Uhhh.... bros?

uhhh.... bros?

Attached: file.png (1018x815, 612K)

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Thats a photo printer you wont fool me

cool render my guy

why render something so unaesthetic?

Is that a PS4 Phat?

It's fake lighting. Most obvious around the edges of the "controller"

That's a bit rude to call it that user be a bit more body positive

Phat =/= fat user, he was calling it cool

Ah, my mistake

Thank God Sony isn't that retarded.

>such a poor render
>faggot didn't even bother rendering long enough for a convincing sample count
try harder buddy

>omg render lol render i dont know what render is lol

no mock up render of a console is on a desk retards, renders are always with some blank background

what kind of retard bait is this
this site is 18+ only

pretty slick how they made the ps5 hover ever so slightly off the ground

>even the handwritten note was rendered
Christ almighty, try harder my guy.

Attached: 1260825719404.jpg (446x454, 23K)

i really do hope this is a joke, otherwise it would prove my theory that everyone in this website has a faulty brain

PSXero gravity

Kid, it's fake.

nice try buddy, that's a betamax

It's shopped I can tell

>it looks like fucking printer with that tiny screen on the sidefront

Attached: 1524486297231.jpg (515x389, 15K)

its a render

Dev kits aren't supposed to be pretty

its over
sony is finished

Attached: 1553920243630.png (320x303, 133K)

I mean the USB plugged in just looks awkward as fuck. C'mon, now.

uhhh.... bros?

Attached: 1553920528869.png (720x480, 195K)


obvious render. lighting is all kinds of fucked up

Why do people always spam these low effort fake “leaks”? How are you retards buying into this after the grinch?


>zoomers are so used to cg in movies and tv they can’t even fathom someone faking something without using it

Say hello to.... The Playstation 5!

Attached: Real PS5 (44).jpg (400x322, 25K)

>it isn't possible to make a render and then photoshop it onto a picture, making it appear real

Call it thicc

Why all these fake consoles look like an insect or some spherical shit

Attached: 1548939254446.jpg (700x477, 69K)

This board is getting more retarded every day.

>sony autist
>own devkits
>know about internal and external devkit/software shit like sdks
>seen real prototypes and owned real prototypes
>all this PS5 shit showing up
>its not out of the realm of possibility for the controller in concept (screen/touchpad. depends which you wanna go with) but in these photos are bullshit
>devkit is complete bullshit
ill just wait for the inevitable devnet leak like always. happened with psp, ps3, ps4, vita, ps4 pro and will happen with the next one

in the mean time just post more dumb renders. i like seeing how ridiculous they are as a mechanical engineer. none of these fucks understand physics or limitations

Attached: 1553839188340.png (500x500, 159K)

bros posting is based.

Attached: 1552327552382.jpg (1000x976, 160K)

I wish so badly that this was real. The bulkier design won't feel small and shitty in my hands, retains the symmetry, the touchscreen will actually be useful for typing now, infrared sensors. I'd love if the final design was exactly like this.

I think it's kind of scary that we're at the point that computer rendered images can mimic real life so convincingly. Another few decades and the truth won't fucking matter anymore with how much bullshit you could manufacture with a computer.

You seriously can't be this dumb.

Attached: 1b5.jpg (293x636, 38K)


Ps4 dev kit?

Look at the writing on the paper and the usb cable, it’s not a real image

they just need to change the R2 AND L2 its so easy to trigger

Attached: Huey Universe.png (233x357, 77K)

The thing is, if Schrier hadn't confirmed it fake, I'd probably still in the back of my mind wonder if this was real.

Wow look no arguments

Attached: xbox-prototype-3.png (616x461, 244K)

the difference is that this xbox prototype actually worked and just barely




Attached: 5ad7657238e2fcdd008b47a6-750-563.png (750x563, 337K)

Of course a company would deny any leaks as fake

I remember seeing that commercial as a young kid with my older brother who was stoned. The commercial tripped the fuck out of him. Sony advertising was amazing. I still remember looking at my PS2 like "This is just the beginning..."

i believe it. reminds me of the ps4 dev units and controller

Attached: 6bd06b86d2d5e25b81c5c41aef64f86a.jpg (638x634, 54K)

>tfw your PS5 rolls away to freedom when you're not looking