At this point, is it just me or the blazkowics family are starting to become the real bad guys here?

At this point, is it just me or the blazkowics family are starting to become the real bad guys here?

>nazis still around the 80s even with all the B.J. bullshit they had to deal with
>finally a disciplined and mostly unified world even with all the surveillance shit (like if we didnt have that already)
>space program even more advanced than today already in the 60s (space stations already in fucking venus)

but of course libtards still wanting niggers and jews to do as they please so burn all the nice things nazis brought

seriously, just make that the blazkowics died of aids and the nazis imploded after taking mankind to andromeda or some shit like that

im tired of this nazi hating trope even after showing that maybe the nazis did ok in this reality

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Other urls found in this thread:

Honestly this entire fucking reboot series is fucked up
>Deathshead apparently is the genius scientist responsible for Germany's advancement in Technology
>But this never gets brought up again in the sequel games and Germany continues to advance the tech

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the game is made by jewish libtards of course, what do you expect?

The games make it clear the Nazis send ethnic and social undesirables to concentration camps, and conduct inhumane experiments on the mentally-ill. If you wouldn't mind living in such a world then I don't know what to say.

Not being /pol/ like OP, but Wolfenstein DID make me question whether or not we were the heroes. Through the course of the game, BJ kills an assload of soldiers, destroys a VERY well used bridge, brutally murders his own Dad (granted he was a cartoon, but still...), attacks a regime which has a space program miles more advanced than anything we have, and is actively terrorizing the civilian population. What happens when the Holocaust is a distant memory and all the old Nazis are dead?

What happens when the Nazi-system works to the point of surpassing our own? What happens when you're killing people who're just doing their jobs? What then? Do we kill everyone for being born in a regime BJ dislikes? Wolfenstein has problems.

Other than that, the Nazis are surpassing anything we've ever done. If a few people go missing, they still got a moonbase, a martian colony, and have united the world under it's banner. Like I said, Wolfenstein has problems.

See the post directly above yours.

at this point, every civilization and every ancestor we have at some point in history has done that, but after so many years, people just forget and see only the good results that came anyways, so what's the big deal in this reality? it was inhumane and shitty but now that the dust has settle, trying to keep kicking the dead horse seems even worse

its just one of those cases where the author makes the bad guys look actually good because of its retarded logic

Doesen't diminish my point. Most of the people you kill are just doing their jobs and the Nazi regime has surpassed us in so many ways it outweighs the cons, hell the Germans are even content to let South America and most of Asia handle their own affairs. Wolfenstein has huge narrative problems whether you like it or not.

yeah, is like if people still fought and bombed cities for the murder of native americans made by the colonists

LOL, you're a politically flipped version of the far-left activists who yearn to give up their freedom to authority. Wouldn't we all be better off ruled by communist strongmen who, amongst many other things, save the environment by banning private automobiles and eliminating all cattle - we can eat soi, cloned beef and crickets instead. (the US Green party literally wants to do this)

Just as long as the Nazis don't take the yam from your savoring mouth! Oh no, a jeep idling outside your house!

I played New Order, Old Blood, and New Colossus, but for the fucking life of me I cannot remember: do any of the games ever mention the status of Imperial Japan? Do they run the East after the war? Or does Nazi Germany absorb them?

this whole game actually just makes the antisemitics look like they are right

>nazi world super advanced by the 60s
>real world ruled by jews still below nazi world

It's a terrible series that should just be ignored.
I get why they want to have the doom slayer not be a marine now because why would BJ's descendant want to be a marine for a bunch of nazis?
What the fuck are they thinking not having BJ kill the nazis in the 1940s and robo hitler and instead prolonging this nazi reign to the point where hitler has probably killed all the non nazis so what's the point in even trying.
Bad reboot or alternate universe story or whatever it is.

You'd think they'd have them all exterminated 40 years later.

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Considering I am none of those things I really couldn't care less.

the devs are probably saving that for when B.J. finally destroy berlin with his balls, so he has still something to kill

They exist but as a puppet state to Germany

reminder that commander keen is a descendant of B.J. too

True, the original wolfenstein timeline made more sense (while still being whacky)

There's no way. Their current audience would flip out over having to massacre japs.


you're posting on Yea Forums

>entire point of the game is to liberate the US and (hopefully) the world from German tyranny
>"lol this game is made by sjw niggerjews because they are killing le based conquering nazis!!!"
Why do you people have to politicize everything.It's just a fucking game

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The devs literally made the inverted version of that line from The Dark Knight

They made the villain live long enough to become the hero

They were turned into a puppet state after Germant invaded and conquered China
There's a newspaper clipping of it in New Order

The US seems to be better under nazi regime in this game, rather than being ruled by niggers and jews

"Social undesirables" means gays, gender benders etc people with the wrong political views or philosophy, academics whose research contradicts Nazi dogma etc

As for ethnic undesirables, the first 2 games make it clear non-whites are left alive as slaves, they would be executed if they resisted.

