Last game released 8 years ago on last gen consoles

>Last game released 8 years ago on last gen consoles
>series is praised for being very RPG like
>choices actually fucking matter
>honour and alignment actually matter
>can draw weapons during cutscenes and choose to fight or kill almost anyone in the game
>up to 50 to 100 different outcomes depending on your actions
>high replayability as you unlock secret weapons, stats, skills, costumes, paths etc. on each playthrough
>is the true OG kino samurai game before Nioh, Sekiro, Ghosts of Tsushima etc.

What the fuck happened? Are we never going to get another game in this series ever again?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>series is praised

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Never heard of this series before, and i don't think i'll hear about it again

You're forgetting something:
>Instead of choosing to revive Tenchu, From software took a series from the same developer that made Way of the Samurai and turned it into another derivative SoulsBorn game

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>>Instead of choosing to revive Tenchu
That was already revived (and commercially flopped) on PS2 and Vita as Shinobido 1 and 2 respectively.

>see this
>remember I never played 4
>I really should but it's a download only ps3 game or some shit
>google it
>it's on pc
>and 3 is too

It gets worse, we only got regular versions of 3 and 4 with miss a lot of extra content.
Japan has "Plus" versions with a lot of extra content.
We also don't have 1 and 2 in English and nobody cares about the series to translate them or the Plus versions of 3/4.

>We also don't have 1 and 2 in English
the hell are you talking about? yes we do

Nigger, that was years upon years ago. Fuck off Gen Z shit eater.

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It's not epic or flashy so anime kids and weebs hate it.
It's extremely japanese, so westaboos hate it.
It's actually difficult, unlike souls games, so shitters hate it.
Easily one of my favorite games on steam, I really should try the other titles when I can.

i tried to play this but it was so fucking jank that i gave up, which pains me because i always wanted to play a samurai open world game

I assume you mean on Steam, but you can get WotS 1 and 2 on PS2. Which means you should be able to emulate them

PS: 3 and 4 are on GoG as well I think

Only get Way of the Samurai 3 and 4 on GoG. The former has a disastrous and very consistent bug that crashes the game every time you start a new game from a completed one, or load a save from a game over state. The hack developers who did the port job never fixed it. I believe it doesn't exist on GoG though.

Which one is the best? I've only played 4 and loved it.

If you liked 4 there is a good chance you won't like any of the others. There other games focus far more on immersion and the story and gameplay mechanics. WOTS4 was almost not even a WOTS game, which btw answers OP's question, they betrayed the core fans of a fanbase that consisted of only core fans.

The only good WotS games are 1 and 4.
Prove me wrong.

disregard this faggot, 4 is arguably the worst one out of the entire quad.

2 has the best story and characters.
1 hasn't aged that well but it still has some bitchin music and interesting characters
3 is the most well rounded, featuring better gameplay and more endings and CYOA goodness.
4 has the best combat mechanics but not much else going for it. Fell for the Evil Dead meme if you catch my drift.

4 is literally Saint's Row 3 of the series
1, 2 and to a lesser degree 3 are serious games.
4 went LOLSOWHACKY like Saint's Row 4.
1 and 2 are basically equivalent to Saint's Row 1.
3 is like SR2.
4 is like SR3/4.

>4 is arguably the worst one out of the entire quad.

You must have clicked the wrong post because that's exactly what I was saying.

Listen to these people.

4 differs vastly in tone to the others. Its over the top and borderline anime with its british loli ambassadors and female knights with boob plates, while the rest of the games are a lot more grounded samurai games but of course with some offering of wackiness (you have to go out of your way to find them though compared to it being served to you in a platter in 4).

woops, knee jerk reaction, disregard that, I suck cocks. Here's some Kyojiro Kagenuma as an apology

Attached: KyojiroKagenuma.jpg (240x400, 10K)

It would have been great if the combat wasn't so cartoonish. Enemies flipping around in the air as you hit them just looks retarded.

The ports are god awful though. Get ready to (possibly) crash a LOT.

I remember hating 2 because it was linear as shit, which runs completely counter-intuitive to the whole appeal of WotS 1.
WotS 3 was similar, it was way too linear to start with (I never made it past the beginning part of the game).

