I am so pissed. I have been playing fps games for the past 4 years. Yet I have not gotten better. Fucking spend hundreds of hours on Aim Maps in csgo and shitty websites. Why is my aim so fucking trash? I never gave a shit until now because ppl are pissed at me for losing gear in Rust. WHY IS MY LIFE SO FUCKING BAD?
I am so pissed. I have been playing fps games for the past 4 years. Yet I have not gotten better...
Other urls found in this thread:
it's not enough to play the game. if you aren't analyzing what went wrong in matches, you aren't actually practicing.
What went wrong is I can't make plays.
First off you're playing shitty games, 2nd, play fps games with a environmental skill focus instead of games that mainly have aim skill. You'd probably enjoy it more.
Ask your friends how you should have made the play when you goof
Take their advice no matter how dumb it sounds, remember the advice next time you're in a similar situation
It honestly sounds like you have a bigger problem learning than playing
someone always has to be at the bottom of the scoreboard, and it looks like that's you!
But all the tactical games cost money. I have enjoyed insurgency and little bit of squad when it was free weekend. But I don't have the will to play any of those games and arma is $40.
start aiming with your wrist
you can spend hours shooting at targets in aim maps, but it won't do anything if you dont know why your aim is bad to begin with
ur just gonna reinforce your bad habits and make it harder to get actually better
u dont need a coach or anything cringetier like that, but first record yourself playing, then watch someone who is objectively good at the same game and compare your gameplay to theirs
also, getting your sens right + turning off mouse accel is huge. start with this and redo every couple of weeks:
Most important part of PSA is being honest with yourself btw. Everyone wants to have a low sens b/c they think good players have a low sens, but PSA only works if you pick the sens that honestly feels better. Fast doesn't mean bad, it's just a starting point. Everytime you redo it, your sens will be a little lower (if you're improving)
I have always aimed with my wrist. I am starting to change to arm aiming because maybe I will have more luck. Plus my wrist hurts.
btw the vid is for fortnite but u can do the test in any fps game
People still play Rust? I remember when it was a shameless Dayz ripoff and then they removed Zombies?
>tfw dyspraxia
>tfw psychically incapable at being decent at fps
It's not about finding my perfect sense anymore. I've gotten used to 1.25 in csgo. I have been using it for over the past 4 years.
I physically cannot use high sense.
Yea. Rust actually has devs that give a shit.
>psychically incapable
do the test and see how the result feels vs 1.25 in csgo. it takes like 15 minutes.
You're a lost cause lmao
So much advice in this thread and you're giving excuses so you don't have to try to improve.
100s of hours in aim maps btw
get a sensei 310 mouse faggot
Here's the thing, I do feel a even lower sensitivity is better, but that is because there is nothing going on. There is no stress and all that. I can just move my mouse. You got any tips for people who can't think when they are shooting. I really like this one quote from this utuber called iRisk: "you suck because you cannot think when you're thinking"
wrist aiming?
>I have always aimed with my wrist
there's your problem
Well there is one of probably many of your mistakes. PC FPS aiming has a ton of factors. Skill is always number one but at least 40% of it comes down to hardware and mechanical settings and how you physically play.
Precise aiming is not possible with wrist aiming. You need a large mousepad so you can make sweeping movements with your arm. Your sensitivity is wildly too high I can tell just from what you have said.
You need a decent fps mouse, not some 100 dollar ripoff but it needs to be able to have 1k polling rate, and weigh as little as possible. Never go above 1600 sens on the mouse itself, aim for somewhere between 800-1600 and the lowest sens in game that you can handle. Always make sure all forms of mouse acceleration are OFF. Your computer itself can have a built in acceleration google a youtube video to show you have to turn that off.
Finally you may have to sacrifice some graphical quality but hitting 60+ fps is the most impactful thing you can do besides adding raw skill. If you have the money get a 144hz 1980x1080p monitor and change your graphic settings so you can consistently hit that number. If you can't afford it at least set it so you can maintain 60. But any number above this will make a difference, 85/100/120 are all a significant improvement. This isn't something that you can see from a video, you have to see it in person to notice the difference. But take my word for it, it changed my life. It was like crawling out of a cave and seeing the rest of the world for the first time.
