Friends: 0

>Friends: 0

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Yah :(
Never had a friend always been alone haha
:/ :/ :/ haha

i'll be your friend user

What do you play fag?

if onwy i hawd a cuwte fwend to wuv me uguu >////< ;3;

>appear offline

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I can see why.

Puts a muzzle on u
Throws u outside
Locks the door

This. I’ll play some apex legends with you just get a headset or somethin . Or league of legends, i don’t care honestly

>Girlfriends: 0

Attached: 028389.jpg (427x427, 78K)

>apex legends
>league of legends

I'd rather rip my dick off and jam it up my own ass than be friends with a normalfag

This is why you don't have friends

The path of solitude is one that is full of obstacles, however it is also the only fair and just path one can walk.

Well what do you play faggot?

op here, anything 2d
i try to like 3d games like everyone else but they're just so boring, one of the only few i like is katamari damacy

Do u wana play maplestory or Minecraft with me OwO

Fightin games?

2d what? Platformers, RTS, RPGs?

ha what a fuckin virgin no wonder you don't have any friends

Based and chadpilled

>Friends: 3
>It's all random people that requested you through online games and you never speak to them after the first day of adding.

dab on them normies bro

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>tfw no fighting game frens
I'm not even that good with the genre, I just find it the them pretty fun.

Oh lord, Mr. DNA, what happened to you?
Couldn't find work after Jurassic park?

>at a workplace with about 60 people
>most of the adults there game
>their taste is utter shit, there is like 2 PC gamers who are cool to talk to, one even played DMC5 which was nice
>the rest are consolefags that play Fortnite and Apex Legends, can't into PCs despite sitting at one 45 hours a week at work
>tfw when there is people in management positions playing games for 12 year olds

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I play League user, do you want to post your summoner

If I’m being honest I haven’t played league in a long as time. I can’t even remember the username I used.. Just post yours and I’ll add you though sometime user

>friends: 31
>people I'm actually friends with: 4
>people I actually know: 9

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