Calls someone "fisheyed" for using an fov over 90

>calls someone "fisheyed" for using an fov over 90

Attached: humanfov.jpg (1030x779, 59K)

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Who says that besides the most retarded of console plebs?

Screens aren't eyes

Does this directly translate to game FOV though? I found my max comfortable FOV to be around the 110 range but maybe it's more skewed due to being a representation in a game engine.

Remind that the original Metro was designed for consoles and was locked to 45 FOV and wasn't easily changed just by .ini tweaks.

The original Borderlands was 70 iirc.

I remember that shit. I was so fucking disgusted at the FOV. I'm not playing this game from 20 feet away.

hold on
bunnies see behind them?

That's what the image is saying. They needed to evolve this way to avoid predators.

The aspect ratio of your real vision is like 32:9 as opposed to 16:9 so of course your game FOV will be lower

So what's the default FOV then?

That's literally why all the pussies of the animal kingdom have eyes on the side of their head rather than the front.

It depends on how far away from your display you are and the size of your display. The goal is to match this up with your natural field of vision as much as possible so the strain on your eyes and brain are reduced.

Prey/herbivores has/have eyes on the side of their head to maximize visual coverage for predators

Predators have binocular vision to lunge and strike better with improved depth perception.

You can't translate your field of view to the game's. It should match whatever gap your monitor or TV fits into, which is going to be less than your total field of view, and yeah, it does end up looking like a fish eye effect at obscenely high FOVs, it's headache inducing

>You shouldn't change the FOV setting! This isn't how developers intended the game to be played!

FOV is a quality of life setting that is just as important as volume control or resolution.

True for cinematics, because having too high an FOV could show things that are meant to be cropped out
False for gameplay

Depends on the game. I can see a survival horror or something with narrow FOV being the intended way the game should be played. Also it creates a competitive advantage in multiplayer games so you'd want it fixed for everyone
the various 360 modes are trippy

Or you can have it open for everyone.

Without any real depth of field, higher fovs on a 2D plane look fucked up

almost threw up

Rabbits have 360 degree peripheral? Based.

but if someone uses the money and effort to build ultra wide setup with dozen monitors doesnt he deserve the advantage of having 200 fov?

FOV all depends on how far away from the screen you are
the closer you are, the wider the FOV should be

There's really no way to put people on equal hardware ground to begin with. If you actually had to move your head to look behind you, that's one thing, but having a 170 degree fov compressed into a 16:9 screen is where the problem is, because you can see too much at once and most people won't want to play that way.

Imagine how odd that kind of vision distribution would look.

You may be able to see more, but that doesn't mean you necessarily have a total advantage. If you have a higher FOV then one pixel on your screen represents a larger portion of the game world, which makes it harder to be accurate with your shots.

We literally can't.

>mouse button that adjusts fov on the fly for sniping

which is why you get ultra wide monitors or multiple monitor setups
But I think only sim racers/pilots do that

this is the ultimate proof that vegetarians and vegas are fucking retarded.


>grainy video game
>youtube compression
yeah, maybe don't make those choices if you're gonna be doing topology and projection stuff

how so

Yeah I'm sure you hunt for your food all the time, dumbass.

He just got a (You) out of you, didn't he

animals that need to eat meat have binocular vision.
its not natural to compensate bad nutrition with pills and vitamins.
Vegetarians and Vegas BTFO.

Attached: 1535315497128.jpg (468x895, 215K)

Are you actually retarded? Just curious.

Are you sure about Metro? I played that on release and remember no problems, although i easily get sick from FOV less than 60°.

That picture is retarded. Your computer monitor isn't attached directly to the front of your face like a VR visor. Your FOV in game should be whatever the angle the arc covered by your computer monitor subtends is.

>Human's have just one eye located in their nose.
Can confirm, I'm a doctor.

why are bunnies so cute bros

Honestly, I don't remember a recent modern that didn't have FOV settings. Feels like any game in first person has em now.
That said though, Call of Juarez Gunslinger's black horizontal bars at the top and bottom to make it seem more movie like or some shit can fuck itself to oblivion. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? Thank god you can go to the config files and remove it but holy fuck.

>download a skyrim ENB
>it's got film grain, motion blur, and big ass bars on the screen
fucking niggers

>film grain

Who even likes this video games? I've never ever met a person who liked film grain.
Like I kinda get it in older movies, there's a certain charm to it and usually the color and usually it's fairly light so it's not super annoying.
I remember Mass Effect had it at default and it just looked like my game was bugging out.

My normal vision has film grain so when there's film grain in a game I get double film grain and everything is just terrible looking.

That's how I feel when games have visor/glasses/mask overlays
fuck glasses

ITT: retards who can't tell the difference between horizontal and vertical fov and that some engines use different fov calculations.

Apes and monkeys have binocular vision too retard, last I checked they don't eat meat

I don't get why so many fags gets triggered over my ultrawide display.

Attached: Fable Anniversary Screenshot 2019.03.28 - (2560x1080, 679K)

>t. retard

Attached: chimps-eating-colobus-monkey.jpg (450x299, 38K)

I play with 95-105 but only if the game does't have the fish eye effect in higher fov.

>tfw no Bunny vision vidya

Omnivores/carnivores tend to have eyes on the front of their faces to help them hunt while herbivore foodchainlets have them on the side so they're harder to sneak up on, but they have much less detail on what's in front.

Film grain obscures color banding

That range includes moving your eyes, asstard. Games don't tend to implement that.

>Apes and monkeys have binocular vision too retard, last I checked they don't eat meat
Some Monkeys will cannibalize each other.

you never checked at all

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 29K)

No because the gray area for us is there but it isn't in focus. In games if you had 114 fov it is all in focus so it looks too wide to what we consider to be normal. Anything above 100 just becomes weird

This isn't absolute, some primates and bats are examples of animals that have binocular vision but are vegetarian.

Some apes and monkeys do eat meat. Primates in general have binocular vision because they need it to climb and grab things like branches and fruit, but it also incidentally helps the species that do opportunistically hunt live prey.

Attached: 1547710750608.jpg (511x692, 88K)

Would probably be pretty hard to relax. Explains why rabbits and deer and such are always on edge. Seeing all the fuck around them I'd be paranoid too.

And now you also realize why horse blinders are so important.

Literally pay 2 win

apes are omnivores and so are humans, faggot

Wouldn't the ideal be one of those curved monitors that could stretch into that front 114°?