I don’t understand why people are against Steve in smash bros he’d be funny as fuck and he’s probably in

I don’t understand why people are against Steve in smash bros he’d be funny as fuck and he’s probably in

Attached: 99C402AD-2DD6-4C88-9329-D6110268EAED.jpg (750x412, 246K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because he is a fucking skin a default skin and nothing more than that and literally no one uses the default skin also and u nev r see ur character besides opening ur menu so half the time u even forget what the skin ur using looks like
Also it’s just not the kind of game to take a fighter from because it’s a stupid idea the combat in Minecraft it’s self is shallow and trash

>He's just the default skin

Attached: 9c47010f76ec0ecccdcdfe3cca4dde23dee07600_hq.jpg (800x672, 47K)

>just a default skin
>shallow combat
good thing both of those aspects could be integrated into his character in a good way
>all 8 costumes are different skins
>moveset isn't just limited to weapons but can take much more influence from the rest of the items in the game

That’s exactly what he is
Literally the default skin
Boot up Minecraft for first time
And that’s the skin
So yah he is the default skin but spoiler no one uses it

>a default skin

Attached: 250px-Animal_Crossing_Villager.png (250x321, 62K)

>boring and shallow design is a good thing and here’s why
Ewww no

The animals crossing comparison
It’s the not the same
Especially not with new leaf were ur literally the mayor

The point I'm making is Robin is also a default skin and he got in. Same with Corrin actually.

And villager fights even less than Steve

>he doesnt use f5

>reading comprehension
i said the negative aspects you pointed out could be used in a good way for his design, not that those aspects themselves are good.

>playing in anything but first person
I tried and I can’t bear it for more than like a minute

>>>>default skin
>pokemon trainer
>mii fighters

It’s not the fucking same
U retard

>He doesn't exclusively use default skins

Attached: smugcorrin1.jpg (600x620, 63K)

Are you baiting or just dumb? It's absolutely the same.

because blah blah blah he'd steal the spot of my forgotten bear

you literally unlock the same miis from their ingame render in world of light but nobody uses them over their own miis, how is that any different from what you said about steve

whoops, meant to reply to


Im quite certain the BOSS of Xbox, which OWNS Minecraft has something to say about that.

Attached: 73b.jpg (680x426, 36K)

Attached: e25.png (979x874, 584K)

What bear?

It actually isn’t

Do you see what all those characters have in common? Look real close.

See how they can move?
See how Steve cannot?

There. Thats it.

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u1.jpg (550x446, 67K)

Explain how it's not the literal exact same thing.

Seems you Steve's are feeling quite threatened after what Polarpanda had to say.

Attached: Dz5U_MoWsAMCjve.jpg large.jpg (2048x2048, 394K)

Steve can move just fine

Attached: 1539815349731.gif (278x229, 242K)

damn steve dummy thicc

You write like someone who plays minecraft.

I have before but I’m not writing literal paragraphs to please some autistic shitposter

I do sometimes and I think the idea of his being playable is beyond retarded
If u think people would actually want him ur retarded spoiler no one does

If you mean you literally explained nothing because that explanation is braindead retarded.

I want Steve in just to piss off jabronis like you.

Funny how the Villager in smash is specifically not the one from New Leaf.

>See how they move?
>See how Steve cannot?
you say that as if elbows and knees are the only two points of articulation on the human body
steve has more animations than walking and punching, you know. he can move well enough with stiff limbs.

No back when Steve threads were constantly spammed and everyone was going full autism over smash dlc

It’s literally the same villager in all the animal crossing games and smash what are u even on about

Steveposters are chads

Attached: 807E7C4A-B7F8-41A9-B66C-5E88215351EE.jpg (1273x766, 126K)

Why are you typing like that? Do you have water on the brain?

PolarPanda backtracked on Steve not being in and the guy who started all this shit came out and said this, pic related

Attached: 904A7D67-78CD-477C-92E2-4CB7AB5C49CC.jpg (750x472, 213K)


op didn't mention any leaks, we're talking about the actual character here

The Villagers in New Leaf are much taller and have way different proportions than the ones from the other games. The Villager in smash is from either Wild World or City Folk.

