Outward: You wasted your Money Edition


>no it's not worth buying
>no it's not worth pirating
>yes it's ugly as fuck
>yes there is couch split screen
>no you still shouldn't buy it
>but it is comfy as hell

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Other urls found in this thread:


>You wasted your Money Edition

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>run as admin
>seems legit

What are you doing here if you're so inept you don't know how to safely pirate?

supporting the development of a totally shit game with my burgers

This is the jankiest and LAZIEST game I've played recently. No amount of patches will fix this game.
I'm not even mad, just embarrassed that I fell for the shilling.

I bought it the other day but havnt even open it yet so Im still within refund window

anyway what am I in for?

Need to run as admin just to save.

regret. lots of regret

There fucking was none lol you practically had to TRY to hear about the game

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should I keep this rusted hunk of shit or sell it for 300 coins?

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Any before anybody says 1 active thread on this board a day counts as shilling, the are literally 8 sekiro threads right now, that's what shilling actually looks like

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Gonna pick it up first sale.

Any game that lets me start out as an ultra weak piss poor murder hobo gets my money eventually.

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whoops wrong screenshot

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this looks like gothic 2 with better graphics, what the fuck

> be me
> see some gameplay on reddit. It looks like a garbage. Like worst parts of Gothic franchise mashed together.
> Hear meme buzzwords such as survival, open world and crafting.
> Month later see lots of people excited about Outward on vee.
> Checkit.exe
> It's the same game.
> It still looks and plays horrible.
> People fell for it again.
Kenshi seemed shit but at least it has godlike setting and is capable of generating stories. This shit? Seriously.

Alright, now what am I supposed to do with it?
I'm going to flip my shit if I have to play the game three times to collect one from each of the endings and legacy inherit them to get something else in the final run.

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I bailed out and got my refund an hour into the game the moment I realized the combat was horrendous.
If you're going to try and market your game as "le ultra difficult action game! PREPARE TO DIEEEEE", at least make the combat not feel like utter shit.

A game with harsh punishment for losing shouldn't have such garbage combat.

>be a retarded plebbitor
>post improper memetext on le Yea Forums


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>with harsh punishment for losing
so being quicktraveled across the map with all your stuff is harsh?

I didn't die when I was playing, do they not take your shit?
All I heard was that death meant you're basically starting from 0 again except for the stuff you stored.

there are scenarios where you lose your shit they're just not very common

it mostly depends on the event you get on death, often you'll be rescued, sometimes bandits will strip you naked and store your gear and bag somewhere in their keep.

You can pretty much always recover stuff except for rotting ingredients, however, it's entirely possible your stuff will despawn if you don't collect it within a few ingame days.

Then maybe don't fucking say anything about dying if you literally have no goddamn idea what you're talking about

>3 torches and 2 lanterns
>Food, wine, ice stone, and beetle inside your pocket
How long have you been playing bruh?

>Game billed as "DEATH IS SRZ BUSINESS"
>"Don't dare say that punishment for death is harsh!"

the punishment to dying is that you'll be incapacitated for a day, sometimes up to 3 days meaning you can end up failing time limited quests.

the lanterns/torches are for using flamethrower and swapping between without having to refuel in combat.
inventory management is just fucked because I'd just been throwing stuff between managing weight between cities.

Is the blue sand armor worth making?

got it for free since my friend bought so we can play :)

Once you realize how combat works, it becomes a lot easier and a lot more fun.

I'm just kind of butthurt because I can't buy Padded Armor right now to complete my other set of armor.

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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning fucking sucks too doesn't it?

I feel like I need a shower after reading this post. Holy fuck

The game plays like a cross between mmo combat and god of war, so yes. Release Diablo 3 is a more engaging game than that garbage.

it's heavy and has -4% and -6% movement speed

Please redpill me on combat i still get rapped in melee.

Yes, but I think it's got a better combat system than outward. so pirate it anyway or buy it for a dollar.

Time is money, friend.

so I bought a house in berg and i expected the stashes to be linked between cities so i wouldn't need to spend i don't know 15 minutes? 20 minutes? running from berg and the beach town. but of course it's not.
so I began thinking you get a kitchen but you can just put a cooking pot outside in the town and it will never despawn so that's useless, you get a alchemy set so it's better than the lighthouse, but again you can just take a portal alchemy set drop it outside and it'll never despawn in a town as far as i can tell.

Beds give a -25% stamina cost buff on actions, so basically how much stamina bonus those the luxury tent give you? If it gives -25% buff I've just wasted 500 silver coins on a house that gives me nothing.
Even the stash is itself is sort of useless as far as i can tell, you can just drop stuff and it wont go anywhere.

I just wasted 500 silver coins i could have spent on training or armor didn't i?

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Target lock
Move sideways
Mash A

Pole arm is easy mode. Try to 1v1 if possible.

Just use a shield and a mace. As long as your shield is strong enough, you can let them hit you with their combo and then either combo them or get a hit on them.

Yes you did

Don't worry. I can't even get inside Berg. Game crashes every single time.

Does block protect you from back? Last time I got ganked it was from the back.

Use food buffs, use potions, use weapon rags, and use melee skills. Don't commit to a combo unless someone is stability broken.

so the luxury tent gives a comparable bonus? and items don't despawn in towns?
that's really sucks, oh well atleast others can learn from my mistake and keep their shekels.
That sucks, sorry to hear that user.

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So I woke up in bandit camp. Took out hyena with armor, dude with guisarme and ice mage chick. I'm under some stairs hurting. What else can I expect to face?

You have to stab them before they get there. Have you tried stabbing them before they get there?

I was so fucking hyped...

why is every single design decision in this game at complete odds with fun?

No, you just have to keep circling them.

Thanks senpai I'll try to do as you suggested.
I do and it's fun but sometimes the combo animations a really slow and i get swarmed by the guys i'm fighting, I wish the game had craftable bombs or something I could chuck at these dam guys.
sometimes it feels like my biggest opponent is the z targeting.
No it doesn't beware any bandit trying to flank you, you'll get skewered.
I'm definitely not using food buffs or potion and weapon rags enough, i haven't got any good melee skills, only one i have for my mace is a magic parry and a shield bash, shield bash is okay but I wish i had more offensive mace skills or atleast a sweep for dealing with multiple mobs.

