Dark souls 3 look back/your memory

Just earns all achievements on this game in about 48 hrs. As someone who has played all the soilborne games I have to say this is the weakest one. Only cool part was Anar Londo or the Grand Archives. Coolest bosses were Nameless King, Dragonslayer Armor, the Princes and Dancer was really fun. Whats your excuse for not obtaining all achievements? Also, is the DLC worth playing? No achievements so I don't really care to play through it.

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Just finished getting em all on DS1 and DS2 and feeling burned out. I'll get around to it sometime.

Bump for thoughts and general video game discussion. Should I continue my No No Kuni play through or play some drunk Hearthstone Arena?

>play through game 3 times and max most covenants in 48 hours
I don't believe you.

Ashes of Ariandel is a neato area and 1 good boss, but it's not worth your time. Ringed City has some of the best bosses in the series and is worth your time.

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Yes, the DLC is worth playing. Some of the best bosses in the series.
No, DaS3 isn't the weakest game, that honor goes to DaS2

Bullshit. You have to max rank all covenants to do that and this game is dead as fuck right now.


OP here, I unironically love Dark Souls 2. Probably has more to do with it was my first souls game and played it for over 100 he's exploring everything than actual gameplay. I went back and played it before even playing DS3 and it was super clunky, not sure how I ever made it through but I absolutely loved the experience from my first Dark Souls game.

Sometimes a nigga presses the wrong key

lmao I farmed the shit offline, scrub. Took me about 10 hrs to get all the covenant items to exchange.

Imagine being retarded enough to think that this game is worse than dark shitter 2. Imagine thinking that somehow dark souls 1 is not hugely overrated by nostalgia fags. These games are pretty much all about bosses because stage enemies are pointless because you can run past all of them. With that said neither ds1 or 2 can compete with ds3 bosses

The only good boss in the Ringed City was Gael though.

easily the most polished souls game


Dark souls 2 is the best one, IMO and its purely because it was my first experience with a Dark Souls title. The game is super fucking easy, too. Sellsword Twinblades and golspine resin eats though almost every boss.

Life gems break the game

Midir is better than Gael

>Whats your excuse for not obtaining all achievements
I dont care about covenants/online play and only use BIGSWORD in all the souls games completely ignoring other weapons and magics

You can say that about any ds game. BKH in ds1 and the poking weapon in 2 i forgot the name

DaS3 cant compete with DaS1 when it comes to world design though

Nothing hurts more than loving Dark Souls when it came out, then playing Remastered all these years later and realizing just how thrown together it really is. It's very evident after Anor Londo.

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ds3 bosses are just fast swordsmen rollfests they get old fucking quick this is a shitty meme

Just had one of those bad boys half an hour ago.

i also loved DS2, it was the only one i completed.

even then, its not like DS1 bosses are bad
DS2 bosses are terrible though

im genuinely curious
what made you stop playing the other games, what made you want to continue with 2

Yeah I agree ,but at the same time there are no extremely tedious areas in 3. In 1 however you have lost izalith, catacombs and new londo all of these are pure cancer.

how was lost izalith tedious? it's like 2 minutes long

To be fair it's way better compared to bosses that barely move and don't even try to dodge like ds1

It hurts my eyes

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The only areas I found tedious in DaS1 were Tomb of Giants and New Londo Ruins. Never understood why people found Lost Izalith frustrating, I took out BoC first and it was fine.
Meanwhile DaS3 has Farron Keep, Irithyll Dungeon and its own Catacombs

Also to add to this you fight bed of absolute utter garbage. This might be the worst souls boss in history. Hell not even a souls game ,but like one of the worst video games bosses ever made

Yeah lifegems are super shitty I have to admit

I think you're think of the rapier, which I used too along with dropping my equipment load and using the Flynn's Ring.

I remember thinking it was linear as fuck and there was way too many spots where knee-high water made you move slow as fuck.

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Farron keep all you need is a dagger weapon to spam weapon art so that you can hop and even then it's only needed for 1 burner thing. Catacombs are extremely easy because you can skip it by jumping down twice and then getting onto the bridge. As for dungeon I don't even know how you can possibly die there. The guards take your hp off sure ,but its not like they chase you far I think you might just have to get good on that one idk.

The 30 Humanity door.
Not knowing about Solaire's two false end flags. One in the Centipede Demon room which is filled with lava so he dies easily, if the player didn't summon him every time prior. The other behind the 30 humanity door and sunlight maggots.

There's also Siegmeyer's false ends. I think there are three possibilities to fuck it up.
One if you kill the cone head demons without jumping in.
Another if you take too long to kill them and Siegmeyer takes too much damage.
And if you are somewhere in between, it could glitch out his quest line.
This doesn't take into account the possibility of him or the chosen undead dying there.

And then there's the mid-point bonfire there. Believe it or not not everybody knows its there, and the giant butt dinos get old.
To end it all the final boss is cheap.

Its not about whether or not people like the area its that the area makes most people feel they fucked up one way or another beyond their control.

Prince Demon and Midir? they are just as intense and as much spectacle as Gael, plus Midir is considerably harder than Gael, the only shit boss are the spears of the church but I wouldn't consider that a boss fight

>tfw we never got a good dark souls game after 1

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>just run through those areas, missing cool weapons, estus shards, bone shards and other useful loot
You can skip the majority of DaS1 catacombs too, does it justify the whole area?
>Its not like the guards in irithyll dungeon chase you far
Um, hello? They fucking do. On top of that its a fucking maze on your first run and the place is filled with them.
I can count the amount of times i died to BoC on one hand, its cheap and not fun but certainly not frustrating.
I don't think the chance of fucking up a quest line should be put on the area, but on the quest line itself. All in all its not an incredibly long area so while it doesn't stand out by any means its certainly not a slog to go through.

Scholar is the best easily


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It's objectively better than 3 that's for sure

But foolish ,user the only useful thing is the estus shard that you get from killing a chest mimic which is pretty much a one on one fight. Also the guards are extremely fucking slow because they do the hp steal move. By the time they are done you are 5 miles away. The only other useful item there is the ashes for lightning other than that everything else is whatever.

>No achievements so I don't really care to play through it.
Why has no one pointed out how retarded this statement is?