Banjo fag thinks Phil makes the final decision and he would allow banjo only

Attached: E612D9C3-9F4C-4A8C-B346-AFBD27811A94.jpg (800x600, 40K)

test 2


i can definitely see both happening for muh dlc sales, having those two specifically even makes sense for the appeal to both boom and zoom


Attached: 556FA0E8-318A-4A66-A970-E268080CB0A1.png (584x452, 57K)

>muh heights
That’s because the height is changed to fit the game as needed u sperg

>thinking any western trash would make it in
>thinking Microsoft has any say in this
>thinking there would be 2 fronm the same company
Are u just retarded or what

Probably a twitter faggot who's used to shortening words to fit the twitter character limit.

>Red is a default skin

>western trash
Yeah, because god knows I want more boring generic copy/paste anime faggots.
Who cares if they're boring and add nothing to the game? They're from Japan, that means they're better!

There’s literally like So many characters
Like enough to fill like 10 packs without any generic anime characters face it ur western garbage will never see light

Minecraft’s popular everywhere it gets a pass

>thinking any western trash would make it in
we already have multiple western characters already, though. Diddy, K. Rool, and Dark Samus.
>thinking Microsoft has any say in this
obviously, they do, since they own the characters
>thinking there would be 2 fronm the same company
mega man, ryu, and ken, also snake, simon, and richter...

>Generic-looking character who never says anything for no reason beyond being the avatar for the player
Literally the same thing as Steve.

Name three anime characters that could be added besides Joker that aren't generic.

>Steve doesn’t say anything

He's literally a boss.

>thinks western character picks is retarded
this fucking retard
do you still think after mario + rabbids: kingdom battle, where nintendo collaborated with fucking ubisoft, that there's still no chance that any western character could be in smash? go back to school, you fucking dense pattern nigger.

Attached: cranky had enough.png (159x149, 53K)

>Steve has more personality than Pokemon Trainer
A boss who says nothing and has no logical reasoning and is only there to be nostalgia bait.

Oh really? Show me a single time you battled with Steve. Maybe you could show me Steve aging through the games?

This message is post ironic gold

>owned by Nintendo
It’s not the same u absolute sperglord


Attached: 61ifMMVpQXL.jpg (1001x942, 97K)

Steve would let you import skins retard.Maybe even turn your worlds into stages.

Here you go retard

Attached: 58A10493-FECC-492B-BAF0-A80966DE6BF2.png (204x400, 20K)

Have sex

>implying country of the company that owns them is what counts over the actual country of origin of the characters

Yugi Yami

>nostalgia bait
>his boss battle was 2 years later

Attached: godzilla is confused.png (175x215, 80K)

They are literally first party characters from some of their bigger series were are u going with this

Steve in Minecraft would promote smash more meaning nintendo would put him on the list because if steves in then we get a smash bros mash up pack and skins and shit for Minecraft and it promotes Minecraft in the form of using smash as an advertisement and vice versa

Nintendo would never fucking allow importing skins his alts would be from the free skin pack you get

Attached: C3362352-6988-4FD6-9007-3240253AAB72.png (2048x1536, 593K)

that's where you know this faglord has nothing to say

pattern nigger

Attached: cronk.png (512x421, 243K)

Literally doesn't exist outside of Japan.
>Xenoblade shit from an old Xenoblade game
If they're not including the Xenoblade MC from the new game, why the fuck would they include one from a game made in 2002?
That's possibly the dumbest idea I've ever heard.

Western characters from Jap IP's tho. If you look at the credits to Prime and DKC, Shiggsy and Iwata are credited as the head honchos.

I went on skyblock and some dude in a steve skin killed me and then chaned into my skin,his user name was XxSkinStealergamingxX And i woke up the next morning covered in hyper realistic blood and in real life my skin was gone!!!

What does battling Steve have to do with anything? Or seeing him age?
When do you battle the Wii Fit Trainer?
When do you see the Villager age?

>first 100% western character in smash will be minecraft

Attached: images.png (213x237, 6K)

i'm just trying to say, whether or not they're owned by a japanese country and star in japanese games, they were still created in the west.

Import skins from bedrock,official Minecraft skins.

Just keep moving those goalposts, maybe you'll win an argument some day.

get good at skyblock next time fucking fleshlet

I don’t see u having any better ideas

Then the skin stealer man hacked me and said on computer “DEAD YOU IS” and i scream and run for mommy and she noose!And Dad!And son/brother/husband!And sister!And dog!
all dead!!!!??!!?

he was comparing Red with Steve and saying they were the same, even though Red's actions have actual influence in the world. (see Gold/Silver/Black2/White2). And that's excluding the fact that he's a returning character (and boss)

Entrance:Spawns onto stage

Gimmick:He starts out with wooden tools,as it breaks it gets replaced with stone tools and then eventually diamond,the strongest tool set and the most durable.When the diamond tools break he goes back to wood.

