Valve Index

What are your hopes?
Will revert VR from it's gimmick status or flop like Artifact?

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Other urls found in this thread:,

What are your hopes?
Will revert VR from it's gimmick status or flop like Artifact?
same shit it doesn't matter

He thinks HLVR and the headset is coming out in may. Why does he keep hyping himself up after all the times he's gotten super mad. OH NO NO NO NO

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I'm only wating for the knuckles since I already own an OG vive.

>There are people who unironically claim this faggot nigger doesn't speculate
>Literally saying these things are confirmed based on an image.
Remember when people thought Half Life would be coming with steam machines? Or steam link? Or the steam controller?

>vr shit
Is this an out of season ap-
oh wait nvm

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It's a gimmick status for non vr players.
Most VR players are actively invested

to be fair a release date that close with hardware makes sense but the idea that any valve software would even be announced then is ridiculous

Valve going bankrupt
>Will revert VR from it's gimmick status or flop like Artifact?
It will flop like all the shit valve has done recently

>Literally saying these things are confirmed based on an image.
No, based on all the datamining.
But yeah still speculation, because we don't know which first party game will ship with this hmd, we only know about HLVR.

Half-life 3 is actively being made right now.

>No, based on all the datamining.
Yeah they are working on shit, doesn't mean everything is coming in may. This faggot has been playing the 'ITS HAPPENING' card whenever Valve farts for years now.

>muh datamining

Valve crew has admitted they disinfo to fuck with you Tyler. When will you learn

Yeah of course.
HLVR might just be a demo like the portal knuckle demo for all we know
That would be funny actually

I’m fucking surprised anyone even uses Valve products.

Just ignore him being excited about it potentially being hlvr then. The fact is, there is a piece of software tied with the sale listing for the Index. So there is going to be a Valve VR game tied to the headset on launch. hlvr is a real thing they're working on. We don't know if it'll be the launch software.

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More pixels
More frames
More fov
Motion controlers that aren't trash
Lighter, comfier headset

It'll be ridiculously expensive

Will it make VR mainstream:
probably not, but it won't be a flop either

>So there is going to be a Valve VR game
Nope. Its just going to be some faggy current VR """game""" at a discount. No evidence for anything new.

>It'll be ridiculously expensive
Valve doesn't do expensive. Steam link and controller were both sold at cost, its more important for them to get hardware into hands.
>In b4 steam machines
Literal PCs, can't sell those at lost.

>Motion controlers that aren't trash
Don't worry, we already know what they are, the knuckles controllers are the best ones

Attached: knuckle-controller-update-6-2018-1.png (1600x879, 229K)

It won't be too expensive. HTC price gouged the fuck out of all VR owners. They HAD to make money on hardware. They are a hardware company. Plus it was a partnership between companies so that had to be factored into the cost.

Valve is probably going to sell this device at cost since they are obviously competing directly with Oculus/Facebook (they showed off their IPD slider in the promo image in OP since the new Rift is lacking that feature). Valve already makes bank with Steam and I think they will do everything they can do help VR this way. It is also evident that it will launch with an official Valve VR game (check VNN YouTube). It isn't "half life 3 confirmed", most likely "half life VR confirmed". Which is enough to satisfy all the Half life fanboys after over a decade of waiting. This is the most I have been hyped in years. Go Valve! Hope you learned from Shartifact.

More indie shit

How can you say "Nope" nigger? There is nothing stating it's going to be some third party game either. It's only logical Valve is going to ship their own software with their headset.

>Literally just bought the Odyssey+ while it was on sale
>This get announced

IPD slider is a must have, badly set IPD is a nightmare

Valve bought the studio making the 2 black women egyptian exploration game specifically to make it their VR debut.

I've got a WMR headset and the software IPD slider is so fucking garbage.

>Nope. Its just going to be some faggy current VR """game""" at a discount
You don't know that.

return it. you're going to want this.

Unironically looking forward to this. Firewatch was fun, though it was a bit overpriced.

For Gabe to die and Valve to go bankrupt and for everyone to stop being corporate boot lickers by them not paying for digital distribution anymore

BAKA... Into The Valley Of Gods is not a VR game. The 3 VR games are totally unrevealed.

>You don't know that.
And you don't know it'll be a Valve game, and considering all Valve have shit out in the last few years is Artifact, I'm banking on it not being first party.

I see you're no using logic. Please exit out the 10th story window

it..quite obviously is?

Same here. I bought it while it was cheap. Got to test VR for the first time and loved it. Printed off the return label and sending this back to Microsoft in the morning. Return yours as well if you are under 30 days since delivery date.
Yeah, it is insane how the Rift S is a downgrade in some aspects.
O+ has hardware IPD. Not sure about the others.

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Let's hope you're wrong

I got it imported so this isn't an option for me.


>For Gabe to die and Valve to go bankrupt

Will this run on an rx580? Assuming not

It'll run fine its just a webpage.

>tfw -7.25 eyesight
How do i into VR? Do I have to fit glasses into the HMD? This was never clear to me.

Shut up chink shillbots.

You buy custom lenses that you fit over the normal ones in the headset.

Yep most headsets allow you to use glasses

Are they expensive?

glasses should fit. There will also surely be lens companies that make customs fittings that go over the headset lens, that have your prescription. This was true for the Vive.

Decrease super sampling slider settings in steam
Glasses work with some headsets like the Vibe. Or you can get contacts.
Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life
半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数

what the fuck, WHY? lol

I think I bought mine for 70 - 80 from a company in Germany

>Posts rumors that aren't even true
>Gets trolled and still makes videos on it

He fucking made a video on a fake gaben email saying HL3 will come out within the next few years. Jesus christ.

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Same here, picked up a Lenovo Explorer for 150 and now this shit happens
They go for like 220 on ebay so I'll just sell the fucker

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LOL that pasta


Ah yes I forgot Blood Trail is out

Because DRM is cancer.

>He fucking made a video on a fake gaben email saying HL3 will come out within the next few years. Jesus christ.
He made a video on a REAL email that states something Half Life (Not Half Life 3) will come out in the next 5 years.

And given this announcement, it seems to be on the money. Dumb retard.


Better sell soon. Prices will drop post "Valve index"

Gabe said the email was fake, retard.

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fuck tyler
dumb autistic shithead
imagine actually being completely unaware of being given a free VR headset
stupid faggot

Nop he did not

Notice how the chink didn't reply to the pasta? It can't see the post since it was filtered by the great firewall. This enrages the chinaman

>Posted the email
>Furiously defended it saying he had "sources" that it was real
>Gets blown out
Why does anyone take this autistic cuck seriously?

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What ever you say dumb retard.

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I wasn't watching him when the whole csgo battle royale "arg" went down. How mad was it was revealed to be nothing more than just a reference?

His entire life is just a mad steam wojack.

Internet Historian made a post on leddit of a menu screen for the new half-life. VNN responded almost making a video out of it before it was proven fake.

Cause I am not a murrican and the sale is only available for them.

Come of think about it I can probably sell it for a higher price than what I paid for.

But I will wait for more detail from Valve before selling mine.