This big boy if you're at the camp in the north.

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Not only with light, but heavy, and special. They eat my bone trident like it's made of carrots and then acquaint their maces with my ballsack

Spear is godmode, because you can out range most fucks, the only exception to this is when the person you are fighting is using magic or you are in a small room with no space to evade.
Most enemies, fuck maybe ALL enemies have some sort of sperg charge they do if see you're far away enough from them, just maintain a certain distance to them and they won't sperg charge you, i mean they'll still run up to you but the charge is the rush I am assuming you are talking about, so basically never hard backpedal if you can avoid it or backpedal slowly and always try to circle round, also worse comes to worse you can always DODGE or block, blocking takes up less stamina as well.

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Me and my buddy are enjoying it, but holy fuck, this combat needs SO much work. I have no idea how this even got released.

is there waifu in this game?
can I get married?

meant for

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This is the first game in a long, long time I'd rather play than sleep. I mean I stay up playing other games but right now I need to sleep and I can't because I'm obsessed with just doing one more thing. Im laying in bed just thinking about outward.

Stop it. Get some help.

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May I ask what you find so enjoyable about it?

Yeah there's a lot of to enjoy in the game but combat feels so dam clunky, it's a real shame.
> I have no idea how this even got released.
it's becoming an unfortunate trend to release games when they are really finished, i blame steam and early access but who knows why it's deemed acceptable nowadays.

I don't belive you people because every time you told me a game is great it turns out to be shit. So the opposite must also be true

The harsh truth is that they're always shit no matter what.

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>Bought the game off of recommendation from a friend.
>Game kind of sucks.
>Start to have fun with the game.
>Get really into the game and start making money and exploring cool locations.
>Finally decide to go to the next city.
>Game crashes upon entering the new city.

Welp, this is a good way for me to lose all interest in this game.

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nah from the looks of the models in character creator most people look really ugly imo, you want a jap game for waifus, or wait for modders to make non ugly models if they even will i mean this is a unity game after all...
i doubt you can get married

more like
>i know absolutely nothing about dying except a vague statement but im gonna talk shit about it anyways
>what do you mean im fucking stupid?
youre fuckin stupid man

Jesus fuck. The desert was easy as hell with my mage icy chilled mage running around in breezy robes and big hats but I'm fucking dying on my fighter after a few minutes even.

So pistol is shit? Should I go chakram?

Your game is trash.

Where the fuck do I place the alchemy kit

Random loot. Comfy. There is always something else to do, get more berries, make jam, kill something now that you're used to the combat being shit, wake up somewhere new because you thought you were used to the combat system. The fear because what the fuck is that thing and who the fuck knows how powerful it is and the is nothing for it but to go try. I think that's the real thing, this is the first game in a long time that made me legit scared when exploring or fighting. No strolling around with your cock out, knowing you're a demi good and if that isn't enough there's always a quick save.

Everybody being mad about how much it's shit is just icing on the cake.

On a campfire user.

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Ontop of a campfire.

> i am mad

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>not using a dagger

It's like dumpster diving.

This game is so bad yet so good I love it

Rich people don't know what this is.

Dagger is the chad way to play, lets you shit on everyone user even more if you dive into poisons and bleed

Play it before you posting drivel you retarded npc reddit drone

Shill your game on Reddit, they'll be more receptive, mr.developer

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Rich people aren't mad about a $40 game.

I keep forgetting to use rags god dammit

Do you set off your own traps?

Ok shill

I dunno. I just want some ranged options but pistols seem like a slug to use. So I’m torn between chakram and runic shit. Maybe I should go runic + rogue + monk.

>"N-n-no you..."

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I've never been unlucky enough to walk into my own tripwire but i assume so.

why not try bow, i'm pretty sure i saw a hunter class and some ranged skills.

ill refer you to
go whine about fucking sekiro shilling if youre gonna whine about anything
as it stands this is literally 1 thread with barely any traction

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Why is Levant populated by fucking jews?

Why the fuck would you rar the whole iso?
unrared size is 8.636.039.168 bytes( maybe you compressed ~20Mb).
If you really wanted to preserve bandwidth or save space then you should move those files from .iso format(we don't really need those anymore, for better or worse) and compress them with 7z as standalone .exe file, you can change icon and it would look like GOG installer and you could brag to your buddies that youa re hax0r.
No, really,what site compresses whole images, this is some new thing..

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It's retarded scene rule formatting. I had to extract the game multiple times. That file extracts into 44 .rar files that are ~200MB each, which then extracts into an .iso which after mounting or manually extracting you get the actual setup file.

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Not him but this sounds autistic as fuck. I appreciate it's their release so they can format however the fuck they want, but literally why? it's it some leftover from when people could only download files that were 200mb or smaller at a time?

Yes. It used to be worse. Because filesharing like this was so large compared to how much data people could reliably transmit back and forth and transfers couldn't be resumed if interrupted, the only solution for reliability was to reduce the size of the files and then combine multiple files later.

>game starts
>me and my buddy are hyped af
>explore town super thoroughly
>little disappointed there isn't more to find or more quests but that's okay
>go outside
>encounter a bird outside of town
>kill it
>and both of us quit out and refund the game
anyone else? if you can't make action combat maybe don't?


Im never coming back.

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>wants action combat
>buys outward

basically this

OP, fuck yourself.
First, i hadn't felt so good about just playing a game since Morrowind(i'm still just 4-5hours in so i am biased probably), beautiful little slowburner, pure enjoyment, it almost reminds me on way back when JRPGs were a good thing, with added WRPG sensibility.

I could see this game become a hidden little gem of 2019 if devs are smart and keep supporting it .

Whole concept of = "Fuck you, you owe us money, go fuck yourself, pay up or you'll lose your house, we don't care, pay that silver!", well, it's really not very hard to immerse yourself into that position.