AAA:More sword slashes
RapidA:Even more sword slashes
Dash A:Pickaxe the opponent

Up tilt:Pick axe
Side tilt:Axe
Down tilt:Shovel

Up smash:Pickaxe thrown up
Side Smash:Axe chops twice
Down Smash:Shovel has more knock back

Neutral air:Cross bow
Up air:Stab with trident
Down air:A hoe
Forwards air:Cross bow
Back air:Bow and arrow

Prepare for more moveset faggotry from me.

That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard
1) It's impossible
2) You'd have a bunch of Stalins and vaginas online

The fuck is a pattern nigger?

I mean skins from bedrock version,all nintendo approved for switch
Also we have mii fighters and honestly that provides similar issues

There’s a difference between the studio working on a game and the rights to the IP in the end they are still characters that Nintendo owns the rights to
If the studio in the West had the rights instead then they wouldn’t even be in game but the location the studio made it doesn’t matter because Nintendo owns the rights to the characters
U idort

>Red's actions have actual influence in the world. (see Gold/Silver/Black2/White2)
He's standing in the middle of nowhere in the former and he shows up to an event for top trainers in the latter. That's not an "influence in the world". He exists, but that's it.
>And he's a recurring character
That doesn't mean he has any personality whatsoever.

niggers like you who only think japanese characters will get into smash because of MUH PATTERNS.

can you see why, i'm telling you to go back to school, brainlet?

Attached: 1553822361446.jpg (348x328, 54K)

>It's impossible
No it's not. It is, however, very cumbersome, inefficient, and most likely a huge opportunity for hacks and homebrewing. We all know how notoriously bad Ninendo is at security. It's good for us, they just don't want us to do it. Also, it'd be pretty hard to implement for both skins and stages because the game was never built to support that, so there'd need to be some HUGE code refactor or it needs to be hacked in some way, which makes the game much less stable. It's just not reasonable to expect it for so many valid reasons.

Most boring Steve moveset I've literally ever seen.

not him but this is seriously embarrassing dude, stop posting

Alright, even if you wanna argue Red is a """character""" because he shows up in other games, Villager is literally the same thing as Steve as in being the player's Avatar. Villager doesn't even have a name.
wii Fit Trainer isn't even a character, they're just a blank example to show you how to do the stretches in Wii Fit.

I'm not even the guy you were arguing with you mongoloid. I'm a random passerby who you started to attack because I asked a legitimate question for something I was genuinely curious about.
On that note, I hate those faggots too. Deviation from a shallow apparency is out of the question for them. Shows a real lack of higher level of thinking. Chill out next time, user. Not everone's against you. It's unhealthy to think like that.

THE ONLY "WESTERN" CHARACTER THAT WOULD GET IN IS SPIDER-MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1541012587330.jpg (1242x1222, 564K)

Grab:Grabs opponent with lead
Grab attack:Hits them with Pickaxe
Up throw:Throws them and then throws trident at them
Down throw:Buried them with shovel
Forward throw:Places tnt that damages everyone and knocks foe over
Back throw:Throw them backwards using fishing rod

B:Uses flint and steel that does fire damage
Up B:Uses eleytra and trident to launch upwards
Side B:Potion of harming
Down B:drops sand,gravel and rarely tnt that breaks/explodes on impact.

Taunt 1:Eats an apple
Taunt 2:launches fire work
Taunt 3:gets in boat then gets out

Victory 1:Walks out of house and waves
Victory 2:Its raining ores and he walks out of the nether eats cake
Victory 3:He shows off a random item

3:Tuxedo Steve
4:Scottish alex
5:Tennis Steve
6:Prison alex
7:Pig in a suit
8:Lets you import a skin

Final Smash:Spawns the wither

Stage:A tower that builds up infinitely randomly generated with abunch of build styles
Not remixed:

It gets better

God please no capeshit.

Meh sounds like villager 2.0

Banjokeks: Zoomers pretending to be boomers
Stevebros: Boomers pretending to be zoomers

Attached: Screenshot_20190226-181328_Chrome.jpg (572x323, 89K)

>the state of Smashfags

Does anyone know where I can find that youtube video of Steve getting sucked up into the grinches butthole? The one with sound please.

truest thing i've read all week

i see your point, mate
i should stop posting this much bullshit

Why not just make it Notch and he fights by shouting Infowars memes and hitting people with a pickaxe?