What do you guys think F-Stop was and will we see it in one of the 3 VR games?
>inb4 F-Stop was multilanes for card games

I hope it works with HTC vive lighthouses somehow otherwise I will be a little salty

I remember that, was hilarious given how obviously fake the imagine was.

please god NO. PLEASE GOD NO.

backend technology for interface, successor to panorama

got the pic?

very much the opposite of cheap

Gaben has basically already confirmed it's going to be as cheap as they can make it (possibly genuinely loss-leading), but I'm afraid it's going to be 'the ultimate experience' with over the top specs that ensure it a high price even at cost. all the current state of the art features and a couple more brought together in one device.

eg. 2k per eye, 150 FOV custom anti-artifact lenses, eye tracking, ultra-HD highspeed cameras for hand-tracking and high-fidelity stereo passthrough with AR capability, natively wireless (leaks strongly suggest otherwise but who knows), full EEG brain-scanning, etc.

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no, he did not. he got literally like four replies all of them calling it an obvious fake. one of them was tyler demonstrating his autistic knowledge of the Valve office interiors.

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wew lad

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How the fuck does anyone believe that is real? Its not even one of the good fakes.

>Tyler McVicker
>Holy shit, you got me.

Why is literally nobody hyped about this?

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We have been burned too many times.

>No evidence for anything new.
except, you know, all the evidence. like gaben explicitly saying probably dozens of times by now (his canned response to any public emails asking about it) that their games are being developed alongside the Knuckles and will come out with them. and now they've announced their HMD.

Because its VR shit.

>except, you know, all the evidence
t. things people have said repeatedly for over ten years.

its just a picture with a date
wait for more info

What the fuck will Bethesda even do at E3? They should have cancelled like Sony and EA if they have jack shit.

>What are your hopes?
no games
no knuckles


imo because they didn't show shit except that more info is available a month from now

absolutely based

VR is a failed gimmick and they're jumping on board way too late. it'll probably ship with a VR version of Artifact.

reddit, like all social media, is an advertising = propaganda = mind control service where the user is literally the product. it's all fake, all the points games, a lot of the users. it's pure astroturfing where which posts and comments rise to the top (and which get pushed into oblivion or outright removed) is decided by the advertisers currently paying and the literal communist totally-not-employee powermods.

>What are your hopes?
Hardware leaks are true (wide fov, resolution bump, actually good LCD)
Optics good enough to not have a dumb render target
Can actually max my games on a 1080ti
Come with the 3 Valve VR games
Actually come out in May

Leaks are wrong
Its entry level cheap shit
Small shitty sweetspot
Halo/visor design

again; gaben has stated, explicitly, that the games are waiting on knuckles. and now they're announcing their VR system. whose controllers will be knuckles.

I love when people say VR is just a gimmick, because they're wrong.

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t. brainlet

What is the difference between Gaming and Games, ledditors?

>the leak pics of valves hmd showed a 60hz panel
oh no

dev units


please ;_;

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Oh and hoping for accessories like wireless (if you can even drive that bandwidth) and trackers to be sold on the steam store too.

One is extra SJWtrash, the other discusses game news. Either way they're on leddit so they're still trash.

/r/gaming = "my girlfriend made me this cool zelda/mario/portal cake for my birthday"- 43.7k upvotes
/r/games = news/reviews/trailers

I tried it on my phone can confirm its a gimmick

thanks for the explanation. I only go on Reddit for salt. Like checking the oculus subreddit after people see how shit the Rift S is compared to the Valve HMD.

That's funny because phone VR is primitive garbage.

>whose controllers will be knuckle
Nice speculation.

r/gaming = ea bad witcher=good, I have cancer my dog died and I worked 12 years to buy a ps4, shitty cross stitched triforces, endless reposts of stone age memes
r/games news around gaming (tech, games, etc), filled with sjws

Of course they will be, what else would they use?

how about you index deez nuts

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Why isn't it called Steam Index? Like the Steam Controller, Steam OS and the Steam Machines?

>decided to get into vr
>either odyssey+ or rift
>wait for gdc
>new rift is both an upgrade and downgrade
>now this
I guess I will wait to see how things turn out.

>What are your hopes?
For Valve to make decently priced "Vive Pucks" so I can be a full body tracked anime girl and dance in VR chat. That is all.

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Nice speculation.

Because it'll likely not be locked to steam only games.

Just use a cheap kinect

>steam controller
>steam link
>steam universe
>steam machines
>steam vr
>valve index

You will NEVER be a girl. Hang yourself, discord tranny.

>弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件

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Here, you welcome

>have to spend $700 to play the next half life game

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Its pretty much guaranteed to be the best headset on the market. The only thing that really heavily faulted the Vive is the dumbass wands.

>Kinect 2.0 never ever

I only want them to bring back the Vive Tracker concept if/when they've enormously upgraded the tech so it's actually viable. Which I don't know if is even possible. They need to be tiny and dirt cheap (practically disposable) point-tracker devices, with a system for collating their RFID/NFC signals which supports an absurd amount of them.

Otherwise they're just going to end up abandoning them again.

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it's dirt cheap fag
Do you want to buy multiple trackers or pro tracking suit? Or just a fucking inexpensive kinect?

>what is azure kinect

Doubt it works as well as actual trackers, they can hardly keep up if you watch the video.

It's a tier-one platform.

We have more fucking VR hardware than we do games worth playing. The hardware market is absolutely saturated and these fuckers keep releasing new revisions year after year instead of waiting for significant tech advancement to focus on new models. The whole scene is a fucking mess and they all just need to step back a minute and think things through. And open up 1st party game studios so people have a reason to buy the hardware in the first place. And I don't mean cheap indie shit with little Wii figures running around.

t. Samsung Odessey+, circa 8/2018


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They're learning.

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Obviously, but do you really want to buy vive trackers? It's big, expensive, unergonomic, and you will most likely only use full body in vrchat

To make crystal clear signal that it's a PC peripheral, not tied to the Steam store. SteamVR also has an open standard version, OpenVR. SteamOS is 90% FOSS, 9% OSS, 0.9% source-available with restrictive licensing, 0.1% closed source.

It has never actually stopped, despite things such as . There was literally always at least a small team working on it - usually a quite large one.

Valve will drop all support 6 months in like they do with all their hardware products.

valve's drm is pretty good as far as drm goes

Valve needs their new HMD and knuckles to enable their vision for HL3 and other 2 projects.
It will bring with it substantial support, but I agree software is minimal right now.

Steam Link was supported for nearly three years before being discontinued because they replaced it with an app. Steam Controller is still sold and supported over three years later. SteamVR Base Stations are still supported over three years later, although the 1.0 version is due for imminent retirement.

Because its going to be an Epic Store exclusive

inside out tracking
over 600$ price point

>literally all the "problems" can be solved by adding either another camera on the back of the headband or a secondary tracking method to work alongside it like lighthouse support or gyro sensors.

I have a tiny ass space and just want to take 1.5 steps in a direction, spin, or crouch. what I don't want is to not only have 2 USB slots taken up by the headset, but 3 more taken up by the shitty cameras and then to somehow mount them in the small space I have

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VR is failing because its designed by tech nerds instead of people who understand how to make a fun interactive experience

don't know what any of the technobabble is in this thread and I dont care

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Never ever, fag.

Yeah, they need to hire some cool nigger nerds, trans nerds to make VR great.

>What are your hopes?
Price around 700-800 usd
I want to buy it anyway for best Koikatsu experience. Unironically, i saved shekels for this day.

I've seen people use the Kinect and it's glitchy as fuck and they can only face one direction. Most of them end up buying trackers as soon as they can afford them.

nazi snowflake

VRChat is 90+% of most people's VR play time, even if they play other games. There aren't a whole lot of deep, engrossing VR games so a social client that lets you be an anime girl is the default chill spot.

reported for racism and sexism

I'm really not much of a social person
vrchat is sorta cool but it's not something I enjoy

Oops, looks like I triggered the tranny. Maybe you should go dilate and cool off a bit?