They become a vassal state.

>The US seems to be better under nazi regime in this game, rather than being ruled by niggers and jews
Ah yes
Being ruled by inbred Klansmen and just being cucks to Germans made the US great again

Leftists have no moral compass whatsoever, that's why they can't even see these obvious flaws in their own writing. They are literally incapable from telling right from wrong.

>Considering I am none of those things I really couldn't care less.

Yam, savoring mouth, idling jeep.

>conquered China
Absolutely based.

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you're right, at this point the majority of people who are living in the nazi future have nothing really to do with what happened in the past
liberals love the idea of associated guilt

/pol/tards think their lives would be better if the bankers and landlords were white pigs instead of white and Jewish pigs.

fucking this, why the hell people get mad at nazis at this point?

here comes the RetardEra fags

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this is the most retarded Yea Forums post of the week


nah, its actually this

Majority of the forces fighting against Germany was soviet union though, other country were just supporting

Blame fags and there
bullshit for 80s nazis. Wolfenstein has been dead since The New Order was announced and now they're just milking the franchise for all they can squeeze out of it with stale memes and marketing based on pissing off retards on the internet

>20-30 years ahead
10 tops, and only in specific fields like aerospace.

Nazis are always the bad guys no matter what. How fucking dumb are you?

You're posting on Yea Forums
You are socially undesirable at the very best.

Of course, Swedcucks are afraid of making the nazis "cool" in any way. That's why they retconned the nazi tech into stolen jewish technology too.


Autists are one of those things retard.

Can you elaborate? It sounds quite spot on to me

How is my comment retarded?

no it literally is.
literally if you've done even the most basic high school history you would know nazi germany was neither technology advanced at all nor were they ever able to fight multiple countries at once, they were only able to take over the tiny formerly german countries that had no army and didn't fight back. They were only able to "fight" countries who didn't fight back.
As soon as the soviets started fighting them they immediately started losing.
Also that post had the usual retarded shit about marxists and jews so it gets extra retard points.

based and redpilled

>mfw the kike tries to get credit for nazi science.

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cool what about being a decent human being though?

It's not that nazis were advanced, it's that everyone else was (and still is) held back by the jewish economic stranglehold.

>As soon as the soviets started fighting them they immediately started losing.
Only with the MASSIVE supplies US sent to USSR. Without them, USSR could be defeated.

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>muh feels

>Jews and blacks being decent human beings

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>suffer significant defeats on multiple occassions losing key assets
>still in power
It's kind of self evident at this point that the rest of the world prefers the current situation, and the rebels are agitators looking to install their own communist state.
It's going on way too fucking long, it's legitimately disgusting to watch.

What a shock, propping up Russia and China backfired. Good thin America and CIA never tried this ever again, after seeing this result.

Yes, literally as soon as the other side started fighting them they lost.

>America is ruled by a literal band of inbred cucks
>People who are socially undesirable are killed and thrown into concentration camps
>You'll get branded as socially undesireable for just voicing a dissenting opinion
>hurr durr they're the good guys because they made a few space ships
Fuck off retard.

>Couldnt conquer cut off from the rest of continent Bongland

>its a germany wins ww2 scenario
>hitler moves onto conquer north America and Africa or even the whole world as well for some reason
>even though he was only interested in europe
Never understood this desu, hitler didn't even plan on annexing all of europe just parts that were "traditionally german"

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That really doesn't change the fact that the Germans, who were in your own words 20-30 years ahead of everyone, got curbstomped by the first nation they fought who was capable of retaliating.
They fought 56 nations at once and lost to the first one who they actually had to fight.

Shut up retard they're better humans than you are in every single way.

oy vey bad goy

I'm a communist, just like you, brother! But wolfenstein has a real presentation problem. I feel I sympathize with the Nazis and their aesthetic more than I ever did with the resistance.

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What's up with those deleted posts?