I don't know about skin importing, but I could imagine him having a bunch of other skins if they decide to give other characters more than 8 skins too. (more palettes for Olimar and Alph, bringing back all the wireframe Little Mac skins, alternate designs like TP Ganondorf, etc.)

I'm all for him

Attached: Steve Smash Support.jpg (2854x2237, 3.1M)

Thanks fellow Steve Bro

Attached: 13BB0446-2710-4875-AD22-D827C423CD67.jpg (1000x1000, 73K)

Beautiful render Steve Bro, what's the source?

I don’t know I pulled it from Google Images

Because the only reason he's wanted is because "wouldn't people be soooo mad" and nothing else.

While it would be funny at first for the announcement, the reality sinking in that a slot was wasted just for a few days of buttmad posts on a niche board just isn't worth it.

I think he'd be a cool character. I don't care what anyone says.

Last month there was a fake ass leak but it had this good render thats Smash-ified

Attached: 32768DF2-5610-4EE3-B6DB-DF0E97CC0CED.jpg (1920x1080, 103K)

>Thread theme m.youtube.com/watch?v=KE7FH_sqBtY
Unironic stevechads:Zoomers and boomers
Ironic Stevirgins:boomers who hate steve
Phil isnt choosing,sakurai is
Smile or beard?
Its unironic want for me

Bullshit, i've wanted him in since before Smash 4

People do unironically want Steve

I posted the Steve support collage, and it's literally that, a Steve support collage

>literally defeats Team Rocket in Kanto to the point where they are forced to move to another region entirely
>multiple NPCs in Gold/Silver/Crystal will adress this fact and will say how a "mysterious" and "legendary" trainer defeated Team Rocket
>is canonically the last challenge Gold (or Ethan, if you like how HGSS calls him) will face in the game, similarly to how Steven Stone is the last challange you'll have in Emerald
>is canonically a Pokémon Champion and went to the Champions' World Tournament in BW2
>will always fight alongside Blue, since they're longtime friends and is now travelling around the world with him
Red doesn't talk in the games, because he's supposed to have a stoic personality. Next up you're going to compare Link, Samus, Doomguy and Kirby with Steve, since they also don't talk.

Attached: 105.gif (480x270, 1.82M)

It’s a beard not a smile

Attached: 0A860D77-60CE-422F-B080-F92670F5C7D0.jpg (450x450, 29K)

Oh, that's excluding shit like the Pokemon Adventures manga or that one Pokemon Origins OVA.

Attached: pkmn adventures.jpg (220x308, 36K)

I know,i was adding evidence to it.

Where did it mention Phil Spencer?

Convinced nintendo and microsoft will make a joint console eventually


Attached: bigthonkpuff.png (258x326, 60K)

With Xbox game pass coming to Switch, shit maybe

I don't even play Minecraft and I think he'd be a good character. In terms of representation, he'd be an indie rep, a Microsoft rep, a western series rep, and a rep from the 2nd best selling game of all time. In terms of moveset, I feel like there's a lot that he'd be able to do, and I trust the dev team to come up with something fun and unique. I though Incineroar would be boring at first, and he turned out to be a lot of fun. Steve could also have amazing costumes like villager or inklings. His stage would be really cool too, since I imagine it would be a mostly destructible stage.

I was adding that phils tweet means nothing as his desisions have no weight.


steve is getting in
as a mii costume

>It’s popular so it has to be in lol
Okay retard

Minecraft isn’t Indy anymore literally the exact opposite of that now

It WAS indie though and that's good enough for me.

>best selling of all time
Literally counteracting points
They aren’t needed in

Mii costume is out of the equation for Steve

Attached: 2029BFA9-54B1-480D-9E7F-7C19E0E73B56.png (400x250, 97K)

nah. he's a good mii costume.

Mii’s don’t have the same body proportions

Attached: DEE2CD2E-DDA0-4463-A993-FDB04A971A58.jpg (800x800, 42K)

Expect it’s not anymore and Hasent for awhile if they were going for Indy there are actual Indy characters they could use but there doesn’t have to be so it’s a pointless point

If they make him a fucking mii costume with a diamond sword and a block head hat, I will kill myself

Indie games can sell well. Indie just means it was made by an independent studio, which is what Mojang was. Also Microsoft and western might not be NEEDED, but at this point literally nothing is. We have a roster of nearly 80 characters, everything else is just a bonus.