I'm still in Cervice, so I haven't seen shit but I do believe this has huge potential,
this was meant to be an MMO if I'm not mistaken but they did a fine job of crushing that dumb idea and sewing up this fine little game with all the pieces. If they add more "jobs/quests/adventures" and some actual interesting incentive to do them, well, it's a nice one.

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wasnt meant to be an MMO

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Because their skills are
>Far shot
>Pierce shot
>Melee jump slam
No thanks. Never really a fan of bow anyway

Can this run on a Potato?

thanks for the warning op 8gig saved.

They really overdid it with the desert effects. Shit's straining my eyes.

>advertise your game to have action combat
how was I supposed to know the game was going to have shit combat?
not like there is any harm in trying out a game that you can easily refund.

this game was never advertised as having action combat though

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Who the hell dismisses a game after a single combat encounter where they have no abilities and likely have no idea how to play the game? You're not even a new ip.

If they are Jew they will be mad even if it is a penny

Fuck them, I agree with you 100%.
It almost reminds me of Morrowind back in a day.
These young fucktards will never know the feel when you put your save on the disk to show to your friend how you designed your house.

This game is compy AF!

I am loving this game
It's buggy as hell. And feels like a weird as fuck "eurojank" game despite being murican.

But god damn is it fun with a friend.

Pretty good game but definitely not for everyone. It's basically an adventuring sim and fighting anything you didn't see before is always a high risk because you don't know what to expect. Best way to approach any unknown situation is to prepare yourself for the worst and utilize the resources the game gives you. This is what makes it a lot of fun

The biggest downside in my opinion is that they really went in-depth with some things while they barely even touched the others. There are some really weird design choices like random invisible walls, no friendly npcs in the overworld. In the Vendavel fortress you see that NPCs can't even go from passive to aggressive, the game gives you a black screen to spawn the aggressive version of the guards and the friendly NPC prisoners have no reaction to them.

I'm playing it alone and having a blast, but it's definitely better suited to play with a friend.

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Well, if you own laptop from 2012(dedicated gpu 2gb vram) , you can play it on High, native resolution.

go watch the trailer and try saying that again

and it has action combat. it's just terrible.
your whole premise is that "you can't be mad something not advertised wasn't included" but the fact is the devs included it. And it sucks and isn't fun. they should have made something fun.

i feel like you dont actually know what youre talking about

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>action combat
outward uses action combat i'm pretty sure or some strange fact simile of guild wars 2 combat, with a lot less movement

>In the Vendavel fortress you see that NPCs can't even go from passive to aggressive, the game gives you a black screen to spawn the aggressive version of the guards and the friendly NPC prisoners have no reaction to them.
Yeah this is jarring as fuck the really funny thing about it as well, is they teach you backstab but due to how the only way to start a fight in that prison is to tell the guards you are going to fight them you can't use it without already being in combat in them, also you can massacre the guards and the entire fortress and they npcs still just say, can you bake me an omelette? i sure wish i had another mining pick even though there's 10 on the table and lastly and the best, you better mine or the guards will get you!
It weird because they do try and have a narrative and use the black screen fade for story telling sometimes, but i think ultimately this was rushed and released way earlier than it should have been. i think in vendalkeep at the gate you can just seen the empty landscape behind the walls and i really don't know why they made the windows transparent and the gate not a solid object, why would they let you see an empty pit?

doe sit fucking use action combat or not, stop being a faggot and pick a side

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> but i think ultimately this was rushed and released way earlier than it should have been
This is definitely what happened, it's like they made a barebones version of that dungeon that they left to touch up later but didn't have time so they just ducktaped everything so it doesn't fall apart.

Best skill in the game.

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Why does sleeping not work for me? And why does it break the sound?

it's a softlock system, think of it as the bastard child of action combat and tab targeting., i told you it's has guild wars 2 style combat.

i thought it was only me my sound keeps fucking up as well, like it's playing out of some cheap chinese speaker that's underwater.

What game are you guys even talking about?

is it or is it not action combat

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This one.
Maybe :^]

Have you never played it? There's nothing tab target about it. It's not like guild wars 2 in any way.

you aren't wrong, where can i get that user?

Breakthrough skill for the rogue trainer in levant.

>There's nothing tab target about it. It's not like guild wars 2 in any way.
have you ever played guilds wars 2? you know its not tab target right?

dodge sucks once you realize the best way to not get hit is just sprint towards the enemy, right past them. works every time. i'm mad i wasted my skillpoint on feather dodge instead of getting the -stamina cost merc passive or the summon spell

this is the god tier strat, most the time because you don't get exp it's not worth fighting anything ever unless you have to.

why should we listen to you, you cant even pull your head out of your ass long enough to decide if the game is or isnt action combat

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Are you that other guy or are you just larping as him?

Is there a backpack better than nomad's 50 weight limit anywhere in the first map?

which other guy because it all depends

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casual filtered. lmao

I'm at the shipwreck and how do I make this fucker fall asleep? All I get is the damn 'resting' wheel after moving the dial forward a few hour and nothing more.

>anons don't run around as a skelly
What the fuck even is this thread then

Run the game as an admin

do you know how to get that armor set?

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POST your combat music



So, by combining a cold stone (mana stone + water I think it is) with a torch and some iron scraps you get a cold fire torch that cools you down in the desert.
And it has 500 durability.

>game goes from mixed to positive overnight
>no one finds it suspicious

>game goes from mixed to positive
>within 24 hours of it releasing
>its impossible that people played the game and liked it

honestly im not even defending the game, what youre saying is just fucking stupid

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They released a bug fix patch

>how was I supposed to know the game was going to have shit combat?
Try watching a fucking video before spending $40 next time, dumbass. Guess it's good Steam has retardproof refunds.

I literally started doing this right out of the gate. It's the same shit as Dark Souls

So do your eyes start glowing after becoming a mage or is that NPC only feature?

Is that the new Elder Scrolls?

What's the best faction for heavy armour/two hander/warrior?

what's the verdict Yea Forums? does OP just want to hog all the good games to himself? Is it peak eurojank like Elex?