Use this guy to find a mouse that fits your needs. youtube.com
To overcome the butterflies you just have to stop caring. I used to get hardcore adrenaline rushes when I was younger that would make my hands shake when things went down and it would just kill my aim. Eventually I just stopped caring about being good and the shakes went away. You have to mentally tell yourself that it's just a game and none of this really matters.
Study some breathing techniques and meditation, learn to relax and it will help you remain calm in the heat of battle. Best of luck user, don't give up I'm 36 and still the best fps player in my group of friends who are all younger than me. With enough dedication you can get there but it will take hard work.
>aiming in Rust
It is more or less a coinflip as to which one of you frame skips for 2 whole seconds
>Ask your friends
Shit advice, please dont, it will only make you look braindamaged.
FPSs arent complicated, if you fucked up its one of two things, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and this should be obvious as soon as you get shot, or you got outskilled by your opponent in a trade, which is what you described, if you actually played fps that much your problem is definitely technical, see However there are few things to be said
>1k polling rate
Dont know how this matters besides slightly reducing temporal aliasing which already isnt a big problem most of the time due to 99% of games using normal human movement speeds, dumping a lot of cash wont make him good at games, there are people who probably play 10x times better than OP with some shitty Microsoft mouse just because they dont panic when they are getting shot at.
A setup that lets you play games with a good AA and filtering settings @60 along with an adjustable DPI mouse are much more important, as it would allow him to read the environment and identify enemies faster.
>not playing fps VR games like pavlov
casual as FUCK
Well ya I tried to emphasize that skill was still the major issue. And just using a low sens+ arm movement and a steady 60 fps is more than good enough. But a 1k light weight mouse is cheap as hell these days you can get one for 30 bucks. The monitor is bigger investment yes but I thought I should at least mention it since it really does help if you are serious about getting the most out of fps games. It's like special shoes for a sports pro, sure they would be fine in some 20 dollar walmart brand but the special hardware does make a difference.
Stop being shit
Forget tactics and strategies, you're mostly bad at FPS because you can't aim well
you don't actually know how to aim where you want to aim and that's why you're shit at it
Aim maps are useless, because they only help you remember where you should aim in a given situation
Try to do a 180 degree flick, and every time you miss it just readjust yourself and do it again
do this until you can always do a perfect 180 degree flick, then go to perfect 90 degree flick and do the same thing
the point is that you're trying to teach yourself how to aim where you want to aim by learning what that feels like. It's a fine motor skill, you need to actually develop that muscle memory
Imagine being depressed about videogames. Get your priorities straight faggot.
Here what I always say, stop trying to aim. This sounds stupid, but it works best for sniping and quick sniping. You don't try to flick your scope to their head, you just put it at same level with their head is or where you think their head or body will move to and let them move into your shot.
Lower your DPI to 400 retard
Are you the user in the "working" thread by an chance?
This is what I do for the most part, unless i'm shooting at close range where I go for center mass.
No, but I do love me working!
Aim maps don't help worth a shit since things are static, I have been pretty much only using snipers is FPS for years and 90% of me getting headshots all of the time isn't me aiming it is me keeping my scope steady and predicting where their head will snap to. You just to lean to let things to move into your shots for you and you will get headshots much more often.
Ah too bad, just funny timing because someone just used the same picture in a thread on Yea Forums around the same time.
>Lower DPI/sensitivity
>Aim for torso
>Always center screen on where targets are likely to be
>Unironically drink Mt. Dew™
>Read about the gun, aiming and spread vs. recoil mechanics for each particular game
>Learn the recoil change rates, first shot recoil and movement penalties
>Adjust for your ping, monitor and rof
>Learn to flick
>Learn to adjust to leading targets
>Learn to tap fire and burst
Most games now almost guarantee he who shoots first wins, you have to be a complete shitter to lose if you shoot first or extremely fast to flick and accurate if you're shot first