For me, it's the Kirkhammer.
For me, it's the Kirkhammer
Other urls found in this thread:
Steam port when?
Don't be a dumb nigger
Slow ass dumb hammer had nothing on Ludwig's Chad sword.
Carried me the entire game
Kirhammer or that Baton thing. Ah shit.. it's been so long, the one you can charge up with Bolt energy.
AHHHH, I need to go back! I'm forgetting the basic shit!
Switch to the sword for faster enemies
i can't take the kirkhammer seriously it looks too retarded on the hunters' back. any weapon but kirk
FUCK OFF, Switcher snake.
Never ever
>not the threaded cane
For me, it’s the saw cleaver
Oh there will be a port
But not on Steam...
I'd like you to meet my saifu.
it's very nice. It's a bit too vanilla for my liking though but still very nice.
>No more weapon kino
>Never get to find and try out sick ass trick weapons again
I crave weaponry
>Bloodborne's version of Nevan
fuck that would have been so cool
fug that weapon would have been so cool
Shouldn't it be the other way around with this? Making the weapon longer should tighten the chain.
Post your favorite boss
I don’t get why people are so opposed to a bloodborne sequel, I just want the trick weapons again and that’s the only way we will get them.
I got a few more pics, hold on.
This one is kinda like the other one in the game already (again, I forget names, it's been too long).
Transformation attacks on this are a thing of beauty.
Why did it feel like it did shit damage?
very comfy weapon, and dishes out a ton of AR
Saw spear carried me through that game.
you mean Tonitrus, but for me, is my beloved Chikage
this time, Lost/Uncanny weapons could have visual differences or, if that's too much work, at least a subtle aura or some shit to make them stand out
Last one.
"Hoonters must hoont".
What would be the best spear in this game? Been wanting to get one and switch out from the Axe (It's great but I feel to noobish especially since I'm at the end of the game still using it) I want to use a spear weapon just don't know which ones are good or what's available.
Burial blade is sexy.
Best weapon
vileblood scum
There aren't any spear weapons in BB. I think the closest you could get is the church pick, that one has a large range.
Based wheelchad.
Also, fuck vilecucks.
The transformer attack.
that it is, I'm about to use it for my ng+ runthrough (first time I'll attempt the DLC as well)
what about the rifle spear?
Don't mind me, just stylin'!
For me, it's a meme game
>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere
there's the Saw Spear but it looks like shit
That thing looks fucking nasty.
I beat the game with the saw cleaver/saw spear and now the threaded cane? What should I use for the next playthrough?
Like I know there are spears just don't feel like they do good damage at times. I've used the saw spear I like it but I feel like there is better out there.
>what about the rifle spear?
It's not much of spear as its name implies, desu.
yeah, whoops I meant *Wheel*, lol.
Kirk or Holy Moonlight.
saw spear has a couple thrust attacks but it probably wont fill that spear niche youre looking for
rifle spear kinda has a narrow moveset imo but its charge attack can be fun
This is one of the few weapons that is so retarded I can’t use it.
You want me to be a strengthchad then? Will do
>TFW you sold your collectors edition because you got bored of it.
Jesus I would kick the shit out of my younger self.
BoM is super fun. The dash attacks are just seamless.
Am I screwed if I haven't done the Old Hunters and attempt it during ng+? I have heard all of the mobs in that area are much tougher and the bosses have even more health.
Hm I'll try those out maybe as a secondary. Those twin blades look really nice if I work it mostly as secondary.
Eileen is easily one of my favourite NPCs in the entire Souls series. The first I played and she just runs in to assist you without warning, blew my mind!
You went to the Tomb of Odeon didn't you
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
Confirmed didn't really play the game
ng+ DLC was pretty difficult for me when it got released, not gonna lie
You got killed by the Blood Crow of Cainhurst didn't you?
it's a shitty pasta that's been around for over a year now
>use wheel
>be vileblood
>use gold ardeo
>wear cainhurst knight set
I forget.. it's been a long time. I think it's the area where you fight Gascoigne, and the Hunter that goes berserk there has the fire-resistant armor or something...
God.. I need to replay this to refresh everything.
You must know where your allegiance lies, user.
Yeah that's the spot where Henryk goes mad. If you beat Gascgoigne, go through the Chapel and out of the entrance straight ahead she's to your left and warns you to not head to the Tomb of Odeon because she has a mark there.
/bsg/ is alive and kicking user
It featured a 'sweet spot' on the hurtbox. Don't know quite where it is, but strikes had to land dead-on to deal full damage. Imperfect blows would only do partial damage.
Probably, lol.
kirkhammer was bad because of bloodborne's shitty super armor system. would be good in other games though.
Yet, I went anyway killed his ass and she wanted to ride on my dick.
That pasta still around? Fucking christ.
Based and crowpilled. Apparently you can get the blades of mercy without completing her questline if you cheese her.
For me, it's the Amygdala Arm.
Adapt lol.