Because people who care about alt-history are fucking retards who don't understand literally anything.

Then how/why are there non-slave minorities running around?

And even then the Germans only got involved in the Balkans because of the incompetent Italians.

>hitler didn't even plan on annexing all of europe just parts that were "traditionally german"
have you never taken history? he wanted to take over the world.

>Incompetent Italians
Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?


don't we do that in America and Europe today though?

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>Reich had top level bio-tech
>Hitler is old, sick, deranged faggot.

Majority of it began after soviets were already pushing the germans back. Also, soviets were on par if not ahead with Germans technologically except in specialized fields such as nukes and some fighter plane types

because of swedcucks and (((liberal publisher)))

Why are you children so obsessed with a bunch of losers?

>Also, soviets were on par if not ahead with Germans technologically except in specialized fields such as nukes

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Their navy was alright, so they weren't ALL incompetent.

Has there been an alternate history story where the Nazis won but it isn’t the “ they take over the world” type of deal?

They were working on the tech at the time, the soviets were not. Shout out to the Norwegian resistance for cucking the everliving shit of the german nuke program, bunch of top lads.

blazkowic himself should be a nazi since the people back then had the same values as the nazis. The US military back then practiced segregation but these stories always rewrite history to give the "good guys" the same values as a modern day liberal.

vid related

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>I'm retarded

They had a lot more theoretical nuclear research that would have let them create an atomic bomb earlier than soviets had the war become a stalemate

The split the world meme you learned in your history class is a big lie. Read that actual triparte act, and find out that it is mostly sanctions against the US for warmongering.

Nope, Germans almost got it, but it had been sabotaged.

Good goy!

you fucking retard
you fucking retard instagram facebook nazi

I'm saying this in terms of theoretical research

>dude, if facts and truth say that nazis are bad that must mean that facts and truth are bad and made up by the jews!

Cant think of anything desu. What I'd find more interesting is how Germany "winning" WW2 would impact the political landscape, global economy and society. Like would the UN still exist? Would the German dollar be the reserve currency? Etc.

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>Norwegian resistance
BFV is not historically accurate

I'll give them that, but a country that fielded RIVETED FUCKING TANKS in WW2 deserves to be a laughing stock for all time.

Have sex.

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The Governments of Japan, Germany, and Italy consider it as the condition precedent of any lasting peace that all nations in the world be given each its own proper place, have decided to stand by and co-operate with one another in their efforts in Greater East Asia and the regions of Europe respectively wherein it is their prime purpose to establish and maintain a new order of things, calculated to promote the mutual prosperity and welfare of the peoples concerned. It is, furthermore, the desire of the three Governments to extend cooperation to nations in other spheres of the world that are inclined to direct their efforts along lines similar to their own for the purpose of realizing their ultimate object, world peace. Accordingly, the Governments of Japan, Germany and Italy have agreed as follows:[1]

ARTICLE 1. Japan recognizes and respects the leadership of Germany and Italy in the establishment of a new order in Europe.

ARTICLE 2. Germany and Italy recognize and respect the leadership of Japan in the establishment of a new order in Greater East Asia.

ARTICLE 3. Japan, Germany, and Italy agree to cooperate in their efforts on aforesaid lines. They further undertake to assist one another with all political, economic and military means if one of the Contracting Powers is attacked by a Power at present not involved in the European War or in the Japanese-Chinese conflict.

ARTICLE 4. With a view to implementing the present pact, joint technical commissions, to be appointed by the respective Governments of Japan, Germany and Italy, will meet without delay.

ARTICLE 5. Japan, Germany and Italy affirm that the above agreement affects in no way the political status existing at present between each of the three Contracting Powers and Soviet Russia.

Wow its almost like you'd a fag and your shits all retarded.


fuck off from america fritz. if this was the 1940s we could hang your treasonous dumb asses legally.

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ARTICLE 6. The present pact shall become valid immediately upon signature and shall remain in force ten years from the date on which it becomes effective. In due time, before the expiration of said term, the High Contracting Parties shall, at the request of any one of them, enter into negotiations for its renewal.

In faith whereof, the undersigned duly authorized by their respective governments have signed this pact and have affixed hereto their signatures.

or, in layman's terms, "we are going to build our empires and if any power that isn't europe asia or russis (read: USA) wants to fuck with us we are all going to go to war with them". six other countries then joined the act in a mutual agreement to fuck the US if they ever try to interfere in europe or east asia.

