUTE
Good effort, but I would need better art.
Lmao at all the instant downplaying, this is an instant day 1 purchase for me and a lot of others.
Vr killer app right here, suk it haters
Mangle is beautiful lady
He definitely had a core idea for each game, but having to connect them all together is what made the story such a fucking confusing mess. That's what happens to a story when the idea guy has nobody to keep him in check
Name another game that had Mexicans doing musical stage productions of it.
A little bit of both.
Gotta give the man props for being able to take a complaint leveled at his games, and spin it into a successful franchise
>Playstation VR
I'm so sick of sony hoarding all the good VR games like a cunty dragon
it's coming out on pc too
A year later? Or at the same time
>when in reality this is supposedly what William Afton really looked like
That's a sexy creepy anime antagonist as portrayed by a tumblr artist, too. The closest thing to an official description of William Afton that this series has is from the books, which only mention that he used to be so fat that he was able to survive the springlocks going off.
He's an autistic furfag but was normal enough to have kids and become a CEO so he was probably not a freak, just really average.
Could be really spooky
All the other animatronics from her game are confirmed so it'd be weird to leave her out
Well technically she's a robot, so it doesn't count.
That is straight up a Goosebumps cover.
"William Afton should have the voice of a snake oil salesman"-Scott Cawthon when casting William Afton
Cheap and hokey is this series' modus operandi though. That's like half the charm and helps give off the impression of an 80s horror flick.
Probably at the same time considering they announced that right out the gate.
I really have no idea who is playing these games but they're the most boring looking shit I've ever seen. The only person I know who has every played them is my severely autistic little cousin.
I bet he originally intended the novels to be canon to the series but had to make them separate.
The first book already defied the games pretty blatantly, though I wouldn't rule it out that original drafts, if they existed, were closer to the canon.
The books are already the Jorge Joestar of FNAF (but genuinely bad), so doing a hyper-detailed novel set in a continuity popular for its vagueness would be dumb.
Why does Yea Forums like this cancer again? Is this place really ran by teenage zoom zooms?
Great idea, poor execution. The actual animatronics are far creepier in looks and movement. It should have been closer to the real thing, but instead the FNaF characters looks lame and plastic.
But it was popular as hell as is so who knows.
No not really you get used to it extremely quickly they stop looking creepy and start looking autistic fairly quickly
porn vr when?
The real thing is a different kind of creep.y They're unintentionally creepy, they're designed to not obviously look like robots. The FnaF designs are the opposite, they're obviously trying to look like robots and creepy and it falls flat. They don't look like something you'd actually see at something like Chuck E. Cheese.
Give me the lore on Scott.
I remember the FNAF original threads, people thought Foxy was funny
practically braindead
Christfag who made a shitty jumpscare series that children and autists on Yea Forums enjoy.
youre here arent you
I always thought some of the characters did a decent job at emulating an uncanny valley sort of feeling but never hit upon how actual animatronics look.
>Forgetting the christfag games and the Desolate Room/Desolate Hope games he made.
I hope Souldozer rapes you in your sleep.
Fledgling video game developer, made games that sold poorly, was going to quit and wageslave should his next game flop, God blessed him with success.
Being a good Christian man meant he didn't have the heart to jew his fanbase and made free games.
I know nothing about FnAF but those fucked up robots look pretty cool. Who made them? Why are they trying to eat the player?
Made some shitty games on Steam, Jim Sterling called him out on how shit his games were and complained about, amongst other things, how his stuff looked like "creepy animatronics"
Scott, instead of throwing a bitchfit at the criticism, took his games down then came back with FNAF1, which promptly blew the fuck up
I want to learn Scott's modelling techniques. How does a christian man like him come up with this shit?
>Souldozer actually makes a cameo appearance in FNAF World as a boss
Whole deal with FNaF is that the animatronics are possessed/evil/whatever, point is they're alive at night and see anyone who isn't an animatronic as missing their suit, which they shove you into if they catch you and murder the shit out of you
Later on it turns into some shit with the spirits of dead children or something, I don't fucking know
Don't like the games, but Scott is a great guy and I'm glad he finally found success.
Oh, so nobody built the fucked up one with a giant mouth? It just sort of became that way because ghosts? Eh, I guess that's ok.
Actually the one with the giant mouth was built by a guy to torture his kid so he doesn't go anywhere near the pizza joint when he was doing all the killings.
Kid goes there and gets his head crushed by one of the real animatronics in the restaurant anyway.
I love all foxy lines in that last game, but they just can't top Mr. Hippo senile rants.
The games kind of dance around what's a real robot and what's supernatural at times, so who knows.
