Sekiro Help Thread: No More Autistic Lore Edition

Because i got BTFO

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Other urls found in this thread: Jizo Statue


game looks like ass

Best place to grind skill points?
Genichiro is next and there are some skills I want before I start throwing myself at him.

I feel stupid because I still haven't figured out why sometimes when I die I have all of my resurrections and other times I need to kill mooks to recharge them

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can't deal with the BS of not knowing where to progress in these games it's been going on for too long

Xth for centipede divine child loli

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Hirata estate where the drunkard used to be

>this underwater stealth section

what the fuck were they thinking, way worse than the snake shit

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Been wondering about this too, so I can use this bad boy - Jizo Statue on the final boss and it'll unblack my resurrection points?

Is this one of those vaatividya threads where he tries to steal lore ideas from random people to put in his videos?

I swear to god my inputs get ate by this game constantly.

>try deflecting a move like ive done a dozen times
>get hit

>go to jump over a sweep like ive done a dozen times
>get hit

Maybe mouse and keyboard is fucked.

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whos harder, rage demon or saint isshin??

oh my god this fat fucking faggot monk has so much hp and posture recovery what a retarded fucking fight

>No More Autistic Lore Edition
So what are the precious bait slugs that you feed the great carp? Are they some kind of offspring of the dragon? Is it an earlier stage of the glowing worms that you see at the bottom of the lake feeding on the great carp corpse? I'm trying to figure out where the centipedes fit into this whole immortality thing.

Yeah and wait until you run into the jump scare

demon doesnt belong in the game, so demon.

I was wondering moreso about reviving and starting off with 3 lives versus having only 1 of 3 and having to recharge the others

>tfw keep pressing b and falling off the ledge when trying to get to the moon view tower

t-tell me the game gets easier bros

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Visceral attacks unblock the rezzes.

I've played 5 hours of just fighting Genshiro, and have only gotten to his second form

there is no jumpscare
stop trying to scare user

Ape honestly comes down to being able to jump away from the low grab and sprint away from the leaping grab. Everything else is either telegraphed enough to block or slow enough on recovery to get a hit in. Just don't be greedy. Also, the 2nd phase isn't a health battle like the first, it's a posture battle. Focus more on deflecting his sword attacks than getting his hp down.

I grinded the village after the misty forest with the guys who crawl out of the ground. It gave decent sen with an active balloon, too.

Once you realize how to reverse shock him, you'll find the second form a lot easier, since the reverse deals decent posture damage and stuns him for a second.

No, they're just bait
Slugs are the results of the Monks experiments with yhe rejuvenating waters, resulting in imperfect immortals utilizing a parasite to make you undying.

Its literally the same story they used for the BB's Master of the League/Madaras twins

yo where is my sculptor? hes not at the temple and finna upgrade with all these golds i farmed...

It gets easy when you stop making stupid mistakes

I am not Vaati but he might lurk here. I already beat ape but thanks.
No more austistic lore. This got disproven by other anons. I still think she is up to something but we will never know until the DLC or Sekiro 2 comes out.

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How do you kill this monkey with the wolverine claws. His attacks seem to take up the entire arena and the room is too small to consistently circle and weave in and out. I worked out you can hit back his final stronger hit by hitting first, but it's not something you can do consistently. You can also jump off one of his hits, but the next one hits you as you're landing so it's not feasible also.

>Because i got BTFO
First phase is easy. If that's what you're stuck on you're never going to get past the next boss.

If you're stuck on 2nd phase because it's a garbage fight that doesn't fit the mechanics of the game, just cheese it.

Run around just out of reach of him until he dives at you. Then jump over him, get your 3 hit combo in, then run the fuck away because he will scream 99% of the time after that. Rinse and repeat until dead.

It takes forever, but it already lasts 10 minutes even if you don't cheese it and parry perfectly since he takes virtually no posture damage.

Axe and the Fang and Blade skill helped me a lot during the fight

This guys is in every thread asking dumb questions, ignore him

You're right I've said too much

You just deflect his whole combo like twice and it breaks his posture. Jump whenever you get a warning sign over your head.

>This got disproven by other anons.
what did they say?

How big is this world compared to the souls games? I've never played much of any soulsborne game

yeah the game EXPECTS you to use consumables on her. she's weak to a bunch of different shit

Which one? Both are very easy to cheese.

Go kill him

there is actually no jumpscare though.

Can anyone tell me where to find more of those bad ass one armed shinobi? Those are like my favorite fights.

What's the timing for the deflect? I spent ages trying to do that but I couldn't get it and concluded it can't be deflected.

Deeper lore or deepest lore?

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Sekiro has a smaller world than other From games
Its roughly as big as the first half of DaS. They reuse a location 3 times for story reasons but it makes the world feel smaller because of it

Area wise it's smaller, but it's more densely packed and detailed.
Some of the other souls game are big. DS2 is absolutely massive

>Get to Gun Fort
Suddenly there’s landmines

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She was a bitch until I realized she has some obvious tells. She only does the unblockable after a certain chain of attacks, and since I could deflect everything else, that was the only thing I had to watch for.

>user thinks the same person can exist in two locations at the same time

poop rice

if I kill him, i can upgrade after?

Do you ever see them in the same room?

No more autistic lore. Go to the archive if you want to read through it. Consensus was that since she can give dragon tears, she isn't a centipede. Maybe has some less savory intentions, maybe doesn't. We won't know until the DLC or Sekiro 2.

>tfw sword saint
>tfw you back off and slowly circle each other

this shit is kino

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You can still do upgrade. At this point Wolf can do it by himself now. Go to Sculptor place, there should be a table with the prompt

Anyone having trouble with genichiro should know that is easier if you are agressive as fuck against him, dont be a coward atack him with all you got.


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At least there is only 1 healthbar

You literally killed the monk, brainlet.
That applies to EVERY boss in Sekiro

>think it'll be some cool area to explore
>its just another headless

y-you too

Oh got it, you need to spam the deflect as he doesn't move back like a regular enemy. Thanks!

>Heard people said it’s easy if you thurst spam
>Do it and nearly die and terror bar about to fill up
>Swim away
>Some fag fishs bite me to dead when I missed the jump to the ledge

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>You literally killed the monk, brainlet.

You killed her corrupted manifestation. Her mortal coil was left at the gate to the divine realm.

i dont get it
that woman is tomoe. this isnt souls where time is convoluted (TM)

Locking on to it before you get the ability to dive made me incredibly nervous.

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Best place to grind money right before Owl 1?

Can someone explain the dragon rot? Is you die 4 or 5 times repeatedly or sets in, but is there some form of timer? Like if you've not died for x minutes, the counter resets

Any side quests i should do before i give everyone dragon rot again? I've done Kotaro, blackhat, and got the merchant to where he is asking for a dumb brute but i sent kotaro to the Halls.
Come on guys. Read the thread title. Go start a lore debate thread, you'll probably get a lot of (yous) and it'll make you feel special. This thread is for helping people who are not gods at video games.

Just do Owl 1 so you unlock the last area with the best xp/money farm. 2000xp and 300 sen in less than 1 min

i beat tomoe once and i bought a scrap of paper saying that a crying woman can be heard, where excactly is she cause im assuming i can rematch her

he cute

How do you dive?