Maybe people don't like the lul so wacky and random humor of WotS 4, but I loved the game because it brought back the more open structure of the original game.

WotS3 is a lot more open imo. I didn't like how WotS4 almost always revolved around the tournament. The true ending in 4 was really good tho

I've played 3 + 4 and liked 4 a bit more (the event tree and other mechanics improved navigation for me). I doubt we'll get another one, it's very much a niche product that relies on a lot of time investment

First game is the only good one.

>I didn't like how WotS4 almost always revolved around the tournament
Didn't only like 2 or 3 endings involve you fighting in the tournament?
I never made it out of the opening part of WotS 3 so I may need to give it another try, but from the beginning I felt I only had two choices of factions, whereas with WotS 1 and 4 you could just fuck around doing whatever you want and the story will progress on without you if you still hit certain story triggers.

It's necessary for practically all of them. The major difference is that you need to leave before the awards ceremony to get a faction ending.

I dunno why the combat was always so bad. Samurai Western was godly.

3 is pretty good in a sense that you can ignore the "main" conflict and pursue a character centric ending. In 4, in most cases you will eventually run in with the evil old man and get locked into a faction ending (foreigners/rebels/government)

>tfw sequel never

Just imagine a WOTS with Samwest combat. I'd actually buy and even play it unlike the others in the series. I've always liked the idea but the gameplay is just so bad.

Is that so? I definitely need to give the game another chance.
I remember feeling like I was herded into one of two choices, and I couldn't find a way to trigger time to pass without doing quests for one of the two.

Whereas with WotS 1 and 4 it was easy to come across triggers to proceed the story.

I hate how you need to do really obscure things to get the good endings, like I probably could have figured out you need to play the game multiple times to get a different endings once I saw that the casino was still closed on the second playthrough but how the fuck was I supposed to know that I needed to go to the cemetery at a specific time to get the good ending for the isolationists or whatever they're called

dont be a faggot.
get them from GoG.

Actually there were 2 others released after 4... I dont remember the name because they never made it to the west and they were on psvita. In one of the game, you become a rebel, and in the other you become a shinsengumi.

3 and 4 are rather opposites in this regard. In 3 the options you get at the start are rather narrow and pit you into the games 3 main factions but as the game progresses you can split off take an ending with a specific character i.e. help a samurai waifu with her revenge. In 4, its vice versa.
That said, the quality of the endings in 4 tend to be a lot better than the 27 endings you get in 3 which most of the time are just slight variations of one another.

My fucking nigga. That's exactly how I explain my dislike of 4 to other people as well.
It really is the Saint's Row 3 and 4 of WotS.

I honestly dont know what kind of drugs the devs where snorting when they made it.

Good thing Saints row 4 and WotS 4 are better than their prequels



>Are we never going to get another game in this series ever again?
If we do it'll be Japan only, probably.

male sidebobs are kinda sexy

>4 comes out on Steam
>Dozens of threads on Yea Forums daily praising it, posting memes, etc.
>Devs see 4 sells well, they release 3 on Steam too
>Years pass
>Now people are hating on 4

They already made it

best part of 4 is using guns and dabbing on weebs

4 was basically the vidya equivalent of Gintama, you need to be truly dead inside to hate it

4 seems like the ideal Jap game
It's grindy as fuck and you can play it forever to unlock absolutely everything

Way of the Samurai 4 is shit.
3 is fucking god tier.
2 is good.
1 has aged like milk.

back in my day we all shat on 2 and 3 and loved 1 and 4

Wait wouldn't this make WotS 3 and 4 the best games?

one of the greatest girls of all time of all games with one of the sickest swords

>If you liked 4 there is a good chance you won't like any of the others.
t. tasteless pleb
I love all the games except 2.

Sounds like pure, unbridled contrarianism to me.

Am i getting memed with this series? Every time i looked up footage it looked awful and janky as fuck, like a PS1 game with PS2 graphics.

Attached: 456756678.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

this, SR 3 and 4 are the slickest gameplay wise, same for Way of the Samurai 3 and 4

graphics suck
story kinda sucks
music and gameplay are godly

It's a love it or hate it type deal, if you can overlook the graphics it's p. fun

Play 3 on PC, everything is nicely polished.
Alternatively emulate 2.