I disagree but fair enough

Pls no I have a family

>hyped about a valve product again
I don't know if that's a good thing.

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No, that's all just wrong. there are a ton of WMR also-rans which were and are just competing for the bottom-barrel 'budget' position/audience, and several experimental mobile-based shitshows, but in terms of actual important standard-advancing products there's been the original Rift and Vive and later the Odyssey+ as the 'middle tier'/'standard', then Pimax (which is significantly all about coming highly configurable, with two different base models) and Vive Pro as the 'high tier', and now Reverb, Rift S (LOL no not really, but they're pretending really hard) and Index as the 'next gen'.

HTC has a half-dozen new ones supposedly coming out over the year, across all tiers, but that's just their desperate clawing against the inevitability of their bankruptcy.

why are people cumming over inside out tracking when it sucks dick, and valves lighthouses don't even need to be connected to your PC.

I hope they can actually make this "accessibly priced"TM so VR takes off and there's more than 10 people to play with online, instead of making an "enthusiast headset" for $800 that only sells 5000 units. If it's still too expensive it's not going to sell well, so there will still be a lack of developers making games for it because the markets not big enough.

They could give away headsets but if people with medium range video cards can't run VR it won't matter. Foveated rendering could solve that but I don't see eye tracking in there. Apparently theres a ton of people with high end cards so i don't really know.

Lighthouse tracking doesn't have the absurd USB consumption of Facebooks bullshit, user. In terms of PC connections for the Vive you just need one HDMI or Displayport and one USB (which can even be 2.0, but you'll lose some minor functionality with the front camera). The lighthouses just need power outlets.

>no specs
>120+ hz?
>4K+ screens each eye
>200+ FOV
>new lenses?

If it doesn't have any of these features its shit, already looks like it doesn't have automatic IPD eye adjustment.

where can i watch vr jav porn?

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I preordered the vive when it came out even though I didn't have the space nor time to toy around with it, I guess I could buy this as well to show support for vr.

Me being top 1% income bracket in my country has perks but having spare time isn't one of them

Ease of setup is more important for consumer attention than the accuracy of your anime avatar's dancing.

I wouldn't be able to afford this any time soon so I don't have many hopes, other than it being super cheap I guess, but that isn't happening, and even then my computer isn't strong enough so it'd have to be standalone too. Two factors that are impossible together.

read that as "jr jav" and was waiting to see if it got any replies

Where are you from and what do you do? How come youre here if you have no time.

I paid 1000 euros for the vive so I guess index will be about the same price.

Interested to see what they do, though I have no interest in upgrading my headset for awhile. Might bite on the Knuckles controllers.

Hope Valve launches it with a full new game.

>retards give out all the sites hosting JAV and VR content
>that was enough for copyright cucks to sniff out all those links to shut down all the sites since these retards would then paste those links on reddit as well

wireless device, if it's still a clusterfuck of cables i won't bother.

I driving my kids to swimming school and writing this on a phone.

I'm an airline pilot at a legacy

>using your phone while driving
It's like you want your kids to die young.

Not while driving. I was waiting at a parking lot.

Steam has no mandatory DRM, you can copy the files anywhere you want and still play them (like The Witcher 3) unless developers opt for Steamworks DRM.

Comes with Knuckles, hopefully a game like a new Left4Dead or Portal
Stuck in Valve Time like the Knuckles
>VR gimmick status?
t. Only tried Cardboard VR

I wish. Those 360€ (plus shipping) have been really worth it tho.

automatic IPD adjustment is literally a meme, user. it's a theoretical feature that may be enabled by eye-tracking, but the term is being misapplied to NO IPD adjustment and 'doing it all in software'. which just doesn't work.

My dick is very hard

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180-360º porn shitty. If you want a good fap download CM3D2 or Koikatsu or go whore yourself on VRChat

Thats why people use torrents. cant shut those down

You still wanna check out Games.
Plenty of salt to be found.
pcgaming for full on drama

So will this be the Vive 2 or is it another stand-alone with a phone GPU? I really hope it's a full-blown headset with the new screen that doesn't suffer from SDE and I'm all for inside-out tracking if it works properly low-latency since my room is far from ideal for room-scale anyway. Might be the mid-tier headset I've been waiting for to get into VR.

It's from Valve, so it's going to be a SteamVr headset. You'll need lighthouses

There's no way in hell it's a standalone headset. Why would Valve even want to do that?

>You'll need lighthouses
You sure about that? It might support inside out as well as lighthouses. Lighthouses when you need absolute precision and inside out when not

why have the 2 big fuck off cameras if you wont support inside out tracking? nobody cares about passthrough that much right?

>What are your hopes?
That they develop some games that are 'vr capable' but just regular games as well.
We won't get anything, just VR only crap
>Will revert VR from it's gimmick status or flop like Artifact?
VR is not a gimmick but it did flop. Past tense, this headset won't suddenly changed why the entire concept is flawed; you can't market it and nobody has enough room(steams own survey showed this).

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If they have the option for both im fucking rock solid
I love my Samsung wmr headset but it definitely needs the option for some sort of auxillary sensor. Playing Pavlov and losing tracking because of me holding a pistol has gotten me killed more times than I can count

No worries or hopes, I simply do not care. It will be a flop because no one at valve gets actual shit done.

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But, wouldn't inside out tracking cameras be pointing downwards? The quest doesn't have forward looking cameras

so this is the power of vr...

yes user

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And yet they single handedly revolutionalized digital content selling and nearly killed off piracy, saving pc gaming. At this point I'd much rather pay valve my taxes instead of my government which simply import brown people to rise my taxes again

One of the devs making a VR game claims to completely hate the thumbstick for some reason.


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>breaks in 4 months.

There'll be someone who'll intentionally break theirs in a day, just to say they're easy to break.

>epic steals vr game
>it need steam vr to run


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PSVR automatic IPD adjustment is a fucking joke

>VR meme
It's dead.

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>Shut up chink shillbots.
It always makes me laugh when people imply that Epic is chinkshit and Valve is opposing that, Valve is not chinkshit.

They are licking the Chinese dragon dick for years, especially in their Dota (which is easily the most profitable product for them if we don't count Steam itself). They make Chinese New Year events every year, Chinese cosmetics, Chinese heroes, they support Chinese government decisions and ban / fire people who say something wrong in China or about Chinese (like 2gd or Kuku).

They are about to finally launch Steam in China and there will be the very first The International in China, obviously to make their reputation better among the chinks.

You are so fucking delusional if you think that Valve is somehow against China and is not exactly the same as Epic.

Attached: steam-lunar-new-year-sale.jpg (720x373, 211K)

Phrase "Steam game" is banned in china.

that's a lot of COPE i'm seeing, Mr. Chink

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If its 100$ and has a shit ton of good games ill get it. Besides that? VR is a fucking gimmick

Attached: valve-mystery-headset-1.jpg (1199x583, 116K)

Nice argument dumbass

Sad part is. Its not that much better then "real" vr

What this essentially means is that PCVR isn't dead.
PCVR is the "real" VR, as only PCs have the necessary oomph to deliver proper games in VR. The other companies going for shittier downgraded alternatives dropped the ball, luckily Valve's picking up the slack.

Valve basically has to treat this like a console release. It'll need launch titles, (the 3 games). Also, hopefully, they will at least sell it at somewhat of a loss, making it more affordable to the masses.

Was he using EV3 or DV?

