What went wrong?
Kingdom Hearts 3
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15 years to late and too many side episodes.
As a child I enjoyed 1 and 2, but now i couldn't even be bothered in playing it
It doesn't have story of it's own, it just tries to tie up loose ends from all the prior games.
donald didnt fuck namine in the ass
-disney giving the devs far less freedom with their worlds.
-Story pacing is strange and the ending feels somewhat underwhelming.
-The fact that this game has been anticipated for years and there is literally no way it could live up to people's expectations
at least it wasnt a colossal fuckup like XV though
Nothing. Can't wait for Critical Mode and the DLC, which will make an already good game amazing.
Story dlc is nice and expected but honestly I would be happy if we just got superboss versions of the Organization fights. I had a lot of fun with the team battles and want a version of them that’s a real challenge. Give me a superboss version of the mystery nigga’s where they have separate health bars.
That's your fault
This the bosses in KH3 are fucking shit, the secret boss is a bunch of heartless? Who gives a FUCK. I guarantee if KH3 had more sick challenging boss fights nobody would be saying it was bad.
>buy "The Story so Far" to prepare for KH3
>replaying KH1 atm
>currently getting my dickhole kicked in by this jobber on Proud Mode at level 9
Not worthy of KH1 or 2... Or even BBS, for that matter. The years of convoluted storylines fizzled out to nothing. The characters and their stories weren't handled with any sort of love or care. Trying to cram every previous game mechanic into the combat makes for one of the most mind numbingly boring action games. In light of DMC5 and Sekiro it feels all the worse. Loved the series, felt it diminishing, was hyped for KH3 to be a big bang and return to glory and it simply solidified how shitty the series has gotten. Solely for fags now. Anybody defending it deserves the awful TWEWY/KH/FFXV vomit spew of a mashup coming their way.
Gameplay wise, too many things to count, but some may get patched. Story wise, my main three problems are that the story is basically condensed in the last 2 hours, the Old Man Xehanort felt underwhelming as a final arc villain, and we didn't get to see Terra vs Terra-Xehanort part 2, which was probably the hypest moment in the game, but they somehow blew it.
Mostly everything.
user, I'm at Hollow Bastion and I've only been using the Kingdom Key. Got there in a week or two. Pick up the pace and over level.
The bosses in 3 are pretty cool imo. Despite being the worst worlds Frozen has a pretty neat boss with the Ice Wolf and Tangled has the Tree Heartless. They just need to be a bit more challenging. Critical mode fixed that issue in 2 and it could potentially do it for 3 too.
Nothing wen't wrong, because nothing was right to begin with.
Luckily not the Gummiship. I had a lot of fun with it. Pretty big step up from what it used to be. Great music too.
they shouldn't have released KH3D and 0.2, instead they should have been part of KH3
Did you guys know that doing Cavern of Remembrance Skip in 2 on the ps4 instantly gives you the gold trophy for clearing all the data fights? I did it on my recent playthrough
>Did you guys know that doing Cavern of Remembrance Skip in 2
What's the Cavern of Remembrance Skip?
Didn't permanently kill off Kairi.
Why did Mickey become so weak and useless? Didn't he casually kill a bunch of Darksides in the first game in the Realm of Darkness? Now he can't even beat a bunch of Shadows.
cringe, fpwp
based, spbp
No Halloween Town or Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion. Also Sora looks off compared to how cool he looked in KH2
Nomura here. why didn't you like my shift from belts and zippers costumes to be more influenced by plaid? please understand.
it was rushed. just like final fantasy 15
>wanting Halloween Town
Yet we get Olympus and Hundred Acre Wood again baka. Bring in Agrabah or my beloved Halloween Town
>hundred acre wood
>it's actually 1000sqft at best
I don't think I can understand, please make Kingdom Hearts 2.9 or Kingdom Hearts 3.2 so I can understand your true vision
Still not on Steam.
Enough that it's the worst numbered game in the series, and honestly I'd put it below BBS and DDD as well just because of how awful it was as an ending to the Xehanort saga.
>Also Sora looks off compared to how cool he looked in KH2
The character graphics were fucked in this game, everyone looks 5 years younger than they did in 2 and made of plastic.
Say it isn't so
Do I even have to say it?
I got bad vibes from the Gameplay way back (2017?) when Sora is in Twilight Town with a swarm of heartless. I guess plastic is a good way to describe it
please look forward to it.
Too much Disney without the pacing of interesting narrative until jampacked at the very end
Cutscene dialogue treats player like they are a slow, mentally challenged person with downs
Attraction makes combat easy, Combat is constantly interrupted with keyblade transformations
>it took people 15 year to realize kh1 is the only good game in the series
Inb4 b-but muh last 5% of kh2fm on critical
I dont really have a strong opinion on which game is really "best" as they all have different strengths. why do you think KH1 is the only good one?