3 is kino, 4 is memey trash.

Attached: WayOfTheSamurai3_2.jpg (1920x1080, 525K)

I thought it would mean WotS3 and 4 have less content and worse writing than the previous games.

>We also don't have 1 and 2 in English
Literally fucking what?

anyone saying 3 is better than 4 is a retard, full stop
3 is just a worse 1, 2 has dogshit combat, and 4 adds an actual game on top of "roam around this proof of concept and do shit"

No, what's contrarianism is pretending like 2 is even an okay game when it literally removed everything there is to like about all of the other WotS games.

>it looked awful and janky as fuck, like a PS1 game with PS2 graphics
Rough gems with janky controls and ugly graphics but with godlike mechanics and a whole fucking lot of content are the best.

Fuck wots, i want more shinobido games!

Objectively false.

All 4 adds is LOLSORANDUMB whilst grossly simplifying the gameplay and choice mechanics.


Can you show me some of this cool gameplay and mechanics?

Such as?

post your favorite stance in way of the samurai 1

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>All 4 adds is LOLSORANDUMB
as if the series hasn't always had random shit in it you fucking zoomer faggot
one of the main characters of wots1 was a black samurai with an afro
and like i said, what you call "simplifying" i call "actually making this proof of concept into a workable game" because now you can actually follow the story (and there are still hidden paths) and the new style system allows way more creativity

>as if the series hasn't always had random shit in it you fucking zoomer faggot
It always has, but that's all 4 has, it cheapens it dramatically.
>and like i said, what you call "simplifying" i call
Stopped reading right there.
4 does everything worse than 3.

>but that's all 4 has
since you're retarded and likely never played the game i can see why you would think that
>4 does everything worse than 3.
stay wrong

Go and jerk off to sleeping british loli's some more faggot.
4 is memey trash.

go and jerk off to boring minigames some more you brain damaged zoomer, 3 is barely a game

I would but im busy bending over your mom srry

>boring minigames
Literally what?
Jesus fuck, did you even play 3?

They were shit. Veggie/tuna cutting fucking blew, so did all the partner ones, especially blade catching. I pity you if you thought that garbage was enjoyable

fuck off all you zoom zooms

Devs abandoned that ip

First one actually

Way of the Samurai 4 was the most restrictive game in the series. Too often characters you beat lethally just run away, or characters you beat down non lethally just don't go down because they're meant to die there.

Its still a fantastic game for its characters and scenarios, but in terms of pure storytelling freedom and consequences of your actions WotS3 has it beat.

I hope they make another one but make it more serious like Way of the Samurai 3 was.

Apparently I had aquired WotS 2 somehow, and now it rests on my shwlf.
Seems like it has a divisive opinion, care anyone explain what it does well, and what it does badly?

This Based user gets it

Attached: Truth.jpg (224x224, 10K)

I remember the requirements for the best ending in the first game. Since it was the shortest, that meant that you had absolutely no room for error, and had to not only say specific things, but basically play both factions simultaneously while doing the right things in the right order and not go to the wrong places to auto-activate certain events, avoid killing or fighting with either side seriously, confront a side character at a specific time mid-way through the game against all reason, and then line everything up in the final day for both sides to realize who the real villain was.

>loved all 3
>buy 4 digitally
>dont have enough RAM on ps3 to install
>sits in limbo on my playstation account of which I dont even know still exists

I really wanted to play this game too.

Attached: 1553647497764.gif (245x210, 1.84M)

These games were always jank and low-budget, pouring a lot of effort into the choose-your-own-adventure design and the general atmosphere of the world around you than the actual polish. That's why the series was firmly a cult classic rather than anything big compared to Tenchu or the like.

>dont have enough RAM on ps3 to install
Is this bait?

Transformed into Akiba's Trip. The second one got localized and it was great.

Dropping by the WotS thread real quick to just say 3 is the best of the entire series. Ok thank you, bye. Enjoy your thread.