It'll probably work with lighthouse but will have a bundle option with lighthouse 2.0

These are fake.

ev1.3 and dv.

Since i'm the only one who's used a 200+ FOV headset, OLED headset with hardly visible screendoor effect, i can say without a doubt that all the VR headsets below 4K each eye are complete utter immersion breaking garbage.

With these new highly expensive headsets being demoed now, they are what VR is meant to be if hardware was cheaper and these companies weren't jews. Once you try these high tech headsets you'll never go back to whatever overpriced shit they are trying to sell you.

>why have the 2 big fuck off cameras if you wont support inside out tracking?
for hand tracking.

They are real.

VR is failing because there is no killer app.

>same cameras
It's real

Seriously, he got two versions of the knuckles.

Its fake you fucking idiot.

The name is retarded af

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You're still a redditor even if you browse ironically

explain how they guessed the cameras then

Attached: Index-brightened.jpg (990x632, 430K)

Valve have a real hard on for pushing touch screen garbage, likely mad nobody likes their shitty steam controllers.

>DAS-like strap

>touch screen
They switched to a Joystick from EV2 onwards


sorry I don't speak german

>touch screen
retarded brainlet post

They still added the joystick.
How a joystick is considered shit, I don't know, I didn't see the review the dev submitted to Valve.

Dev I mentioned who dislikes the joystick is the guy making cyubeVR. Stonebrick Studios, aka Sbsce.

Attached: 20180430185049_1_vr.jpg (2100x1050, 288K)

>What this essentially means is that PCVR isn't dead.
no shit. the entire notion was just a bit of forced nonsense from Facebook shills.

>Valve basically has to treat this like a console release. It'll need launch titles, (the 3 games). Also, hopefully, they will at least sell it at somewhat of a loss, making it more affordable to the masses.

Well if that's all you mean, sure, but it's not a console. They're going to treat it more like a new GPU series announcement/release. They won't hardware lock their games (as they shouldn't), probably not even just in terms of actually demanding finger-tracking. You'll be able to play their games with any HMD. quality of experience may suffer and you might have a hard time FINISHING all of their games with any HMD, but you'll be able to launch them and there will be workarounds for controller mismatch issues.

I wouldn't expect more than one or two Valve games along with this. Probably just HLVR. They're definitely going to be featuring a ton of indie games with added support, and maybe one or two 'AAA' games eg. bethsofts shit or even something new from bethsoft.

If you keep saying it enough maybe one day it'll be true!

Can't wait to see all the new people getting into VR from this trash only to have it collect dust in a week.

Attached: 134624246.png (300x250, 26K)


These tiny lenses are garbage and have the worst tiny sweet spot that keeps getting unfocused if the headset slightly movies.

Attached: starvr-one-5-1-640x360.jpg (640x360, 31K)

>Still falling for the vr meme
When the fuck will they learn?
Nobody wants this shit

It means it just happens the same because it had no reason to you fucking idiot.

>VR meme
It's a based fad that is already alive

Attached: 1505514370964.png (364x412, 45K)

Stonebrick Studios dev, Sbsce.
Lone guy making cyubeVR.

Attached: 20181219191033_1_vr.jpg (2970x1485, 223K)

>it just happens
go away todd

i agree and i'm surprised no one else has really mentioned this.
i have been excited for this headset since the photo leaks but the name sounds like something software based and organizational in nature and i feel like thats going to be a big drawback on top of several in terms of gaining mainstream traction.

>Make a low quality device to minimize the price so more people would buy it just to realize how shit it is and it finally kills VR gaming forever
Based Valve retards

Vive has arguably the best lenses in the industry, and certainly not really any particularly worse than any others. And these, at least in the leak, appear to be essentially the same. Everything is a trade-off in VR, especially with the fucking lenses, which there is probably never going to be any perfect solution for.

>Knuckles controllers
>Likely resolution on par with WMR at least
>Likely has improved lenses
>Hardware IPD adjustment
>Might be wireless
>Might have all sorts of other tech
>People think this is going to be cheap
I hope you people are ready for a $800 headset. Spoilers: VR isn't even worth half that.

Attached: 236237.png (208x227, 117K)

Got one too but there's no way a significant amount of people could run this thing
Maybe after foveated rendering but for now we're stuck with binoculars

>low quality
>when both their headsets and tech were the best quality vr headsets and most convincing ones with the best image quality

It means something, along with the yet-unused patent logo. This thing has some optics/display trick nobody's guessed yet.

Why would they put a page up months before the announcement. Fucking retarded.

>What are your hopes?
knucles sold separately. I'm fine with vive headset.
>Will revert VR from it's gimmick status or flop like Artifact?
Vr is only gimmic to those who don't have it. Artifact was a flop because what kinda retards play card games

>prototypes sent out in limited numbers to test comfort, hardware and software are supposed to last an eternity
1 iq post

valve contoller has been stupid durable to the point of people cannibalizing them to fix vives design

>Next gen next year lads half-life 3&4, more people living in vr than reality next year I swear, I am not saying that because I wasted 600 bucks on a glorified dust collector

VR was such a genius idea but both occulus and valve / vive managed to fuck it up. All the development focused on a bunch of proprietary gimmick shit, where you wave your hands around. So the entire VR marketplace was cash grabs and low effort experiments. They ostracised themselves to a minority demographic instead of utilising the entire games marketplace. Video games are already 3d and don't require specially equipment to render like a movie so theoretically any 3d game could've transitioned to VR. What they should've done is focused on porting a bunch of old games to have VR functionality or pushed for new games to have VR, so VR would be a means to opt in and expand your experience. That way you can capitalise on the already existing marketplace of games and the purchase has more value because there are more big name titles in the marketplace. Imagine something like Planet Coaster but with VR or Episode 1: Pod Racer. There are literally thousands of viable games that they could've pushed for. Resident Evil 7 was the right approach

>if you hate valve, then you support epic!

both are cunts for different reasons

A month is nothing in old person time

>Artifact was a flop because what kinda retards play card games
Yep, exactly the same here

>noooo you aren't having fun stop saying that

Attached: 1505148535885.jpg (600x494, 30K)

>proprietary gimmick shit, where you wave your hands around.
post discarted

>45 years old sweating fatass neckbeard performs an erotic dance on you
I want to throw up

Attached: 1533158080691.jpg (225x225, 5K)

if you didnt buy a shitty ps4 and then waste more money on a shitty nintendo switch you could have bought a vr headset by now and had fun

durr its fake duueughhhhhh

>literally no argument as to why

>pictures contain visible chips on the board that can be looked up by name

>volume of headsets shown far too large to be a fake

>exact same design as the announced model but leaked months before

fucking mong

Attached: 52702584_2175263165872782_2534492701387128832_n.jpg (487x495, 25K)

It tracks your feet, and hands by itself so you don't need lighthouses or controllers to play
Some fags posted about it during GDC and the video got taken down

if anything the fear is that batshit Valve will have made a paragon of HMDs combining all the best hardware possible into one unit, ensuring that even if they sell at cost it will be priced as a relatively niche ultra-enthusiast product.

like so.

I don't think it's going to be all that bad. $300+/-$100 for the HMD (yes, as low as $200 is possible I think, if it is actually a modestly specced 'Valve Vive Pro'), $100 per pair for knuckles, $50-100 per lighthouse 2.0 (they've always sold the original for $60 each in bulk, the 2.0 is much cheaper to make). Cutting out HTC, for whom the Vive line profit is a desperate lifeline, is going to allow them to do a lot more with pricing.