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>non-whites are left alive as slaves
Whoever wrote this game, needs to go learn economics. Non-whites wouldn't be kept as slaves. Slaves are expensive, they cost too much money. They'd get replaced by robots, realistically.

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Italy is literally the guy that joins the losing team then switches sides just to say he won.

That's not an oxymoron at all you dummy. It's a redundancy.

I actually wasn't that worried by the trailer. No burning bras, no desperate, almost racist race-mixing propaganda, nothing screaming about the consumption of iPhones being for the people and McDonald's being anti-fascist. Is there something I missed? It almost looked fun, if assuredly three hours long at most.

I always thought it would be like the Cold War except with Nazis instead of the Soviets

Have sex

Their machine guns didn't help, either.

I agree. I was like why Nazi wants those inefficient workers(subhuman slaves) when they have a plenty of super robots. Bad writer, bad story.

wow a badass and diverse cast of girls get to punch nazi's? sign me up!

Slaves aren't necessarily get chained in a pen. Some house slaves had a meager wage and other rewards, like Samuel Jackson's character in Django Unchained.

and none of those guys was a black crippled american trannie with a cyber arm wielding a not m16

This was one of the dumbest retcons of the reboot. That, and completely removing anything occult related. Also all the dumb commie resistance BS

Okay? And what does that have to do with literally anything I've said? Or are you just eternally seething about BFV and feel the need to bring it up constantly?

How do you know? You're generalizing entire groups of people just as much as him. Little racist if you ask me

you can't seriously be defending battleshit fucktarded. its flat out moronic.

So BJ is ultimate cuckold now right?

>mention how the Norwegians cucked German nuclear progress
Are you okay?

>defending BFV

There’s a novel called the Fatherland that delves into that iirc

It could be said then that Italy were de facto part of the Allies.

Oh cool. Another game lets me to kill ALL WHITES! Pre-order now!

And they were probably communists anyway.

Why are you so bent out of shape about something that you yourself brought into the conversation? I made absolutely zero mention of BFV before you started having a breakdown over it.

>That really doesn't change the fact that the Germans, who were in your own words 20-30 years ahead of everyone, got curbstomped by the first nation they fought who was capable of retaliating.

Poland? France?

Nazi victory Europe and America doesn't seem as bad in retrospect to the current hell we have post-ally victory
>fusion energy
>robot doggos
>homogenous ethnically white communities with no crime apart from jerry borrowing the lawnmower and not returning it three weeks later
>colonies outside of Earth
>space technology rapidly developing
Meanwhile in reality
>hordes of unskilled, low Iq, illiterate third worlders swarming western nations bringing extinct diseases and horrific crime rise with rapid births replacing the native countrymen
>glorifying mental illness by having cross dressing ten year olds behaving like prostitutes at a gay bar
> Orwellian internet censorship policies with governments arresting people for hate speech tweets
>credit banking conglomerates can deny your accounts and pay methods if you go against the liberal status quo
>tech monopolies strongarm any competition bussiness unless they abide with censorship and biases
>government data on criminals erased because it was too racist
Thank you Trueman ans Churchill for this beautiful ans multicultural civilization you've given to your grandchildren, being minorities in their own countries by 2030.

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You post on Yea Forums. You're so degenerate they'll put you on the train before the jews

I'm pretty sure this is going to approach DmC: Devil May Cry levels of retarded neolib fantasy.

>Thank you Trueman ans Churchill for this beautiful ans multicultural civilization you've given to your grandchildren
You're welcome
Truly it's a great civilization that we have build today.
Only racists and retards larping on Nazi's could hate it.

You honestly should've just let me believe you're the same person, because the fact that two individual people are having a meltdown at me over something they brought up is even more pathetic.

Fell in 2 weeks
Fell in month. Was sold out by its own goverment.

I can give you one, but also the world was attacked by aliens.

>Majority of it began after soviets were already pushing the germans back.

You don't know that without supply from the US, the Soviets would have been able to keep pushing to Berlin. The Western powers also keep millions of German soldiers busy away from the Eastern Front. Four of the Luftwaffe's seven luftflottes were deployed away from the Eastern Front. Norway alone require over 400,000 men to garrison. The invasion of Italy diverted important elite panzerabteilungen.

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>lmao Truman and Churchill should've just let the Germans do whatever they wanted and annexed all their neighbors because MUH NIGGERS
Start shit get hit nigger. GB and France told Germany that if they invaded Poland they'd slap their shit, guess what happened.

