3d bad
2d good
I shall agree hue huehuehue
This but unironically
negative chief. 2nd one is damn good.
absolutely pure KINO fighting the worm for the first time
They both have soul. This is the best transition to a 3d game I've witnessed since Mario 64.
Are lunar coins random drops?
The game looks great in 3D. You might like the 2D better but the art style (and character / enemy designs) look cool in 3D. Not even just as an impressive transition of the 2D version, but it looks good on its own.
There's always plan b though.
you should try fighting thunder worm, found it second loop in 4th level. Felt like a battle of the gods.
You fuckers aint see shit yet
>Being impressed by Overloading Magma Worm
3rd loop and beyond it can spawn as a normal enemy.
>walk around for 30 minutes looking for the teleporter
>everything looks the same
>bland rocks everywhere
>difficulty advances to insane on only the second level
>ai breaks and runs into walls
>walk through enemies and not even get close to dying while having barely any time
>items don't feel like they have impact anymore
>rushed unity project from dev that clearly needed to cash out on hype and gives free copies for it
i-its great guys
More like the worst transition to 3d since sonic
The combat is shit. It feels worse than fortnite. I love hovering my mouse over every enemy as they slowly disintegrate
>anime poster
like pottery
How incomplete in the early access right now? I generally wait until full release so I don't get tired of a game before it's complete but I do love RoR
This game is proof people will put up with mediocre gameplay to play with their friends.
It's worth getting right now and you get a second copy.
I like being able to see what's going on and where things are.
am it was one of the first enemies in the level
>heh i see you have an argument but it looks like you posted an anime image, better luck next time
DUMB satania poster
I don't understand the issue. It's literally the same game but in 3D.
>It's literally the same game but in 3D.
Have you considered that maybe some people don't fucking like that?
3D is not necessarily an upgrade.
Yes, and it doesn't work. It wasn't even well made.
3d just has a tendency to make gameplay bad, but definitely not always. How people can be accepting of this in 2k19 I'm not too sure
and reworked enemies
and reworked items
and reworked characters
It's also funny how you act as if making a game 3D is a minor change
yikes wtf is this battleborn clone
Cant understand how you can like 1 and not like 2. its more of the same with added depth.
sell me on this game pls i need new video games
>I don't understand you can like a sidescrolling shooter game and not like a 3D TPS
>added depth
The teleports are pretty easy to find if you look for the red glows rather than the base itself. Spawning locations seem to work like the first one where they can show up in specific areas of a map. Everybody probably knows but you can go behind cover for the Wandering Vagrants big explosion attack.
>I love hovering my mouse over every enemy as they slowly disintegrate
nigga thats all videogames
Man the switch to 3D really fucked me up. I could carry almost any set up to endgame in the first one but now I struggle to make it to the third level.
I may have yet to git gud, but goddamn they did a great job making the transition, I'm having a blast with this one.
Well there is a whole third dimension now, so instead of being flat its got depth.
When a lot of enemies show up I drop to 20 fps, even sometimes down near 10 fps, and I can see the games only using 20% of my cpu and gpu. Quality unity optimization
>overloaded magma worm
>any form of soul
Seems that way.
Is this the thread where you can give up begging for the game and hate it instead?
>seeing whats going on
>the original risk for rain
negative chief.
Being in 3D fixes so many fucking issues the game had though
The fire damage overtime is insanely broken
Most of my runs die because i get hit by a magma worm ball, catch fire, and lose half my health
Everything else in the game is great
thank god this shit doesn't require port forwarding or hamachi to play with others, easily the best part of ror2
He's just funposting.
The game is great.
You end up needing the fruit and fuel cells later on.
Anyone has a free copy and is willing to share?