It's a pretty decent game but bugs right now
As in, the bag/inventory is literally as important or more important than your actual equipment and one of the bugs makes all of it, half of it, or some of it disappear

if you like eurojank you'll like outworld, it's buggy and clunky and janky but you probably expected that, the price tag is honestly a bit high but you spend your money how you feel like i'm not your dad.

Read the thread faggot, but yeah if you liked Elex/Risen/Gothic and like semi-sim games with some survival elements and actually using potions/traps instead of hogging them forever then you'll love the game

who /spear and gunwizard/ here?

that vampiric steal and blood bullet is KINO

is posession good? this demon guy taught me it when some lobster zapped the shit out of me

This game is shit. I'm glad I didn't pay for it.

now you can have little mana a be a gun wizzard like go to the desert and look for the mercenary trainer.

>Any game that lets me start out as an ultra weak piss poor murder hobo gets my money eventually.

white people, ladies and gentlemen

i got my ass beat by a shrimp, fainted, and then came back and my pack is gone so where the FUCK is it

>tfw you upgrade from shop weapons to crafted weapons
>tfw you upgrade from crafted weapons to unique dungeon weapons with flavor text

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It was probably somewhere near where you revived. Look at your compass.

so it was, thankyou

Are all redditors such flagrantly stupid gorilla niggers?

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can't decide which skill trees to pick breakthroughs for.
I'm somewhat thinking rune shit so I can heal and buff etc. and not need to use a book.
Monk for some aoe and the damage buff
and either kazite or hunter.
Intending to focus on greataxes.

im doing the 3 trials to be a templar or w/e they're called, but i don't even have mana or spells, yet i have full blue sand and a bone spear with my bro in similar gear tier. The fuck am i missing to get to the mana?

The three 3 trial dungeons all lead to the same leyline crystal at the bottom. Interacting with the crystal gives you mana.

you unlock mana under the purple mountain in the first zone.

??? Are you in the Conflux mountain? You just go through the end where a big room with mages is, go to the upper ledge where a guy is near the crystal and you get the option of sacrificing health/stamina for mana. You only need to go through 1 trial, it's up to you which

when your game references a better game with a better combat system

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how the fuck do you use a ps4 controller with this?

Is it me or is magic extremely powerful? Can melee compete?

Magic is definitely easier. Probably gonna need good gear for melee to catch up.

Should I leave for the other cities ASAP or explore the first region?

>Get captured by bandits and put to work in the mines shortly after starting out on my adventure
>Actually make a fuckton of money in there by breaking down all the pickaxes they have lying around and selling the iron scrap for 5 silver apiece
>Make even more money selling bandages and life potions to the bandit doctor
>Bribe my way out with a small fraction of my earnings
>Eventually make it to Berg, turn in a quest to deliver a letter to the shopkeeper, he gives me another one to deliver to monsoon
>Spend all of my iron scrap money on a full set of master trader gear
>Not ready to commit to a faction yet, zoom over to monsoon with my fancy new movement speed boosting armor
>Turn in quest in monsoon, get yet another letter to deliver in Levant
>Haven't seen that city yet, let's go!
>Zoom across the dunes
>Turn in quest, the NPC actually gives me another letter to take all the way back to cierzo
>Why not, I want to see where this is going
>Deliver the final letter, NPC hands me yet another one to deliver to Berg, starting the cycle over again
>Suddenly realize that I've spent the last ten hours being a professional mailman

Explore the region, I went to the marsh with my first character straight away and it was a nightmare. Second character I've explored the entire region, made a ton of money, got some nice food and potion recipes and got the full blue armour set.

Magic is easier to use, and can cheese powerful enemies. However once you get a decent amount of practice, melee combat is more efficient.

i decided to go with no lexicon
was that wrong? should i have chosen prefix?

It's not wrong unless you're a "pure" mage. Prefix makes your shit a lot stronger and you can find a rare lexicon later that makes your shit even stronger-er. But hey, you can use different offhands or even a 2h now. Diversify yo bonds and make use of that, nigga.

>post on reddit
>get triggered
Checks out. I bet you only played Kenshi because your favorite youtube revier shilled it too.

The difference is that one of us uses reddit to aggregate game trailers without posting and other swallows circlejerk opinions on early access survival games like a little bitch. Guess which one you are.

I realize this post is from hours ago, but in case anyone else reads this, this is not the case. Killing shit leads to massive silver income, which leads to more training. Silver is your exp. Some crappy marsh bandits on the way to Monsoon drop steel shields that sell for 60 silver each. You bet your ass I slaughtered every one I ran into.

Why did you assumed I post on reddit? I never do. I merely use it as news aggregator.
Sure, I tried out Kenshi after Sseth video. Before that I have never heard about the game. I'm not a conesseur of early access survival games. I tried to broaden my horizons but I fail to see the appeal. Sorry.

>tfw no custom music mod
I like the tracks it has so far but it would be neat to be able to add our own for certain areas.
Hell mods in general would be nice.

Why are you still posting in this thread 7 hours later? Talk about the game or fuck off, you retard.

Yeah, goy, just watch shill videos of people telling me how great the combat feels.
>See car on commercial.
>Wow, that car looks like it turns on the dime! It must feel great to drive!
>Go to dealership, get asked if you wanted to test drive, "nope, I saw a commercial!"
>Buy it, go to drive it, feels like shit.

You need a test drive to see if a car is a shit, we need demos to see if game is a shit, videos can't tell us how the combat actually fucking feels, neither can shills. Fuck games for not having demos.

For fuck sake you could see 1hour streams from the developers playing the game while answering all short of questions before the day launched.

They are still on youtube and twich. They show you the game in its raw state.

>but but no demo.

Sure but they show you how difficult is the fucking game and what you should expect before buying, also you can see them running from fights and getting fuck cos they get killed a lot in their own game.

>have to choose between better stealth or pressure plate mastery
Why did they do this, I can only take 3 fucking trees as is, just let me have the whole tree. Guess i'll just carry more stealth pots with me.

>game comes out
>5 minutes later flooded with negative reviews
>10 hours later flooded with positive reviews
could it be... that maybe... the people that reviewed it hours after it came out... actually played it for a meaningful amount of time...?

