i don't know why i get the feeling that a few months after the game releases this whole shitshow will quietly die down.
Will borderlands 3 kill sjw/anti sjw culture?
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will borderlands 3 kill sjw/anti sjw culture? Anonymous 03/30/19(Sat)00:39:16 No.456456571
i don't know why i get the feeling that a few months after the game releases this whole shitshow will quietly die down.
I plat'd the first game. It was so bad I'd fall asleep to it. There is no story and no point as to anything I was doing. By the time I got an epic gun at 30 give it like 3 upgrades.Your set to kill the big tentacle creature.
It put me off so bad that I had no intentions to play the sequel and REALLY dont give a fuck about the 3rd game. I don't understand how players praise this game. The fucking Mad Max game was still better than Borderlands.
borderlands 2 got pretty popular due to memes being made about it
I fucking hope so.
>03/30/19(Sat)00:39:16 No.456456571
fucking time travelers.
Why would you plat a game you hate?
never played tales of borderlands but i hear that it has more story than the first 2 games
We can't tell just yet since all we know right now is what all the characters look like and not what they have to say.
she's too big
Yes and it will also help us achieve ftl travel which will unite the world and usher us into the galactic community.
space force will happen
the only thing useful that it might do is bankrupt gearbox once and for all but it probably wont even manage that
If it can balance itself properly and is fun enough then yes.
Shitters on either side won't be able to whine without being called out on their bullshit.
what's with the lack of trust of gearbox?
>male Siren
Is he trans? Homo?
never seen any outrage from this series. then again
their last game came out in late 2014
Liltih was crawling on the ground with no runes so it looks like he sucked her dry.
>Is he trans? Homo?
Is this all this board thinks about
The real Siren can steel other Siren powers and give it to her brother.
For you.
those boobs can crush the average male head
That's the point
Borderlands has always been a bit middling in its entirety in that regard.
Anyone who wants to shake the scale with poorly thought out nonsense will immediately expose themselves.
Trying to make it BASED AND REDPILLED or WOKE wouldn't make sense considering it's already in the middle.
yeah i can see the backlash against anybody trying to push or pull on a side
Damn those two look good
>lilith finally getting what she deserves
holy shit based villains
BL3 will sell a shitton, maybe 0.75 shittons if it's an EGS exclusive, the brand has simply become too huge
It was previously established that only females can be Sirens
Hope Lilith eats dirt in this. Obnoxious bitch needs to exit stage.
Isn't the creator of this game a pedophile or some shit?
Fake news
No, it was legitimate slander
If dubs, gearbox will shut down next year.
Despite the varying amounts of cringe it's pretty much on the fence.
You got lesbos one minute and then you got Jack commenting on how much cock Moxie gobbles on a daily basis
this unironically does feel like a return to how thing were before 2014, this trailer could have released before ANY of this sjw shit happened and i wouldnt have batted an eye, cant say the same for any other big title
Is this a joke? Gear box completely fucked over Sega with their alien game in order to fund battleborn. Like user please I will say I am looking forward to borderlands 3 but they've done some pretty scummy shit in the past
no bully plz
Okay, makes sense. I thought I was losing my mind or confused him with a similarly named man. Jesus that sucks lol
Apparently "barely legal" literally means just that. As in still fucking legal 18 year olds so he literally did nothing wrong
But that looks like a girl.
i was unaware of this, thanks for filling me in.
long live gearbox
Saving porn on a company USB is still pretty fucking stupid though.
Yeah no prob.
Fuck you randy, should have ask for 8...
>Claptrap is still alive
Black people are disgusting.
These guys look dope. I wish they were playable they're cooler than the main cast, except the dude with the jacket he seems great.
>Tiny Tina is now a full grown woman
This is the most forced outrage shit I've seen yet.
Borderlands has already had a black guy, a hispanic guy, a hispanic midget, a black woman, whatever race Nisha is and a woman with blue hair which is probably a triggering visual cue to retards as playable characters, never mind all the side characters throughout the years who are mixed race and queer.
she fucked up the whole thing in BL2 and was partially culprit of Handsome Jack becoming evil.
Define grown
i wonder what will happen after outrage culture is over
Why do they make characters look like this. Does anyone unironically like this style of androgynous short sides long bangs and hot topic coats am I just getting old this shit looks retarded
this is Rhyz from Tales from the Borderlands right? i hope that whole team is around, i loved that story
It's even funnier because Pandora is suppose to be a degenerate, lawless planet ruled by corporations and various criminals.
taller than my hip
I'm more excited about this tobehonest
We're just old user. Sidecuts have taken over as the go-to style for rebellious free-thinkers. Not the first time the irony escaped those people and it won't be the last. Jack set a tone for BL villains to be pompous jackasses so dressing the part is to be expected.
is that the kid who ate the skunk-flavored berrty bots evey flavor beaN?
still, no bully zone
Are you implying people look like that?
That hairstyle was only popular among people like 5 years ago.
The only ones who still wear it are weirdos.
what are you on about?
Their design reminds me of these 2.
>People that are excited to see TFTB characters in the trailer
You do know how fucking terrible the writing is in the main series right?
Can I get a quick rundown on these two?
we got those.
>The only ones who still wear it are weirdos.
and I'm stuck in california so yes, that shit is fucking everywhere.
They're bad and you have to go and shoot them
Oh shit I never noticed that Zer0 was there.
I busted several nuts
Their names are Tyreen and Troy. Tyreen can steal the powers of other Sirens and give them to Troy. Troy can also create and empower minions.
>rubbing my dick all over her abs, slipping it between her breasts and finishing inside her armpit pussy
i like borderlands now
Can't wait to see the tentacle rape of this
we all do
>corporations bow to the baddies
>In contact with eridians
>rumoured to steal psychic abilities
>control pandora with an iron fist
>Linked to the Sirens
>Learned fluent Eridian in under a week
>Full access to the Vault
Brick is also marcus fenix now
It'll come back in a different form
This shit has always existed, For as long as people have existed. Sometimes its barely noticable, Sometimes its really bad, Sometimes its justified. Whatever the case or intensity it'll always be around
But i feel that soon we're gonna have a small break, Everyone everywhere is going apeshit about everything and even the craziest extremists are starting to get tired.
