When you first saw Halo, were you blinded by its majesty?
When you first saw Halo, were you blinded by its majesty?
Paralyzed? Dumb-struck?
Disappointed mostly. I'm not a toddler so it wasn't my first FPS.
>Disappointed mostly. I'm not a toddler so it wasn't my first FPS.
Why would it not being your first FPS make it disappointing? It wasn't mine but i was amazed
Because it's literal dogshit compared to anything that was out on PC at the time.
>Because it's literal dogshit compared to anything that was out on PC at the time.
No it wasn't
I thought the sun effect was neat. That's about it.
If only zoomers could comprehend how good this looked at the time.
Unreal says hi.
Yes, until I got to the part where the Flood is introduced
I was impressed by the warthog physics
i've still only played the demo (silent cartographer mission), plus multiplayer and halo ce multiplayer
>Unreal says hi.
Yes, what about it? The two games go for two completely different feelings
>tfw dumbass 8~ year old me got to the 343 Guilty Spark mission at like 1am in the morning
I wasn't prepared
Why didn't they just do this to the flood
I thought it was pretty neat, co-op SP was amazing
Unreal had worse graphics
Unreal tournament 99 is better then quake 3 tho
It wasn't my fps but yes I was awestruck
Very. I played through the second mission (and the library) countless of times over and over again. Tbh I can't wait for the Halo Remastered for the PC.
Its a good game too, no need to fight about it.
>playing the library over and over
you might be the only person Ive seen admit to enjoying that slog. second level is correct though
>mommy didn't buy you an xbox
>stuck playing 90s shooters on dad's pc
>all your friends got an xbox
>they were all playing halo
>you pretended you hated it as a coping mechanism
>to this day you conflate your misgivings about childhood and your parents with this one fucking video game
It's been 18 years bro, it's time to put this behind you. Halo: CE was revolutionary, and no misplaced childhood seething is going to change that. It's not that it did stuff that had never been done or innovated any brand new mechanics, but it expertly wove them together in an experience that, for its time, had production values through the roof.
muh puzzle shooter with le wacky weapons and bunnyhopping
I was like how old?
>he doesn't know
isn't this from that one comic?
You braindead fucking retards who play shooters with a controller should be hanged. You don't deserve to breathe the same air as me.
Assault on the Control Room was the level that impressed me.
Where did the Spartans in halo 5 come from. Why was MC the only spartan from Halo 1 to 4?
As someone who played a fuck-ton of Unreal and UT back in the day I thought Halo was also pretty cool. I was more excited for the original version of course but even the final Xbox version had some impressively large and relatively seamless environments. And it did a good job making FPS work on console by using the limitations of the controller to shape the gameplay, slowing everything down and blending arena (even starts, map control) and tactical elements (weapon limit, team-focused gameplay). And the vehicles really added another layer to everything.
I never bought an Xbox for it but I always had fun playing it with friends and at lan parties and such.
Oh shit yes especially the outdoor part, my young self me couldn't comprehend the vastness of it.
>Unreal says hi.
Gonna play through it again now. Wish me luck on nading the elite and stealing the banshee on the bridge in the "snow level".
>yes, it has been that long
>It’s been 18 years bro
Yeah and unfortunately that means you can finally post here legally, but that has nothing to do with how generic and simple Halo is. It’s easy to see anything at that age as “expertly woven” because you’re brain was still developing, stunted but developing.
It's been on PC for 16 years. That doesn't really have anything to do with the game itself though.
>using people with down syndrome for your reactionary images
I hope you get beaten up on the street.
Absolutely seething
Unreal didn't have single player since the first game in like 1997 or whatever.
Did you even read who I replied to you fucking mouthbreather? Also don't pretend you casual faggots didn't play this garbage and CoD on a console like the absolute fucking mongoloids you are.
Kill yourself, you sensitive fucking nigger.
1-3 takes place over 3 months. And everything after doesn't really count anyways. It's all fan fiction published by MS.
