>steamrolls your pokemons in one go
nothing personal, compfag
Steamrolls your pokemons in one go
*sets up sandstorm*
I didn't say anything about what his penis smells like
did you mean to post a pic of mega salamence or specs ash-gren?
>machop used low-kick
Literally gets annihilated by quagsire
>Mudkip used Mud Slap
>Earthquakes into the lobby
>Aggron_the_cold_steel has left the server
Leveling Aron to Aggron is such a pain. Replaying Ruby and reminded that it requires fucking lvl 32 for him to reach second evolution
It takes 5 fucking hours and it'll overwrite loads of moves. It's only useful for faggots like Magikarp
>Gengar was my favourite in gen 1
>turns out it's the most popular mon of that gen
>Aggron was my favourite in gen 3
>turns out it's the most popular mon of that gen too
Well fuck me then, I gues I have very common taste
well now you gotta tell us what your favorites for the other gens are
Sorry, I don't have any. Those are the only two gens I care about.
cannot believe you actually saved that image.
aggron should've been in smash not incinefag
why is Yea Forums so full of casual shitters now?
wouldn't you get lambasted for this?
>i-i-it looks cool! I like it!
2 quad weaknesses. Deal with it.
>muh Karen muh love muh core message of the game
Children aren't allowed to post on this site
>for liking a pokemon
The fuck's wrong with you
Well he's easier than Tyanitar at least. Nigga was like level 55
>Aggron most popular
He's my favorite, but I never got that impression. Thought it was Blaziken or something else. if that was the case why the fuck Aggron wasn't in Pokken
Nah. I can tell by the way you write and think.
I mean it IS summer break for young'uns like you.
Hopefully you do get b&
I've been seeing a lot of love for him on Pokemon threads lately. We'll just have to accept that we have unoriginal taste.