R2 after you get the ability. It's part of the normal progression so you'll find it eventually.

Progress further in the game and you will find out.

why the fuck does everyone run in circles for sword saint? its honestly not that hard, he barely gets any new moves between phases.

Remember guys a good defense is more important than a good ofense.

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So I gave the fresh bananas to the Guardian's Ape's bride in Deeper Sunken Valley, but she didn't give me the key to Sunken Cavern like the item description claimed. Does anybody know how to get there?

It rolls dragonrot on ever NPC (except for the first one which always goes to the sculptor from what i know) in the game every time you die. If you resurrect, it stacks up those rolls until you die.

Gun fort berfore long armed guy.
Shotgun guys give you like 200 sp a pop

Since most items in this game are useless and the headless gives you even more useless infinte version of items that already last 10sec before they dissapear,headless are a waste of time and energy and serve no greater rerward,correct?

Also i just beat Orin of the water and her fight is no different than fighting Lady Butterfly.

Parry and counter till dead.
she was a fun fight.

I keep hearing about new game plus being the true experiecne where you have to get good casue you basically have to perfect parry 100%.
First playthrough is lenient with the parries and you dont have to get them all perfectly.

Im not killing bossese and mini bosses without taking damage,but if you mamage to learn to parry them 70-80% of the fight you will generally win.

I can safely admit Sekiro has the best combat of the souls genre without a doubt.
Much more engaging than poking and starfing

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How do I beat enemies with shields correctly?

Axe arm

What method is that?

Where is this?

bust those fuckers up with an axe

Axe them a question.

Can the floating projectile apparations be jump-assassinated? I'm at the one in abandoned dungeon, coming from well, and it looks like it should be doable but I haven't seen a trigger in my couple attempts.

Who put the sword through Primate Guardians neck? The Sculptor?

shut up


I don’t remember the exact teleport point. It’s before the bridge with the scripted [/spoiler]giant carp destroying the bridge[/spoiler]. You just turn back and there’s one noble for backstab. A little bit further back there’s another noble plus the spear wielding one. Close in with shuriken + follow up attack to insta kill the noble and just keep on attacking the spear one since they’re weak as fuck. 500xp x2 + 1000xp easily

The Sculptor's waifu. Do you even listen to dialogue?

The old lady on the cliff.

Use the axe. Read item descriptions.

How far into the game before I start considering fucking with the headless guys?

i killed some fag at the estate i think i shouldn't have. he showed up after i killed the drunkard. did i mess up? i thought i could just force quit the game but it already auto saved

>if you use resurrect it stacks
that's wrong though

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You need Confetti to be active but from what i have heard, yes you can. I did not do it myself, I just sprinted and r1ed him to death. Pretty easy fight if you use the Lilac umbrella.

sit down kid

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Who? Tomoe?

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Note tells me not to ring this. What will happen? Will I summon an annoying enemy that hunts me down like that invader in Dark Souls 2?

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Does the amount of SP you receive increase or stay the same in NG+?

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>"""""lone""""" shadow vilehand
>Has a buddy in the room with him

I've heard it both ways. It just seems more likely to me that Miayazaki would do that. Is there any way to prove it either way?

Thanks. I dont have the axe yet, I'll look for it. I played through blazing bull before I went to the level in the past where the shield guys are.

higher item drop rate but take more damage (can be deactivated at any time)

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He mentioned he was training with another shinobi. One of the mat you used for the final whisltle upgrade is her ring

No, the rogue female shinobi he lived in the valley with. The one whose finger whistle was inside the ape's stomach.

Did you not get him liquored up at all?

You'll receive a burdensome item which increases both the difficulty and rewards. You can remove the item at your leisure though, and then the difficulty resets.

Did you forget that Isshin is always at the castle WHILE the Tengu is at the serpent shrine?

It makes the game easier

Is there a limit on how much you can upgrade your attack with the mask?

I thought he was hanging out with a guy. A woman couldn't use a sword that big.

Hahaha i did it, i defeated the Ape in my 4th attempt.
Jesus Christ that shit was exhausting.The fight probably took more than 20 minutes because i'm a such a huge pussy. My fingers hurt from pressing b.

You get "possessed" by the bell demon. All it does is put a debuff on you that makes enemies harder to fight but you get better items. You also get an item to turn off the debuff if you don't want it. I was disappointed by how anti climatic it was.

yea, 99's the cap

>dodging instead of parrying every attack that isn't the grab/sweep
literally what the fuck are you doing

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Ninjas never play fair

Whistle description literally says it belonged to a woman.

>sowrd 2 big for grill
>half the people in the game are bigger than Andre the Giant

Not him, but I couldn't parry phase 2 for the life of me the first time I fought him. I tried over and over again and it wasn't working.

2ape fight later on didn't present nearly as much of a problem for whatever reason

I got this item after beating Lady Butterfly and it's supposed to give me one resurrection charge? Nothing happened as far as I can tell. I still have 2 pink circles on my life bar.

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>lone shadow masanaga
>constantly summons the strongest dogs in the game if you fight him in his arena

gotta give to shota

Read the last paragraph of the description.

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Name a better combat art than High Monk

How do I make the camera not suck dick in tight spaces?

I have the ice from rice waif, am I good to go for good ending?

All the women in the game use weapons they can realistically wield at their size. I'm betting the Sculptor put that sword there trying to stop the ape from eating his girlfriend. Either that or Owl did it.

You have to give it to one of 2 NPCs later in the game. It doesn't affect the story whatsoever so it doesn't matter which you give it.
The Tengu Ishin double smash.

This was pointless? I don't think I can ride on this thing. If I let go of the lever, the kite just goes back up and no prompt for me hook shot.

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Yeah. Continue the story after siding with Kuro and make sure to give it to him at the end.

High Mo-

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how the fuck are you supposed to beat saint isshin's final phase?

There's lmao2underwaterheadless in Fountainhead palace

ride the lightning

What is this and why does it have a dick?

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What's the move that makes you explode someone into a cloud that stealths you when you deathblow them?

How do I get it?

A curse doll

Easier than the phase before it, less posture and you can stun him

beat boss on top of ashina castle

Whats the point in the moat in ashina castle? Theres a lot of dead ends, i feel like i missed something

am I supposed to jump over the big lighting sweep? I keep getting shocked


keep playing, forget about it for now

You gain the ability to swim underwater later in the game

you can swim under it

can't you just reverse the lightning

Got to Owl and haven't upgraded a single tool or skill outside of the Ashina Tree.

What should I spent my points on, and what upgrades are good? I use Shuriken, Mist Raven, and of course Firecrackers the most.

Please tell me what I should invest in, I don't trust Jewtubers.

Just use firecrackers.

>what tools should i upgrade
>these are the ones i use

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>If you give Monkey booze to Isshin before fighting Owl, he says that he feels shura in you and probably should stab you
>If you give it to him after said fight, he instead says that he felt it but now thinks he's mistaken

So after I comeback from the fountainhead place, I can’t access Ashina Outskirts anymore? Can’t get there from temple or demon bell/headless route it seems

The reused minibosses everywhere and reused areas are getting kinda old, hope this ends soon

Go to Old Grave idol and check the bridge.