I've played it recently, and it holds up much better than most of the 90s shooters you're going to task for. And I've been posting here legally for 12 years. Somehow, I doubt you're much older, if at all.
You can't help it, you grew up shoveling shit into your mouth so you don't know any better.
Halo was about the ring planet, I mean did the creators ever thought this would be a franchise? If not I would believe they would name is Spartan instead.
is that Travis the fucking moonstar?
Story in hl and presentation sucked balls compared to halo released on pc at that time. I guess you are too young to remember those times correctly
I thought the graphics were really good but it was my first fps on a console and I hated the controls. I also thought the regenerating shield made it too easy.
You replied to me. The game is on PC, so I don't get what your problem is. I guess you were just that butthurt as a kid. The whole acting elitist about mouse and keyboard shtick is really tired and played out by the way. No one fucking cares.
It's a meme originating from issue 10 of Escalation where Master Chief ejects the section of the ring that the Didact is on to kill him
It's so fucking absurd that people legitimately destroyed some of their copies after witnessing this crap
Hl had better gameplay
lol if that's what you call "having friends", you fucking loser
>Jaime Griesemer: Growing up I was a console kid, for sure, so Xbox was exciting to me. But I was pretty skeptical thatHalo was going to be right fit because there hadn’t really been console shooters. Even playingGoldenEyefelt like garbage next to PC shooters. It’s fine given the constraints, but I would play against my friends and destroy them since I was the only one playing it like you would on PC. Everybody else felt handicapped by that controller.
>Marty O’Donnell: Nobody is more responsible for the feel ofHalocontrols than Jaime Griesemer. He was the one that really thought everything about the controller through. Like, what is it you do with a mouse and keyboard that you have to now do with the thumbsticks? Nobody had figured that out. And he was sitting there, really fine-tuning controls, probably more than anybody.
>Jaime Griesemer: There’s a lot of code inHalothat interprets what you’re doing—how fast did you move there, what are you looking at? If it’s an enemy, we can assume that when you slow down, you’re trying to aim. So there are pages and pages that interpret the input that comes in, in a way that isn’t blatant and in your face. We tried to conceal how much help we’re giving the player.
>Stuart Moulder: It essentially buffers your movements, so that you get the movement you wanted, not necessarily the one you were making. Which gives you a really controlled, precise experience, beyond what your thumb could actually give you, unassisted.
>Jaime Griesemer: The real shine of theHalocontrols is all in the small details. Like how you can only carry two weapons, so you just need one button to switch between them. A lot of why that came about was due to technical limitations—you don’t want to switch to a weapon and then wait for its animation and textures to load.
I guess you are too young to remember that the goldsource engine shat all over your floaty, slow garbage game. But sure, muh story. Fucking casual faggot.
>waaaah you didn't have a console to play it
>b-b-ut it's on PC
There is nothing elitist about it, shooters are literally unplayable compared to mouse and keyboard.
You sure told me, normalfag.
>Halo rings can magically section off parts like LEGOs now
I... w-what? fucking WHAT? Does 343 not understand BASIC PHYSICS?
No, it was going to be one game and then it was going to have one sequel and then it was going to be a trilogy and then they had to make more to get out of their contract and then Microsoft decided to keep making them without the creators
>all my shooters need to play the same exact way
Have fun b hopping against bots in ugly brown hallways all day because nobody plays your dead game anymore
It's hilarious that your entire argument revolves around the idea that people who like Halo only like it because they lacked the "maturity" to recognize it as "garbage", when you type and act like a petulant 15 year old.
Why are you so mad?
I don't like casual faggots on my board. Go wank over your shit game on reddit.
U r retarded. I told u about story and it's presentation and you are still trying to hold on muh goldsource is better in every way. Fucking idiot.
Wait the didact survived halo 4?
Unreal came out in 1998
I've been on "your" board for over a decade, probably longer than you have. Probably longer than you've had pubic hair.