Right here.
Right here.
Oh. Thanks for helping a blind user.
For me it's how a video game feels, and borderlands always felt great to play. I take the Carmack approach to story so I never cared that the games were super light on it. It's a game meant to be co-op played, and it is one of the most fun for that purpose.
an age of warm light will come after this
will you have the same feeling for this one?
Seriously though, I think what's more likely to happen is that people will rage about this game sucking, because I don't trust Gearbox lately. They haven't made a good game in a while, if ever.
i like that claptrap is back, i hope they have the same voice for him
David Eddings doesn't work for Gearbox anymore for undisclosed reasons and is now with Roosterteeth.
Jim Foronda (voice of Oscar Mike, ISIC, and Whiskey Foxtrot from Battleborn) is now the voice of Claptrap.
She's got an ugly face and new Maya is way hotter
But what I actually want is new Gaige
>brothers in arms, opposing force, and bl1
damn, does it still sound like him?
It might be a pitch higher? I don't know. He's still recognizably Claptrap though.
Considering how BL2 and the Pre-sequel went, I fully expect the terms "incel" and "toxic" to be used on multiple occasions.
did I wake up in an alternate universe Borderlands is garbage?
Hey guys, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!
Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come!
And what have they made lately that's any good? Almost every new thing from them sucks.
>t. futurefag
isn't that the game of thrones midget
Sum up tob plot for me ploz
Battleborn wasn't terrible, just marketed terribly marketed and a terrible business decision.
Imagine being so rectally devastated over a video game that you reply to every post with an opinion contrary to yours with a shitty copypasta.
Why do all the male characters look like Handsome Jack?
Because all guys want to be handsome
Jesus, the likeness. He really is.
maya is the cutest sir-
the literal only concerning thing is epic doing their scummy jew shit and swooping in for exclusivity rights.
I need a source on this shitty image to give me peace.
could have sworn I saw a back shot of Fiona or Sasha too
underrated post
One time me and a friend pranked a guy on work telling him that my grandpa was SS and I liked nazi memorabilia, etc.
The joke always get funny reactions because I have a militar tatoo on the arm, I am extremely white (here on my country extremely white people are not so common) and my head is shaved.
He listened to us and replied:
>Cool. Are you into some neo-nazi group or you just like these things? I was never interested in this race thing, what exactly do you don't like?
Me and my friend were surprised and started to laugh, told him it was a joke, and asked if he was into this, because his reaction was absolute normal.
He replied:
>Nah, I don't agree with it, at least from what I see. Like I said, I have no interest in this, in my opinion everyone has the right to think and be whatehever they want, even if it's a nazi or extremist or whatever. People just don't like somethings, that's not for me to decide or judge. I just don't care.
This sticked with me. For every person like OP's image there is another wanting to be the cool racist guy on the next thread.
Then in the net thread there is the tranny who wants to ban videogames with cute girls and user who want the tranny killed.
I just don't care anymore. I just wanted to talk about videogames.
Also, I can't point why, but the right chick has the exact same face as my ex girlfriend and this scraes me.
she sure is
damn time travelers
>will x kill sjw/anti sjw...
If you don't have an external enemy to fight, people divide and make one for themselves.
Timmy was an average kid, that no one understands...
bu but......
crush kill destroy
Borderlands 3 will heal the nation and unite the world. You'll see
just don't be racist, xenophobic, transphobic and a douchebag and you won't have a problem with sjw's its that simple
god no more spam about thta ugly nigger bitch
Wasn't it to fund Borderlands 2?
sadly this is true
To be fair, Notch is a little bitch boy that ran to reddit as soon as the Yea Forums meanies told him his infiminer clone wasn't getting good quality updates, and then ran to twitter because all that money has isolated him to where his money goes to fatty things like candy walls or whatever.
>that abs
>melee based
I mean, if you don't like her, you're just gay.
Smartest post in thread.
I honestly think all the female models (except maybe the gas mask chick and whoever's supposed to be between Hammerlock and Tina in this pic) look ugly. And "Remember: no pretty faces" is probably in the guidelines or something. I just don't get that if you all can see that, why some of you are optimistic about no SJW bullshit plaguing the game
because not everyone's got tenants in their head that squat there without paying rent
>New Girl
Do you think there will be two more and we'll finally get 6 sirens in the same place at the same time?
just imagine the delectable braps
I know the game won't go this way, but I like the idea of the different vault hunter gen's remaining distinct like separate teams, either competing in goals or not, rather than just some weird ever-growing "family" of previous game characters.
Maya is seen with a younger girl with blue hair and a hoodiein the trailers. My guess is the young girl is one of the sirens
Well, the girl with Maya in the trailer has a chance to be a Siren.
The girl with Maya in the trailer may be a new Siren. Male twin is possibly one but would depend on how he got his powers in the first place (split with twin or stolen from other Sirens).
>Lilith in the middle
God just fucking kill this bitch already it's so boring seeing her over and over
Sorry, tits and nostalgia sells
Go tell your straight friends to stop being horndogs and maybe they'll stop dragging her busted ass back
I'm a little skeptical on the girl being a Siren since every Siren we've seen up to this point has had their tattoos exposed and she's is completely covered up.
my problem is that they all have this weird fat bottom lip thing goin on
Hopefully having her powers stolen will teach her a lesson in humility.
>Cope: the post
black women cant be attractive unless they're whites with tans
Is that dipshit wearing a melted tire as a collar? I mean, it wouldnt surprise me, but damn that looks all kind of retarded.
What part was delusion, minefag? The first half is historical fact.
What do you think Steele's siren powers were?
iq 1 million
Hopefully it ends up resulting in her death sooner or later.