Ultimate Custom Night in general was fun until this little fucking cunt shows up.
All the nightmare animatronics except Nightmare Fredbear and... Nightmare... are real.
You must only reference the best early 00's video card box art
The sharp edgy animatronics with the large mouths and orange eyes are all the product of a brain damaged vegetable's nightmares.
Let’s be honest that’s a fucking sick ass name
They confirmed theyre not using any of the games animatronics, which is retarded
Is this gonna be the VR game that gives someone a heartattack
I liked how the first one did have any supernatural elements, they straighht up tell you why theyre acting this way
so a freddy movie without fucking freddy in it?
Stop bullshitting. Scott has said multiple times that there isn't a script yet. He's gotten a bunch of them, but he's axed them all.
The original was actually pretty cool, and if you go back in the archives, you'll see that the original threads for FNAF were pretty chill.
Everything after the first game was an absolute shitshow.
>People make fun of your obscure little pre-rendered indie game projects
>You are now the crownless king sitting on a liars chair made of silver.
I am happy for Cawthon, hopefully he'll be able to prematurely retire soon.
What I find kind of annoying is that he really should be thanking Jim Sterling, both in word and possibly financially, for giving him the criticism needed to start this series.
If anything Scott should just go all out on a "LOOK AT ME NOW" rant
He wouldn't be anywhere if it weren't for diligent critics like Jim doing their jobs. He'd be a wageslave.
>ballora: 6.2ft
>baby: 7.5ft
FnaF 1 will always remain the most kino of the series
this looks like a weird YouTube cover for a creator that no one likes
Ah... It seems that your journey has ended. Very sorry about that - It was always going to end this way, of course. If it weren't by me, it would've just been by some other.. y'know, terrible thing just... You could not imagine how terrible it would be. Just... I get scared thinking about it! Glad it's not me.
Reminds me of a.. of a time I was speaking to my good friend Orville. We were... we were sitting on a park bench watching the pigeons. I was on the left, he was on the... oh wait. Was I on the right?.. or left? Anyways, it doesn't matter. We were sitting on there, watching the pigeons, and I.. uh.. I said to Orville:
"Friend, those birds are frozen!"
He... kinda looked at me like I'd lost my mind. But I reminded him that it was winter, y'know? And often birds will sit in a tree until they'd freeze... Then they'd, they'd, you know, sort of fall to the ground until the sun warms up, an- and they can, y'know, move around again.
So I said to Orville "You'd might as well save those breadcrumbs until the birds thaw, because they can't very well enjoy them in the condition they're in."
To which he asked what I meant, and asking what condition the crumbs should be in before he threw them to the birds, assuming that I had meant the birds couldn't enjoy the breadcrumbs in the condition that the crumbs were in, when in fact I had meant the birds couldn't enjoy them in the condition that the birds were in, considering the birds were frozen, y'know?
So he took a moment and then threw his last handful onto the ground. I said to him "Orville, why did you throw the breadcrumbs to the birds when I just told you they're frozen?"
To which he responded "The breadcrumbs are not frozen," again misunderstanding my words. I didn't mean to say that the breadcrumbs were frozen when I told you they're frozen. I've been referring to the birds.
You know, in hindsight, what I - what I should've said was - and this would make perfect sense: "Why did you throw the breadcrumbs to the birds when the birds are frozen?"
He misunderstood upon my correction, stating that he didn't know what else to do with the breadcrumbs, and that perhaps, y'know, when the birds thawed they'd still be able to eat the crumbs.
So I...I..I said to Orville - I said - This is what I said to him - I said:
"Orville, the birds may be dead."
My friend, you have met a terrible, terrible demise. But, I, uh, y'know, I - I - I don't feel too bad about it. After all, if it weren't for me it would've just been from someone else, y'know? I guess what I'm trying to say is life - life goes on. Well... Well for everyone else life goes on. Not - not for you.. uh.. You're dead. That's neither here nor there.
It reminds me of one summer day in the park. I was having just a delightful picnic with my good friend Orville, and I said to him - I said "Orville, I-I have a story."
And he said to me "What's the significance of the story?" and...
I said to him "O-Orville, not every story has to have significance, y'know? Sometimes, uh, y'know, sometimes a story is just a story. You try to read into every little thing and find meaning in everything anyone says you'll just drive yourself crazy. Had a friend do it once - Wasn't pretty. We talked about it for years. And not only that, but you'll likely end up believing something you shouldn't believe, thinking something you shouldn't think, o-or assuming something you shouldn't assume, y'know?"
Sometimes I said "A story is-is just a story, so just be quiet for one second in life and eat your sandwich, okay?" Of course, it was only then I realized I'd made sandwiches.