Nah no franchise, Bungie wanted to go & make an RPG & a Minecraft like game for their next projects
Microsoft meddling kind of talked them into one more sequel to wrap it up, then it turned into a franchise
Because it's literally irrelevant. It's a video game. Gameplay is the only thing that matters you retarded last of us playing chimp.
I've been here longer than you've been alive you retarded shitstain.
Yes, and immediately died right after in a comic.
And then they killed him off in a COMIC BOOK that barely anyone read.
I have no fucking clue. 343 is retarded.
you can't even elaborate as to how the games are supposedly shit, shut the fuck up you baby lmao
>my board
ahaha what a fucking faggot crying that nobody gives a shit about his dead game, be forever insecure and obsessed over "inferior" console shooters faggot ahahaha
I guess u r just trolling now
>I was pretending autismo all along
That are your exact words right?
Considering that the world wide web didn't exist when I was born, I find that hard to believe.
You like Halo, child. It's time to stop pretending.
Why is it every time someone talks about Halo some Fat ugly incel has to come shit up the thread?
I'd urge you to take your own advice. Like I said in my original post, this level of hostility and juvenile rage can't be just about a video game. See a therapist.
remember the time when first saw this youtube.com
Fun fact: games on HUAG Xbox started using programmable shades in games before major pc releases.
Take the hint and kill yourself off of Yea Forums.
Obsessed quake fags upset that a game plays differently
And it was shit compared to final product
literally spent hours just walking around and looking at those speeding flares
looked great at the time
It's been 18 years. People who were 10 when the game was released are 28 now.
I sincerely hope you're some poser 20 year old who spent too much time on /vr/ and is trying to act cool. The idea that some guy in his 30s or even 40s is spending his Friday night frothing at the mouth over a game that's almost two decades old is indescribably sad.
I don't browse /vr/ and it's morning. A game's age doesn't matter when it's literal dogshit.
Stop playing shit games you fucking console subhumans.
>cinematic trailer
figuratively nothing
>that scene in CE when that big chunk of Halo ring flies into the other side and wrecks it
superb idea for a game bound by a controller that necessitates using your thumbs to aim
not true & it's shaders, not shades
fuck i hate console gamers who throw out technical terms to sound smart without knowing what they mean
"PC doesn't have GDDR5"
Yes, actually.
I just played the Halo trilogy for the first time a few months ago. I had never played them before. And despite playing modern games on current consoles with current gen graphics, I was legitimately blown away by the Halo games.
And my awe was compounded with knowledge that this shit came out so long ago. It must have blown people away when they first played these games on release.
Entering the halo ring for the first time, expanding that light bridge. I was floored, and I played it a few months ago for the first time. I'm actually stunned how something that good came out so long ago.
Not memeing.
>"Blocks your kino"
Turok, Perfect Dark, 007, Armored Marines, etc on the N64 doesn't count since you're autistic?
>I don't browse /vr/
Is that a tacit admission that you're a 20 year old poser? You being Eurotrash explains a lot though.
It has nothing to do with autism. If you play shooters with a controller you should be publicly executed.
That's a real fucking stretch you troglodyte. I don't browse /vr/ because there is literally no point to the board.
Why did you feel the need to deny it if it didn't apply to you? I gave you two options, and you're so insecure you responded to both. Says a lot about you, kid.
I thought the concept of an artificially created ozone layer and weather system and vegetation was a little meta and cool. Of course, I was a lot more focused on how fun the game was to play with friends.
Absolutely. I avoided shooters on console because the controls were ass. Even GoldenEye and Perfect Dark were just total shit to control. But Halo seemed like the kind of shooter you'd get on PC and the premise was neat so I got it. And damn if it didn't nail it. Looking up and seeing the ring fade into the distance, the huge sea next to you, it felt like you'd explore a whole world. And you kind of did. By early 2000s standards. And it kept mixing it up. Grassy, desert, snow, alien interiors. Vehicles, on foot, light stealth. Big action sequences and quiet awe of what you were seeing. Great game that eventually devolved as a series into generic pew pew. It's still good at it but it lost the wonder.