Reminder that you are supporting the death of split-screen.

Could someone give me a quick rundown of the good and bad?

This game would be fucking ASS playing by myself. It's pretty fun fucking around with my room mate, though. How are you shut-ins playing solo? Seems like it would be overly tedious.

Don't wanna spoil too much of the game, but I'd like a general direction of where I should go to get a better backpack. The 50 limit one is just way too fuckin' small.

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I don't understand why having someone playing with me would make it more interesting. Same with DivOS.

All of the other cities have bigger ones.

I'm not sure how to answer that without sounding like a prick.
Doing stuff with friends is generally more fun than doing stuff alone. On top of that, the combat seems more fun since you can go tank and mage/rogue. Backstabbing things or blowing them away with a pistol while my friend tanks shit is satisfying. The combat seems too janky to do anything but spam dodge/block and swing once in a while if you're solo, especially in a group of enemies

Alrighty, thanks mang. I'll stop fucking around in the starting map and move on.

That sounds kinda boring to me honestly. I like having to prebuff and prep the field before I engage a group of enemies. Makes the survivial aspect stand out. Sitting in the back freecasting on enemies while my big armored daddy facetanks for me sounds like something I'd be doing in an mmo.

Traps and a lot of the buffs are in game for solo players. People playing with a friend want a different experience and they get that. People have different preferences.

How long does the fucking winter last. I spent all my coin on blue sand armor and I'm tired of forging for spice beetles all day so I don't freeze to death.

can i be a wizard in this game?

20ish days

You can get a passive from the wind tower that's gonna help a bit but best way to go is stash your blue armour in the chest and use the fur armour during winter especially if you think you'll spend a lot of time in the overworld. Otherwise you can buy 2 teas, do a dungeon or two, load up on loot and go to town to sell it and buy more tea. A torch in your hand helps a bit too and is easy to make

You can be a heavy armored bow wielding pistol slinging spellblade trapper wizard if you want. There's no experience, you buy skills with silver but you are limited to 3 breakthrough points

yeah but can I just straight up shoot fireballs at people

Not that user, can I make a real tank?

why is everybody so fucking ugly in this game

Attached: booby.jpg (1920x1080, 406K)

That makes sense then, thanks for explaining it.
I guess I just prefer co-op over everything else.

Though the aggro in Outward does kinda jump back and forth... Seems like it's sort of a mix between who's closest and who damaged the enemy last. The unpredictability makes it kinda fun when something turns on me and I'm desperately dodging and blocking while my friend starts wailing on it to get aggro back. They should make it harder to knock enemies down, but more rewarding when you do. As it stands, you can knock most enemies down constantly but they just kinda zip right back to their feet again. Might be a lag problem, though.

backstab is super satisfying, if mildly janky, to land

The character models are fucking awful, but at least the armour is neat.

these formats and unpackers do a file integrity check. if you just download the iso there might be file corruption while if the pack is corrupted the unpacker will tell you so.

>niggas still have UAC on
fuck off you PC newbies

In coop my friend sometimes just gets no frames until we enter a load screen/he leaves and re-enters my game. We have literally the exact same computer and blow the shit out of the req specs. Wtf?

Is it snowing?
>Are you forgetting to put out campfires?
My friend and I have noticed framerate for him tanks when hes not the host if too many campfires stay lit and you walk away.

Whats the best mage gear to aim for?

We haven't been putting out campfires at all, we just assumed they died out. Also it's not snowing. It's happened even in dungeons where we haven't even lit fires. He just goes from regular 100+ frames to like 15-20.

Straight up? No. You need an item to draw a fire sigil and cast fireballs when you stand in it. Magic in the game is a bit ritualistic, it mostly requires some kind of setup and combination for maximum effect.

If you mean a guy who can stand in place and take punishment from 3 different mobs, then the answer is no. Even with heavy armour you'll take a good amount of damage, the difference is that you're allowed to make more mistakes than you would otherwise.

put out campfires.

>Kick the shit out of the gold-lich so badly that he pays you to not come back and do it again

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It's a city in the desert.

i don't even know what magic you can learn that was just a slutty tunic i found in the village chief's house

lmao, thanks for the honesty user


They are a literally who developer from Quebec with only 1 shit game, Deep silver must have really been fucking desperate after Metro fiasco

What's the strange blood/gash debuff? I got hit by an enemy and bandage does't fix it

Look at the effects menu

Any way to use more quickslots? I only went one breakthrough and didn't even finish it and it's filled up already

is 3 breakthrough points the limit?

I fucking wish. Im having a hard time just keeping magic and potions on my bars. Let alone a weapon. I've relegated myself to only using a rune summon

You look like a fucking clown.

What's the next stage of Brutal Axe? I checked the recipes in Berg but the blacksmith didn't have any. I've been using it since the beginning of the game when some faggot ambushed me but I think it's time to give it a touchup

Attached: Outward 2019-03-30 22-23-29-16.png (1920x1080, 2.9M)

whats the best way to restore mana? sleep or turnips? any other way?

>1 combo tied to a 2minute cooldown

melee is not and never will be more efficient. unless youre melee'ing with a summoned sword.

Any tips on making a mage character? Like good beginner spells, things to avoid,etc?

Fuck how do i embrace magic and give up melee i'm tired of trading hits.

That's not REAL jank

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> Max Mana goes up by using Mana a lot, the opposite of how health and stamina max work.
is this true?

Use your skills to damage their stability before you go hacking away at them.

>kill bandit
>set trap
>put his weapon in it
>kills another bandit
it keeps happening

You can raise stats outside of the breakthrough skills?

Yes. Each time you cast a smell you recover some max mana.

I do, kick still leaves you opening to getting stabbed by a melee happy a enemy and my other skill only works on magic. I think my weapon is just too slow

braaaps increase your mana pool

You have to find the opportune time to perform the kick. Some weapons are more useful at applying pressure though. (1 handed weapons)

Sell this game to me. What is is? An openworld RPG in a vein of Gothic and Two Worlds 2? How's magic? How's gear variety and character progression system?
I have a very high tolerance for clunky combat.