You summed it up succinctly user.
-Attractions sucked
-Aqua, Kairi and Axel were useless
-Axel turned into the series' Deadpool
-The worlds were mediocre aside from The Caribbean and Toy Box.
-A few returning worlds were absolutely gutted
-While some worlds were too small others were far too fucking huge. Arendelle and Corona were nothing but endless woodlands. It all being one massive seamless world actually worked against it in many cases.
-The game didn't have it's own original plot. What happens in the game is nothing more than a continuation of previous game's plot threads.
-The pacing of the story was abysmal. A little happened in the beginning, fucking nothing happened in the middle, then all of a sudden every major plot development happens in one location all at the same time
-No endgame
Nomura is a character designer, not a director, somebody in SE should tell him the truth already.
KH2's flaws were the Disney worlds felt like unimportant filler because the actual story was really interesting. This makes the beginning (Roxas part), Hollow Bastion (when Org 13 attacks), and Twilight town revisit/TWEWY have lasting impressions on the player.
KH3 felt like a slog to get through with no real hubworld except maybe Twilight Town (which was so small and there's no one to talk to besides the TT trio).
KH3's flaws
If you go through the first door in the cave, theres a ledge to the left in front of the chest. If you jump at that ledge in a certain way, you clip behind the wall, and then you can just master form aerial dodge cheese your way up from out of bounds. It's the only big glitch I know of really and it just happens to skip the hardest trophy in the game. It should be on youtube somewhere
Based user
KH3's greatest problem is that IT DOESN'T HAVE AN IDENTITY. They told us how everything would go (13 darknesses vs 7 lights). The only thing we didn't know was how they would save all the "hurt" people, but it was all asspulled and shoehorned in the last hour of the game.
The soundtrack is unmemorable because everything besides the new Disney worlds is an "epic" remix of multiple songs put together in one. I don't remember Xehanort's boss music AT ALL because it was just a bunch of themes mixed together.
Modern gaming ruined KH3 because of the expectation that everything must be a huge world and everything must be voiced. This kills extra content because they don't want to voice every single thing.
Radiant Garden should've been a world where I can get random side quests from Ienzo and Terra/Aqua/Ventus/etc should be optional bosses.
Kingdom Hearts 1 actually required you to plan your hits, instead of just magnetizing into the enemy.
>tfw Xion is just sorta back because resons
I really feel like I missed something here.
The game should have been 100% post-game content
What DIDN'T go wrong?
>no critical mode
>no playable Aqua/Riku in KBG
>shit pacing
>zero story
Is blowing up asteroids the best way to collect keyblade materials?
Sorry user but I don't like shitty level design and bad platforming in a non-platforming game
2FM Critical is miles ahead of KH1
Hell, even BBS is better than 1
>better than anything
2FM > Recoded > 1FM > COM > RECOM > DAYS > DDD > POWERGAP > 0.2 > 3 > BBSFM
This is irrefutable. 0.2 is better than 3 because of (artificial?) difficulty. It's legitimately better balanced than 3, esp if you play on Critical Mode. half MP forces you to git gud.
Days was awful. Playing with a D-pad alone made that shit painful.
No focus, things that are good fail to be worth anything because they had to make a dancing minigame and Superman 64 and a snowman minigame and a pirate ship level
Almost everything suffers because of this
That and almost every Disney world is a bad retelling of the movie—The gameplay and endgame in KH2.5 manage to make it worth your time, but despite having a long development frame this game takes a huge leap backward
Combat is all flash but no substance—Would be way better without fucking cutscenes every 3 seconds
Your super high expectations. KH3 was the best KH game since KH2.
Feels good to be /blessed/ and /enlightened/
Aqua is not main focus.
Sora worst character in the series.
>KH1 tard nostalgia baby
KH2 is completely superior much less KH2FM
KH2FM > KH3 > KH2 > KHFM > KH
half of those complaints apply to the entire series
90% filler with shit conclusion at the end. No post game content at all. Also difficulty was made for babies. At least the graphics were nice.
1 vanilla > 1FM
Shitty recolours and the traverse town assassin monkey, as well as all fo Riku's added scenes wrecked final mix.
No FF characters is my biggest gripe.
Did Yasue really say he was surprised about people's disappointment with the lack of FF characters?
seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Square?
literally everything
>Game takes more than a decade to happen
>Its worse than the latest entry in the series
KH3 killed the franchise
Watch the numbers for the next entries plumel hard
Square has literally lost its magic and willl never make a good game ever again