Life is Strange is so comfy

Life is Strange is so comfy

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yeah it was hella comfy
unironically in my top 20 or so favorite games

>Cant kill them both
Shit game

I love Kate! I want to hold her hand and see her smile!

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The storm was a bitch.
Here's a true Chad. Look at this fucker.

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>Or eachother

>tfw you'll never play it for the first time again
It was obvious halfway through that the only way to fix everything was to go back and undo it all.
Chloe is a retard and a bad influence on Max. Stupid gun. I would have liked to see more stuff with best girl Kate.

the only relevant black character in the game is the principal. Oregon comf

what is that supposed to be

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How about that Lis2 huh gamers

LiS gave me a fetish for punk girls.

>"I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other."

>make a game who's entire appeal is waifus
>remove the waifus
What were they thinking.

>we want the fujo audience that were turned off to the first game because the lesbians were (relatively) pretty unlike them

Would re-introducing cute girls and comfyness save this series?

This game is old as fuck how come I'm starting to see so many threads popping up all of a sudden, it's not even that good

should not exist
neither should BtS for that matter, but at least it had lesbians

BtS was ok if not a bit more grounded than 1, also I prefer Chloe's design in that game for some reason

Waiting for a full game or at least 4 episodes

It wouldn't be enough. The first game was successful not just because of its story and characters, but because of the time reversal mechanic. The prequel lacked anything interesting like this, and yet was successful, though not as much as the first game, because it could coast on the first game's success and the fact that people wanted more of its characters. The sequel can't do that because it's a sequel in name only. And I doubt there's a huge appetite for more games about the first game's characters. Their story is done.

Well why not going back to the roots like most dying series are doing to stellar success, a reality bending mechanic, some top tier /u/ shit, a comfy setting and you've got yourself a game that would likely get just as much traction as the first

It would, because that's the main reason the first game was good imo. The atmosphere was top notch.
However at this point I would be more interested in a third party creating a similar game since I'm not sure Dontnod can deliver.

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Their mistake was not having a unique mechanic to make the game actually feel like a game. The rewind mechanic made LiS much more "fun" than any of the other games in the genre that were releasing at the time.

BtS was based

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Reddit: The game.

They were straight. At least, I played them straight.

episode 3 was shit

The story is better that way as well.

None of the girls in LiS is waifu material and you know that.

The first half was ok, the second half was garbage.

Ep 1 was great and Ep 2 was fantastic.

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it's hella epic for the win fellow iphone user

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>>Rachel made finger guns cool

it stopped being cool to say hella back when south park was good

Unironically one of the best games to play when you're stoned

Chloe's mechanic was literally shitalking and writing her objective in her hand with a sharpie and to be quite honest I felt satisfied with that

God I wish I was born a cute indie art girl


Cut it some slack, game's pre-filthy frank era

It has some good parts, but in general, having another company create a prequel to a game that wasn't designed to have one made it destined to be subpar.
And due to the strike they had to change the voice actors, which sucks balls.

Shit talking was pretty good, especially the dialogue with extra chances or you failed.

That is some DESPERATE thirst on her face, holy shit.

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You were satisfied with it because the whole game is just fanservice to milk the first game's success. This doesn't work for the second game because it isn't fanservice, it's its own thing.

Honestly agreeing here user. I don't care how many people call it a """"Game""""". It was a fun experience that felt nostalgic and cool, if not a bit cheesy like an after-school special.

she had it bad

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I personally like it so far. I'm not a boifag or anything, but the idea that the story has shifted from one of two friends to two siblings with a big/little brother dynamic is actually kind of intriguing. The cops being involved is also cool, since they're fugitives.

It would've been kind of cool if it had released as the original Life is Strange but dontnod already jinxed it introducing such great characters and then dropping them for what's objectively a downgrade

Max is perfect.

>ywn play a comfy DnD session with friends.

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Was Rachel sincere about Chloe? It seemed like she used this act with everyone. That Frank guy in his RV and even the trucker you talk to outside the diner was like "Yeah, she wanted me to drive her out of town."

Was Rachel a fraud?

Is that Guy Cihi in the back?

Racels face looks so weird. She's got slanted eyes, like she is some mongrel asian.

It made me realize that they can't write sn ending worth shit. Both LiS and BtS started off strong, but completely fall flat by the last episode

sort of but she was really endearing so it made up for it

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There's a number of inconsistencies between the two. But remember that years have passed between BtS and LiS.

I was in a very uncomfortable mixture of cackling and cringing so damn hard, at least the game is memorable

It is hinted and said that Rachel is very skilled at reading but also manipulating people.

Chloe is a bit of a dork underneath it all

LiS ending was pretty good actually, the episode itself however had it ups and downs

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BTS was too short and rushed, especially by the third episode. It left plotholes and inconsistencies behind. One more episode could have helped, to show Rachel's downfall, how she got together with Frank, started doing drugs, etc.

>It's nice Rachel we're having
What did she mean by this?

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Dude you got that clip of her leaving the hospital room saying "Aight I'm boutta head out"?


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chloe and rachel were irredeemable garbage
don't give a fuck about the brothers from s2
give me more of my wife Max

Imagine shooting Chloe.

If I were to be honest episode one felt like a fanfiction manga romance rather than the "start of a friendship" it just felt too forced on Rachel's part to just act like that because chloe kicked a dude in the balls during a concert

She's pretty apt at shooting herself

Max is my wife.

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Warren plz, you are for Brooke

I don't care how many times I play game one I'll ALWAYS sacrifice arcadia, Warren is an incel and every time the hug scene from episode one happens it never fails to make me smile, and Victoria's a bitch, and yeah Kate's pretty nice and all but I just wouldn't see her with Max

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Name ONE (ONE) character more perfectly suited for black cock than Max and Chloe. I'll wait.



I was waiting for one of you fuckers to arrive

are those leggings in the cut of the korean style? BASED LIS artists!!

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Chloe's mom
Rachel's moms

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are you fags even serious


Maybe if you're a retard.

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You're a white guy, right?

>Have to wait 4 months for each episode
Really makes one think. The game was in development for a long time even before releasing the first episode. And now they need another 15 months.

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What was Skip's bands godawful name? Like Dragon Piss, or something?

Pisshead was the name

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I haven't played: The game

Anyone who enjoys these games should be gunned down

One (one) 1 good reason why


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The first one anyways. Good vibes when I first played it.


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Not even the brote stream could make episode 2 good. I think LiS2 might be the worst moviegame ever made

>Not even the brote stream could make episode 2 good
I think that's pretty much the sign of a good game