Bllodborne is way harder than Sekiro

What the fuck? I can barely even see what the fuck these stupid god damn enemies are doing half the time because the camera is terrible and their animations make no sense and come out fucking instantly. They move out of range the instant I swing my stupid fucking weapon and then rape me to death in one combo. How the fuck? 30 fps and 720p and all the god damn artifacting from PS Now certainly doesn't help either.

Attached: Amelia_Header.jpg (1920x1080, 394K)


/bbg/ is still seething. Get dethroned.

It has more difficult bosses in the Old Hunters expansion and chalice dungeons, but Sekiro is more difficult overall. At least until you get the Dancing Dragon Mask and can grind out however many attack levels you want and just demolish any health and posture pool.

How are people still complaining about Soulsborne being hard? It's only hard when you've played for a short amount of time and haven't properly figured out how the game works. You can beat basically every encounter with dodge and attack. Literally just get good already and shut up.

I literally can't see what the fuck the bosses are even doing

Amelia is designed to counter how a Souls player would approach a big boss: hug its ankles. Stay back and hover around a perimeter where you can dodge in to attack and then back out.

sekiro is a really shitty game except some miniscule parts of the game or a boss or two
you're all really embarrassing and revealing yourselves to be low iq cattle

>PS Now

Is this bait?

nah, sekiro is full of artificial difficulty and is way more punishing if you miss 1 parry

saint isshin is 100x harder than orphan of kos

>ps now

wew lad, I hope you aren't serious but there's your problemo. anyway once you get used to it bloodborne is easier than memekiro because the latter is full of 2 shot bosses that require you to grind 10 minutes just to fight them again so it takes goddamn forever to learn movesets

What are you talking about? Sekiro's legitimately easy.
What's wrong with PS Now?

Isshin is only hard of you play like a faggot. I took him out by being aggresive after 6 tries. Orphan was way harder.

>require you to grind 10 minutes just to fight them again so it takes goddamn forever to learn movesets

If you had difficulty fighting Amelia I'd fucking slap you.

I beat every other Souls game without much problem, but in Bloodborne I struggle with basic enemies.

It is crazy how much easier subsequent playthroughs are once you beat it the first time.

Nothing in Sekiro is harder The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst

Imagine being this bad. The fucker kills himself. Just grab a few fire papers grind a bit and whack once or twice and bait him in the stairs back and forth.

>streaming video games

if you have no input lag or issues then I guess it's fine but it just seems really iffy man

>PS Now
jesus christ at least play the real version
why would you play on ps now, you might as well watch a youtube vid

That or use the axes secondary skill attack

>he's easy just cheese/exploit

You can't cheese him anymore dumbass he doesn't literally kill himself. I fought the fucker legit he doesn't use the bloodsword at a certain point so you have to face him head on.

Now fuck off to a DMC thread.

You can exploit/cheese just as hard in sequeero

youre not actually grinding both resurrects before each boss attempt right?

do not play this way - not even a le casual thing, the game actively does not want you to be doing this by blocking resurrects in succession.

Oh well, if you have fought the same boss one hundred times I'm sure you'd know what to do to kill it or just cheese it.

The worst is cheesing and yet you still die

>he had to grind in sekiro

The only reason the Bloody Crow is hard is because since Bloodborne doesn't have shields you cant tell when he's in his parry stance.

If you just never attack first when he has his gun out he's easy as hell.

>What's wrong with PS Now?
Artifacting and input latency
>I don't have latency lol
Estimates are around 150ms. Whether you're experienced enough to feel it or not is one thing but you sure as shit will dodge much worse than on local.
Soulsborne are the kinds of games that are terrible for streaming.

>Estimates are around 150ms
Like fuck it is.

The difficulty in bloodborne comes from the fact it runs at 15 fps.

This, also why the fuck theres a cult to bloodborne lmao