>no, I don't
What the actual fuck is this preschool logic? You really are underage.
Jesus fuck, it's not a ring shape for shits and giggles. That's like cutting a square hole out of a balloon and expecting it to stay inflated.
It's easy as fuck to find a free download with full campaign and online working, why don't you?
no mouse right now lol, i guess i could go for the full console experience
You are so braindead that you can't comprehend the simple concept that the two scenarios are mutually exclusive. Why even bother denying that you go on /vr/ if the "20 year old poser" bit doesn't apply to you? If you were actually the pathetic 30-40 something who spends his weekends seething over a game almost two decades old that you are desperately pretending to be, you wouldn't feel compelled to acknowledge any part of the first scenario.
Forerunner tech tends not to make sense, not under bungie and especially not under 343 where everything floats, forerunners float, metal bits and structures float.
Oh yeah dude Yea Forums never liked Halo and never talked about the games when they were new. Captain King? Yeah that never happened.
>Why even bother denying that you go on /vr/
Because I don't browse the board and don't want to be associated with the fucking hipster faggots that do. I literally couldn't care less about some fucknugget trying to guess my age.
why in the name of fucking ass dont you have a working mouse?
The PC version doesn't really have any controller support.
Not him but The Library is god tier for coop, just gunning down Flood with your bro and getting Sentinel support. Really dig the atmosphere, its quite unique compared to every other level.
>I literally couldn't care less about some fucknugget trying to guess my age.
That must be why you've been desperately trying to justify it for the past hour.
...and what else do you play them with...??
dumb nigger
I never said anything about my age.
...dude I have no idea, maybe a mouse...???
...or like a keyboard...??? ...maybe...?
Don't be disingenuous.
You've spent the whole thread accusing people of being children. You're the one that brought up age in the first place.
Yeah, you are a fucking toddler. I never said anything about mine though.
How the hell do you play a shooter with a keyboard?! How do you aim??
yea i didnt get it either
same thing with call of doody 4 though 5 was alright i guess
Are you kidding?! Isnt that harder than just using a controller? Or do you just kind of get used to it. That's weird
Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?
Maybe if your brain were developed beyond adolescence, you'd understand that accusing someone of being a child as you've been doing carries the implication that you yourself are an adult. I guess this is another tacit admission that you're a precocious 20 year old who's barely older than the game he's seething about.
LMFAOOOO. Ewwwww, these losers that played games on PC were hilarious.
>Ya bro, come over, let's play some games
>"So how can we both play?"
>"Both play? Naw, we have a keyboard and mouse, we just take turns."
>"You know what, I'm going to go to Johnny's house, he has two controllers and Halo has co-op"
LMFAOOO. PC boys literally had no friends and you think you guys are SUPERIOR. OH MY GOD. Imagine actually taking turns to play games we got to play co-op for? Halo co-op is pinnacle kino.
On one end Halo is super over rated and pretty casual.
On the other hand it is still the only console FPS I can find any joy playing along with Timesplitters
You were guessing between 20 and 30-40, child.
Do you have brain problems? You might be the stupidest fucking cunt I had the pleasure of talking to in weeks.
>what are LAN parties
Your underage is showing. No wonder you are all limp wristed twink fucks, you never carried CRTs like the real chads.
actually yes and this is coming from someone who wanted to hate it because i was sort of a sony fanboy back then. my cousin got an xbox and I had contempt for him because I thought the launch titles all looked like shit, but when I sat and played those first few levels co-op with him it blew me away.
What? False faggot.
On one ends it’s smart, in the other this is why console FPS is complete shit and ruined FPS.
I never did get into the series much, so I do find it harder to appreciate the games overall.
Perhaps for that reason I wouldn't say I was awestruck in any significant way, but the sheer scope and environments were pretty cool.
>tfw 2009 was 10 years ago
>Casual shits ruined Yea Forums over 10 years ago
You are an underage faggot if you didn’t know vidya was far better in the past. 1990 to 2007 is the golden age.