It's black fur lining.
I'm gonna miss the Angel ECHOs. HOPEFULLY, they don't use Lilith as a replacement.
Look at the girl's left arm in the OP pic
>Lilith replaces the Angel ECHOs
>Lilith replaces the general narration
>Lilith replaces the main NPC/quest-giver character
>Lilith replaces the plot itself
I know Tyreen's a Siren. I'm talking about Maya's hoodie buddy.
Now see, that looks like fur. Bitch boy Timmy Turner over there look like he cut a dirt bike tire in half and melted it to his fucking collar.
he looks like shit in this one. really beaten up/dented if you stop to look at him in the trailers. i'm thinking there's a chance he might actually die in this one.
i hope not because i unironically love him
Are siren powers unique to the individual or are they the same powers each time there's a new siren? It'd be kickass if it turned out Steele had whatever Tyreen or Amara's powers will be.
She's not black she's Indian, hence "le epic Asura arms so badass XD!!" siren power bullshit.
They're talking about the girl on the left dumdum
Excuse me, what? Are you blind or something? Look at the faces and honestly tell me the devs weren't actively sabotaging them.
>Tyreen Calypso: a scar across her face (or dirt, or both, can't tell)
>Moze: face paint and dirt
>Amara: dirt
>loli next to Maya: straight looks like a genderbent midget
>Aurelia: is a fucking Michael Jackson
>Tina: face paint and dirt
Lilith, Maya, Tannis and Ellie are pretty much the same.
Huh, Randy did push through with his female Psycho thing.
>ywn hogtie a crazy psycho bitch while she screams at you until her throat goes raw
but Borderlands is sjw culture
That's a chick, the bad guys are brother and sister
Why couldn't a black woman have a power like that? Seems stereotypical to think power has to do with race.
Fucking loser.
>Jack bows to the Baddies
>in contact with eridians
>rumoured to steal psychic abilities
>control pandora with an iron fist
>own guns and loot all over the planet
>direct descendants of the siren line
>will bankroll the first cities on Promethea
>Control the DAHL soldiers
>keep the NEWU system down
>own basically every slag research facility on Pandora
>first designer babies will be Baddie Babies
>both twins said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient helios scriptures tell of two sirens who will descend upon the vault and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are the baddie twins
>They own BADASS(TM) R&D labs around the world
>You likely have BADASS TOKENS inside you right now
>The Baddies are in regular communication with Claptrap, forwarding the word of Anthony Burch to the Children of the Vault
>They learned fluent Psycho in under a week
>Nation states entrust their eridium reserves with the twins. There's no eridium with general Knoxx
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>The Baddies will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
>He bought the Pre-Sequel Season Pass? Shut down 2K Australia.
>you will never be raped by a badass fem psycho midget and turned into her personal dildo for good marks
What's this man's story?
Unique with some minor similarities.
I was reaading a post and thinking that it was shit,
Then it became very hot and I spurt pre cum all over.
>"NOPE" plastered across her chest
They didn't think this would stop anyone did they
No, I got what your post meant. I've just seen the reaction image before and have wondered what the hell is up with the guy in it.
>It put me off so bad that I had no intentions to play the sequel
>I don't understand how players praise this game.
there's the mistake.
>Seems stereotypical to think power has to do with race.
I know, it fits Gearbox to a T.
>sjw culture
I think the "NOPE" is a thing for "flat".
They know what they are doing, they don't want to stop you, they want you to l
Pissed himself, thought pulling his sweat pants up would hide it but a little dribble came out without him noticing.
By the way, I don't see any open space or low gravity environments in the trailer. Are they getting rid of this concept entirely (that would be weird if the player is meant to travel in space between planets)? Would be cool if there's a small moon or space station segment.
So i'm excited for it personally
>Mordecai has Bloodwing's feathers in his hair
>Calypso twins might be Jacks or some shit with that whole "Honor the Father" message on their shit along with the upturned Vault symbol
>Full back water skag county shit show of a redneck world
>More of that delicious Hyperion aesthetic
>Those muscles on the new Siren
>The twin's overall look
>GriZ for the trailer sound track
They really got me with the music, I love GriZ.
I smell Sergei Brosa...
I hope holiday dlc is a thing again, I loved the little references.
>Bitch boy Timmy Turner
but they are the problem
anti sjw culture
you mean normal people?
It's Sergi Brosa
What has me a bit confused is the fact that they use UE and that lends itself to the EGS exclusivity deal very heavily. But when the other guy in the presentation was talking about RoR2 they referred to steam as "our buddies at Steam" so I'm not sure if EGS exclusivity will happend
Ok that girl with the white hair is fucking cute
They're fighting endlessly on trash planets filled with trigger-happy psychopaths, hostile-to-all wildlife, zombies, mutants, fuck huge robots, and the military
Youre gunna get some dirt and scars on you
Obviously its SJW culture. It already looks strongly like it from what was shown. Doesn't mean it is automatically a bad game. It looks like good fun despite the SJW nonsense.
Fuck lads, I'm almost tempted on picking this game up for the absolute waifu-tier brown skin muscle qt.
Naturally. But does it make the model uglier? Yes. Are there multiple planets to visit including somewhat stable ones like Promethea? Yes. Do some other characters who also fight on a daily basis appear relatively clean? Yes. Hell, Ellie who's supposed to work with shit like oil and gasoline or Tannis who's basically a NEET both look clean-ish.
Don't like the face. Not like I want her to be ugly, but it's too cute for the kind of body/build she's going for, stronger features would suit her better considering the rest of her body. There she looks like a camgirl's head glued onto an Amazon's body.
Are you me?
>everybody is losing their minds over Indian muscle chick
>russian cutie is completely unappreciated
Personally I think its her cheeks and eyebrows. They should be sharper like
>kill sjw/anti sjw culture
That would require all the zoomers to disapear
>platting a game you don't enjoy
Literal autism?
millenials are pulling this the most
I mean, I can just taste her.