>Mii's dont have the same proportions as the Black Knight. so he can't be a Mii costume

There’s very few indie characters that have the legacy for Smash, fuck Shantits and Shovel Knight and Undertale are flavors of the day

it's perfect, though. he'll be a nice .99 cent mii costume.

based, steve zoomers seething

Nobody gave a fuck about Black Knight

It was indie when it was made and that's all that counts. Besides, the only indie characters that could even hold a candle to Steve would be Quote or Reimu. Not a whole lot to pick from really.

Buzz word buzz word I’m smart

nobody gives a fuck about steve

Quote isn’t very widely known and Reimu is a nobody outside of Japan

I do

Attached: stevecup.png (136x197, 70K)

More people give a fuck about Steve then Black Knight

Attached: 73F17972-123A-413A-BFF7-780F78140A9E.png (156x216, 3K)

This is like saying the default skins in fortnite are just generic default skins

no, phone poster. nobody gives a single shit about some garbage default skin.

While I disagree about Quote, I have to say good job! You just narrowed it down. Looks like we're going with Steve then. Good pick for an indie rep!

The fact that these threads are common contradicts what you say.

a small group of autistic children do not matter.

i've already been playing a steve mii so honestly if that means we also get another microsoft character playable that's fine by me

>literally no one uses the default skin
Whatever, you're probably a faggot with some anime girl or epic meme skin.


Blah blah blah...He's only saying that to cover his tracks. We all know the Bear is getting in. Not once has Phil Spencer never gone to bat for Banjo when asked if the character will ever join Smash Bros.

Part of it is to not give the idiot with the fugly steve render an ounce of satisfaction for me. The other part of it is that he's kind of a microsoft property, and honestly there are better choices for Nintendo to select from. Also how would he animate? Like game and watch?

There can only be one DLC character from a third party company. The Fighter's Pass explicitly said FIVE new characters, not SIX. There's no room for ROBLOX knock off and Banjo and since Phil Spencer and Mojang have never gone to bat for Steve's Smash Bros inclusion...

who said anything about there being six characters in the fighter pass?

If you say so

Attached: villagers.png (2200x1200, 1.37M)

Can't argue with that.
>*laughs in minecon audience and mojang staff*

Attached: 1424188195721.jpg (333x413, 33K)

Because the kike who “leaked” it is absurdly hateable

Steve’s not getting in by the fact that the entire thing was incarnated out of a dumb leak of him being playable in Summer 2018 which is the dumbest thing possible

yep, but dumb kids latched on to the idea of a shit ass lego copy getting in.

>a leak being fake means that the character being leaked will never make it in
*laughs in Ken*

>everyone hates steve
>genuinely thought minecraft was a pretty fun game and come back to it from time to time
>realize all of the potential for a moveset, skins, assist trophies (though doubt those would come as DLC)
>fuck blockhead default lego guy
why? i feel like the hate is 90% salt of him not being the literal who of the day that Yea Forums so desperately wants, and nobody is truly opposed to steve for being a bad idea either thematically or gameplay wise. he's a massive fucking icon bigger than anything else on this board with extremely creative potential for movesets from a third party lacking a rep in smash currently (microsoft). why the fuck not have steve?
>inb4 cuz banjo
dead as fuck series with the only remaining fans bitching and wailing until he gets in smash, who would he appeal to other than these obsessed fags? nobody

>Punching and Walking

Ok? What else?

Attached: 1553815149824m.jpg (1024x576, 42K)

>Still no arguement.


Attached: 1553520848053.jpg (243x239, 6K)

sleeping (hardly relevant though)
shooting bows
throwing tridents
not to mention other humanoids in minecraft such as illagers or iron golems swinging their arms
and thats not even considering everything in the cancer that is story mode animations, but they exist too
could also borrow stuff to be seen in minecraft dungeons

You're right, has no argument.

Ok. Where has he shilled for Steve? 0 times.

How about Banjo and Kazooie? 3 times

If the DLC is going to be 3rd party based then there is no doubt Nintendo has gone to Phil or Vice versa for a character.

Attached: 8ng6g6rs8rh11.jpg (640x1138, 100K)

Not that type of "boss". What I've meant is, you know, an actual boss you battle with in the game.

>b-but muh skin
Non-canon until proven otherwise.


He's replying to comments specifically pertaining to Banjo. Ask him about Steve and see what happens

you mean he was still talking about banjo recently? at this point wouldn't that be breaking NDA if he were in?

And how does any of this translate into a moveset where both players can tell what he is doing?