>I have a very high tolerance for clunky combat.

The combat isn't that clunky. It's like a less elegant Dark Souls.

Where can I buy or craft a tent in the early game?

It's more of a camping and dungeon diving simulator than an RPG

>the combat isn't that clunky
don't lie to him. I love the game but its janky as fuck

>I have a very high tolerance for clunky combat.
good you'll need it .

Try the general goods vendor or the sorbro traders, their the guys in green.

It's quite functional actually, it just forces you to approach combat differently than what your intuition tells you. The animations are janky though.

Hammer heavy attacks annihilate stability, but are slow and clunky. Claymore is fast but can't deal with stability effectively, the heavy attack chop is pretty nice and you just nip the opponent whenever they put their guard down for good damage. Axe is inbetween, the heavy attacks combo very nice with light attacks, they deal with stability effectively(but not as good as hammer) and packs the highest amount of damage. Spear can't deal with stability for shit, but you can easily chain combos and never get hit while only attacking enemy when he's open.

Melee is perfectly fine when you get used to combat, it gets even easier when you actually get some skills to use. I dunno about one handed weapons though, they felt kind of shit and the shield wasn't very good although I didn't really use any shield skills. Shield+Mace seemed the most effective combo

try reinstalling the game, had a similar bug and it fixed it

i found a spell but where do i find a leyline to unlock mana so i can actually use it?

Attached: goinghost.png (930x494, 553K)

this guy gets it. first game i've bought on launch in years. It's a different experience, it's not AAA garbage. Actually having a blast because games are so unoriginal now it's refreshing to play something different

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>game won't load after getting into levant

>using weapons
who master of traps here?

>you could see 1hour streams
Zoomie spotted. If you are ok with spending more than 10 minutes, then buying and refunding is a better option.

Is there a way to upgrade or customize the house in the starting town?

Anyone? I'm guessing Pressure plate is too awesome not to take.

Is there any better stamina food other than marshmelon toast?

You DO have the reusable pressure plate skill right user..?

One lets you kill enemies more efficiently and as a result gather more loot.
One lets you maybe perhaps sneak by them slightly better.

Are pistols only sold in the desert kingdom or am I just getting unlucky with merchants?

Conflux mountain, the big purple mountain in the center.
Don't go too heavy on mana initially, wait until you have some stuff to actually use it on.

I found like 3-4 pistols in the first map

>everyone keeps saying its shit
>cant stop playing it
>brother watched me play and now wants to do a coop playthrough
this game reminds me of DD shit but deep down you can feel the potential

I don't know how to feel about greatswords even though they're my most used weapon. I think they're a nice halfway point between the range of the polearms and the unga damage mash of the great axe, but that just makes it feel all around meh.

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>tfw left shoulder button is broken

>keeping your pack on during combat
shiggy diggy

What do you do against magic aoe if you don't dodge?

sick digits.

I just got the spellblade spec without going to the mountain first. My max mana is still 0 despite it should have increased it by 15. I assume once I unlock magic the passive would apply but since this eurojank I am not so sure. Does anybody know if this works?

Maybe you're treading new ground here, user.

Fuck, I really don't want to restart if this is bugged

go to the mountain and find out.
it's probably bugged


does the game actually play / can you play like darksouls? cause i see people just trade hits like retards

Post em

Attached: 1.png (834x848, 1.61M)

I got killed by a hyena that chased me half the map and woke up in a cave with a big ice storm anda monster popped out of it. Now I'm dead again back in cierzo and lost all of the armor that I was wearing. Time to take a break I guess.

go fast


>does the game actually play / can you play like darksouls?


I was just wearing some plate armor shit I got from the guy in town and could easily dupe the money back with the split screen thing but I can't even be assed to do it.

Not the same but in my third game after much debate
>get free 1h axe skill at gate
>get some dosh
>can't get edo train dialog

God dammit. 50s is just so much easier to come by than a skill for a different weapon, I could have picked up bow leap as a backup.

Alright you faggots got me interested. Redpill me on the combat. Is it actually bad or it just requires you to not be a retard like Morrowind's combat?

I read that it applies retroactively after you unlock mana.

is feather dodge worth it?

Most enemies have enough impact resistance that you won't be able to stagger them with your first attack with most weapons and swing fast enough to strike back before your animation ends. So unless you're really good at spacing and your weapon has more reach or AI fucks up they're going to trade with you.

requires you to not be a retard and is also kinda bad.

wait for the game to get patched while you sit on Yea Forums all day everyday idiot.
it will get fixed at somepoint. Why do you give up so easily?
why you a bitch as nigga?

Do you dodge

I like the game but thats not a valid excuse you made there. It's not an early access game, this is a full release. It is a buggy fucking mess. Watching all the people complaining about losing their shit to bugs, being locked out of saves due to entire zones not wanting to load and causing instant crashes, backpacks outright deleting things inside of them.
Why are you a cum slurping faggot?
>dude just wait for the game you bought to be better, maybe, eventually.
>why the fuck are you complaining about blatant massive problems
Youre a fag. and your shit's all retarded.

the fun thing about outward is your natural poise actually leads to your detriment, because you can't move during swings and you can't cancel swings when fighting multiple enemies your basically locked in stasis whenever you decide to risk a swing, so if for whatever reason these guys are close to you, like for example melee, it's possible for all 3 of them to attack you simultaneously and you'll be powerless to stop them.

Can anyone post stats on Copal/Petrified Wood armours? I don't wanna pay for something I don't even know is better than what I currently have

i just use four cannon pistols and two ornate pistols

is it bad?

The stamina cost reduction is pretty good but wearing your pack can reduce your movement speed which also slows down your attack animations so you might end up taking more hits if you bring your bag to combat.

>Can anyone post stats on Copal/Petrified Wood armours? I don't wanna pay for something I don't even know is better than what I currently have
that's the point of the game user ,wasting resources.


>which also slows down your attack animations
where did you get this piece of information?