Indian chick is in my tongue.
Well in on angle she straight up looked like an ayy lmao, but she cute too. I can't choose between her and the Siren. I don't want my friend yoinking her since her ability looks real nice too
it looks like Pearl from splatoon
Isn't randy pitchfuck one of those ass jews
No, videogames don't kill sjw/anti sjw culture. Guns and tanks, and helicopters do.
op here. not trying to say the game will be bad, just have this feeling that the game will have sjw/anti sjw spent. similiar to how assassin's creed, call of duty and marvel/dc movies had their audience overwhelmed.
After the trailer I fully believe that Randy is just as much of a lying sellout as Todd.
he is a ninja after all
Ére we go boyz!
I don't know but holy fuck did I find boredlands 2 boring
So, do I play Borderlands 1 or 2 in the meantime?
I've played both at release, I think I preferred 1 at the time. Might be fun revisiting the remastered version.
1 was better.
She batter have thick Russian accent.
>and was partially culprit of Handsome Jack becoming evil.
She was the whole reason he lost his shit. Handsome Jack was reckless and egotistical but could have been saved had a single person sat him down to reason with him. Damaging his face right after he saw those visions pushed him over the edge and made him want to eliminate ALL vault hunters, because of one impulsive chick. Remember how she acted about executing Athena?
It will have just as much, or even more SJW than the last game. They won't have learned anything, they're just remaking the same game with a new story. It's even the same engine. And you've already seen the strong independent females and unnatural hair colours.
>Apparently "barely legal" literally means just that.
Barely Legal is just the weird porn term for jailbait girls who are 18, so they can have "teen" porn. Barely Legal in regular terms would literally mean a girl who just turned 18, like the very day of the act or some days after.
God the memes are already top tier and its barely been two days.
1 doesn't have the damage and hp hard curve and is still fun but 2 has all of my favorite weapons to curb my autism.
Skins for the new siren are looking cool
i have hope that's all that matters
They are twins I thought.
Through that I believe she can share her siren powers with him because they have the DNA thingy going on.
Unlikely if Jack is right and there can be only six at a time.
Since at the most the last one would be as old as however many years there are between BL2 and 3, which is to say a little kid. Assuming the same kind of time skip as between the first two games, she would be 5 and the other one, born after Steele died, would be 10.
Thus the girl with Maya who does the same thing as Maya with Lilith could be a strong candidate for second youngest, but that would be the max amount of Sirens in this game.
Unless of course its a NPC on a different world. which might be the case.
OH my
Tina as DLC vault hunter
Why does the trailer depict Lilith on her knees and crawling around like a bitch? Right after showing images of stronk black womenz, then lilith a pale redheaded powerful siren looking defeated? What did they mean by this?
Where is Krieg tho.
She's not a loli anymore so that would be meh
This Kreig as first DLC class please!
That Lilith had become too powerful so they just remove her from the game and it help making the new antagonists appear dangerous.
Also it pleases some people who don't like her because of what she did to fan-favourite Jack.
Why the FUCK do i even open Yea Forums? Nobody even wants to talk about video games.
hopefully this chars skill tree maximises the time you're in the tankbot.
at home looking after his and maya's feral offspring, of course.
ill talk to you about video games user
smug and small
maya is the reason krieg is a playable character at all. did you not see his short?
for me
I did, I just don't believe that they would ever hook up.
And that any of child of Maya would be feral, but that is unrelated.
Yeah its ONLY Yea Forums that doesn't want to talk about games. Not the devs, publishers or "journalists", they're keeping it 100% about games and completely apolitical , its this gosh, darned place that just refuses to talk about games.
Feel free and and go somewhere else and see how much they talk about videogames.
That post was so fucking retarded
I hope they fixed torgue weapons so i can use them without feeling like they have a massive delay.
I hope to high fucking god that there aren't any shitty weird environment fuck ups that grind your sprint to a halt if you scrape a small section of terrain.
You think they'll make shock weapons good for something other than shooting shields
You think they'll make fire damage weapons not do shit ass damage to shields.
Please talk about videogames
then you didn't play as krieg and collect all the notes and audio logs that tell his story.
he WAS a pandoran settler iirc, with a family and everything, until he was driven mad by their violent deaths.
he's pandoran outlaw josey wales.
>You think they'll make shock weapons good for something other than shooting shields
>You think they'll make fire damage weapons not do shit ass damage to shields.
Not him but no, and no.
Think they'll add some new one off gimmick again? Like LAZURZ or space jumping?
no you kept me waiting for too long user, just like like you kept your crush waiting its too late. goodbye user
i couldn't care less about those other retards because they ain't on Yea Forums the video game discussion board.
you expect intelligence on Yea Forums ?
Space jumping was fun and useful while the lazers were shit and all extremely samey
You baited me
I don't see how that would lead to him and Maya having childrens.
Him having a crush on her does not a relationship make.
Unlikely on both counts but they could just have enemy variety where using various weapons type will be more practical.
So the patient zero of SJWism does a full 180? Highly unlikely but would be funny if it did.
Which one? The playable Siren or the new villain Siren with her evil spic bodyguard?
ouch i can feel that right in my heart
Looks more like Skag fur.
my god i'm not ready to have to slowly switch weapons after shooting a 4million hp shield with my shock maliwan pistol
You think they'll at least drop the 4 bullets per shot for those.
I'm starting to remember all the fucking horrible things that bothered me through bl2
it can't be cured but it could be contained
ima pirate bl3 as soon as i can and i would buy it on the first sale but im spooker that jewbox is gonna do some scam shit like they did with the last season pass
i'm just sad lilith got character assassinated the way she did after 1. What an awful way to go after being the most fun character to play in that game
Could just limit itself to having to use a given weapon type for a given faction even in the endgame, just with more health and better tactics.
nah i'm just going to kill myself instead
No, it won't end the exhausting pop politics war that has bubbled and stunk up Yea Forums since GamerGate. Unless it's a vast departure from the previous games, I'll still do a playthrough with my wife and our two friends, probably two if UVHM is there. I'll also get a kick out of whatever small allusion to homosexuality, trans people or feminism is blown out of proportion and triggers the thin skinned faggots that cry over shit like that.