Is this bait?
>Finished Halo 4 LASO
>Took less than a week
>Halo 3 LASO
>Spent all day on first level, still can't do it
What is this hell
FPS peaked with Quake, if it was going to be surpassed someone would have done so already. Consoles didn't ruin shit.
Cringe and bluepilled
Based and redpilled
lol I haven't been guessing. It's been beyond obvious, I'm just trying to get you to admit it.
>No wonder you are all limp wristed twink fucks, you never carried CRTs like the real chads.
A CRT monitor was like 30 pounds. Maybe 40 if you had a bigger one.
it's horrible isnt it
deal with it, faggot
cringe and bluepilled
If this shit is really a fucking open world halo I'm fucking done with this shit show of a series.
Yes, and I still am.
Zoom zoom
it will be shit
Unreal tournament came out in 99
>Didn't know Unreal is a game that came out before UT
Nah, I own a PC.
If you could play FEAR on PC back when it was released, you would understand why so many Mustards lost their hair.
They were literally scratching their heads thru bone, asking themselves what the fuck do console crowd sees in thisM$ Halo shit?1
What a total non response. What you would expect from the cancer infesting this place.
Halo came out only two years after Quake III bro
Yeah but console kids are much younger than people playing on PCs.
FEAR came out in 2005, what the fuck are you on about?
>In Halo 4 we explicitly state the Composer has no effect on Didact or Chief for that matter – thanks Librarian. What we see here isn’t a standard Composer usage by any stretch of the imagination. This is six plus Composers detonating all at once, their energy expelled in an uncontrolled manner. He’s not ‘Composed’ in the traditional sense because there is nothing there to process him. What he is… well, what he is is a surprise. But he’s out there. He’s alive. We’ll see him again.
>Brian Reed
He's alive apparently and in the Domain.
It's not.
Based retard
People who play on PCs are older than people who play on consoles. People playing Halo 1 were likely underage faggots around 8 years old while people playing Quake 3 were probably in their teens at least if not adults.
LMFAOOOO. Omg, ya, let me just carry over a fucking monitor and computer tower, keyboard and mouse, then hook em up together. Holy lord, this is hilarious.
Ya, I'm sure Stacy living next door really got wet looking at some loser lug his entire fucking PC into your house. Instead, me and the bros were chilling playing Halo co-op on the same couch on the same console with a couple of controllers.
You sure you're not the limp wristed one?
You're delusional if you think there were no kids in fucking Q3 or Unreal
It was cool, but I didn't own an Xbox, so I didn't end up picking it up years after the PC port released and until after I had already played Far Cry and BF2. I preferred Far Cry and BF2.
Halo 4 A.I. is quite shite.
Far less of them. You clearly never went to a Lan party.
I thought, "looks like unreal for children"
Personally, I played Halo, UT, Quake 3, Starcraft, AoEII, SSBM, etc. all around the same time, when I was around 10.
>while people playing Quake 3 were probably in their teens at least if not adults
I hope that doesn't include you. You know this tactic worked great 15 years ago when you could pretend you were an adult talking to teenagers. I really don't want to believe there's anyone approaching 40 who's still this obsessed and angry about Halo.
Few parents would let their children hang out with a bunch of balding, greasy old fucks who believe their preference comprises a big part of their identity.
Doesn't mean a shitload of kids with dads who played those games didn't obviously play them.
LAN parties were a thing for 10-16 year olds.
I was still doing LAN parties well into my early 20's, mainly because I had friends who liked to game. Halo and Diablo 2 LAN parties were pure bliss.
And halo kids are 8
>that time halo 2 leaked a week before release but it was in french
Do 4 and 5 even take place on a halo ring?
Cope and seethe harder, buuuuuud. Or is the carpal tunnel you got from your cute LAN "PARTIES" preventing you from actually typing a response?
Why do people lie and say these models look accurate to Halo 2? They're so fucking ugly. with their flat faces, tiny mandibles, and bulbous foreheads.