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Low stance is for true ronin

is the first game worth it with the Interceptor fan patch on PC

I wanna buy 3 and 4 on GOG. I know we will likely never get the Plus versions in the US. If i get the GOG versions of 3 and 4, when compared to the JP Plus version how much content am i missing?

There's a series I haven't thought of in a while. Time to dust off the ol' PS3, thanks fuckers.

no wait

When the option to enter a series is 3 or 4 it's kinda prickly to figure out where to start. Is 3 the better choice since it's earlier and, as this user says, the best? Or is it one of those cases where the latest game includes more and/or streamlined mechanics that make it the better jumping-in point?

WotS3 combat is onimusha
WotS4 goes full cuhrazyee with ridiculous spinning aerial attacks and air juggles

Way of the Samurai 3 is kind of the epitome of the series' design in terms of choices, factions, and encouraging player options. Way of the Samurai 4 is the most "polished", but by polish, we mean it's more linear and a lot more straightforward to present less opportunities in missing shit. It's also the most "out there" game with its comedy.

And super easy to get a bad ending because they kind of shoehorn you towards it if you don't see it coming.

WOTS4 is honestly super shit to play without a guide, you can end a run in 10-20 minutes if you don't know what you're doing and the game doesn't explain shit as to which of your actions caused the ending.

Legit fucking hated it as my first WOTS game, but loved 1/2/3 when I went back and played those.

Half your choices in 4 don't even make sense, not to mention it lacks the interactions in 3 where there could be like 4-6 outcomes for any given situation which were amazing.

1 is a great proof of concept, just really rough, 2 is a natural evolution, 3 is 1+2 polished nicely, 4 is just.......I dunno, it was a bad place to start and every time i've gone back to play it it just shits me.

That torture minigame for true end was the absolute fucking cancer. But it was worth it, fuck!

Does anyone have a mega of 3 from GoG? I used to love these games when I was younger, but I never got to play 3, and now I'm a poorfag due to car troubles and work issues but I really want to sit back, have fun and relax with a game series I used to love.

It was made even worse that you fight the sisters without a weapon.
I just checked and the google docs and mega links don't work, but the others for Way of the Samurai 3 still do.

There's way too much of wacky shit in it. I prefered first two games, they were more serious.

i must've been lucky then, the ports never really crashed for me much. They even played nice with reshade for black & white grainy jidageki mode

Thanks user, I appreciate this. I didn't know there was a site that archived GOD.

Yeap, it's been up since GOD went down, lots of dead links but if you can suffer through the shitty hosts you can usually find what you want.

Hopefully shit improves for you soon, until then, enjoy.

I played 1 earlier this year for the first time and fucking loved it. I tried 2 since it was so highly talked about here and I just couldn't get into it. the god awful dub definitely didn't help, but I think the big turnoff to me was the map. to be fair I didn't give it much of a fair shot because jesus christ what were they thinking with that dub, but the first game gripped me instantly aside from the tutorial
haven't given 3 or 4 a shot yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if I like 3 more since I liked how 1 was pretty grounded and not too goofy

It was always niche.

>not having a dojo that is women only
>samuraido 4 is GOAT

Attached: Monster-Hunter-Non-146-2-680x1022.jpg (680x1022, 103K)

Yeah I remember using a guide to get the best ending of 1. Thing is, 1 was literally just a retelling of Kurosawa's Yojimbo, so that may have been the trick

>8 years ago
what the fug

WotS is Too Hard for the normiefag retards, since you have to not be a retard and actually pay a fucking tention to shit.

>hating for a few dollars / yojimbo : video game edition

Oh, i get it, you're a fucking asscunt with zero taste.

This game was kino but some of the time-sensetive quests were really fucking autistic.

I loved WOTS4, didn't care for 3 much.

And yeah, the past 2 years would have been a great time to develop a sequel, what with how similar it is to Yakuza and how popular that series got.

>dojo challengers kill my lady student

Normies love 4 because of le whacky hijinks though. The best bit has to be where you surrender in the beginning, and end up being tied to a rail track.

Oh and it doesnt help that Matt and Patt made a really famous LP about the game.

This series has insanely good soundtracks.

>replying to your own post
Serves you right for shilling this shit game