>you fucking retard instagram facebook nazi

In 1945 most people in the northern states supported segregation.

>what is MKUltra
>what is the entire country of China

>damage controlling this hard

>GB and France told Germany that if they invaded Poland they'd slap their shit, guess what happened.

France and Britain sat on their hands for a year until the Germans blitzed France and sent Tommy running back to his island.

>doubling down on being retarded
Yikes and cringepilled my friend, perhaps take a break from the internet. Your eternal asspain is starting to delude you.

Both were capable of defending themselves. They each had millions of armed men.

nah, fuck germans, the nazi party was full of all sorts of degenerate behavior that completely contradicts their propaganda and a blatant superiority complex to nations that were far more accomplished historically due to muh blood
they were right about the jews though

I've changed a lot in the last few years. Just admit what you think; at this point it is clear the Nazis were closer to correct in their vision than the western democracies. I don't know how anyone honest could live in the modern world and observe the popular culture and think that 'diversity' or hedonism are good things. I can't remain intellectually honest and not root for the Nazis or respect their culture.

>EU dick so far up Britbongs ass
>Brexit canceled
>capital city turned into shithole third eorld nation
>has a tv tax
>has porn licenses
>banning sale of over the counter metallic kitchen utensils
But hey, you sure showed em' Jerries the one two right?! And before you sperg out calling me a 56% burger know that I acknowledge the israeli APAC rats in congress and the spics and nogs in our cities.

>send ethnic and social undesirables to concentration camps
Because otherwise those people fuck things up for everyone else. They aren't undesirables for no good reason. They have a history of being a problem and generally just not compatible with a civilized society. They could just outright kill them, but instead they are put to work, and fed, sheltered, and otherwise cared for as a major component of the labor force. Those who get beaten or killed are the ones who can't get with the program and exemplify why they can't coexist with the rest of humanity in any worthwhile way.

>conduct inhumane experiments on the mentally-ill
They would have never amounted to anything much anyways and are just a burden on society and their parents/caretakers as a whole, at least in this way they serve a real worthwhile purpose, their deaths driving advancements in medicine and science for the greater good.

I know people want so hard to hate what kind of world works like this and Man In The High Castle depict, but the truth is that the world would be far better off the way these fictional alternate histories depict.

Animal cruelty laws and anti-smoking programs doesn't seem that degenerate to me user, you have any citations that don't come from jewish controlled media?

Mod anonposting while logged into his mod account so he can disappear posts that blow him out
You've seriously never seen this kind of behavior before? It used to be distressingly frequent on other boards.

Why do liberals vehemently defend mentally ill creatures? They cannot and willnot survive without a caretaker or family that has to have the burden of watching them throughout their stunted life. Medical practices on them instead of animals because ir's """"""humane""""""" would advance research astronomically instead of usimg rats and monkey's and just imagining it's the same results on human's.

>the first 2 games make it clear non-whites are left alive as slaves, they would be executed if they resisted.

Am I supposed to have sympathy for them? I can't think of any examples of non-whites having sympathy for me or my people, our history, or culture, or even respect for our laws.

I really wouldn't care what was done to them as long as I didn't have to deal with their shit anymore.

Exactly. I'm not saying high functioning autists or hyperactive kids need to go, hell, even downies can do light work and function with a lot of help, but shit like microencephaly, siamese twins, disfiguring birth defects, degenerative disorders that are terminal, there's no reason to keep those people alive and it's honestly even more cruel than vivisection or experimentation to keep them alive and prolong their suffering.

>80s Nazis with Carpenter Brut
>still whining about dem krauts dindu nuffin

>quack physician

>Why do you people have to politicize everything
Maybe you should try asking the devs that, stupid fucking /int/ poster.

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Are we supposed to ignore or support the nazis in your image i mean whats up with that what are you trying to communicate?

>Original timeline had BJ having Commander Keen being a decedent of his family line and Keen would have Doom Guy being a descendant of his family line
Sweden deserves all the rape that happens in their shithole country

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ITT: liberals vs alt-rights seething each together
>self-loathing whites are totally cool with a white-killing game.
Good good... now, be a good goy and pre-order now.