Yeah faggot, and they all have different upgrades on different trees. Which is why I specified my favorites.

So which ones are good?

Approach from the grave bonfire in ashina castle

just try them out you indecisive faggot

Thanks m8s

>just waste limited upgrade materials on the chance that they're good!
No thanks, I've played FromSoft games before. I know where this leads.

How come I beat Ape Escape so easily but am having trouble with Corrupted Monk (Illusion)?

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>If seized by fear, cover your rear
Holy fucking shit that is hilarious

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The only limited materials are lazulite

every single material is easily farmable/buyable except the very final lazulite upgrade

I personally had problem with my posture in her fight.
Until I put on Ichimonji again.

What are the must have prosthetic upgrades?

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Why did they change the name from Fearlessness Powder?

At the same time, Miayazaki is calling us white apes. We are the best apes, but none compare to his pure Nippon genes.

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Like a pretty girls ass?

Nigger it's so easy.

>pop divine confetti
>pop attack sugar
>run and attack immediately
>as soon as he parries throw fireworks
>hit twice and only twice
>throw fireworks
>hit twice and only twice
>throw fireworks
>he's dead without ever getting to move
It's really that easy.

doing this is so fucking satisfying

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>Mid-air Ichimonji Double after jumping a sweep

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For a game that is constantly limiting your held items and stat upgrades, that’s pretty fucking wack

>masanaga the spear-bearer
>has no spear

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the fireworks that last longer

Well, he's technically right. If no one gets dragonrot the first time you die, then the odds of getting it afterwards increases not in the game, but just in general since that's how odds works.

I mean, of course you could go 10 deaths without a single person getting dragonrot, but by the 11th time, it's going to be extremely likely someone's gonna get it.

Where's a good place to farm treasure carp scale? also, where's a good place to farm sen?

You can't farm scales.

The time it would take to farm that kind of XP is Korean MMO levels of grind.

And that's a good thing

I really wish I had anti-air death blow during the Lady Butterfly fight....God that would've made it go by so much faster.

when should I cure dragonrot? I never use the items because they're so limited and I'll probably die soon and spread it again, so want to be optimal about it if necessary.

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It's a smaller area but it has changing weather and night/day patterns and different enemy locations depending on where you are in the story.

Also, there's an added verticality to it, especially at Ashina Castle.

What do you mean? Is that a mis-translation?
Depends on where you are in the game.

How are you supposed to cheese corrupted monk with tree brunches again?

what does resurrecting have to do with that though, the exact same thing happens whether you resurrect or just not even 'die' at all.

Scales have a fixed amount throughout the game. Once they're gone, they're gone.

>Depends on where you are in the game.
I just beat Genichiro and got past the gun fort as well.

You get like 10+ in a playthrough. With that said, I usually use it after there's 2 guys affected.

This shit has basically filtered me, I cannot deal with perilous attacks at all. I have practiced with Hanbei and read that you are supposed to look at their animations but it's just too damn fast, by the time my brain has even registered that a perilous attack is happening I have zero time to look at the animation and usually just jump away. Countering them is impossible for me, it's too damn fast, like a fifth of a second and nowhere near enough time to react with slowkiro's reactions to my input. I am actually wondering if this is some kind of weird framerate issue that makes my game fucked or something, because it's absurdly fast, I have no idea how people are dealing with this when my fucking boomer brain can't even register this shit is happening until a katana is halfway up my colon. I've beaten four bosses and a bunch of minibosses so far but t.b.h. it just feels like luck because if they spam perilous I'm dead. About to uninstall because I'm wasting my time essentially gambling at this point, slamming my head against rng.

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Just beat it, what a great fucking game with a great final boss. Anyone still progressing through, ignore the shitters posting stuff like - "great game but fuck that last boss". They probably muddled through the game, barely grasping the mechanics. It's an extremely well designed fight.

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the only thing dragonrot does is halt npc quest line progression, there's like 20 of the items in a playthrough anyway.

I can't beat the fucking demon of hatred
please help me bros

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But how many areas is it actually useful besides Monkey Town?

Doesn't resurrecting increase your odds of someone getting dragonrot, or increase the amount of people who get it?

I'll be honest, I wasn't paying much attention.

That’s what it was called pre-patch. Spooked me when I updated and the name changed


Go fight mooks and train your skills.

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boomer, you just gotta read their animation. the perilous symbol should only tell you 'hey! watch my animation.' and then its absurdly clear afterwards if they will thrust, or sweep. sweep is always an edgy pose, because theyre winding up for it. thrust is usually a kung fu pose, because theyre about to thrust forward. sweep poses are always sort of moving. if you see a perilous attack coming and the enemy suddenly seems eerily still, mikiri right away.

I randomly found a great serpent heart while exploring but I can't find a use for it. Is there an NPC that collects them somewhere?

I still don't know how to do this. I bought it, am I supposed to jump in the air with the enemy or I'll get the prompt when they're in air?

Do you have to jump in the air as well to trigger the deathblow? I've never pulled it off.
Only when you want to do the sidequest of an afflicted NPC
Grapple into the tree branches. Pop stealth sugar before the fight. Deathblow her twice and then fight her for the last one.
Gun fort is a really good. Mibu village as well. It still takes forever to farm until endgame and even then it still takes patience.
I'm using a pirated copy that came out before the full release so i have no clue.

Well, I was originally referring to simply dying, not resurrecting. Also, I wasn't the original poster you were replying to in your original conversation.

if your reactions are so abysmal then just memorize when they do which attack, which is how anyone good reacts quickly to them consistently. For example butterfly ends her long attack combos with a sweep.

Honestly it's less reaction time and more pattern recognition of in which scenario do they do which attack.

>zip to tree instantly
>zip back to tree
>stealth again
It's a little glitchy and not consistent, but it can be done

they don't spam perilous the way bosses do, it's easy to mikiri the spear guys and none of them have a varied moveset. it's not hard to counter if they only have one type of attack, it's the variations that are killing me because I can't tell what the fuck they are about to do, thrust or slash or grab

Doing a finisher on a boss refills one. So if you die once in first phase, then finish the bosses first health bar, it should refill your other res point a bit or all. pretty sure anyway

Is it the consensus that Sword Spirit's 2nd phase is the most difficult? It keeps kicking my ass. Grandson phase is easy enough and 3rd and 4th can be cheesed by running and poking.

it's a stealth tool

>M+KB on a game like From soulslike
Nigger what the fuck are you doing

Dogs, Monkies, Ghosts

Everywhere those exist

not much to say except your reaction time and/or ability to recognize boss attack patterns seems quite poor if it's that much of an issue.

Post a video of your game maybe. Perilous attacks give you plenty of room between the warning and it happening with the exception of a couple end game moves. It shouldnt give anyone who plays vidcons regularly real problems

It works on ghosts?

Two are required for the true ending.

>he barely gets any new moves between phases.
Is this a joke?

They have white everything, has nothing to do with "white people" since they don't call westerner's "white", they call them "westerners", retard. They think of themselves as having the same skin color and being honorary aryan's ala when Hitler graced their Empire back70 years ago, which they felt was a legitimate acknowledgement by a Western empire of their own supremacy.

Yep. You make it through 2nd phase then it's all downhill from there.

