Who do you guys like more, Elites or Brutes?
Halo thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>do you guys prefer the asian aliens or the african aliens
I prefer the Latino aliens (Grunts)
i like my wife
>help out humanity
>glass africa
elites are obviously the best choice
Fat Elites
They were based on the norse.
Tell them to release this shit already
T'vaoan are the best.
Tell me more.
What are they doing.
elites, game went to shit when brutes were introduced, like wgere the fuck were they, the shit are them doing in my halo game?!
An Elite male soldier, but fat from eating a lot of food while on Earth.
Covenant with its religious taboos was hindrance for Elites. Without it they would have ruled galaxy by now.
He's bracing the little Kiggy with a hug.
Brutes are based on Europeans, user: Bungie themed them after the Germanic tribes became assmiliated into and then led to the fall of Rome. It's pretty easy to see why, if you think about it: Brutes are violent, relatively primitive people who became incorporated into a more complex empire and then fractured the whole thing. This is why they have Greco-roman names (Taratarus, Maccabeus, Castor, etc) and if you look at Halo 2, and especially 3, Wars, and Reach concept art, their armor was Roman themed.
Anyways, I wish they went further with this: In games the brutes always come off as just dumb savages, it would be cooler if they worked in the more greco-roman inspirations: Brutes have the potential to be really cool
That skirmisher should get more meat on its bones. It looks like it has been half starved.
more examples
I like em with a bit of a dad bod, too.
In the concepts, yeah. In the lore, Sangheili are based from the norse and Romans. Their ranks have been Roman related since Ghosts of Onyx.
He's usually happy when stuffed.
They seem to also have a lot of Japanese cultural niches with bushido and samurai.
Why does this guy have to post his faggot shit in every god damn Halo thread. Neck yourself queer.
elites are so fucking cool. Brutes look like giant chodes
>They seem to also have a lot of Japanese cultural niches with bushido and samurai.
Their swordsmanship is directly European, as said from the essential visual guide. All Sangheili in the military are gifted blades. Lords (direct translation of Kaidon) and royal blood are given swords outside of combat.
>cool, honorable and strong warriors
>literal poo-flinging monkey retards
Yeah tough choice
That's some neat concept art.
>Game about this period
Yes or No?
At least I discuss Halo.
Anons here use the material I post. I acquired a copy of The Art of Halo 3 for like $25 back in 2016. I still have to scan it.
Art Books:
>Art of Halo 3
>Art of Halo 5
>Art of Halo (Original)
>Art of Halo (CE to Wars/Reach)
>Art Compilation from CE to 4
>Halo Books
Dad bod is nice, but I like them a bit bigger.
Eh, I don't care for Ancient Humans or Forerunners, so I'd get nothing out of it.
How about this one?
Not gonna lie, I am meaning like a bit* of an overhang.
4 Cortana is easily the best design, the fuck are you on user?
Master Chief
If done well it could be amazing, but I don't trust any studio to do it justice. It's a miracle the forerunner era stuff is done as good as it is in the forerunner novels, and even then it only works there because of greg beare's elder god tier writing: that's why everything in them sounds stuipid out of context and people who read wiki summaries of them shitpost about how bad they are, because outside the context of how he writes it and the buildup he does it all DOES sound stupid
Can humans and elites breed?
Idk desu and its the same fucking art over and over
Have you had a basic biology class yet?
I especially like the more monstrous/avian Halo Wars style.
So they can?
Sure, why not.
Holy fuck that energy axe is amazing. Why did we never get something like that?
>tfw he didn't see that scene in HW2 where like five Brutes rape a dozen Elites unarmed
I'm sure they'd like jazz music playing.
Sword too iconic, at least we get the grav hammer
because melee weapons in an age of ranged weapons is retarded.
You know some human women would see Elite males as pretty hot hahaha
This is a canon weapon.
Anybody know where I can get the og Halo CE for PC?
>Sangheili are trained to be skilled in most ranged weapons, as well as hand-to-hand combat. A prominent example of this martial focus is that only aristocrats are allowed to wield energy swords and that sword-wielders are then no longer eligible for marriage; however, they may breed with any female they choose, married or otherwise, to ensure successful transmission of "swordsman" genes.
>A prominent example of this martial focus is that only aristocrats are allowed to wield energy swords and that sword-wielders are then no longer eligible for marriage; however, they may breed with any female they choose, married or otherwise, to ensure successful transmission of "swordsman" genes.
> however, they may breed with any female they choose, married or otherwise, to ensure successful transmission of "swordsman" genes.
>they may breed with any female they choose
Elites by far. Having them both as enemies is better than one or the other, though. That's one thing Reach did right.