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>Japan still lost
>Cold War between the Greater German Reich and USA
>Russia and Ukraine depopulated
>the Reich gradually falls apart from trying to maintain an expensive continental empire where everyone hates germans
>German science and tech falls behind the Americans due to retarded Nazi policies on science and corruption/nepotism
>collapse of the Greater Reich in the mid-80s leading to genocides of german settlers by the locals

Not really, the Red Army was a barely functional mess that hadn't fully been mechanized when the Germans invaded. They weren't mobilized or were in any shape to fight when the Nazis launched Operation Barbarossa and it took them years to catch up with the Germans both militarily and economically. And they needed HUGE lend-lease programs with the United States just to buy enough time to mobilize. And that's AFTER Stalin started reforming the Red Army from a set of scatter brained militias led by upstart political officers into something resembling a fighting force.

The Soviets needed NKVD agents to steal the prototype. They were horribly behind in the Atomic field, and in the fifties... You wanna know how many atomics they fielded? Five.

>some fighter plane types
It took the Soviets forever to produce them. The Soviet Union only won due to Stalin jointly industrializing and modernizing the shit out of the USSR. Had it been that idiot Trotsky or some other Commietard, the Soviets would've lost and they would've lost hard.

>implying the Nazi's wont reach good terms with the non-cucked US population by exposing the Federal Reserve debt machine and the Rothschilds entrenched into government with plans to make the US Israel's permenant paypig.

T-34 was a better medium tank than anything germans had at the time in 1941

Imagine if all fiction was real, man that would be a world to see

That's a really poor understanding of World War II. The Nazis had managed to defeat the Poodles due to them relying on outdated military and political doctrine, and the Brits had to rely on their natural barriers just to keep the Nazis out. That natural barrier, being the Atlantic ocean. When a nation is reduced to relying on the damn ocean as the sole thing preventing an all right invasion, that does not imply anything good about their combat readiness state.

>nor were they ever able to fight multiple countries at once
It took the entire industrialized world, who strained their economies to the breaking point, to take down the Third Reich. They weren't a Middle Eastern shithole, they were an actual threat that made the entire planet work together with the sole purpose of taking them down.

>As soon as the soviets started fighting them they immediately started losing.
The Soviets lost most of it's industrial territory and had to practically reform the entire army before it really turned the tide in '42. And that's with an immense causality disparity.

And the Russians barely could afford any factories to produce them until '42. And even then, there were massive armament shortages across all sectors of the Red Army. That's not a good counterpoint.

>implying Israel exists in this timeline

All this moral concern trolling

Where do you even get your morals from and why should I give a shit?

Your argument is based on some vague notion that the nazis in the game are wrong, ever heard of the end justifying the means? We don’t all agree on morality go take a fucking philosophy class

Good questions and points made here.
There's entire generation now of people that were born postwar. They're brought up in a world of peace just like you and me, they do the hours and live their lives.

What is the goal of the terror campaign anymore at this point? You're no longer killing the people who CREATED the system you're fighting. And the system has obviously developed and changed as gradually a new generation of politicians steps in. So what exactly is the endgame at this point?

You gay

>Nazis and Japan split the old world between them.
>Japan finds itself in a very self-destructive spiral where they aggressively maintain their empire as tensions between the army and navy mount.
>Germany germanifies most of Eastern Europe and covers up the Holocaust.
>Cold War brews between the two powers.
>The Korean identity disappears.
>There's a crisis in Madagascar as the Jews revolt, run off the SS governor with Japanese support, and deport the Bushmen into Kenya.
>Eventually, the Japanese Empire collapses in the '80s after China rises up in revolt. A few Chinese cities go up in atomic fire, but the real conflict is between the army and navy who start fighting for control.
>Germany falls apart in the '90s due to it's Empire being way too expensive to maintain. SS retreats to it's enclaves in RK Kommisariat Moscowien and the Urals, the military enforces a technocratic regime in the fatherland, and Hitler is venerated as a hero.
>The rest of the world is pretty good. America is still a first world nation, the Reichkommisariats in Africa make the Africans more self reliant and somewhat civilized. Lack of Israel means that the kebabs never start fighting and migrating so no Rotterdam or Sweden. India is still a piece of shit but it's India.
So... The Bad Guys won?

Oh man he used the R word wow what a great argument better give up now

Ok so he is racist now what? Any argument that isn’t just moral concern trolling?

t. /pol/tard going back to dogwhistling because even edgy retards on here are getting sick of him unironically supporting nazis in real life

>implying the mere knowledge that the US was going to host the paristic state of Israel and be in massive debt from the Federal Reaerve wouldn't redpill the masses to how vile the Jew's really are.