Day one preorder if it is Half-Life VR. Gabe can eat shit if he's doing ANOTHER fucking multiplayer diversion.

>thinking that was real
Come on dude

Attached: 1504958251344.jpg (744x1024, 69K)


>Ends up being another alternative company in the Halflife universe instead of returning to Gordon Freeman

Flexing on Rift S, capitalizing on their terrible PR at the moment and letting people know exactly how long they've got to wait for a real 'Gen 2' (or at least that it does actually exist and is a priority for them, and when to expect more details about it).

People seem to think Boneworks has something to do with Half Life, or at the very least Valve wants to use its VR tech in HLVR.

Attached: header.jpg?t=1551460399.jpg (460x215, 81K)

valve wasn't at GDC with vr tech. You're propably confusing it with some people using wmr or vive cameras to track body.

AHAHAHAHA God I can't wait for you fucking retards to see that $700 price tag. But its okay, you get a 20% discount on Beat Saber if you buy it!

be a good boy and stop projecting user...

Attached: mistress.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)

$300+/-$100 for the HMD alone, you illiterate clown. $500-$700 for the complete set.

>But its okay, you get a 20% discount on Beat Saber if you buy it!

More like HLVR packed in free with the complete set bundle ($60 otherwise).

id pay 700.

But I'm not a poorfag like you.
And I'd get 20% off cause I'm not a poorfag like you.

When I tried VR chat all it was were autistic retards and children. I spent about an hour flexing on desktop cucks and then never touched it again.

All valve makes anymore is shit no one wants

>You'll also get Half Life VR for free!
>And then Gabe himself will come around and bring you to a finish! MMMH BASED VALVE YES
Tyler don't you have fake emails to be jerking off too?

Tyler detected

Hello Tyler, whats up? Trolling Yea Forums for "leaks" again?


Why do you think we are calling him out, you retard.

No, I'm not
They did private demos of this shit, warning about not talking about it until the end of April
Not only that video was real, all media talked about Valve "not having vr in GDC, but having something new for may"
They literally let people record this headset for launch feature videos
As I said, the gimmick is that it tracks your feet and hands, apart from the knuckles
Quote me

This all mostly stems from boneworks being on the valve master list

>Quote me

Very rude, niggerfaggot.

My dad works at Valve and he said the Valve Index is only going to be $150 and come boxed with Half Life 3, quote me.

Show me video then.

>Why does he keep hyping himself up after all the times he's gotten super mad. OH NO NO NO NO
He literally makes money off it
but you doompost for free, it's not like you would understand

it's possible you don't need the knuckles of any sort of input device like that guy is saying
if you're going to be buying anything else it's just throwing money at this point
just wait for valve index or whatever it's called and get that

Attached: 71.png (661x323, 312K)

>there is a channel dedicated to report rumors about Valve

im inclied to believe you cause I called hl3 being a VR game the moment valve annoucned working on VR back before the facebook incident.
It was based on simple logic how half life games always feature new tech, designs and gimmics that turn into standard tech.

Light house sensor.
>look up
>tracking stops

Anons captured it but I can't find any mirrors
It was a bunch of dudes with a VR related channel
They closed their GDC vlog by talking about the demo they saw closed doors
It got taken down in half an hour
I remember one of the mirrors was an unlisted video
I'm looking in my YouTube history

looks like an eyeball touching lenses

shut up you lying discord tranny and fuck off

I'm not lying stupid fuck
Multiple anons captured it
Some may pop up here

$700? I paid 1000€ for the vive sooo

Post that thread then.

i think you were posting once in an older vr thread
is the same user that said he saw a vid of HL3 gameplay on youtube that got taken down?
please if you can find a link even if its a dead one

>discord tranny
Whats with this new buzzword Yea Forums is using? I'm not a social media zoomer so I'm out of the loop.

just found one of the mirrors, and the video is also down
gimme me a minute, I am trying to find the thread in my history

Please nobody believe this retarded bait.

>it's Valve Index and not Steam Index
What does this mean?

Attached: 1553568143612.gif (600x600, 3.47M)

no, because they use cameras like the ones in assisted parking, with the fisheye lense
no matter where you look, it captures like 270 degrees... the same way as a fly vision

Touchpads are better than joysticks for movement.

That its not steam only and will work with non steam vr games, brainlet.

What are your hopes?
400-600 dollars, 2K*2K, 140FOV, Half Life VR.
Everything, this is Valve we're talking about.
Will revert VR from it's gimmick status or flop like Artifact?
God I hope so, I really loved my CV1 but I sold it because of how low res it was.

Going with Valve means it's Hardware.
If it was Steam Index, it'd be a list of games.

Learn to Google brainlet:

>look up
>tracking stops
the fact that they are on the bottom side means that it' a greater chance it will track when you look up
also what sort of gameplay scenario would have you looking at an extreme physical body angle
(like straight upward, head tilted fully back) and you doing something with your arms the opposite direction 180+ degrees that also requires your input at the same time

and if it's just light house sensors then it's same thing as well
it has them on the entire surface ya brainlet
just look at the other photos that one moron is calling fake

This is the very first time they acknowledged it, 1-2 months is a very short time between announcement and release.

There are OpenVR games not on Steam, like CM3D2.

that is not the thread, retard
you just searched for that mirrored video id

idunno fucking shooting at enemies above you in a roof? shooting at enemies jumping over you? Looking up at an object you threw while grabing another one? Being prone?

The new "reddit", don't pay attention to it

found the original thread and posts, retards
there you go

That was already a confirmed hoax, fucking retard.


show me proof
qualcom already has a VR headset that do exactly what is implying in that video
it is basically a VR headset with a kinect on the front
it is not rocket science

The big hurdle for VR is locomotion. Until someone invents a kickass 360 degree treadmill VR will always feel limiting.

Hell I'd even settle for movement based around running in place.

We already have like 3 of those


locomotion is only being complained about by those who don't have vr.

if you are shooting at enemies above you then you are also looking at them
grabbing something doesnt require you to make a motion, just pressing a button or clutching using the knuckles

what is so difficult to believe??
the tech is already available
qualcom already has a headset that does exactly the same
Valve is just going to take all that chink shit and make a headset with kinect capabilities, apart from the knuckles, adding their new lense tech into the mix (the valve index thing)
it is not wild or something that expensive... is more like a software advancement more than anything
they let the professional shills record footage of it in GDC, to shill the thing on launch, because they are not going to send headsets to all those deadbeats

None. canon.

it's another chinks already have it episode

Attached: file.png (1200x800, 233K)

The only thing I want to know is:
Can I mix and match with the knuckles?
I have a mixed reality headset already. I just want to get the knuckles and I'm good.

Are you retarded? A treadmill is extremely limiting and doesn't let you do a billion of movement types, free movement + stick movement is the best solution.

Knuckles likely require HTC or Valve lighthouses.

I think the user is being sincere but that video was debunked in tweets and the comments. i looked into it when he posted the dead link

I don't think the knuckles will be compatible with Mixed Reality tracking

knuckles require lighthouses and headset because the knuckles only capture their position relative to lighthouses and send that data to headset to process into useful information.

We already know the HMD has lighthouse sensors and "Kinect tracking" makes no fucking sense if the cameras are facing away from you, why the fuck would you even need to track legs to move when any VR set already has 6DOF movement?
Goddamn trying to educate low IQ retards is frustrating, that shit was already debunked retard.

>inside-out tracking
I had literally no hopes and I'm still disappointed.