Required for true ending. Collect one more, collect rice a couple times and talk to loli a few more times while resting.

I was annoyed, I hate these cunts.

Grab's are usually obvious. I simply GTFO of the way every time I see the perilous attack so I can see what it is they're doing and identify their move-sets.

2nd phase is easy as fuck if you learned how to deflect, mikiri, and head stomp

Not trying to start an argument. It is a joke and if you can't see that, then you are the retard.

I see. I don't know who this loli is though. I don't think I'm that far.

Thanks though, I'll keep exploring to try and find the other one. I imagine it is around where we first meet the snake but I'm not sure.

Not him, but kb&m work great in this game, I do much better with it than a controller.
Controlling the camera and playing unlocked especially feels better with a mouse.

> It is a joke

>and if you can't see that, then you are the retard.
Nigger do you know where we are?

just best genchiro. which should I do first? ashina depths or mt. kongo?

Does Demon of Hatred's moveset change after each Deathblow or does it stay the same?

Mountain is easier.

Temple, Depths, Valley

yes there are some new moves. gap between second and first is especially bad.

Is Fountainhead Palace the best final area in any of the Soulsbournekiro genre?

He gets new moves each phase.

Is there a way to cheese lone shadow longswordsman?

Deflect the attack user, is not so hard.

The pond diving was fucking awful

nobody learns, they do it once then just go back to hunting and pecking like its dark souls. literally every video on youtube is people running in circles for 20 minutes.

Fuck, I wanted to just tank his shit for a while with different tools to see what worked better, flame shield for the projectiles at mid range and surprisingly Mist Raven are pretty good to evade his big big attacks, like the jump.

Seeing it for the first time was breathtaking, also the soundtrack actually resembles something that you would expect out of Japan. Minibosses were underwhelming though.

those are probably the best ones, you can beat him with those. i was too broke for the flame umbrella. if i can do it you can

You take things too seriously on an anime message board. Chill.
Already beat ape 3 days ago. BTFO was referring to a lore discussion that happened in these threads.

Is it me or the camera works like shit in this game? Never had a problem with it on DaS or Bloodborne. Not even in Demon's Souls, but in this one there's just too much movement and the camera can't even hold the lock-on on enemies.

Every attack should be parryable right? Those huge windup ones really seem like I should be dodging instead.

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Bosses rarely start their string with an unblockable. If your boomer brain isn’t fast enough you can just learn the string that comes before the unblockable and then you already know it will happem.

Yes, bait those stomps and wreck his ass.

the thing about demon of hatred is he doesnt really build up a lot of posture damage, i like parrying but its super low value for that fight.

dodge if you can

>Finally beat Guardian Ape
>the next actual boss I have to fight is literally just Guardian Ape second phase both times
I feel like this game doesn't get criticized enough for how often bosses and minibosses get recycled.

Oh, sorry user.

About Ladybutterfly, she is the grandma of kuro? what is the lore of her?

I’m at the genichiro refight and have not discovered the usage of these mask shards, what do I do with them?

>Group of enemies
>Keep trying to play the game like Nioh and kill them all in a few attack
>Get reck

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It's pretty bad, I guess is because the camera is closer to your character? Hopefully they fix it in a patch somehow, fighting indoors gets pretty bad sometimes.

I guess that's just the Souls/Bloodborne kiddie in me telling me to press the big red circle button.
I mean you can deflect and counter attack right? Shouldn't that be faster than to just dodge and strike?
>that fucking whistle
what is that called? some kind of special instrument or just a normal flute?

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I don't think this game in general gets criticized enough.

Final area? Definitely. It was basically Sekiro's Anor Londo.

With the Malcontent upgrade it sure does

no. because the distance is too wide. its midir all over again. you have to aim for his hand pretty much.

its a slow fight

Air assassinate his first bar, 2nd bar you're just gonna have to get good.

He becomes a common enemy in end game, so, git gud.

You are gonna have a hard time trying to dodge his stomps and then be at a good position to attack him, I guess since you probably won't be killing him by depleting his posture, you can dodge his left handed attacks, or anything involving fire really.


Seriously setting these idiots on fire is the best

Bigger in terms of what you can actually go to and move around since you can swim and basically fly around. It's got great interconnectivity and the level designs are the best they've done. I spent more time and had more fun exploring this world than any previous game.

Who cut his tail?

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I was told there was something that negates terror death, where do I get that?

thats the egg he was about to push out

They are endgame and NG+ items, they turn points into attack power

If you do it in a different order you don't have to fight 2ape at all.

A vendor in Mibu forest sells you a gourd that heals any terror buildup and gives you resistance to it.

So that's his asshole?

>You take things too seriously on an anime message board. Chill.
I figured you were joking but it was I still responded genuinely anyway, and I still was mentioning Hitler facetiously.

>Already beat ape 3 days ago.
I tried fighting him recently and he doesn't seem too difficult, I almost beat his phase 1 on the first try.

his cloaca, yes.

anyone have a save around the estate?

>genichiro refight

oh no no no

So I need to go to the sunken valley for the whistle from what I understand. Is there a quick way to get there? I'm in the Ashina Castle area with a few different paths to choose from.

Having my first real trouble with Isshin, the one after Emma, any tips boys?

this boss is not that bad

I have no clue. I hope she gets more backstory at some point because she seems like a really interesting character. Maybe she was Owl's mentor or lover?
Just wait until 2ape. Really fun fight later on. Don't click spoiler if you don't want to be spoiled on an awesome fight.

>beat the game
>have 1/4 prayer beads
>didn’t do that one boss again in Ashina Castle with everything on fire in the finale
>the Monkey Trouble duo drops 2 prayer beads
Is there anything else I’m missing? I only did the ending where Wolf becomes the Sculptor

How do you pull that off?

Man Snake Eyes fights become so much more easier once I found out the perilous attack is not a grab. You can parry that shit

You screwed up if this is your first playthrough. You picked up the Bad Ending and you will miss a really interesting and large chunk of the game.

2ape only triggers if you kill ape before you go there

His lightning attack is the last phase's bread and butter, it's very easy to spot. When you see him charging his lightning jump up at the last second and get shocked, then once you get shocked press the right bumper or R1 to reverse the lightning. It takes off a chunk of his health bar and stuns him opening him up for a few attacks.

You monster. How dare you. How absolutely dare you.
You don't kill ape until you get an idol past the poison pools.
It still triggers. I did the same thing you did. You just have no reason to kill him unless you want to like i did.

>that woman is tomoe
Why do you think so?

I'm stuck in senpou there's nowhere to go.

Go to the top of Ashina castle and kill the boss there. A bell will show up in the shrine at the temple in front of where the old priest is.

She's part of Owl's gang of shinobi who attacked the Hirata estate, previously called to be young Wolf's mentor in shinobi arts. In your memory you assume Lady Butterfly is the traitor, killing Owl and using the bandits to attack and taking the chance to capture Kuro. It's later revealed that Owl's entire shinobi clan are the traitors, they just want the dragonblood for power

Well I feel like I’m at endgame now, how do I use?

Not only is it useful to make beasts attack each other, it's also useful to lure single enemies out from a group so that you can take them out one by one without alerting everyone

>mfw using the puppet ninjutsu to operate the kite so I can cross the chasm and then realizing that it was a completely UTTERLY pointless """shortcut""" that leads to an unsurvivable fall.