I saw bigger areas in Unreal a few years prior. It looked good, I liked the art direction, but technically it's meh.
They're not accurate, they're better.
Because Zoomers gonna zoom.
No way fag, they are positively revolting.
>ut99 is better than q3
shut the fuck up you flaming faggot
can I get a pair of those nostalgia goggles?
they're very close, but the forehead thing is just the helmet being shaped weird
Hell yeah. I was gearing to get a PS2 for my birthday, but while at summer camp, the kids brought an Xbox with Halo and instantly fell in love.
Not quiet but it was impressive the distance you ended up going in the first like 40m of play.
If monitors of the installation have the ability to section off and eject portions of a Halo ring off...
Why didn't 343 Guilty Sparks just eject the segment with the Pillar of Autumn before it was about to go nuclear and destroy the ring in Halo CE?
The point is 343 made it up. Halo Rings do not work like that, fuck, PHYSICS doesnt work like that -- you can't just remove a section of the ring without the ring collapsing in itself. 343 made the entire thing up to quickly end a comic book issue and kill the Didact quickly without having to write a complex ending. It's all fucking bullshitvand everyone was rightfully pissed when it happened
it was pretty cool tbqh
If it had to repair the pulse generators manually then it probably couldn't do other processes remotely either and wouldn't have had time while trying to shut the Autumn down.
But really, this. Just bad writing
Actually, Cortana disabled the Control Room, hence the "Assault on the Control Room" level.
343 Guilty Sparks lost all functions of the ring after that part, hence why he was going around trying to fix everything while Chief and Cortana were racing to detonate the Autumn and get off the ring
Halo really was mindblowing at the time. The size of that first open world level was just unbelievable compared to other games at the time. Most games in that era were indoor tiny corridor shooters and sometimes arena shooters with small maps. Halo had crazy huge maps and really good controls for a console game at the time. It was just a few years after the clunky controls of Goldeneye and it was a massive evolution of both multiplayer and control layout quality. Halo 2 was the first real console online multiplayer shooter worth anything. It was years ahead of other console multiplayer shooters.
Plus, spark didn't want the Autumn destroyed or harmed and erasing the human knowledge it contained. The goal was to preserve that knowledge because humans were originally written as the forerunners (biological successors) before that ended up retcon'd
Pretty kino opening for a dog shit name like "Halo Infinite"
Didn't Halo 2 practically invent matchmaking? I remember that being a huge deal. Other games used server browser systems, but Halo 2 was the first game to use randomized auto-matching
Halo 2 invented parties and lobbies. It was a giant leap forward for online games. It had problems with the abuse of the host P2P system but it was still years ahead of anything on consoles back then.
I believe so. Goddamn shame it overtook dedicated hosting on PC in the name of money. Look at a game like TF2 before and after matchmaking was integrated as the primary mode, with it killing off the bulk of community hosted games and servers, and it's just total shit. It made the product worse.
you retards, rings being able to eject sections of themselves was already canonical before the comic
t. lorefag
Halo 4 elite faces are actually more accurate to H2 elites then 2A elites.
2A elites have radically different proportions and skull anatomy, as seen here: artstation.com
pic related also shows how Reach elites are even more divergent then H2A elites, basically looking like mutated monsters
another pic
4 on left, 3, in middle, reach on right
and then H2A elites, showing how different they look
Head is way shorter and not as elongated, flat, tirangular forehead, mandible/jaw structure is completely different, etc
Reach elites are so bad jesus christ
How the fuck does the elite from Halo 4 and 5 not poke their own eyes out with those mandibles?
elites have no ass
The hate for Halo was pretty much only platform loyalty. Not based on whether it was genuinely good or bad or anything.
and? Fuckin pathetic pc-owards, kek
3 and Halo Wars have the best looking Elites.
>yellow reptile eyes to stand out
>saurian but not extremely brutish
>horrifying mandibled maw full of fangs
Where the fuck do you think you are, retard?
I still had fun running through the campaign with friends, fuck you.