No but you are

Shabbos goyim are more disgusting than the Jew dick they slobber on

Now I want a game where you're fighting ZOG insurgents in Madagascar.

I’m not dog whistling anything the world would be better had the nazis won and America remained “racist”

I know right, Chaim. They are just useful, expendable kikeslaves.

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well you're right but remember

Imperial Japan was never going to survive the Americans. Their industrial output and logistics was dwarfed by the burgers.

>the world would be better had the nazis won
>Jews eradicated
Oy vey, that's very racist and anti-sementic! You should feel bad.

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Burgers really believe this.
Most of the things you sent to us was shit, except explosives and maybe some vehicles.
Also it wasn't one sided ll, we sent you a lot of raw materials.
Overall it was accepted by us only because we decided to save some lives, it would be a victory anyway.


>Technology has stagnated, save for computer programs meant to track 'data' (i.e., US) and more worthless I-Crap.
>Mass surveillance everywhere.
>Decadent upper class who spawned Pizzagate (a meme based on real human trafficking stories)
>Social Media has crippled most people socially to the point where they can't handle opposing viewpoints or even tense situations.
>Kebabs and africans swarming into Europe where they live on Welfare for the rest of their lives, stalking and raping native women as they cut out the clits of their own (Ever wonder why ME/black women are never in the mood?).
>Economy is broken. Literally driven by people becoming debt peons and modern day serfs.
>Culture has declined. Now we literally only experiment with gigantism like Spengler predicted. All literature is obsessed with 'subverting' plots that have already been 'subverted' by other authors.
>Politicians are more interested in gaining votes than serving the people.
>Space travel, deep sea exploration, the frontiers of tomorrow never came to be.
Fuck me. Worst timeline BY FAR!

Killing while at war is not murder, and the Indians did plenty of that, themselves.
Fuck off with your Indian genocide bullshit. 90% of Indians were killed by disease, anyway, and very fucking few even lived in what's now the US and Canada.
It's more than likely that an about-even number of Europeans and Indians were killed by the "other side."

>Most of the things you sent to us was shit, except explosives and maybe some vehicles.

Yeah, who cares about logistics. That never won a war.

You're posting on Yea Forums. You are all of those.

Yep. I was going with more a 'Long beats FDR, America stays isolationist' kind of thing.

Only explosives was sent en masse, by vehicles I meant small vehicles, forgot the word.
Things like trains was mostly soviet.

If it was a one-on-one, without US and Commonwealth support, the USSR definitely couldn't beat Germany.

>decent human being
That German soldier BJ killed? He was just doing his job. To him, the Jews had just been deported out east and the Reich had brought peace and stability to a world one step away from falling apart. To him, Hitler is a icon and the ideals of the Reich are not only moral but worth striving towards.

And the worst part? 90% of the people you kill in Wolfenstein aren't Einsatzgruppen or Concentration Camp guards. They're normal people living in the only world they know. BJ is literally going around brutally killing people whose sole crime was being born after the Nazis won.

And the worst part? 90% of the people you kill in Wolfenstein aren't Einsatzgruppen or Concentration Camp guards. They're normal people living in the only world they know. BJ is literally going around brutally killing people whose sole crime was being born after the Nazis won.
In another word, BJ is basically killing the innocent whites in the game.

Agreed, BJ should just let the German soldier kill him, that's the correct way of action. Meanwhile, in real life, Mohamed is a decent human being too, he just has sexual emergencies, and that's why you should offer him the females of your family. That way, you'll end rape and bring peace and stability to your country.

>Tumblr turning on the muslims.
Wow. Losing a shitposting fight and they're already turning on their own.

there's a based tv movie called Fatherland with Rutger Hauer in it, not going to check but I wouldn't be surprised if it's based on the book

It would be a hilariously politically-incorrect shitshow. Just watch any Wolfenstein trailer, but replace the word "Nazis" with "Japs".

Stormniggers only use "they were just innocent people doing their jobs" because it's about people following ideologies they agree with. "Oh, the poor mass murderers, wahhh wahhh, can't you seeeee"
Now if it was about killing leftists or muslims, they wouldn't have a single problem with the killing of even babies. Never take /pol/osers at face value, everyone.

>literally dont allow undesirables to breed
>problem fixed practically 2 generations besides mental issues

B-but we used to be allies during WW2 over our hatred of jews. Remember grand mufti ryan gosling?

He should just euthanize himself because .. you know.