Be honest with me, Yea Forums
Would you fuck a female grunt?
No way.
Man they really made the Brutes less bullet-spongey in Halo 3 compared to Halo 2.
don't do it bro female grunts are built for 24/7 orgies and are fucking nasty, they'll suck the farts out of your ass
They ARE stupid. They and all of 343i's Halo completely contradict and retcon away all the cool lore and all the important themes fro the Bungie era. Flood as a Galactic apex predator/natural selection taken to its logical extreme? Lol now they're just a generic bioweapon made by crabs. Forerunner as enlightened space gods who choose infant humanity to carry on their torch? Lol there just some dicks who apparently now hate humans., who themselves are now apparently ancient fucking astronauts.
Based. Grunts are bros.
>Forerunner as enlightened space gods
That was shown to be inaccurate in the Halo 3 terminals.
>Lol now they're just a generic bioweapon made by crabs.
You obviously haven't read them, thanks for proving my point
fuck off
Dude what the fuck are you talking about?
Joseph Staten's lore (director of cinematics for the Halo trilogy, mission script writer) had humans as Forerunner descendants designated "Reclaimers".
This isn't contradicted until the Halo 3 terminals, which in turn blows the whole lore into a clusterfuck retardation of inconsistencies as we get into 343i's additions.
Also Truth became a completely different character for some reason.
>Explicitly revealed to be Bioweapon made by precursors to avenge themselves on forerunners.
>No you haven't read it.
Sorry I meant "Gods" in a more metaphorical sense. I meant in the sense they weren't supposed to be just generic space dickbags like in the 343i games. Like going through they're facilities in Halo 1 they're obviously mundane enough to have to build all this stuff, but the way it's presented along with their terminals in later games shows them as kind of "otherworldly".
Nobody prefers the Brutes. I don't dislike them or anything but Elites are so much cooler.
I can't believe the Rookie fucking died in a book
So who did the Prophets recruit first with Forerunner propaganda? Was it the Elites? Because it seems like the Covenant got really strong really quick and I can't imagine they did it with fucking Grunts and Jackals.
press F
I'm sure Bigdad or some other fucktard could make me consider it, but it would have to be so non-canon that it'd defeat the purpose.
T. Chief
Yes. The San'Shyuum first shared their Forerunner discoveries with the initially resistant Sangheili.
Were it so easy.
I miss when Narse drew them.
He drew them surprisingly well.
Does he do xeno shit now? I thought he was a /ss/ man.
That makes a lot of sense, especially considering how betrayed the Elites came across in 2. Thanks user.
Brutes literally only exist because fanboys of the first Halo liked fighting the Elites. Players began to like or respect them and even suggested wanting to play as one, but in order for that to happen there had to be an ugly mongoloid counterpart to shoot at instead (and it couldn't be humans, because after the events of CE that would feel like blatant betrayal.)
Problem is the Elites lost a lot of what made them interesting to fight in the first game, virtually all of which was then handed off and bastardized by the brutes. Brutes have same-sounding speech and similar battlecries to the CE elites, while the Elites themselves now have deep human voices you don't immediately discard as retarded monstrous gibberish. Brutes dictate platoons of soldiers with an iron fist, try to beat the shit out of you with melee weapons, enrage when enough of their minions die or they take enough damage. Elites cry about politics and religion, and were blatantly played for fools by a bunch of space jews.
There's some remnants of how cool Elites actually were in the original Halo (the Arbiter from Halo Wars comes to mind), but for the most part they're treated like discount alien samurai by the writing team. Talk about fucking watered down.
Funny thing that isn't often remarked upon is that for many centuries, the only species in the Covenant for the Prophets, the Elites, Hunters, and Drones. Jackals wouldn't arrive until a few centuries later, and the Grunts wouldn't come until the 2100s.
>Choosing an inferior species to Humanity
>Implying they're worthy to even choose between
I choose the superior Human over the filthy xenos
>The Covenant platform is for the Xebos
>The UNSC platform is for the Human species
Elites have cooler armor.
Shameful to be lumped with that fucking furfag nigger
And most of it is amateurish and fucking terrible
Amerikike education
I just really prefer all of the extra Brute lore in Contact Harvest then anything else. Plus I really dig the aesthetic behind their weapons. Strapping knives onto shit is a valid way to design weapons and vehicles.
I want, but it'd probably be another generic pew pew lazors fps in the end. The novels didn't go into detail about the fighting itself if I remember correctly having read the novels back when they first came out, other than 'human/forerunner fights are like little insects biting each other on great precursor constructs' metaphor
Cool insight, thanks; always wondered why the brutes have those kinds of names
The gameplay should be completely different