Why do devs do this shit? I get it, it's slightly easier for normalfag retards, but holy shit, the loss of accuracy is INSANE.

How is it that Vive's jittery 0.3mm accuracy mess is the best we're ever going to get? Is this a fucking joke?

Smooth locomotion via thumbsticks or the valve pads works fine, it's mostly smooth turning that fucks with eyes for some reason.

Nice to know, then. Thank you for clarifying. I hope the dude is just in damage control, though

Pay more attention before posting, moron. There are visible sensors.

Ugh. Well. I hope they do a bundle if that's the case.
If they lock the knuckles to proprietary headsets that's going to suck so much, and probably be an unwise business decision. (Because games that would benefit from them sell on their store and they get their cut from that and I have never known a company that sells its controllers at a loss anyway)

wait but what if they only said it's a joke after video released, and they realized they fucked up and broke the NDA?

in 15 years all this is going to cost $50 msrp

>volvo sends countless test models of each iteration of knuckles
>it always works outside in
you are retarted

He very well could be, foot tracking isnt a very funny inside joke

why are people like this

Attached: qsxB6UM.png (1032x408, 64K)

As an Artifact owner, Valve index gets my middle finger.

because kinect tracking with the cameras pointing in front of you is the way to know where you are looking at
it is as simple as using your entire room as a multiple object lighthouse
instead of tracking the body moving, it tracks what is not moving, the same as an optical mouse tracking the surface it is moving over

They can't add the extra tech that other headsets use, the best they can do is include its own tracking but that'd be impossible for the controllers.

id be salty too if i bought artifact

Attached: 1448135241713.jpg (600x648, 32K)

chinks already have it part 2

Attached: file.png (645x363, 140K)

stop you're embarrassing yourself

the same way mobile phones have exact same gaming experience as pc

why? do you think all this is manufactured in Gaben's garage?

What game is this for?

>grabbing something doesnt require you to make a motion
Confirmed for having never played VR. Enemies are sitting on a cliff above me in onward and I pull out my PDA from my back to check for friendlies in the area and then I take out a grenade from my belt and chuck it over the cliff. Like 90% of any game that doesn't cater to braindead normies requires you to have your controllers out of your line of sight to be any good at it.

WMR already does that retard and that doesn't explain the "leg tracking", also we now know the Index has lighthouse trackers so that's completely unnecessary.
Kinect can't track a room and isn't a camera either, it's just a grid array of lasers.

is Tyler McNigger in the thread?

Garry's mod successor

Valve has their own manufacturing plant, yes. They use it for all their hardware.

Because VR is shit, probably.

Just wiping down the fucking lenses so I don't have to see a million dust spots that drive me nuts is too much of a barrier for entry.

When you throw in cleaning your entire room so you don't step on anything, charging the controllers that have been stuck in a drawer for a year because there's nothing worth playing, making sure your lighthouses haven't died and plugging them back in, it becomes utterly insurmountable as an obstacle pretty quickly.

VR is alright as a light exercise tool. As a viable platform for gaming, it's an absolute joke.

>Kinect can't track a room and isn't a camera either, it's just a grid array of lasers.
you talk out of your ass, man
kinect works the same way as the iphone face unlock thing, using a cloud of infrared points and the camera to capture that info
Kinect literally track the room, retard
there is even a project that lets you scan your entire room just by moving the kinect around
it is exactly what it does

I don't want to give up my Dell Visor mixed reality headset yet.
I'll just play the waiting game instead. Vive and Rift were just too expensive for what they are, (even if the tracking is better), Odyssey too. Oculus Quest and Go are pretty pointless if you already have a good PC, and the chink stuff is very hit and miss. I already have a PSVR too.
So the only thing that appeals is better controllers because the MR ones are kind of bulky and the rechargeable batteries I use in them run out pretty quickly and mapping them can be a little annoying.
There's incentive for the early adopter with the dough. Plenty of incentive for new buyers to get in now, but the people in the middle market there's not really anything interesting that's new.


yea it's seems to be too complex for you. stick to regular gaming

He certainly crawls these threads to look for any "insider here" random shitposts to add to his repertoire of headcanon.
I bet he's also one of the shitposters.


That still doesn't make it viable for Valve to add additional tracking hardware to their controllers.

I am happy for him, because this month of new valve releases will keep him away from commiting sudoku
although wait until the Half Life VR he is always talking about turns out to be a new The Lab demo

Sounds like you're a lazy slob.

Yeah I was wrong about the details on the Kinect but you don't need it to track a room and the system would be horrible for something as precise as VR, WMR does it with two apparently conventional cameras.

I mean, the tech is there
the whole deal about infrared points is going to happen eventually
lighthouses will be rendered obsolete
exciting times


>When you throw in cleaning your entire room so you don't step on anything
Why isn't your room clean to begin with?

Attached: YDuRvW8.jpg (523x586, 73K)

>cleaning your entire room so you don't step on anything

Subhuman trash, you probably kiss your dog on the lips. I'm sure you have one.

The rest of your comments are unique to the HTC vive and it's numerous flaws.

So its an UE4 successor to Garys Mod?
Whats the fucking plug up their butt about VR?

>Just wiping down the fucking lenses so I don't have to see a million dust spots that drive me nuts is too much of a barrier for entry.

thats why you spray them with compressed air instead of wiping them down genius.

>clean your room

hahahah nevermind. you have to be 18 to post on this website.

Everyone on facepunch seems pretty cunty, forums attract this kind of people.

Nah I'm not really complaining. Kind of bummed but I understand valves got to make these as cost efficient as possible. Its just a given.
I just don't want to start collecting headsets, that's all, and I play VR in a small bedroom so I can't mount lighthouses anywhere. MR is ideal for that. Just plug it in walk around with the headset to set the play space and go.
My PSVR is already packed away in the case. The big reason is I can't get an extension cable (Sony should have really packed one into the camera box) so setting it up in the living room where i moved my ps4 pro to is impossible (I could only use it in my bedroom because I would sit the camera on the bloody radiator any higher and the cable is too short and I would play sitting only), yet the PS4 camera's tracking benefits from tracking things from above, especially when standing.
Its annoying because you can get a third party one but they don't work properly. It won't carry the microphone signal.
I really hope the PSVR2 is better designed.

Facepunch did the Chunks VR game though so that makes it even weirder, that Layla just seems like a complete toxic moron.

>google layla facepunch
>get a bunch of drama posts on leddit and shit
yeah it's what I expected, that gonna be a yikers

Them calling it Index and the lens size probably means it will be high FOV despite the panel size

Who is rabbit?

Bigger lenses automatically mean bigger FOV so that's guaranteed, and the HMD in the teaser looks very close to the leaked pics to that should be the final specs.

>tfw you can buy all the Artifact cards for £35 and there are people out there who spent £150

Attached: 1532287674843.jpg (470x470, 31K)

I will never understand why VR attracts so much of this

Re-uploaded the video:

Theres like a picture i think from an internal design doc.

Looked like you could lock an object to scale from perspective, then move and have that object retain that scale from other perspectives. But thats just speculation.

If it didn’t get published it wasn’t that interesting.

>develop the knuckles controller for 2 years
>jk you don't need any controller lmao

Attached: 1549987356303.gif (480x320, 3.19M)

What's with the audio fuckery?

They already made an SDK for Vive/Vive Pro finger tracking.