Wolfenstein 2009 was the last good Wolfenstein game.
Debate me.
You will lose.

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English-speaking Germans. nuff said.

No it wasn't
ur a faggot

>he plays wolfenstein in english
Your fault for being a faggot mutt.
Kill yourself.

That's actually fucking stupid. Even saying he stole it from some renaissance scroll written by Faust about hell technology would do less damage to the character and world building.

What country you're from, shitskin?

German scientists so much progress on nuclear weaponry that much of WWII's aftermath was a result of the Soviets and Americans fighting over German scientists.

the devs politicized it you fucking idiot

Why do people still fetishize muh nazi wunderwaffen when they kept getting dabbed on by the fucking bongs


Kebabs fought for all sides during WWII. Usually just to loot dead bodies.

nazis had moonbases in the 60s and cybertech in the late 40s

Only because of jew magic technology

>No argument because he knows the opposition is right

nazis had unguided, relatively accurate missiles, remember the V1? oh wait, how about their tanks and some of their late war self propelled tanks? what about jets? even many of their small arms were ahead.
dont try to tell me they didnt have brilliant engineers and scientists when it is plain as day that they did

people who say this phrase should be lynched

Name literally one good thing that's happened to the average westerner since the year 2000.

Does nuwolf really not have anything occult?
What the fuck.

But, we do that shit also..
>you are now aware that every new medicine is first tested in either prisons or mental institutions on people without relatives
>you are now aware that Ind-Mil complex has to have war every 10 to 20 years(shit went awry when they kicked religion instead of ideology for a first time, and now they are shitting their pants because 3 billion muslims are pissed AF) that lasts for 3-5 years
>you are now aware that Hitler in a way did more good to Jews than anybody ever:they got their country after WWII, they are highly militarized, intelligent society that doesn't go anywhere and wont take shit from anyone

Bethesda are bunch of morons, BJ at this point is just an terrorist , on par with some fundamental skinhead/terrorist

And, BTW, Wolfenstein IS what's considered in movie world as relatively well produced trash genre

We do that shit every day

>It's a Muslim's job to rape people

the american nazi party was a thing during the war

It's YOUR job to bring peace and stability to your country, and to do that you must tend to muslims' sexual emergencies.

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Never given legitimacy by the NSDAP. You can larp all you want, but the fact is, the Nazis weren't fans of America. They hated it, actually, as much as they hated the Soviet Union, and saw the destruction of these two nations as absolutely necessary for freeing the world from jewish control.


>im tired of this nazi hating trope
spotted the kraut

Do you really want to argue with that?
>Average Joe is a Nazi in a world where the Nazis won, SO HE TEH EVULZ!
>So, in /pol/tard land, that means all Muslims ARE TEH EVULZ cause logic!
>So since /pol/tards use that argument to justify killing babies, tumblrite logic dictates killing random people who you don't like.
That's a dark road that goes long and far and won't end well for you.

I thought you were "winning"? Didn't Trump get elected? Didn't Brexit happen? Didn't you gloat about "leftist salt"?

You don't get to kill "average joes" in the games, only guards and soldiers (and whatever creatures and machines the Nazis have stocked). Guys like Brenton Tarrant, now those DO kill random people, for the crime of being something they hate. And you /pol/shits masturbate to them.

>only guards and soldiers
A guard who works at a prison. A soldier whose serving his country. Their professions fail to weaken the opposing argument and in fact strengthen them. They're literally people just doing their jobs and what's so evil about that? We keep people interned, we fight wars for resources, what makes Wolfenstein Nazis so different?

>Brenton Tarrant
He was an accelerationist and you people are dancing to his fiddle just like he planned. Pretty embarrassing, considering how half assed his plan really was.

op kys you nazi fuck

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USA literally did the same up to (if not still) late 80s.

The standalone DLC did.

My favourite part of the reboot is that the Jews literally had a secret Jewish society in which they were hoarding doomsday devices and other advanced technology
Hitler was literally correct in these games

I'm not a republican, "since 2000" includes the Bush administration too. Im just tired of politicians who promise a better life and make no effort to push towards it.
And the drones like you who adhere to one "side" or another are the worst of all. You don't care about things getting better, you just want the other side to lose. Your entire world view is based on an imaginary caricature of your opponents, and making sure that anything resembling them is not happy.

A veritable utopia.

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I was more bothered about the lack of references to Hitler in TNO, then suddenly coming out of nowhere in TNC

make me leftist trash