It's literally harder to access that shit than it is to use the Gun Fort Key to get in the normal way and that's assuming there's something I'm missing about this shit that lets you survive the fall down from that wooden beam,

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That's normal, happened to me too, you didn't miss anything.

it's important later

oh user. just play the game

There are 3 fragments in the game, purchasing all 3 automatically gives you the full mask which allows you to exchange the points at the idol

Where should I be going after I beat the blazing bull? I killed a general at the top of the long stairs after but can't seem to proceed that way. Then I ended up finding the area you start the game in and can't kill the spear guy at the cliffside pagoda. Then I went back in the literal spot you start in and a ninja is now in there that I also can't beat. Should I not be going this way?

Would it have killed them to leave me some sort of hint about that somewhere somehow?

Nah fuck that. I've been looking for Rice for that hag for 15 hours of the game. I finally get some and figure out the whole deal and it's literally pointless and has no reward or hints?

Fuckin' Fromsoft horseshit.

So wolf already has immortality when the game starts, we see the white mark on his face. So why does he lose his arm? Are immortals literally able to be cut into little pieces and made useless? Why don't you kill enemies and bosses that way then? Why don't enemies try to do that to you then.

use your grappling hook and climb the roofs dingus

wait, you guys didn't beat this already? it's been out a whole week!

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alright im gonna just spoil it for you because youre whiny

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look for grapple points around that stairway area and head up

advice on final boss? I could barely dent one of his 3 HP bars

the best strat is literally to stand in front of a boss and just spam parry, and r1.

this is not good design IMO. you are punished for dodging as dodging and not attacking = posture bar shrinking.

Also I don't know why people think this is the most secret ending. Its not harder to get than purification

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>that rematch with Seven Ashina Spears

Literally the definition of artificial difficulty. Unless you're a godlike, or just lucky, it's basically a puzzle fight.

ever heard of fun

>UTTERLY pointless """shortcut""" that leads to an unsurvivable fall.
You use it to kill the giant white snake DS1 plunging style

You basically just need to learn all of the games mechanics. Play him about 20 times and you will start to see the openings. If you don't feel like learning it just go look up the cheese and beat him like a shitter

I have a full-time job, and am also not very good.

Christ are you dumb, user. And in a day and age where Google exists and can save you from embarrassing posts on an image board of autists.

You have to do a bunch of stuff for a sidequest with it. Google it.

Pop the stealth candy and puppeteer the samurai.

Just scum it like all of the other mini bosses. I don't think there is a single one that you cannot backstab

>What is puppeteer?

There's an Isshin cheese? I thought he was the most honest kino fight in the game.

Don't care. It's fucking stupid. The rice or the puppet technique should be behind whatever it takes to trigger the snake to go there. Letting me have this spot early after putting it behind such a shitty puzzle that was teased for so long, is insulting.

Wasn't asking for the answer. I was outright slamming the clumsy game design. Game's great but this is an outright mistake.

I think he was weak from sleeping for a bunch of years. So his immortality was not working properly. You make a good point through, we see him stabbed through the chest in Hirata estate, clearly he had full immortality.

You're right, when it comes to the underlying systems in Sekiro's combat, it is rather weak. If there's anything to fault, it's the player's own fear and pressure that's keeping him from advancing

Can't backstab some of the headless + shimmy warriors

How do I get to the building/pier closest to the fish cave in fountainhead palace? Bridge is broken and I can’t find any grapple points

the map is interconnected for the sole purpose of backtracking

backtracking is rewarded in this game, is this your first souls game

Is this the first time you went to a new zone and couldn't progress or something? This isn't new and happens like 3 other times before this
Not cheese

This isn't a spot to backtrack to. When you solve a puzzle and open a new spot, it should be immediately rewarding even if it's somewhere they want you to go back to.

Literally even just giving me a shitty coin pouch would've satisfied me. As it is, they told me to suck a dick as my reward for solving a puzzle.

It's a FromSoft game don't look for a coherent story. Just he happy we finally have one this time and not autistic """"""""""""""""lore""""""""""""""""""

boss fights are not fun, I like the rest of the game though for what it is

but boss battles are not enjoyable. it's strictly about not fucking up parries and landing the occasional hit. souls battles are more about movement and timing, in sekiro I *want* to just stand in front and parry for posture.

>move a bit forward and delay the whistle
>kill the lesser samurai after he investigates the noise
>run away to deaggro Seven Spears
>swing back and backstab him
>quickly backstab the docile soldier and puppeteer his ass
>rape Seven Spears while he's distracted

Best way to do it if you're not that good.

>you're stuck on 2nd phase because it's a garbage fight that doesn't fit the mechanics of the game, just cheese it.

What are you smoking? Dodge his lunge/fall, free 2 hits. Proceeds to attempt to pierce you 3 times, Parry, Parry, Parry, large overhead swing, Parry, oh look he fucking falls down and staggers for what feels like ages for multiple free hits. Its literally a fight the relies of parrying if you arn't a scrub which is part of the mechanics of the game.

You can get there after the fish cave.

You can cheese any boss by sprinting around and wait for punishable whiffs

your tears

they are oishii

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He didn't have immortality then, the divine child gave it to him after his death there

Whats the best combat art and why is it Praying Strikes Exorcism?

Every other spot had some small reward of some sort. Shinobi Tools, Loot, Prayer Beads, Minibosses and more. This spot was given to me as the reward for solving a puzzle and had LITERALLY nothing in it to reward me.

>mfw ogre and ape grabs hit you when you arent even touching the boss

I will never complain about dark souls 2 again.

the first time I got to his 2nd form I beat it first try, I read that poster and rightfully just spammed rb while jumping when he lightning arrowed, killed him so quick.

>beat true monk first try
people seriously had trouble with this shit?

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>14 minutes of running like a pussy

Jesus how do people have fun like this

I know that, I'm making the point that he definitely had it from that point on. So do we know if he died again between the Hirata estate memory and the start of the game? Was the beginning fight vs Genichiro in the flower field his first "immortal" death?

>game all about backtracking as it progresses
>an area with a clear objective that isn't ready to be completed yet saying, "hey, come back later."
>games have been doing this long long long before Soulslike games
No user, you're just a stumbling retard. I'm one of the few people on this board who will openly critique this game. This isn't one of the things to critique.

suzaku umbrella when he does that big jump attack then grapple onto him
use the malcontent whistle to get a free few combos on him each phase
he'll use the perilous attack more often on phase three
generally adhere to his right foot and SPRINT away from the stomp on the left foot.

Am I missing something or is there really no idol outside the Demon of Hatred boss fight? I have to run for like 90 seconds straight from the Idol under the castle bridge, past like 15 dual-wielding red santa-face samurais (many with dual longswords that hurt like hell), 5 gunmen with fire muskets, a fucking respawning chained ogre and like 5 of those annoying little rat ninjas. And then the boss at the end of it is the second hardest boss in the whole game and is completely on another level compared to everything else I've fought so far.
What the fuck, this is like torture, why would they do it like this

>mfw there are actually people like this that somehow got far enough in the game to be at the demon of hatred

ur missing something, there;'s one right outside it bub

It works if you just want to finish the game. Most people will probably beat it and never play again so they don't try to learn the fight and just want the "easy" way even though that takes way longer.