Thats the most worrying thing about the trailer really. The combat and driving both seem just as floaty as in BL2.
>small allusion to homosexuality, trans people or feminism.
Bl2 and especially presequel did not have small allusions but blatant pandering because of one notorious cuck in the writing team. Thankfully he's out of the picture now and busy covering Riots real life rape events with "woke" gay campaigning.
Randy did promise to tone down the internet memes and "gag-a-minute" a bit but that man's words can't be trusted.
Is she the Luke Skywalker of Borderlands?
>but blatant pandering
Like Torque trying to use feminism to get in the female party members pants? Because the only other """pandering""" was that some characters were gay or bi.
burch doesn't work there anymore, for whatever it's worth
I think going by some pictures in the trailers there might be sliding which was not there before IIRC.
And you can apparently shoot the feets of shield bearing guys that way.
Of course that does not mean much but they might have made an effort.
Also I think there are lazer, possibly cryo weapons in the game so one type might replace another, at least in the hands of the proper character.
Wait for April 3 I guess.
I've always felt like there should be at least somewhat of a cover system in bl something as small as having the ability to take cover in fire fights would be fine just like how the psychos can just completely just ball up behind some fucking debris.
Crouching don't do a damn thing for the hunters and you're stuck in the open just eating whatever is thrown at you.
Driving is an entire other world
Confirmed with this guy. I'm pretty interested on how Maliwan plays into the story, they're pretty much THE company that messes with elementals.
As long as slag is gone, I'm good.
They should rework knife throwers. Cover is essentially non-existent with those guys.
>Cover is essentially non-existent with those guys.
Cover don't real already user. can you actually think of a time that you used cover in the middle of a fight that wasn't an exploit?
Looks like there are some moderately odd weapons, and that Amara can Phaselock too.
Might be they do elemental lazers or something.
And I am pretty sure slag is nowhere to be seen.
user i have return and i am ready to settle
Is it about time to get this?
I'm at Level 20, playing through just with my girlfriend. I'm enjoying it a lot, the start is a big shitty but once you hit Sanctuary and the world opens up it gets really fun. Plus you start to get an idea of an actual build instead of your gameplay being whatever your newest pick up is plus a Super Move.
I'm definitely gonna main her. Her mech pilot playstyle will sate the Lost Planet fanboy within me
>I pirated it 8 years ago
>play up to a point
>it was fun but I stopped
>read this
I think I stopped playing it right before the opening up happens. Might be cool.
That isn't pandering, it's inclusion. An image of a wacky face and some long winded blog post from a writer isn't an argument.
>I've always felt like there should be at least somewhat of a cover system in bl
You feel that because the game engine is taken from Brothers in Arms, that is a cover-based shooter. Ever noticed in BL2 when you go and stand behind a waist-high obstacle like a barrel, suddenly enemies can barely hit you at all with their guns? Thats a mechanic in BrA.
These are actual shills. There's no fucking way someone who posts on this board regularly typed this trash out.
>no pube peek
it's like the artist is not even trying
>Writer admits minority characters are put there to "make the world a better place"
>"Thats not pandering."
Jesus fuck you're stupid. Its pandering if the writer admits its pandering. Fuck you. It didn't seem so blatant in Borderlands 2 because Burch was not the main writer in that game, his writing was supervised. But in Pre-Sequel he was which explains why the writing on that one was so godawful.
You mean a civil discussion? Sorry, I'm sure you're a GG refugee, let me make it more comfortable for you.
>It's alright besides all of the SJW shit, everybody is gay or a nigger and you can't go five seconds without hearing about somebody being pozzed. The first game, like always, was objectively superior and the second one is just an (((updated))) and ruined piece of shit that took away all of the good from the first entry. Reddit likes it because it has jokes and leftist propaganda in it though. Go buy Sekiro instead, GOD I wish I could move to Japan where the SJWs don't exist.
Have you played Shadow Warrior 2?
>Its pandering if the writer admits its pandering
You clearly don't know what pandering means, provide the framework for what pandering is and show how this is pandering. Otherwise keep desperately cope posting with non-arguments from 6 years ago.
Gortys better fucking make an appearence
Looks like i live in your head rent free because i didn't type out nor imply any of that shit.
I missed GG anyway so yeah, i migrated from /k/
I also have no problems with fags or niggers
Actually I did and funnily enough that game had the opposite problems. Gunplay itself was fun but all the rpg aspects were not well thought out. First few missions the monsters feel like bullet sponges but after you get the Rage ability and certain brokenly overpowered cards (like minus Elemental resists for all enemies), the game becomes way too easy even with hardest difficulty, everything just melts instantly.
That game was gorgeous, my favorite area was the goddess Temple in terms of visuals.
You asked me to post like "someone on this board" and that is the general conduct, something you'd know if you didn't come here from Reddit. Keep feeding me (You)'s after you got anally annihilated, I can hear your asshole sizzling from here.
I think that it won't matter, and I think borderlands 3 is going to be a game that tries it's damndest to avoid political commentary that's so blatantly parallel to the real world that there's a character named kumpf or some dumb faggot shit. They've realized how hard they fucked up pulling that nonsense in battleborn and the bulletstorm remaster. gearbox in general has fucked up really bad lately.
I'm cautiously hopeful. I'm not optimistic, and I think the game is still going to suck (because the concept is trash), but I think the political commentary will be toned down, and if it is, i'll buy it for that alone.
Whatever you say big daddy user.
An entertainment product riddled with vulgarity and violence trying to virtue signal and "make the world a better place" by introducing woke virtual characters is the very epitome of pandering. None of the money that went to BL2 went to charities or LGBT communities. It was the King of Cucks pandering towards trannies in order to virtue signal and appear a better person to his friends in his circle of hipsters.