The fact that it's cheaper than Blue Sand armour makes me think it's also shittier

I tested it.

it's bad and requires you not to be a retard, it's not like morrowind though, morrowind was a dice rolling system pretending to be action combat.

Are you retarded?

don't backpacks only slow you down when you are over their weight limit, i don't know user i've got some serious doubt.

Attached: doubt.jpg (800x450, 28K)

well you should really be thinking of it like this, user.
Yeah resistance to damage and resistance to impact are good.
but the armors have so many other stats to think of, such as
>Damage bonus
>elemental resistance
>Pluses And Minuses to things like : Stamina cost, Movement speed, Mana Cost
>Hot weather Modifiers
>Cold weather Modifiers

I agree it's shitty you can't preview them but if you make one piece you can usually get an idea of what the rest of the set will look like, ultimately i can't decide if its a design flaw or boon.
Also I made an ammolite armor set but i don't think it was calculate the "damage bonus correctly"
I had a damage bonus of 20 on the armor but when i checked my stats it seemed like i was only getting 5 or so.

You can test it yourself. Hit P to bring up your stats, check your move speed, drop your bag and check again. For me it's a 5% difference and i'm well under the weight limit for my bag or pouch.

multiple threads is genuine enthusiasm
one thread at a time always using the same OP image is shilling

I wasn't sure what to do after paying off the lighthouse so I went to Berg but right away I was greeted by a magical skeleton that hardly took any damage.
Should've I stayed in the first area and explored some more, gotten better gear etc.?

Good thing thats not the same OP image, and neither have any of the other threads except the ones using the actual games splash screen like a lot of other threads do for their games.

magical skeletons resist physical, so either magic them, or beat their ass with ethereal shit.

You should test and prod, if youre doing fuck all damage to something and it kills you in 2-3 hits then it's time to get the fuck out of there. Also if you havent fought something before and it looks tough, put some traps down to test it's strength and then finish it off.

4-5 traps is generally good enough. When you see how strong it is you either continue forward or don't depending on what happened

this thread is not shilling. But there were a ton of shilling threads before release.

Just did, worked fine

No there weren't it was a bunch of anons asking questions about the game, discussing the game, and whether or not it would be worth the pricetag. I know because I made several of those threads.
Believe it or not when someone wants to talk about a video game on the video game board, it does not equate to shilling.


I wouldn't mind it if they told me something like: "It's a light but sturdy armour, helps a bit with casting spells" or "It's a heavy armour, but due to some magical properties it helps stamina recovery."

As it is I'm not gonna bother until I know the stats

>i just use four cannon pistols and two ornate pistols
That's gangster as fuck. I know what i'm building my next play through.

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Fuck this dude

If you think this game is shilling then you're a fucking retard. I can't even find any info on google because the wiki is barebones and the info about the game is lackluster at best and non existant at worst. It's like the devs never heard about advertising, the only reason I know about is is I checked new steam games on a whim

its a pretty okay and if you have blood bullet with the possessed boon coupled and a saber to fend off anyone that tries to go melee. you're pretty much leeching their lives away

Fuck the gold lich and fuck gold golems.

Attached: ggf.png (1920x1080, 3.67M)

are chakrams fun?

>stealth my way through the spire
>TRIPWIRE TRAP the room where the gold lich is with iron
>prepared my gank pistols
its funny how satisfying the tripwires are

I helped the guy on the beach with the bandages, did the little lighthouse cave(?) and went to the bandit fortress. However I'm getting absolutely destroyed in the fortress. The magic guy and the big guy with the halberd/spear is destroying me.

Any good area or dungeon I can go to so I can get beefed up?

nah he's right some guy was hardcore shilling before outward was out he'd make a thread everyday and say talk about out this game but then he'd fuck off

That literally means nothing user. Its like a 10 person team, they have no reason to shill here. Eurojank usually gets a thread pretty often when a new one comes out.

>That literally means nothing user
It means someone was adamant about making threads but refused to to actually put forth any talking points and he kept doing it repeatedly, not surprising people thought he was some low effort shill.
>Its like a 10 person team, they have no reason to shill here.
The size of the team doesn't equate to how likely someone is to shill their video game, for all you know any of those guys in that team browse Yea Forums unironically and later made a game and wanted to talk about his game he made on Yea Forums but anonymously it's been done before.
but it's whatever i'm not trying to get into a debate about low effort threads im just saying i can see why the guy thinks these threads were being made by some retarded shill.


What is this game even? I heard about it... but never understood what it's about

it's fable but done right

so you set traps then put shit in them then go around them, agro an enemy then lead them into traps?

i've been straight melee but I have 5 traps and iron spikes and was going to try this but don't want to fuck up my boss fight by not knowing how to do this shit

>Any good area or dungeon I can go to so I can get beefed up?
YES. harvest gaberries make and sell jam until you level. your welcome.

I have a ton of berries already
>until you level
You can level in the game?

it's about making gaberry jam

>Get loads of oil being a manly miner man
>Water mixed with oil makes warmth potions, 3 at a time.
>Sell potions and make a tidy profit.


>You can level in the game?
you're the one who wants to get beefed

beefed as in gear, weapons, magic

A katana

yes. therefore gaberry jam.

are you like retarded or something?

spear and you know it was timed when they take your house

Attached: this should be fine.jpg (1920x1200, 294K)

Use a spear and literally poke-stun trogs to death. For humans you need to poke and roll backwards. Spears have long range.

Why are you so autismo about the jam? It sells like shit.

timed quests will basically tell you shit is obviously urgent
"Hey mr blood debt wagie, pay us in 5 days or we take your lighthouse."
"Did you hear, some priest killed a nigga and ran off into the desert? That cunt is gonna die if he don't drank nothin and then we won't know why he did it."
"Mr blood debt waaagiiie, some bandits are about to attack us, pls make them stop!"

I don't want to buy shit
I want to play the game

I think they are fun especially if you have the mana regen shit unlocked.
How did you tripwire his room? Could you stealth teleport and not aggro him as soon as you teleported into the fight?

Winning combat is either you post more traps than even the gayest weeb.
You become a wizard.
You use a spear and be a coward.
You use a greataxe and combo fuckers.