Poor Orville was... having such difficulty eating it. Elephants have those clumsy hands, y'know? Actually, I-I suppose that's the problem. They don't have hands at all, do they? The-they're all feet! An-I-I couldn't imagine someone asking me to eat a sandwich with my feet.
Now, if I recall correctly there was a bakery nearby. I said to him, "Orville, let me go get you some rye bread." Now, I-I'm unsure if elephants enjoy rye bread, but I assure you that Orville does.
Now this was on a Tuesday, which was good because rye bread was always fresh on Tuesday. They made sourdough bread on Monday, and threw it out Wednesday... or rather they sold it at a discount for people wanting to feed the ducks, and probably at the end of the day finally they threw it all out - I don't recall.
I do remember a man who would bring his son to the bakery every Wednesday and go feed the ducks. He would buy all of the sourdough bread. Of course, y'know, you're not supposed to feed the ducks sourdough bread at all. It swells up in their stomach and then they all die. At, uh.. at least... at least that's what I've heard. Y'know I-I never saw any ducks die myself, but I did notice a substantial decrease in the duck population over the course of a few years. I just never thought to stop the man and tell him that he was killing the ducks by feeding them sourdough bread! And if you want my opinion on the matter, heh - and I told Orville this as well - "If you wanna feed ducks, or birds, or any kind for that matter, it's best to buy seed."
I mean, when you think about it, breads of any sort don't occur in nature. They don't grow on trees, or spring up from the bushes. I don't think birds know what to do with bread. What was I saying?
Oh-oh, yes yes.
So I bought Orville some rye bread. What a fine day it was.
Eh.. It seems that you have met a-a horrible demise, my friend. But.. uh.. you know, these.. These things happen in - in life. Life goes on. Not for you, obviously, uh, you're dead, but uh.. It reminds me of a time. I was - I was having a conversation with my friend Orville. We were, uh.. we were.. - the river. We were sitting by the river watching the fish leap over the falls, and I said to Orville:
"Sometimes I feel like a fish leaping over and over again, always trying to get somewhere. No, I don't know where...or only to find to find myself in the jaws of a beast."
He, of course, looked at me.. eh.. surprised, you know?
"Have you been in the jaws of a beast, friend?"
To which I said "No, of course not, Orville."
I said "No, no, no, no, no. I simply meant that life can seem like a relentless endeavor... Overcome meaningless obstacles, only to meet an equally meaningless fate, regardless of your efforts. Regardless of the obstacles you've passed."
And.. uh.. Orville, he stood and proceeded to drape me with a picnic cloth, to which I asked him, I said "Friend, what - what are you doing?"
He looked at me... very concerned, really. "I feel like you've gotten too much sun." Indeed, heh. Indeed I had.
I don't care for the games, stopped caring for the lore after SL, but Scott is an extremely based person.
I am grateful to have been involved with the one place on earth where the fanbase wasn't insufferable or COMPLETELY autistic.
He proceeded to pour me a glass of... just... ice-cold lemonade... Ooh. Ever mix it with iced tea? I do like... little half-lemonade half-...oh, it's so - you should try it someti- oh, wait. You can't because you're dead. But, anyways...
So you may be asking yourself, "How did I go from sitting by the falls to drinking lemonade, to being wedged in the air duct? Not only with Orville, but with an entire assortment of fruity colored friends."
Well, there's.. uh.. There's really no good answer to that, but perhaps I've met a demise of my own at some point, and this is my afterlife or my dream - whatever it might be. I honestly don't know... Or... Maybe it doesn't mean anything at all.
Maybe it doesn't mean anything at all.
Huh, it seems that you have met your end. Ugh, what a pity. Yknow I-I dont feel too bad about it, though. After all, if it weren’t me, it would’ve just been one of the others, I guess. I’m honestly just glad to be out of those air ducts. Y’know it’s-it’s not easy for a hippopotamus to fit up there, and not easy to get down either. I’m not as young as I used to be, as you can see. I used to be able to do all the sorts of things. Y-you’re young, you’re vibrant, you have that sort of pep in your step.
"Heh, reminds me of a conversation that I was havin’ with one of my good friends Orville. We were havin’ a nice picnic one day. I believe it was summer or perhaps it was...was it the fall? Yes, yes. It was the fall because the leaves had turned already. But I said to Orville I says, ‘Orville I have a story to tell you,’ and Orville looked at me--y’know, kinda odd--and, and said,
“‘What’s it about?’
“I said to him, ‘not every story has to be about something Orville. Sometimes a person just wants to talk. Why does everything have to be a story?’ I said to him.