Wouldn't be surprised if this was actually past of the plot
Art style is taking most of the magic of her body away, that and she looks like ugly Sombra.
>very epitome of pandering
Prove it, because you're just giving me your feelings right now.
wise man
I gave you the writers manifesto and long explanation of what a fucking idiot you are. Your turn to prove I'm wrong, so far you've only given Resetera-tier dismissal without any actual reasoning or counter-argument. So explain carefully how its not pandering, or go back to Resetera where mentally ill faggots like you belong.
>prove I'm wrong
You haven't made an argument, I can't disprove a non-existent point. Demonstrate the framework of what pandering is and how this fits it. You're getting INCREDIBLY and demonstrably upset that I'm expecting you to provide more than just your fragile feelings and asinine buzzwords, so feel free to take a five minute breather if you need to Google definitions or pop some Bagel Bites in the microwave.
>Demonstrate the framework of what pandering is and how this fits it.
I already did, here: Learn to fucking read. Now explain to me how that is NOT pandering again. Or better yet, go neck yourself, tranny.
don't tell me who I am and am not allowed to hate.
You didn't provide any framework or evidence in that post. Take your snack break then try to produce a salient argument.
Not an argument, try again.
Looks like Beasmaster VH might be Loaderbot.
You're right, but I'm not the one pretending to have an argument. I'm just waiting on proof of your claim. Also you're a spineless pussy that has responded to half a dozen posts but can't provide an argument. You should just slip into your smooth brained and unhinged rants about evil trannies from space that you can't beat in an argument.
>You're right
Didn't read any further. Glad you admitted it.
Is the kid supposed to look like a potato or is this just a poorly timed frame
Never understood why people find this game fun, omg grind for that epic weapon so you can kill a lvl 3738 monster and see bigger numbers go up. Firearms are firearms dude any game where two similar pistols make orders of magnitude different damage is a lame game
Fuck him up!!!!!
If you were capable of paying attention to more than two words at a time you would have been able to look up a definition to support your argument, no surprise there. At least you've finally capitulated.
Not an argument, try again.
>installed bl2 for the first time in years
>played 40 minutes and lost interest
Yeah I don't give a shit about 3, I got over this stuff a while back I guess. It sucks knowing that like half the abilities in the game will be bugged and really screw up build options too, bl2 was a fucking mess and required a patch that was bigger than the game itself to fix it
>to act as a pander especially : to provide gratification for others' desires
Burch admitted to pandering towards the SJW audience. The only reason Ellie is fat is because Burch thought he could score virtue signaling points in his San Fransisco circle-jerk. There is no other reason for that character to exist but the writers very own admission.
>There is no other reason for that character to exist but the writers very own admission
Not him but man. You should check Randy's wife.
>pandering is bad except when it panders to me
can you stop
>to provide gratification for others' desires
1) He literally said it was for his own desires. 2) What *isn't* pandering when it comes to any form of bought product? 3) How is pandering a *bad thing*? 4) There is no reason for any character in any piece of media to exist.
I purchased the presequel ages ago but not played it all that much, what are the odds it is still active on ps4?
>Yeah I don't give a shit about 3, I got over this stuff a while back I guess.
Pretty much. I remember enjoying this shit a decade ago as a teenager, but it's just god awful now. Quest design is horrible, writing is horrible, 95%+ of the guns are simply shit to play with, bullet sponges everywhere, the only defense of the game is "but it's fun with friends".
>he found a portal in time
You should have helped Jack beat Aku, he would have found better use of it than reliving Alien & Duke Nukem
There literally is 0 shitshow. Yea Forums is once again being hyperbolic. Everyone outside of Yea Forums is excited as fuck for borderlands 3. That isn't to say people on Yea Forums aren't excited, but the only people who are mad are on Yea Forums.
i think op means shitshow in general not borderlands 3
>1) He literally said it was for his own desires.
No he didnt: >"while arbitrarily diverse casts might make the story worse, they make world better."
He said he did it because it "makes world better", while it actually really doesn't. He's pandering to minorities to make a quick buck and appear more woke than he really is.
>2) What *isn't* pandering when it comes to any form of bought product?
Your original argument: "Thats not pandering", it is pandering, quit moving goalposts.
>3) How is pandering a *bad thing*?
It hurts the story if it gets too on the nose. And BURCH HIMSELF ADMITTED IT.
>4) There is no reason for any character in any piece of media to exist.
This is why you're not a writer. Characters exist in the story to serve the story, well written characters basically write the story by themselves. When you make the story worse by pandering too much at the cost of quality of the story, thats bad writing. Burch is a bad writer that blatantly pandered towards SJWs and its a good thing he doesn't work in BL3.
>being excited for Feminism 3: Friendzoned is a mysoginistic term edition
I fucking hate nu-Yea Forums.
this here
>Your original argument: "Thats not pandering"
It isn't, he never stated it was to satisfy (a mandatory condition for pandering) another person. The point of the question is gauging how ridiculously wide the breadth of your definition is.
>It hurts the story if it gets too on the nose. And BURCH HIMSELF ADMITTED IT.
I don't care what Burch said, I'm asking you to present an actual argument. So far you haven't proven that this is pandering and can't actually explain the difference between this and literally any other decision made during the creative process of a commercial product.
>Characters exist in the story to serve the story, well written characters basically write the story by themselves.
These aren't counter arguments, none of the characters that were added were added solely to be gay. It was an additional trait appended to an existing character.
>When you make the story worse by pandering too much at the cost of quality of the story, thats bad writing.
Firstly, there was no pandering. Secondly, there was no demonstrable harm done to the story because Axton mentioned railing dudes in a throwaway voice line.
Well I suppose the idea was to have a Pankiller plus a bit of random stuff and levelling to give more length to the game, I got 100 hours out of it and that's way more than the first Shadow Warrior reboot, I did not expect a game like Borderlands, also at least you are not a glass cannon, (well maybe you kind of are without minus elemental resist, fuck that shit).