If you're going melee it's genuinely best to get a fang weapon as soon as possible, takes Iron weapon + 1 or 2 predator bones depending on size + linen.
This'll give you a faster weapon that can inflict bleed.

>upgrade a weapon
>it does less damage
>is slower
>and has half the durability

why are the magic beyblades shit?

Does the update solve the issue of not being able to sleep and save?

Attached: ah_uh.gif (350x197, 1.6M)

user the game autosaves constantly.

Am I missing something? just started out, killed the two hyena's, spoke to the beginner NPC who mentioned about sleeping, but when I sleep on the bedroll it just sits on 'resting' with nothing happening.

Attached: resting.jpg (1920x1080, 345K)

Game gets stuck permanently loading if it detects that you're a footfag.

I'm at the very start of the game and I can't sleep or save, it's broken. I'm asking if the update fixes this issue. Like in .

saves automatically happen dude. you cannot manually save.

yes you're missing a legit version. congrats on supporting the botnet you pirating faget

Attached: file.png (492x419, 371K)

try running in admin

The game doesn't save at all and I cannot progress. This is what I'm asking about you fucking moron. My character is stuck at the shore and needs to sleep to progress into the first zone but he cannot sleep because the game is broken. I'm asking if the update will fix this issue.

>congrats on supporting the botnet
what botnet? who are you?

Anyone know of a let's player that actually edits the footage, cutting out the filler? Don't feel like watching half an hour of raw footage.

>enemies constantly blocking
>can't deal damage to them for some reason
>they refuse to attack me
>not enough stamina to spam until their guard breaks
I'm so tired

Have you tried restarting the game?
And if that didnt work have you tried verifying files?

Seethe more, buycuck.

Yes, it doesn't keep any of my data and I have to start over again.

if an enemy is using a shield try kicking them, BE WARNED THOUGH whenever i try that on a guy using a fast wep like a machete he slices my ass up.

Dave Davidson. Who are you?

reinstall it. I dont know what to tell you. I dont know anyone with that issue. If you really want a chance of it being solved go into the official discord and fill out their bug report thing.

Try running it as an admin or reinstalling.

When you're getting destroyed it means that you should put some traps down.

Attached: Outward 2019-03-29 22-53-48-19.png (1920x1080, 3.13M)

Yikes I'll just try reinstalling the game. If it doesn't work I'll just drop it.

John constant

Oh shit, that did the trick, cheers bud.
You're trying way too hard to fit in... somewhere.

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this should be the motto of the game
>just put more traps dummy

Holy shit why are arrows so expensive

just make you own bro

>everything breaks down in to scrap
>scrap plus wood = arrows
please tell me you haven't been buying them
sucks that you can't SELL them

So what stats are important for a weapon? in your guys opinion?

>buying arrows

Your traps don't affect you so you can go through them, but that's pretty much it. I usually whip out my bow and land 3-4 shots just to soften them up, then finish them with melee if the traps didnt kill them.

Yesterday anons told me that Wendigo was strong so I overdid it with traps and didn't even have to melee. Those supply caches you find around always have a few tripwires and they're also cheap and easy to make. Iron spikes are also dirt cheap to make but you can use wooden spikes which are free at start.

A lot if times I throw 2-3 traps in a tight corridor in a dungeon in case my health goes low and I have to run away from a monster. I do the same when I haven't fought a big looking monster before because it helps a lot to just finish it off with traps if the fight gets critical. Traps never failed me so far and are also good when you have to fight 2-3 enemies to make the odds more in your favour

For my fellow rune bros.

Rune Magic combinations
>Rune Sword: Shim, Egoth
>Rune Greatsword: Shim, Egoth, Shim, Egoth
>Rune Mine: Shim, Fal
>Runic Protection: Dez, Egoth
>Runic Lantern: Fal, Dez
>Lightning Bolt: Fal, Shim (only while Runic Lantern is active)

what the hell
I got like 5x of my main weapon and armor when I died in the thief fortress? Is there a dupe bug when you die?

>they're also cheap and easy to make
what's the tripwire recipe?

also thank you for finally spelling this shit out, I only have 5 traps (no recipe obviously) and I didn't want to waste them/die experimenting


Animation speed and impact, reach, damage, status effect in that order.
1 wood, 1 linen, 2 iron scraps gets you 5 traps. 4 iron scrap for spikes to arm it.

What type of weapon you're using matters more than the stats. I'd rather use the Felling Axe than a magican Halberd

>Your traps don't affect you so you can go through them
whoa this is crazy i gotta start using traps

Mace + Dark Worker clothes? It always spawns when you die and get put there

I knew you were going to fucking say that. Fuck yourself retard if you don't want to seek out the proper channels to report bugs don't bitch about them.

Anyone know the difference between these two? % vs flat reduction?

Attached: 1.png (244x166, 63K)

>% vs flat reduction?
Yes, The left is % the right is flat reduction.

it's not a bug it's a known effect of pirating the game

this game needed a combat log

I'll do that, thanks user.

Thats hilarious. Good.

There's an easy fix, though. Stay mad.

I can't get over how lazy and OLD the world design is. Whoever's job that was, they clearly didn't give a fuck. Dungeons look okay inside for the most part. Armor and weapon design are also okay.
Gameplay, feels like an old game, lots of trial and error. Game is much better with a friend.

Why would I be mad? It's fucking funny.

Is the heroic conflux path, to get mana, possible with one player? There is a puzzle with levers and elevators, and I cant figure out how you can do it without another player. Is it easy to get randos to play with you?

Attached: outward character.png (590x625, 664K)

You have two sets of levers and you need to get up two levels, I somehow even got it to work so that in the middle level the elevator had it's lever down, so logically it should go up. But it bugged out, the lever stayed down and the elevator went down. Wtf is this.

Ok, nvm got it to work, Just if someone else is stuck on this. You have to go the middle level. Push the elevator up and down. Then the lever in the elevator is down, so it should work, but actually you have to make the elevator go down and then again up to the middle level for it to actually work, otherwise it bugs out.