Attached: ViveProFingerTracking-1000x500-o520h3hieohhhfrflhau9buto7h34qy86ijsb1j894.png (1000x500, 451K)

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already: over. Valve is wasting their time.

most of the shit they talk about was easily predictable and rumored anyway

Actual feedback>>>>>Waving hands in the air

>foot and hand tracking
Show me those rumors.

ehhh i dunno


>all the niggers in the thread calling me out for lying
I don't know if those VR fags are legit or not, but I find it very hard to believe that they would go that long with a joke, at the end of their 25 minute vlog
it smells like breaking NDA, and damage control
the tech is plausible, and the very same day multiple news sites reported exactly what these fags said, the part of "no VR in GDC... but they are coming with something big sooner than you think"

What's up with this resurgence of morons bringing up this dead and buried already confirmed fake vid? Is it all one guy who can't get a clue? The guys themselves already said it was fake after being called out.


>The guys themselves already said it was fake after being called out.

Duh because Gabe was threatening them with the NDA

>I don't know if those VR fags are legit or not
They aren't, there's no question about this. The shit they talk about is utterly moronic and doesn't line up with the reality we know.

> ctrl f
>"foot" , "hand", "body"
>0 results

>and doesn't line up with the reality we know.
How so?
t. Valve

I saw that video too. It was fake and improvised as fuck. You could tell this by the way each person added something to the conversation and they instantly agreed with them. And at the end, one guy said "Oh and it had hand tracking" but you can also use it with knuckles. That was a logically misstep and he closed the vlog right after.

well, I still believe the hand tracking thing, judging by whats already available in the market, and the leaked pictures of the device
but ofc, playing with your bare hands doesn't make a lot of sense with some genres, so the knuckles are still a thing
the leg tracking sounds more ridiculous, but who knows
what i find weird as all fucks is the name
>valve index
what the fuck. i honestly believe mcniggers take on it being a hardware benchmark scale of sorts

>all media talked about Valve "not having vr in GDC, but having something new for may"
no, you're literally deluding yourself. this never happened. go try and find any fucking example whatsoever. Valve did what they've always done and used GDC as an opportunity to talk to other Game Developers, not as a pre-E3. then they fucking YOLO'd their announcement a couple weeks later.


The reality we (as in literally everyone in the world) is that Valve has their knuckles controllers and it has the IR lighthouse sensors so neither the hand or leg tracking make sense, why the fuck would you need to track legs?

the one thing I wonder about feet tracking is, what happens if you have a big belly?

You mean like Pillow Castle?

Play some beat saber and it will go away fatty

It all honestly makes sense retard. During GDC Valve said that they'll talk about the headset in April, so that means it will be an official announcement. When hardware gets announced it usually comes pretty soon after the announcement (not consoles tho).

Attached: 1534250746460.jpg (199x155, 11K)

fish lens works very well in cars
those cameras are extremely wide, to the point of capturing 270 degrees in all directions with just one camera
i mean the parking aid systems that cars include

Everyone knows HTC/Valve has been experimenting with hand tracking, this is not news or a groundbreaking discovery

it does line up with everything, but also was predictable as fuck
besides foot tracking. That shit is made up, or at least showed at very early experimental stage. Headset cameras normally don't see your legs unless you look down

Tyler needs to be in this permanent state of let down to be productive in some way
it has become his stich
that way he can fill his videos with complains

niggers like you deserve to be shot

Attached: 1534336140417.jpg (922x922, 64K)

I'll buy it if it turns me into a cute anime girl

Attached: 36867370651612033989980b55c15161.jpg (800x1119, 161K)

The guy in the video says you don't need controllers and there are no external sensors, it's obviously fucking fake even though the tech "is plausible" since we do know the Index will obviously have controllers (Knuckles) and external sensors (you can see IR sensors in the teaser pic).
It doesn't line up with absolutely anything and the glasses guy obviously doesn't know shit about VR, he was the only one making dumb shit up while the others just played along with more grounded "info".

>more people playing on the weekend

beat saber? is this some kinda of jerk off encouragement game?

That game will be Boneworks.

Valve saving VR again.

Attached: roborecall oculus quest.jpg (960x1080, 164K)

we can all agree hand tracking is a given, judging by the front facing cameras of the official teaser picture
this does not discard the knuckles at all
two totally different use cases + Valve can sell the headset cheaper while bundling a standalone experience, apart from other accesories

>The reality we (as in literally everyone in the world) is that Valve has their knuckles controllers and it has the IR lighthouse sensors
Vive compatibility.
>so neither the hand or leg tracking make sense
You can hold knuckles in your hand and even squish them.
>why the fuck would you need to track legs?
immersion + you can kick stuff.

>People making 10+ minute videos about a marketing image
>NPCs watch it

I fucking hate everyone.

Precisely, people who want haptics can pay for the knuckles, those who are genetically superior can use their hands.

each of those faggots own a VR related channel
the glasses lad in particular has the biggest
don't tell me to sauce you on that... I checked their shit when their video was up for like 20 minutes

Spoiler: It doesn't.
Sure you have the body but whenever you speak, it breaks the illusion. Other VR chatters will tell you to shut up if you use a voice changer. I've seen it happen to people and then they return their Vives.

Attached: bored mimos.jpg (473x561, 72K)


They'll save VR if they port all their games to it and it's competitively priced ($400)


I'm sure it'll sell hundreds of thousands of units in the first week if these got announced for it.

I just hope it's got the bells and whistles that other headsets are now coming out with, and that they really push to support more games for it.

I'll show you later.

Attached: videoplayback.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>we can all agree hand tracking is a given, judging by the front facing cameras of the official teaser picture
No since all HMDs have front cameras for several purposes other than hand tracking, you will be hard-pressed to find a HMD that doesn't have them.

>You can hold knuckles in your hand and even squish them.
The knuckles track your fingers, that's exactly why Valve investing in camera-based hand tracking makes no sense.
And the cameras are pointed straight forwards so they won't be used for tracking stuff below you either, it's probably going to be for light AR and chaperone.

The two cameras could be for passthrough (switching to real life to see something in your room without lifted the HMD). And the cameras definitely can't track your feet or legs given they are not placed on the underside of the device.

>Ricochet 2

Can't we all agree that hand tracking will be awful?
You'll have no way to input commands for movement or actions beyond grabbing things.

>not just being a based trap
Are there any cute astolfo models

Attached: 56093147_p0.png (400x260, 67K)

It makes no fucking sense and the whole thing reeked of it being a very shitty inside joke you damn autists.
This. Only use that I can see for this would be maybe navigating menus outside of games.

One actually decent "leak" that I haven't seen mentioned is the knuckles firmware data mine that had quite a few references to the components that this will likely have including a backlight, meaning that this will be LCD.

Fucking worrying.

>Yea Forums is filled with poorfags that never tested VR and will be stuck defending 'playing on a monitor' for years to come
never fails to make me laugh, Yea Forumsidya games

Because it's a YouTuber and he has o get people to watch 10 minutes of his bullshit to make this month's rent n' shit.

I'll buy the valve index + knuckles if it's good

the Valve Index is a trademark name for a boob slider integrated in the headset
even the logo is clearly a boob getting bigger
it is so obvious sometimes I think I am discussing with literal retards

Attached: file.png (184x145, 50K)

>what the fuck was that fucking tome at the end, instruction manual?
yes that was the vive pre for developers

>The knuckles track your fingers, that's exactly why Valve investing in camera-based hand tracking makes no sense.
Read my post again.