I think it delivered given the premise and the size of the studio, now if they want to actually tackle Borderlands given they have been acquired by a bigger publisher and put it on equal footing then we can properly criticize it.
Why would you want to play with Randoms? I once played with Yea Forums Borderlands 1, it was awful, a constant rush, no time to gaze at the environment, or ponder about the plot, or consider who should get which gun and why, or elaborating a strategy.
The problem is other games have come along and done shit better. BL's open world is dull and the quests are MMO tier. Your character has fuck all going on, which along with the gorrilian guns just feels like you are working towards a point where combat isn't shit. Now you can play games about loot that constantly throw you in the action, even cutting out story. Grinding in games can be fun but other stuff has come along to create a more pure form of it.
he used >6806
>he is a
Where's best girl?
no, big head syndrome
>It isn't, he never stated it was to satisfy (a mandatory condition for pandering) another person.
He argued it would make "world a better place", how is that not claiming he's doing it for someone else, you stupid fucking cretin? He didnt pander to faggots so he could dominate the world as a dictator.
>So far you haven't proven that this is pandering
Writer himself openly admitted its pandering, it was always meant to be pandering. Your opinion about the matter is irrelevant when the writer himself says thats the 100% main reason a thing exists in the game. You can't get more clear pandering than that.
>These aren't counter arguments, none of the characters that were added were added solely to be gay
Ellie was made specifically to pander and to make more diverse cast. faceless npcs talking about gay marriages wasnt the only thing he did.
>Secondly, there was no demonstrable harm done
Thanks to the other writers who salvaged Burch's shit. The game had multiple writers and the other writers knew better than to think blatant pandering towards minorities "makes the world a better place".
I was gonna make this same joke. Kek
knotted in the middle of the desert
borderlands ruined months of college because my 3 apartmentmates only wanted to play borderlands then borderlands 2 a dozen times in a row when they came out. idk if they are fun games but watching them sucks.
2003 MySpace scene girls
>how is that not claiming he's doing it for someone else
Who is "the world"? If your definition of pandering is "something is done with the intention of appealing to a completely undefined universal pool of people" then literally anything can be called pandering.
>Writer himself openly admitted its pandering
I don't care what he says, an idiot saying something doesn't change the definition of words.
>Ellie was made specifically to pander and to make more diverse cast
[citation needed]
>Thanks to the other writers who salvaged Burch's shit.
Conspiracy theory. I can't believe how many feels arguments you're giving me, did Burch make you gay as well? lmao
>Who is "the world"?
Stopped reading there. Mentally ill tranny detected, opinion discarded.
you are welcome randy! i love your game series, your other games are shit thogh...
WTF are you talking about? Randy Pitchford is SJW himself, many "memes", jokes and characters in BL2 and pre-sequel were also aiming to these regressive morons. I guess it'll still be the case in BL3.
SJW/anti-SJW war will only stop after these developers stop blatantly shoveling their own ideological propaganda into games then selling to public. They start this by themselves.
Since when does Yea Forums like this shitty looter shooter cringe franchise?
>hey guys
Hey Randy, did you just assume our genders? You BIGOT!
Some explain who Rhyz is to me? Never played TftB
how many years until this war ends
Big Robot Cock
BL2 has always been one of Yea Forums's guilty pleasures user.
Back when Krieg was revealed there were plenty of hypethreads going full force(one of the most fun times on this board)
couldn't protect her from the wild dogs and it got ripped into pieces. bad end
Based. I literally cannot get enough of her.
Everytime I play another character I just wanna go back to her.
And her quotes are top tier
He did admit the pandering and the machinegun-pace gags were bit too much in BL2 and talked about toning it down. But he's not really the most trustworthy guys in the gaming industry.
Not him but imagine defending Anthony "everyone is gay" Burch on Yea Forums of all places.
Judging from his posts its probably Burch himself.
Oh fuck you just me interested in fucking borderlands again.
Tales were fun.
>And her quotes are top tier
>I say Mechro you say Mancer! Mechro..... oh you guys suck!
>God help you all if I actually hit something!
>Oh god, smells like piss in Nacho
Ah, so that's where Zer0 was hiding. Thought it was weird that nobody was talking about him being missing like the other four BL2 characters.
yeah, normally Yea Forums has rather shit taste...
I disagree. I think Tina, Maya, and the new siren look fine.
The white-haired villain Siren is cute enough, her hairstyle is kinda fugly.
I dunno. This look a lot like a female brawler to me. They aren't super pretty usually, but still attractive.
I'm probably going to pick the robot because I'm a sucker for animal companion classes. But both girls look fun too.
The fourth character needs a crazy ability to avoid being the boring Roland/Axton of the game
She looks fine
Hey Randy, can you show us magic trick with disappearing child porn?
What's the vault?
>simple design
>the purple highlights complement the dark clothing and her skin tone
>muscle girl
>punk aesthetic
>cool hindu reference
it's weird that one artist at gearbox did their job, and whoever made the other 3 characters blew it so fucking hard.
Athena isn't a siren
this is exactly what i thought except instead of timmy its shiny teeth guy
FINALLY! Some trans representation!
>strong so she can protect you
Want her to wrap her toned arms around me
I wish I understood how people like these games.
i want her to wrap her toned thighs around me and force me to impregnate her, and start a family.
What a disgusting nigger tranny.
tfw thought I was weird liking muscle girls now I see its the patrician choice after all
>face is too cute
Yeah, she's a 10/10 anime girl, bro.
I just like shooters with lots of weapon variety.
How absolutely based will it be when they reveal the robot man is actually Loader Bot?
yeah, that would be super based bro
No, you are still a weirdo, and so are those "women".
Fortunately, they are a minority.
>head clipping through her hair
clearly whoever rigged her model fucked up really bad. her face gets ruined when she makes any expression.