None of thos games were bad though. Halo was for literal kids tho
Halo 4's AI had to be tuned down a lot to enhance the graphics whilst still working on the same console as halo 3. It makes combat a lot easier, Halo 4 generally throws fewer stronger enemies at you to make up for this. But fewer enemies = easier, regardless of how strong they are.
Why did supposedly groundbreaking soldier AI have to be wasted on a fucking horror game?
Halo plays perfectly fine with a controller, it's pacing makes a thumbstick very accurate. I think all you "mouse+keybaord only" fucks are just pretentious. I play Quake and I have to admit that aiming with a mouse is soo much easier. Meaning, that all of you are just trash and have to depend on something easier to play decently
Seething fagatron
the teeth really aren't that close to the eyes, it's more apparant how far they actually are in Wars elites (in the cutscenes, anyways, the in game models are fine) look like shit, they are basically reach elites but are super fucking bulky and faT
Christ that waist to shoulder ratio is like they're a mom in a cartoon
>rings being able to eject sections of themselves was already canonical before the comic
The entire section? The whole part of the fucking ring so that it wasn't even connected anymore, instead of just a chunk of the surace like and ?
No it fucking wasn't, it's retarded and everyone acknowledges it's retarded. Look at that fucking comic panel it's like a parody.
Ripa looks okay
Yea Forumsirgins don't play games idiot.
>those fucking claws
gross, no other elites have shit like that right?
The large open outside levels and the enemy AI were a new thing at the time. I was very impressed.
There is still, to this day, no FPS that incorporates vehicles into the Sandbox as well as Halo does.
Except maybe Arma
Why do people pretend Halo wasn't on PC, CE came to PC like 16 months later
It's PS2 fanboys who hated Halo, PC gamers just thought it was overrated
>Unreal / UT1999
I mean...? CE was fun tho
>spends 2 human hours strapping it on and jacking it off
what the fuck is this garbage holy shit
hl is the most overrated boring game ever made and only survived so long because of counter strike. a fan made mod.
Pretty sure a "section" means a small chunk, not a whole fucking interconnecting segment. The whole superstructure would tear itself apart if it did that.
unreal 1 and half life didnt have anything as big as level 2 of halo though i dont think
>I am too challenged by alternative controls, that means everyone else just sucks.
git gud.
>Multiplayer only.
Wow MS is shitting their pants.
nah, an actual segment.
Granted, it was still a 343i invention, it was first mentioned in the forerunner novels, but keeping the rings stablized without the circuit being complete really isn't outside of what they were established as being capable of doing anyways
nah controls literally dictate how fast / complex a game can be though, enemy ai and general gamedesign on console shooters are tailored around decreased responsiveness
That's actually true. Not until later on when people started doing more with modding and the tools improved.
UT's assault maps were pretty large, but no vehicles.
In all honesty I can't think of another game that integrated every component back then aside from Operation Flashpoint.
The first OF game is the only other combined sandbox I know of from the era.
ACTUALLY, one game I am aware of that came WAY before with all the same elements, possibly the only one and definitely one of the first ever made --
LGS's Terra Nova.
and Terra Nova was good.
Probably the first clue to the Covenant that something is wrong when your Sacred Ring has Earth trees on it.
Their faces would have been priceless after nuking Reach.
Not really, in Halo lore convergent evolution is taken to a big extreme, most planets have very, but not entirely earth like environments, often with grass, trees, and at least vaugely mamallian, reptillian, avian etc animals
Obviously the canonical explanation for this is forerunners seeded life everywhere.
Those games came out in 98, Halo was running on way better hardware
A big reason PC games didn't use massive maps like Halo is because by the early 2000's, devs were experimenting with dynamic lighting for the first time & realised it was much easier to look & run good in corridors, Bungie tried Doom 3 lighting with big maps & had to scrap the engine & restart the project
Crytek had a good compromise with Far Cry, but it was never quite the looker like Half Life 2 & Doom 3, people preferred better visuals with corridors