>Most talked about news is literally nothing, as in Bethesda announcing that literally nothing will be at their E3 showcase this year

the boob logo I am talking about

Attached: file.png (600x600, 52K)

based palmer

Attached: palmer.png (1774x2364, 1.95M)

He clearly didn't know enough about VR to know that Valve's HMD was already leaked (with forwards-facing cameras and IR sensors) and the Knuckles finger tracking are public knowledge and aren't under NDA.

it's not aiming to and won't replace controllers, they will always live side by side.
I imagine hand tracking to be used in social VR and some simpler apps, same way Magic Leap/Hololens does. But for gaming controllers(with some basic hand tracking) is a must

I did understand your post, how do the Knuckles line up with this "no controllers, camera tracking" bullshit?

is it so difficult to understand that you can do some simple hand tracking to sell VR to normies, and also create an advanced tracking system like the knuckles to sell to neckbeards?
it is like you are so polarized
basic hand tracking with those cameras is a given, fellas, to play Gone Home crap

Looks like an eye next to lenses, I would make each lens bigger to imply things are getting expanded.

I'm ready

Attached: 14f9282fb85213f0d28b28ce222bf683.png (420x826, 30K)

>spend years developing the single best VR tracking technology ever, finally getting ready to really push out the 2.0 version
>suddenly abandon it for no reason in favor of vague magical bullshit
>spend years developing the single best VR controller ever, finally nearing release
>suddenly abandon it for no reason in favor of something that's already existed for years and nobody uses because it's actually kind of shit for gaming
the 'leak' was supposed to be an obvious joke

8 core, very nice

>is it so difficult to understand that you can do some simple hand tracking to sell VR to normies
Yes it's called the Knuckles, that's Valve's hand tracking solution.
Proper camera-based hand tracking is difficult and requires top-of-the-line tech that is still actively in research and niche mode, the HoloLens 2 actually has fully articulated hand tracking but it's Microsoft who invested a fuckload in image recognition and AR.
Valve prefers exact, mechanical solutions like the lighthouses, image recognition is still way too new and janky to be used.

It's just narcissism and ad revenue for Tyler

for the love of god

>>Vive compatibility
End yourself.

Nice 2080 but not necessary. Valve wouldn't shut the rest of gamers out who don't have GPUs like that.

How do you run this test?

this denial
even your mom is offering hand tracking, lad

You're so retarded you don't even know HTC isn't Valve.
Having hand tracking support isn't implausible, what's implausible is them using it as their main demo feature when they already have the Knuckles.

pls tell me you play Minesweeper on that

who said HTC are Valve? I am showing you everybody is going balls deep into front camera hand tracking, as much as you prefer the knuckles
everybody understand it is not going to be that good, but if it gives the illusion, it is a good compromise to sell more headsets to normans

>nothing but leap motion (AR platform extremely focused on hand tracking) and "the rift can technically support hand tracking in the future!"
Thanks for proving my point, the HoloLens 2 is actually the only thing that does acceptable hand tracking right now.
I'm not saying it won't become a widespread thing in a few years but it won't be from Valve.

>Old TF2 VR
My dick is fucking erected.

the writing, voice acting, modeling, game design, level design, etc is all finished. valve is waiting on the "next gen" of VR to release HL3, along with L4D3, and Portal 3. Valve wants HL3 to be what entices people to purchase their proprietary VR headsets + controls. the only people left working on HL3 and the other games are the people who are working on the VR integration to comply with whatever hardware Valve ends up with

HL1 - standalone game
HL2 - eventually designed to get people to install Steam, and then purchase more things from Steam
HL3 - designed to get people to purchase VR headsets

Attached: afa.jpg (600x696, 30K)

we don't really know other than that it involved photography. which has given rise to speculation that it was Portals with a time component, akin to, or possibly forced perspective tricks akin to Museum of Simulation Technology (which is supposedly still in development and coming 'when it's done').

nah, you're conflating a bunch of speculation with a handful of pics we got from the 'Portal 2 Post-Mortem' tech-talk, which were chosen to demonstrate the aperture aesthetic during the F-Stop period of development, and gave no real hints to what the mechanic was itself other than what MIGHT have been an old-style bellows camera as a seeming pickup (on a little dias of some kind) in one of them (it was like 20 pixels iirc, easily could have been confirmation bias).


>as much as you prefer the knuckles
Not me, Valve. That's the whole deal around the Knuckles, finger tracking. That's what the entirety of the controllers revolve around and we know Valve is committed to it since they released the third revision a little while ago and distributed it to a fuckload of devs, with many of them openly talking about it and showing it off since it isn't under NDA.

>I'm not saying it won't become a widespread thing
that is my point: from the perspective of selling a VR experience, that shit will be good enough to sell cheaper stuff
>in a few years but it won't be from Valve.
I totally get it. the knuckles are miles away from the camera shit

What if those sensors are not for lighthouse? Think about it.
>headset can map your room and use it as the way to determine your position

>that audio in the beginning

Attached: 1552693922941.jpg (604x604, 133K)

i honestly thought it was an edit

I hope it's fairly cheap but also relatively good quality and low weight.

That slider isn't IPD adjustment, it's for setting the brain-computer interface, moving it slightly to the right sets up the outside brainwave listeners but moving it all the way to the right starts up drills that permanently embed the headset to your skull with chips that listen to and control your brain directly.
The front panel is replaceable though so you can still have upgrades without removing the harness.

Why would you need the little sensors for that? WMR does it with only the stereo cameras by using a repurposed version of their AR room tracking.

That's just a limited portal clone that also saves the time state, I remember a far more interesting demo that would make shapes based on the perspective of the screenshot like those 3D paintings that change depending on how you look at it but I can't find it the video now.

Attached: 3d_room_09.jpg (500x398, 28K)

it will be 2k per eye at most. unless they've got some crazy scheme for enabling computers to actually run full-focus 4k VR eg. Source 2 being even more crazy-fast than we already know (foveated rendering?) and several indie devs having quietly already ported their shit over to demonstrate its general viability. Pimax only gets away with 5k because half of it is bullshit, a tiny fraction of the actually calculated pixels warped into your periphery, and then still needs a crazy powerful PC.

based user and based valve

You mean this one:
Friendly reminder that this guy stole the idea / code from Valve when they where still developing Portal 2 with F-Stop, this is the reason why they removed F-Stop from the game.

>downwards cameras
>despite the fact that we already knew the cameras were front-facing before they even officially announced it
>no controllers
>despite the fact that we know the knuckles are a thing

>retards will still try to believe this retardation

Looks like this one just messes with scale though, the one I was thinking about created distorted perspective shapes.
Maybe I'm just imagining things.


Attached: 1553957393273.jpg (800x450, 87K)

why does he wear the mask?

That's Museum of Simulation Technology.

Apparently it's gotten a steam page some time in past year, so it may be relatively close? There is an ancient demo (like 2011 or 2009?) still readily available but it for some reason runs like shit on a lot of modern hardware.

Between the two the 'screenshot' is far more mechanically interesting, IMO, having played the MoST demo. The screenshot-time-travel thing is one of the best potential 'real time travel' mechanics I've ever seen. Something similar was put into Portal 2 as a mod.

seething oculus shills itt

why do you just make up such crazy slanderous lies? Valves reasons for abandoning F-Stop for Portal 2 are very well know - idiot focus testers who didn't like that it was a 'Portal' game without portals.

Bullshit, it's obvious the game was going to feature both portals and f-stop.

>idiot focus testers who didn't like that it was a 'Portal' game without portals
To be fair that's a really stupid idea, just make a new IP if you're going to completely change mechanics.