>no fans of broccoli itt
im disappointed desu
Ive played up through ng++ of Sekiro already and all my death combined in that game still probably don't vome close to the amount of deaths to this guy.
Don't worry, I took the kinpill long ago.
Ludwig easy as fuck in the second phase. Failed pic.
It's only chance of coming to PC is Epic throwing them a gorzillion vbucks and even then it's extremely unlikely
That screeching autist was the hardest boss I've fought against up until that point in the series. Laurence is a close second though.
Not a single mention of the best(lol) weapon in this entire thread
Laurence is only hard because of the salsa he shits out everywhere.
Yeah, but for my first time I wanted to do the whole thing I mean she didn't rub me off wrong either.
Also, doing the whole questline gave me a good idea of how hunters are. I enjoyed fighting the blood crow at the end very satisfying to beat. Sucks that the crow croaks.
shit I just finished a BB run last night but this thread is making me want to start another playthrough with some different weapon.
His lingering fiery hitboxes from his swipes are annoying too, couple in the fact that he has a large health pool.
Ive probably put almost 1500 hours into Bloodborne at this point long past getting platinum and this mother fucker to this day still kills me countless numbers of times before I can put him down.
I did adapt, I used better weapons
It's so simple but fuck me I loved this thing
>good at stunlocking either by rapid hits or shanking from the next town over
>that orgasmic feeling of catching an enemy that nearly escapes with the transforming attack
>that uppercut charged r2 followup that sends any enemy flying
if you have great internet speeds, then bloodborne on psnow is alright. on my wifi the input lag makes it harder
shockingly it doesn't include DLC
saws are top comfy
I wasn't fond of the simple moveset, but that nigga helped me beat orphan so he's alright in my book
>game needs ps+ for online play
I fucking hate Sony
What is a good noob build to finish the game? I've started Bloodborne like 20 times and always burn out by the snake forest, which isn't even that far in. Might start a new run tonight. I do like the Kirkhammer thingy.
saw cleaver is the best starting weapon, and infact has the highest DPS rate in the whole game
saw spear is pretty similar but is more suited to a Dex build
>BB is 4 years old
>last piece of content was over three years ago
>ywn play it for the first time again
i swear laurence is fucking unfinished, his hitboxes make him the hardest in the game
For those who want to do spelunks in the chalice dungeons
so that's what I heard screeching once I left Iosefka's clinic.
damn this is actually dope as all hell
u wot m8
This one is also sick af
Rakuyo is pretty fun.
Of fuck arcane guns is a thing I didnt know I wanted
shame there will never be a sequel
Saw Cleaver
Ludwig's Holy Blade
Hunter's Axe
All are excellent noob weapons
>Tencent announces the acquisition of Kadokawa, moves From Software ownership under Epic Games
Why the fuck is he so hard? I killed Laurence on my second go, Ludwig on my third go and Maria on my first but this guy fucking raped me.
Kind of sucks we didn't get more arcane and bloodtinge scaling weapons.
He's unpredictable. That insane aggressive combo he does is incredible, you HAVE to time your dodge accurately, or you'll get fucked. He leaves no breathing room. Backstepping will kill you.
what I really wanted was blood magic shit maria uses
vilebloods were such a letdown
can someone kindly remind me what the common pvp level caps are, i recall it being something like 96 and 120 but i cant remember for sure
give me a weapon I should use for a new playthrough+Old Hunters. I have already used saw cleaver/spear, ludwig's holy blade, and threaded cane.
>you could have a civil conversation with Maria before the boss fight was triggered in cut content
>it makes her even cuter
Watermelon slice motherfucker.
I beat him solo on my first go, every other time I just summon because I am not going through that hell again.
Yea, I was so expecting her weapon to pull off those blood magic moves. I found it was still pretty fun to use regardless.
More like ludwigs normalfag sword because every fucking nignog I see has that goddamn sword online.
Fucking basic bitches, don’t know shit about the amygdalan arm, love kicking your shit in online
dumbass that turned into a fucking horse is a chad lmao
i made a low level kos parasite character and boy is it satisfying to one shot everything
I want to pickle your head and eat it.
kos(m) bomb is fucking top tier
what are the appropriate BLs for consistent invasions?
43 for low level invasions since 30 is the lowest level you can get invaded at, so try to stay around 43 to 50 and invade in hemwick, forbidden woods or byrgenwerth
>most intimidating beast boss in the entire game
>most unique beast boss in the entire game
>features one of the coolest moments in the Soulsborne series
>was an honorable paladin in life and was an actual hero untainted by the moral ambiguity of other notable figures like Laurence, Gehrman, or Willem
>his final request is simply to know what became of his church hunters so that he may die peacefully
Ludwig is the definition of a Chad
>Str bloodtinge
an illogical build by the time you get this weapon though.
Fuck weapons what’s the best FASHION. My vote goes to Old Hunter’s Garb and Gasgcoine’s Garb
but he turned into a fucking crazy horse lmao