I was about 13 i think when I played borderlands and really enjoyed it. The coop makes it better and it was really the only game like it at the time. The fun is just in not knowing what’s ahead of you really I guess and the RPG elements.
Of course I’m 21 now and would never consider playing any of the sequels but I can see why underaged and redditors with low mental capacity might like it.
I'm afraid Nintendoface.png doesn't apply here, friend.
>simple design
Not at all.
>punk aesthetic
How is that punk?
>cool hindu reference
What the fuck is cool about that shit?
And what the hell is wrong with her face?
It looks like a black dude.
God, I wish Maya was still playable.
I guess i'll say goodbye to playing Siren.
Every single Vault Hunter in every mainline game has been a 100% original character with no previous connections or appearances to previous games.
Get over it Talesfag.
Variety means nothing if everything feels like shit, and it does, IMO. Guns feel limp and unsatisfying. I'd rather have 10 really satisfying weapons than 200 mediocre ones. I hated it when Shadow Warrior 2 followed the design philosophy of Borderlands, too. I loved the reboot and then the sequel shit all over it with the literal Borderlands formula.
tfw robohobbo is revealed to be a nigger with a deep voice and i can't play it, but don't want the old hipster faggot either.
maya looks way too close to my older cousin that was constantly having sex with me when i was younger
She was an emo or something?
>he said, while posting the 4th Vault Hunter from TPS
>mainline game
the villains look pretty badass
I don't get one thing. You say they'll tone down the SJW crap. How exactly if they already ruined characters like Springs, Athena, Hammerlock and most noticeably Torgue? Fuck, I already can hear his fucking rants about Trump I'm also 100% sure Maliwan CEO is supposed to be a Trump parody, which is also fitting because of Torgue's hate for elemental weapons and lasers or whatever they find offensive and inappropriate these days.
she was, she was peak 2003 emo.
Lucky bastard.
i remember when borderlands threads would be tossed out like so much garbage when they really would try to viral the game here
2 has more environment variety where most of 1 was deserts if I remember. I personally liked 2 more just because I had more fun with it
I mean that would remove the point of the elmental weapons to be strong against a certain thing and shit against another thing
He's a guy.
Holy shit, already?
they aren't going to kill off the mascot and joke character
>I've always felt like there should be at least somewhat of a cover system in bl
I completely disagree. To me, the appeal of Borderlands is the "death ballet" gameplay where everything is exploding all around you and it's complete chaos. I don't think that would work as well if there was a cover system.
Everyone wants to bang Maya, even more now.
>this indian
But she has a massive african like nose and mouth
I never got it
>playable brown muscle Siren
>evil loli Siren
>Lilith no longer a Siren
Is Blake from the claptrap DLC likely to be a Hyperion CEO in 3? In trailer you can see a blue serial claptrap near customization station.
Hyperion is defunct around Pandora after Tales. Helios was the only thing that allowed them to retain any control in the region and it crashed.
100 bison bucks shes gay
This whole series is shit, but if you actually are praising the telltale game with its shit maymays and dialog and everything you need to KILL YOURSEL
>100 bison bucks shes gay
she's not white, so there's only a 10% chance. the LGBT mafia and the diversity mafia generally don't agree.
Actually, after all the backlash around literally everyone on the moon being gay and Australian in TPS, they might just make her straight and super girly when she's crushing on someone just to twist the meme back on itself.
The real question is if we'll get wincest front and center from these two. They've already referenced it before with the Hodunk clan.
I hope so. Blake is too cool a character to being relegated to Handsome Jack's bitch and tossed out.
Real shame he didn't appear in Tales.
>shit maymays
Did you even have the game? It had next to none, the only one I can remember was the Cowboy Bebop reference.
>new Gaige
this. need that anarchy build
Gaige was probably the only fun i remember having in 2. I know she won't be playable again, but I'd really like something like her. The soldier looking girl might be the closest to her.
i had fun with maya after her phaselock was upgraded a lot, krieg with like salt the wounds was cool too. anarchy gaige was still the best.
I hated Gaige, Anarchy made playing her an awful experience.
>What the fuck is cool about that shit?
She's a fucking rage/war demon god
Hindu mythology is actually kind of cool since its basically a never ending shonen barfight
It's pretty sad listening to these faggots act like the last 4 games gearbox made weren't financial sink holes. Let alone the last two TRASH Borderlands games.
Gaige was retarded design. She was made for people who wanted to hold down W and rmb
Her fingernails are kind of long for that
I wanna kiss that qt girl.
I bet she talks like some stupid voodoo nigger
>Rhys in the trailer
100% more interested then I was before.
Color me surprised if she ends up with a faint hindi accent and somehow ends up being the "Polite" one of the 4
hot as fuck
>has a big ass pony tail
god I hope she has a long hair head.
There's no way shoes not going to sound like a silverback gorilla screaming down the mountain side with the fury of a thousand stubbed toes
God I want to curl up and nestle my face in her abs on a lazy afternoon
Worse, buff tranny nigger shitskins
>buff tranny nigger shitskins
thanks for making my little white beta pee pee rock hard, user.
If any of the Tales cast is going to be playable it'll be Fiona as DLC.
dat tummy
Who? The pajeeta diversity quota they pushed to replace godtier Maya who btw looks even hotter now?
No ty
Who? Oh you mean than tranny fanfiction.
I think it's the other way around. He has red siren marks.
glad were all on the same page now
He has Lilith's Siren tattoos now. Notice that she doesn't have them anymore.
It's all fun and games playing with other peoples lives til you get your nigh-immortality powers taken away bitch.
SJW culture is BAD-ASS sweaty... Borderlands 3 will embrace it to the fullest.
Coop is fun to chill in with mates
This. I can't wait to be told how I'm practically Hitler
I mean they did give the manlet spic dwarf the most comically EY ESE DONTCHU KNOW IM LOCO voice so you're probably right
seriously bl is only interesting in coop
would never finish that game solo
>after all the backlash around literally everyone on the moon being Australian