Make animal character

>make animal character
>goes barefoot

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Easy access

because if you were something like a lion that had claws you'd want them to be out at all times so if you needed to fuck someone up you wouldn't have to take out your shoes, also it would probably be awkward to find shoes and grip would be better with just feet.

Because animals don't wear shoes.

imagine trying to create shoes for feet like this

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Humans are animals so you'd think human-like animals would do so

literally just make a four-fingered glove


They probably have feets tgat are ddesugned for running fast and binding their feet only restricts them

That's humancentric thinking though, and discards factors that may interfere with or make shoes or other forms of clothing impractical or redundant. Birds and reptiles have scales all over their body and presumably have less a need for that sort of thing. Mammals with fur would probably have issues due to the sheer volume of their fur as well as body heat regulation.

You have to somehow make a glove that doesn't get torn through by the talons, and ultimately all it accomplishes is removing the animal's only natural weapon. Why would you want animals to wear shoes?

fingerless gloves dude
>Why would you want animals to wear shoes?
we're talking animal people, and if the birdman can't wield a weapon/tool and needs (or can't trim) its talons then the birdman may as well be a talking bird

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Is there any character in vidya history that is less useful than pic related?

This is the dumbest thread I’ve seen in awhile, and that’s saying something

>makes beast race
>doesn't go barefoot
You some kind of fag?

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Sure, if you were an animal person that actually used those claws. Most of the time barefoot animal people never end up using their feet. Human's enormous legs plus huge lion claws is one hell of a fucking weapon, yet the most we see is those dumb furries swiping their hands at whatever.
And there's also games with entire races and cities of those furries that refuse to wear shoes of their own making for some reason. Is it really that hard to make comfortable shoes when you stand on your fingers or toenails? What about protective footwear? Those fucking claws can be strong but they're unprotected when the furry is wearing endgame armor +20 on his entire body besides head, tail and feet for some fucking reason.

I guess that makes sense, although you could probably also just make armour that has holes for the claws, but that would be hard to draw.

You see them (furries) swiping with their hands because it'll be extremely awkward trying to claw someone with their feet being a biped an all. The tip of the claws would be pointing downward, you'd have to stick your leg out then do a swiping motion with it which is just a waste of time compared to using your hands.

Imagine the smell

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I just want to lick Kimahri's sweaty footpaws after a long session of training with him in the dojo, maybe after he grapples me and pins me down, rumbling low about how weak I am. Maybe he would make me do it because I lost to him hahaha what a weirdo. But I lost so it's only fair!

Even most actual animals don't use their back claws as a weapon, usually only if they're grappling.

could just say birds or monkeys

Well that too.

because it's cute

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feet are too long

'cause paws n' claws are sexy

Because they'd just look strange with shoes on.

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>digitgrade when most if not all lizards are plantigrade
I never understood this desu.


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She has pretty eyes

wtf midnight est is usually prime footposting hours. where my pawniggers at come on lads I know you're out there

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How long is too long

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okay this is some convoluted bullshit if i've ever seen it

these are acceptable, it's the long narrow feets with no markings that make me invert penis

>Make character
>Don’t make them barefoot
Bad design and wasted potential desu

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foot/paw fetish stuff is garbage, but even as far as general aesthetics go having pads on the heel looks terrible

user, I can't help what makes my pp the big pp

Because bare feet look more "animalistic" to human eyes and it's hard to come up with digitigrade shoes that don't look like horse boots.

Attached: solatorobo shoes.png (1000x667, 212K)

Why not?

>character can turn into an animal
>clothes just disappear

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