Just beat Corrupted Monk, 3rd try, no confetti, with the Demon Bell rung.

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Ok but you know, Demon Bell only affects normal enemies, not bosses.
The only difficulty modifiers that affect bosses (and everything) are NG+ modifiers and Kuro's Charm, which makes it so that you take damage if you block instead of perfect parrying.

Sekiro isn't too hard, it just isn't very good.

Other way around, demon bell doesn’t do shit for enemies, only bosses

Sekiro isn't hard, it's gimmicky. Either you get the gimmick or you don't. People who get it play a somewhat challenging but not very complex game, people who don't catch on to the gimmick get frustrated.

You mean the phantom monk?

Anyone can beat that cunt with firecracker spam.

how so?

It's a meme game

how is it "gimmicky"? that's like saying shooting enemies in shooting games is a gimmick, or solving puzzles in puzzle games is a gimmick

Almost every single boss is reused at least once and the entire game is just "mash L1 lol." It probably has the best fromsoft story since they actually made one for once but everything else fell kind of flat.

Wrong. It affects normal enemies, not bosses.

Holy shit! I could’ve cheesed her with the Firecracker this whole time? Wow! Whatevs. Didn’t need it lol

why would the demon bell increase basic enemy drops if it doesn't make them stronger?

Flat out lying, only a small minority of bosses are fought several times, and it's never a "re used" fight because the other fight has some completely new phase or phases.
And mashing L1 does not work on Kuro's Charm hard mode, since you take damage when blocking.

>optional, harder version of the bosses get reused
Not a big deal.
You can't just mash L1.

He's retarded. It affects normal enemies, but not bosses.

Just you wait

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the only boss that was reused was corrupted monk, what the fuck are you talking about? you're not actually counting the minibosses/elites you get prayer beads from, right? because there's so fucking many of them, they aren't meant to be fought only once

>no confetti
confetti doesn't do anything against corrupted monk tard

You're aware she's just an appetizer right? You fight the real monk with 3 health bars in a little while. If you already had to try phantom mionk three times then you're probably going to have a really bad time.

Nope. Go test it yourself. Higher posture damage and higher hp damage by bosses.

Test it yourself, that is completely untrue. It has zero effect on bosses damage, but it buffs normal enemies pretty well. Even says this on the wiki.

What is the point of randomly lying? What do you gain from this?

You're the one lying.

lmao was I supposed to use confetti on the monk? I thought about trying a snap seed but I didn't want to tone down his difficulty
difficult but fun boss

Confetti isn't that important for the monk. Regular weapons damage her just fine. Confetti does a little extra.

Snap seeds do damage and stun her a few seconds so it helps.

Just beat Guardian Ape. The only boss in the game I've beaten on my first try. I've seen people struggling over him for the past week and I was hyped up for it. Pretty disappointing.

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Literally can’t find the next boss after CM
Great game

I figured a snap seed would have done something but since they're so rare so far, and I'm suffering from PTSD from Lady Butterfly, I hesitate to use them unless I'm totally stuck and I think they're necessary.

Can some kind user buy sekiro for me on Xbox ;_;

[email protected]

Sent ;)

I'm so glad this game exists, really helps to show who the shitters are. Three different people I know who hardly play videogames have asked me "Have you fought butterfly yet?" like she was supposed be be difficult. Most gamers are tards I guess.

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Who is CM? I got stuck for a minute.

>bragging about beating a single player game

Yikes. Singleplayer fags are all autistic.

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You're not going to fight anything else after corrupted monk that could use snap seeds. Lady butterfly is pretty much the only fight where it actually makes the fight a lot easier. For other fights like monk you might as well use firecrackers for the same stun effect.

sure m8 what's your password

well that's disappointing

wonder if you missed Genichiro like I did, had me lost for awhile since I couldn’t get through the gun fort door

it sucks because its literally a worse bloodborne not because its hard


Ez as fuck gsme. 100%'d it in 1 hour.

it affects bosses.

>somewhat challenging

what action games from the past 15 years are more challenging i'd like to hear

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>in the year 2019 some retard thought this was a response to a legitimate question
hang yourself troglodyte

Its "imagreatguy1337"



The combat isn’t even hard. The progression is just retarded. I’ve spent so much time not knowing where the fuck to go I might just fire up ds2

You’re right I have killed genichiro. I can’t find where to grapple closer to castle roof