>As it is, they told me to suck a dick as my reward for solving a puzzle.
What puzzle, faggot? All you did was go backwards when you were supposed to go forwards. Anyone with a functioning brain would have realized that the area has significance, just not yet.

How do you even breath?

he didnt die in the field, did he? just got his arm lopped off, and almost died. because the story first tells you about resurrection after your first ingame death.

in the 3 years between the games beginning and hirata estate memory, i am pretty sure he was just in prison the whole time.

he killed lady butterfly, is killed by owl, resurrected by wolf by the immortal oath, then the divine heir is abducted once again, wolf is just tossed to the guards i suppose.

I use the Iaido technique just to move around each other because it looks cool.


>an area with a clear objective that isn't ready to be completed yet saying, "hey, come back later."
I did come back later. I warping to the Gun Fort Idol and using my Gunfort key.

It's a bad design. Allowing me to reach that spot before it's needed without rewarding me for reaching it is absolutely unacceptable within the context of the puzzle they made me solve to reach it. They made me jump through hoops and gave me NOTHING for it. Did I expect a Gourd Seed? No. Did I expect even a basic reward or even small hint about the purpose of the area? Fucking right I did.

It's object garbage. Literally every other "dead end" in the game rewarded me for finding it even if it was currently a temporary dead end.

>was breezing through the game after the initial trouble of learning the mechanics
>just hit Demon of Hatred

fug, looks like this one might take me a couple hours

Subtitles when speaking to the sculptor say "he" at some point when he's telling you about his old partner. All the items related to his partner imply it was a woman though. I'm going to assume it was a woman and just assume that one instance is a mistranslation since there seems to be a lot of those in this game.

How? I already beat the dragon boss but I can find no path over there

>I beat Tomoe once
How is the future? Did WW3 start already?

>Anyone with a functioning brain would have realized that the area has significance, just not yet.
The point is that they made me solve a fucking puzzle to get there and didn't even leave me a shitty piece of loot to reward me. The idol there alone is enough to make me want to come back later. Reward me for getting there and for solving the puzzle. Getting there before you're supposed to results in the devs flipping you off.

You literally spawn into the arena at one

>struggling with SSI for the last 3 hours
>everyone keeps talking about Demon of Hatred
>mfw I'm literally nervous and sweaty over what's in store for me in a video game

I just hope it's somewhat easy.

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Again, what fucking puzzle? All you did was take an obvious fork in the road.

NG+ is piss easy. On NG+3 atm trying to get all the endings. The only bosses that gave me trouble were (Isshin (Old) NG+) and (Owl, Owl (Father), Isshin (Revived) NG+2). I haven’t encounted any new one-shots that force me to edit my boss fight strategy.

Hopefully the DLC doesn’t ruin my pooper because I’m probably going through it NG+3

absolutely brainlet tier post

I wish From would stop making games so freeloading dickheads like him stop making those lazy arse fucking videos and get a real job.

demon is intense as fuck, and also really tragic. since its your sculptor bro that pretty much went sunlight maggot

Am I nuts or was this fight very straightforward

I kept seeing stuff in these threads about how "tough" O'rin was, but then I got her 2nd try

Personally, Demon was easier than SSI, but was also much more fun. Your death count might not be as high compared to Isshin, but prepare for 20-30 min boss fights.

>what fucking puzzle?
Puppeting the midget into deploying the kite and going across the chasm. Which you might not even be able to figure out until you've fed the rice to the hag who explains it to you. Which only happens once you've beaten Folding Screen Monkeys and met the Child of Rejuvenating Waters to get the rice to feed the hag.

They put it behind an absolutely abnormal amount of bullshit and then don't even leave me a small coin pouch for getting there before it's useful. It's insulting as fuck. I did extra amounts to get there. The expectation is even a slight reward.

This. I knew something was down there the whole time and it was driving me crazy/freaking me out.

>Sword Saint

I wasn't ready. And I thought I was hot shit because I beat Demon.

Was the other divine a heir before Kuro a girl or a guy?

takeru (boy)

Fuck that dude, I just puppet Ninjustu'd his buddy and let them fight out his entire phase. If he's not gonna play fair neither am I

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oops I thought the Ashina Stairs one was back the opposite direction from demon when it's really closer. Sometimes I get map layouts confused in my head on my first playthrough.
And yeah I see the thing to zipline up the branch now to quickly run past all of them now (except the rat dudes attack)

I can't seem to travel to that one, that one only works like a teleport to take me to the boss

fuck you too

I've literally never turned it off since ringing it because it makes the droprate absolutely insane.

Anyone here give the two serpent fruits to the divine child and have trouble? She told me to come back later. I've rested at a bunch of different idols and everytime I come back the doors are still closed. I just got the bell from emma for the second Owl fight if that matters. I hope I didn't already lock myself out of the true ending.

>The expectation is even a slight reward.
The reward is a secret ending. Anyone not as retarded as you figured out there was more to this, looked around the area, and figured out when to come back before it even happened.

Anyone less autistic than you would just Google when that was instead of REEEEEEEing in an image board over a game mechanic that has been common for the last 30 years.

I'm shit at parries so i eventually cheesed her with posture candy and ceramic shard to the ass. I have gotten better though. I also went to Mibu valley first, before i even fought Genichiro with like 12 vit and low attack power. And i suck at parries. Did i mention that?

So are there multiple snakes? I think the one underground has both eyes and it was still there after I killed the snake in the mountains.

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Just stealth kill him bro

>The reward is a secret ending.
Right now I don't have a secret ending. Right now I have a puzzle they nteased at me in the first 5 hours of the game I finally managed to complete and ended up with ZERO reward.

Like, I would have settled for a fucking Buddhist Sugar for fuck sakes. Literally anything.

That's what I'm saying, I stealth kill his friend then use Puppet Ninjustu so that they just fight each other

I'm in the same boat as you, but I'm still on the first Owl fight.

What I read online is that it progresses after that, but now you have me worried.

about to start ng+ bros, this game is a masterpiece

are they really shoving their hands up your ass, taking your shit, and then putting it up their own ass?

why are they doing this?

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absolute garbage

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I just killed Owl is there anything that I might have missed or anything I should go do now? I want to explore as much of the game as possible, I'll do more playthroughs for the other endings later, but I want to do as much as I can now

It's a really fucking good game, but don't start pretending that it's flawless.

That's where your soul is. They're stealing your soul.

Yes really.

I wish they changed Demon of Hatred into an actual human boss battle.

Attached: isshin.jpg (1920x1080, 285K)

>Remove the charm Kuro gives you, to make the game harder
>A pop-up window comes up being like "You've chosen a path of additional hardships"
I don't know why, but it made me laugh. The game just straight up being like "You're bringing this upon yourself".
Now to make my way to the Demon Bell to stack the difficulty.

Now i know why Japanese porn is so fucking weird with people shooting shit out of their asses. They have a rectal fetish.

he works just like any other enemy.. you deflect right before he hits you..

For me it progressed after I reached Fountainhead Palace. Second Owl fight has nothing to do with it, I killed him before that.