“He just looked at me. He said, ‘Well y-you said you had a story.’ Y’know he was quite right. I did in fact. I told him I had a story.
I suppose if a person just wants to talk then it’s best to not announce that you’re telling a story. Tellin’ a story does come with its own pressures and expectations I-I suppose. After all, if you’re just talking to a friend then there’s no more expectations than if you were talkin’ into the wind. Words by themselves aren’t expected to carry--uh, aren’t expected to stick, but if, y’know, if you announce that you’re tellin’ a story well then there’d better be a point to it all, y’know? No one wants to sit and listen to someone ramble on and on and on with absolutely no end in sight. So, y’know it’s-it’s good to be mindful of that when you tell someone that you’re about to tell a story, that you have something to say. Tellin’ someone that you’re gonna tell them a story is tantamount to askin’ them to stop what they’re doin’ and--and pay attention.
“You’re basically sayin’, ‘hey, hey buddy, stop everything, stop what you’re thinking. I have a solution to everything.’ And well I didn’t really have a story to tell. In-in hindsight I-I probably just misspoke when I said that I had a story. I think it would’ve just been better to tell Orville that I wanted to tell him something, rather than tell him that I had a story. But, y’know, even then it mighta put too much importance on the whole thing.
Either way, it was quite a nice day. I remember--I remember that we were drinking tea.
I like you mr. hippo but you're kinda shitting up the thread
For some reason FNAF 1's ambience used to haunt my nightmares
Every nightmare just had it in the background
Can someone PLEASE give me a accurate rundown on lore. i've played the games but I still don't understand shit outside of some autistic aussie murdering a few kids and putting them in suits.
The Wiki is fucking useless and I'm not touching FagPat's Gay Theories with a 30 foot pole
Scott is one of the reason i still have hope in life.
Guys was 40 something years old, all his games were either hated or unknown (desolate hope), he did one last project, out of complete desperation, and actually believed it would fail and that he would have to find another job because he wasn't doing good.
And now he's a fucking millionaire.
An Australian Bogdanoff buys out an ailing mascot restaurant, franchises the motherfucker, and uses it to satisfy his literal child murder, robofurry and immortality boner. Kids/industry peons are killed/experimented on either directly or by robotic proxies, leading to all manner of spooks and boogens.
And also dunks on youtube whores in his spare time.
I said this before and I will say it again. There is potential there, having 3D models of the animatronics you can actually see moving around in the dark can work really well if the game sets an atmosphere.
I think he had the right direction in 1 and even in 2 mostly. It's from 3 onwards the character design direction went too far down "blatantly evil death robots" rather than "malfunctioning animatronics aimed at kids"
>FNAF is still a thing
were the 10 games and spinoffs over the span of 4 years not enough for you
Made some wholesome family games and what is now a cult favourite RPG with robots.
His family games got criticised for the characters looking like creepy animatronics.
Decided to take one last punt at games with the creepy animatronics idea. Came at the right time for the YouTube exposure that he's now a success.
Donates tons to charities because he's a good Christian man and releases games for free. Clearly feels bad if ever the fanbase is upset about things. Seems like a nice dude overall.
Extra fun fact: He tried to crowdfundFNAF1. It didn't take off, but he ended up just making it anyway.
He took down the crowfuding after just one weem
Who THE FUCK even plays FNAF?
>still talking about fnaf
>No Mangle in the picture
She's not a Foxy, she's her own thing.
The guy managed to make a horror game with unique mechanics and changed the game mechanics with every release. Also his games are pretty inexpensive. I don't like the game but I respect the hell out of scott
>ywn have a robot girlfriend to love and maintain and upgrade
Fnaf 2’s old manimatronics will always be my favorite.
The FNAF animatronics look like they’re made out of shit animatronics would be made out of
Same, I don't really like the games, but the only thing I dislike about Scott is his weird religious ideas
The Withered Animatronics have always been my favorite too, with the OG and Funtimes a close second.
The basic idea of malfunctioning 80's animatronics going haywire and trying to eat some loser night shift security guard is fucking gold. FNAF is criminally overlooked as a very effectively tense game design. The scares are fucking scary with all that buildup.
Scott is such a good character designer
No on ecares about you or your opinion.
FnaF 4 is the only game I cannot play, it's just too mean and unrewarding.
>Yea Forums likes this trash
what is this autism
I hate the sound mechanics.
I remember when Yea Forums liked the game. Then it became popular and Yea Forums immediately hated it, just like with every other game.
He knows his audience.
Why do you hide inside the walls?
When there is music in my halls.
Terminator Bonnie is the best one.