>get told that mikiri counter solves all my issues with thrust timing
>finally decide to get it
>use it on miniboss in reservoir
>timing is worse than regular counter
>finally nail it
>fucker 2 hits me for a kill without me being able to do anything about it
Fuck you guys...

I almost got return completely blind, I just forgot to check the stupid palace of illusions after water loli disappears. Luckily I made a backup after defeating isshin so it was easy to complete the last part and get the ending.


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What does Kuro’s Charm do? I just kept it on because Kuro insisted.

Ring the bell and you will have more materials than you have money.

Imagine actually fighting the sculptor in his human form. Would've been kino as fuck to see him jump around like one of the monkies and him donning a prosthetic.

nothing is flawless. the one thing i really hate is the recycled mini bosses, i would rather have two health bar normal enemies or something

Guys I missed out on eavesdropping on Emma and kuro, how do you trigger it? I gave kuro the rice from the reguvinatung child and exhausted all his dialogue. Kinda bummed, was Emma’s bell basically Hirata redux?

>Head in a direction
>Enemies are too tough
>Try other direction
Repeat until end

Also you get told where to go multiple times

how could it be tomoe if tomoe is fucking buried in the old graves in ashina?

You can parry immediately after you mikiri him.. It puts him into a stun animation and lets you get some free hits. Alternatively. spam fistful of ash along with firecrackers and stunlock him to death.

completely unplayable

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Removing it increases the games difficulty, in some way, similar to the Demon Bell.
You can stack both for added difficulty too.
If you keep it on you it's normal gameplay.

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>just met O'Rin and Corrupted Monk
I hope my world likes dragonrot.
I'm severely missing the lore and fashion options, actually. The hype of new items is almost entirely lost.

Attached: Corrupted Monk.jpg (500x500, 61K)

>take the teleporting idol
>it teleports you to the idol at the demon fight
>Activate the idol at the demon fight

I really wish there were at least different coats for Wolf that you could get.
I fucking hate the orange one.

yes there are two but you only kill the mountain one

I don’t agree because it’s a fitting what-if for Wolf to see what he’d likely turn into if he went Shura like the Sculptor did but I can’t deny that the Demon just isn’t a good boss. If you know how to beat him, he’s just boring, sugars don’t help in this department either because they last for like 5 seconds. He doesn’t play into Sekiro’s strengths either, the Demon feels more like a Souls boss than a Sekiro boss where you’re juggling between whittling a boss’s health down but ultimately focusing on breaking their posture. The Demon has far too few moves that you can actually posture, so really you just gotta whack him till his HP’s zero, which is boring. The Guardian Ape was a way better beast fight than him.

That's a big problem in the game. There's also the standard wonky From hitboxes, the wildly inconsistent grapple ranges that killed me more times than Demon, shit stealth, weak story, standard From convoluted quest lines, weak upgrade trees, situational tools, standard From backtracking, etc.

It's easily one of my favorite games of this gen, but bring up any negative point and all you get is GIT (You)s

How can he parry so many blades at once with just one sword

Attached: 2v1.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

beat orin yesterday
use poison knife prosthetic , parry and jump to break posture
no other choice , its a pure endurance fight

also I got 2 bosses now, corrupted monk and that fuckin ape
which way should I go?

Half of the shit you brought up isn't a "get gud" problem, it's a "you're retarded" problem.

Why are there so many help threads for this game on Yea Forums? It's really not that hard. If you've played a Dex build in ever souls game, you know how to play Sekiro. You parry, attack, and if you can't parry you retreat and attack. Yeah, it's faster, but it doesn't take that long to adapt to the speed. Bosses are only hard until you learn their move sets which takes 2 fights, 3 - 4 at the max. I'm not saying it's a bad game, I had fun but... It's really not that difficult.

His speed is superior

Attached: clang clang.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

where is all that hair coming from
hes headless

i'm gonna be trying to record some stuff, what do you guys use to make good quality webms?

Care to explain them instead of posting a valueless and empty post, user?

Monk, for progression's sake.

How the fuck do you beat Demon of Hatred?

shadowplay/webm for retards

I genuinely love doing this. Multi enemies like this is do-able as long as you keep them in front of you.

Attached: 1547943781263.jpg (472x874, 61K)

You obviously can't put enemies that move like this in such cramped spaces, it should be fucking common sense, the camera goes fucking bananas. and yet these madmen did it twice.

>purple fags
>red hats
I'm missing anything?

You first.

Run and hit. Jump back after hitting once or twice and block mid air if necessary. It’s easy but long once you get the patterns down.

Beat your head against the wall until you memorize the moves, and parry-windows, and jumping the sweeps.
Also, the fire shield is honestly a god-send. Use it when he goes for the ground pound, pressing L1 or whatever the Xbox command is to parry the attack just before he lands, wait a second, and then send the attack back for big damage, and often a stun.

Exactly. Thanks for proving my point.

what are you having trouble with

i just beat him on my second try and i guess this boss is my 'i don't see what the problem is' boss (i was stuck on old isshin for like 2-3 hours though). His charge attack can be dodged by literally just jumping, the rest of the fight just sit on his nuts and stab him. Drink fire gourd/ako sugar/use fire umbrella for additional safety if required. Use malcontent finger for three 8 second periods of free wailing on him.

all of the npc sidequests fucking suck ass anyway except the carp quest

Can someone explain to a brainlet what the difference is between blocking and parrying?
I never blocked/parried in Dark Souls or bloodborne. I just roll spammed, and obviously that shit won't work here.

Ape is easier in my opinion. Monk is more fun. Haven't beaten her yet because i do not want use confetti or the seeds.

webm for retards sounds just about right

Whack him. But seriously that's all Demon comes down to. It helps if you memorize the moves there's no real trick besides jumping when he does that dashing move if you're up close

Huh, for me it was the opposite, NEVER have any distance with him, always stay in as close as you can. Parry his close range attacks/stomps when he does them, shield parry the ground-pound from the air, jump sweeps, but get RIGHT back in.

either the sculptor or kingfisher

If you press block exactly when the enemy hits you, you get a parry. Parries damage enemy posture and causes less posture damage to yourself compared to blocking.

In Dark Souls and Sekiro you can hold a button to have your weapon or shield defend against damage.
In Dark Souls you can parry, which is pressing a button and having your off-hand catch the attack ahead of time and throw it aside, allowing for them to be vulnerable to heavy damage.
In Sekiro there is parrying, which is pressing the block button just before the attack comes and rejecting it just the same. However in this case it only necessarily does heavy stamina damage and sometimes can leave them vulnerable. Depends on their stamina and their moveset.

that makes sense to me. thanks.

Fuck off tripfag, go back to /pol

>tfw going through NG with the sole motivation to plat the game
>be NG+5 now
>only trophies i haven't gotten was all skills one
>still want to keep going because fighting bosses is just SO much fun and knowing most of their moveset makes some straight up bullying
anyone else know this feel?

Attached: 1553758860382.jpg (400x408, 45K)

Sure, but only because you need to hear how fucking stupid you are since it's clear you sniff your own farts and think you're a lot smarter than you are. The hitboxes are lightyears away from being standard From wonky boxes. Go back and play DaS1 and 2 if you think Sekiro has problems. You likely just aren't used to dodging without abusing i-frames. Grapple ranges is the only point that actually makes sense. The stealth isn't shit, it's standard, and you have options to spec in it. Some encounters benefit from it while other times you can just run in and parry everyone. The stealth abilities work as they should on a mechanical level, but aren't overbearing in terms of balance. "The stealth is shit" is a completely worthless criticism, and the fact that you said it while demanding people seriously respond to you in detail highlights how stupid you are. The story isn't weak, and this game has the most interesting NPCs in any From game so far. The quest lines complaint is just you being an idiot. They spell out things pretty fucking explicitly for you, and if something is inaccessible, you just have to keep playing the game until it's available. That's literally it. The tool upgrades and situational useful are a good thing. How the fuck are varied encounters where certain weapons are more useful than others a bad thing in an action game? You sound like you just want souls again where you can role one class and use the same tactic on every enemy. Again, worthless criticism. The last one is the worst attempt at a criticism you made. Backtracking is fast thanks to teleporting, and getting new abilities it items makes it clear where you should revisit to use them to unlock new stuff. The overall world layout is great, and exploring it was arguably the best part of the game.

I'm sure you have a real answer for everything and won't just make blanket statements calling it shit because it's not DaS1. There are flaws with this game, but you didn't point any out.

so they threw him down there because they couldn't kill him?

Guys I can't beat this bitch, she's too fast. What do I do?

Attached: Sekiro ninja battle.webm (720x580, 2.88M)

Why have I started getting invaded by phantoms? Not a joke post btw

When do I get to rematch old bosses? I just rematched corrupted monk, and I'm exploring fountainhead, but this feels like the end game so im going back trying to kill all the headless and farming money to buy divine confetti when I inevitably fail. Wouldn't mind a rematch.

I’ve got a broken index and middle finger, still trying to play because bored. Seem to be stuck on the first General after you get the janky arm. Using a controller because I’m not retarded. Any tips besides “git gud”?

>this game has the most interesting NPCs in any From game so far.
Surprisingly true

not enough CLANG, this is gonna suck ass

>pop gachiin
>puppet samurai
>samurai dies
>puppet the gunner
>now left with 1/2 healthbar spearguy

Typical soulless western animations

Can you backstab centipede?

No, they killed him when he was normal/alive, and disposed of his body in the castle moat. All of the headless were once heroes that became corrupted, and then were beheaded.

Attached: 1523242889546.jpg (288x402, 76K)

I just fought the armored warrior, does he say for the sake of my son or for your son? I was caught off guard.

I haven't had much of a problem with anything, killed everything past Snake eyes

How the fuck am I supposed to get past this Long Arm fucker in the gun fort? How am I supposed to recover posture fast enough in this tiny ass room?
Shits beating my ass

Ain't even sad about getting rid of my PeeAss4

Attached: dead.jpg (420x393, 61K)

oh ok, i saw the note back where you fight chained ogre made me think they dumped him in the lake because they couldn't deal with him

His son is Robert. Read the item description for the firecracker item.

it was somthing like don don, don don don.. don don don don.....don-don
was pretty easy and I hate deflecting.

His son, who's name he calls out when you defeat him.
He traveled to the East seeking a cure for his ill son, hearing stories of immortality. They sold firecrackers along their travels to finance the trip.
The monks likely used his son in their experiments.

He wants Sekiro's resurrection power because his son is dying.

"my son". He was trying to help him and get Sekrio to stand down

you obviously aren't getting your deflects, if your posture bar is filling it's because your deflects are being registered as blocks.

make sure you are getting some hits on him between his flurries so his posture bar doesn't empty.


That's... literally the easiest mini-boss in the game, outside of the Mist Noble.
Just PARRY his string of attacks, not block it, you won't have any posture issues, and then when he jumps back for his sweep, jump on his head, and like in 2 seconds you get a deathblow. Then repeat.

>stealth kill
>anyone within a 100 foot range will notice


He already made one
I guarantee a good chunk are taken from these threads.

Parries still full your gauge, they just won't break it.

damn this game is so fucking cool man, say what you will about the combat or the design of certain bosses but they really mastered their form of storytelling through gameplay encounters with this. idk I guess there is always the problem of missing out on things if you don't pay attention to every syllable every npc says to you, I did miss a lot of stuff in dark souls 1&3 on my first playthrough.

does ng+ change enemy placement or add any bosses?

They unironically are. I watched the video this morning. It literally is just these threads in video form.

I swear to god if he puts forth the rice being centipede eggs "theory", I'll lose it.

and that's not saying much

There's an upgrade that makes you and stealth kills less noticeable, you can get the first level of it pretty early.

He's gotta milk this shit somehow and I guarantee that will be a huge aspect.

>don't forget to kindle the bonfire on my patreon lololol

Should I be doing Hirata Estate before Ashina Castle?

I'll laugh my ass off, being the one who propagated that meme. I'll have finally accomplished something with my sad sad life.

I made it to the Gun Fort and killed the centipede giraffe fucker
There's a locked door right behind the buddha statue there, and I can't find the key anywhere in the crawlspace tunnels below the floor

Is the key down there somewhere, or is it plot-related, or do you find it somewhere else? I'd rather avoid plot spoilers, but I'd like to know if I'm even looking in the right area

I found demon much easier than SSI, feels much more like a souls boss. Just remember to jump the perilous charge

key is plot related.

that's a progress lock

They're pretty rare until the endgame but after a specific event they'll start populating Ashina Castle rooftops

You get the key after fighting a boss in Ashina Castle

For now it's a dead end

You need to progress the plot more. You'll get the key then

To avoid spoilers, it's a plot-required item, that you'll come across in due time.

You cant branch swing skip most of the fort

Yes, it's super early game content.

Nah it's plot related, you get it from the castle without giving too much away

That's good to know, thanks
I just killed Genichiro, but I wanted to finish up some of the side stuff, so I'm pretty sure he's gonna hand me the keys in like ten seconds or something so that's neat

Yep, there are 3 shinobi tools to find and two of them are pretty useful, so remember to explore properly.

How do I kill the large centipede giraffe fucker? Is there a good time to attack? He's super fucking aggressive.

>high monk/senpou kicks
glad to see I'm not the only one who bought that skill. I really like praying strikes too though

You don't even need to attack, parry his spam and jump the sweep. He'll destroy his own posture.

Alright, so I fought owl. How much of the game do i have left?

Parry his quick attacks, he'll always back up to do a sweep perilous, jump on his head, get a hit or two, and his posture should pretty much be maxed doing that once or twice.

New thread

That's cause the mate is far less aggressive than the first phase of the original ape and just stands there and screams for the most part

Didn't even realize he was driving up his own posture so fast. Thanks, guys. Now I just need to better manage my own.

You got an whole new area left, 3 mandatory bosses, 1 ball-busting optional one and a few minibosses

Just finished the dragon shit for the end of the game and now I want to do whatever side content I can before I fight the last boss. I already did the carp storyline and every mini boss up until ashina burns but I'm wondering what else I have left.

I wonder this as well. I assume I pissed something off.

I don't think it does anything to her, I kept trying to swat her but she got me with her stomp anyways.