The Dungons change sounds good on paper, but it still does not solve the stiff, animations. Look at any character in Smash gameplay and you'll see you need more than just basic movement, and Steve barely has that even with the Dungeons changes.

Attached: 6FsTSQg.jpg (1200x613, 213K)

Read Dipshit.

It was a year ago, probably the same day as the Inkling trailer. The DLC wasn't locked down until November.

Not to change topics but if minecraft parody and intro animators have been taking creative liberties to break from the stiff animations in minecraft, sakurai sure as fuck can too.

I feel like you're really underestimating the range of movement the stiff limbs would still allow. Like, no way would that perfectly head-on, exactly straight stance be left as his idle pose.

Sakurai won't do that. He has specifically stated that the character has to show personality in THEIR GAME, not on youtube videos.

Source? I feel like you're misusing the context of where he said that. Was he talking about animations? That's what I'm talking about.

First mention. 2015

Second Mention: 2016

BTW he mentioned without being asked. He brought them up on his own free will.

Third Mention: 2018 March 20. A whole 8 months before the finalized DLC roster.


Attached: jaime-a-garcia-jag-image5.jpg (1920x2039, 603K)

talking about limb movement and articulation, not facial expression

nuts and bolts banjo is so disgusting

O yea, that's why Black Knight in on the ballots and Steve isn't.

8 months before Sakurai said that the DLC was already finalized, iirc we still don't know when exactly the DLC was decided

I've had to wear a leg brace before. You have any idea how hard it is to move when you can't bend your knee? For just one whole day try to do your normal routine with your arms and legs fully outstretched. Now imagine getting into a fight like that.

Attached: 1549244056323.gif (200x199, 310K)

>Ask him about Steve and see what happens

Too bad nobody actually cares about Steve to do this lol.

I support this because it refines the angular design from N&B. There are a ton of smash renders of the duo, but this looks the best to me.

Attached: D2CrEiQXcAENtVE.jpg (1929x2048, 333K)

I'm guessing on that November. Mind you, Sakurai probably had to do research on the picks Nintendo made and would decide if a fighter can be made out of that. Perhaps Banjo-kazooie's DLC pack was discussed in that time during negotiations involving things like Cuphead and possibly Rare Replay on Switch. Phil gets his character in, and Nintendo gets to sell some Microsoft IP's on the switch.

Attached: 1552177202346.png (400x414, 79K)

this is exactly what I mean, this isn't like real life movement with your arms and legs stuck outstretched. just look again at the Dungeons trailer, you can see shit like the leg moving up in front of the torso to appear as if the character is banding his knee while striking a pose.

>bending* his knee

Male corrin is the default.

This can provide a good example for "personality". Look at how Villager's arms and legs bend his torso into that position. Combine that with the facial expressions and that is how it works, even with an avatar like character that is villager. Steve has none of this, even if they try the Dungeons changes.

Attached: 1551611769676.jpg (425x490, 56K)

that banjo design is vomit-inducing. it's an inch away from being pure and blatant furry fap-bait.

>He thinks there can't be more than one default

Attached: smugcorrin3.png (380x264, 67K)

and its the best one

Attached: 50644883_123155125399537_4252722221014843392_o.jpg (720x1280, 127K)


I'd argue dungeons movement could pull this off pretty easily, stuff like non-pixel-perfect facial expressions and making joints not directly connected to the body in some situations would be really useful for stuff like this

>He picks male corrin

Attached: smugcorrin2.png (508x610, 27K)

>that Kazooie

Attached: woody.gif (349x524, 38K)

remain seething, waifufag

Attached: D2y0Zp8U0AIpQ9y.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

Well you just have different tastes then.

Attached: 1553273091205.png (500x290, 74K)

Everyone knows the patrician choice is Female Corrin and Male Robin. It has nothing to do with waifus and everything to do with objective fact and science.

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the patrician choice is not playing Corrin at all

We'll just have to agree to disagree because I still do not see how that works in a game like smash that requires more than just basic movements. The animations are still stiff and janky with bits clipping into the main body to make it look ugly and unfinished. Plus the only different movement I saw was the arm bending a full 90 degrees to drink the potion. Compare to Banjo-kazooie, they are far better movement options and can emote so much better than the cube people. I'll concede the tiny pixel changes for facial expressions, but I still dont see how such a restricted model can translate into a smash brothers fighter.

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>my opinion is fact
male corrin and male robin is better; it's devoid of waifufaggotry

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Stopped reading there ur opinion is invalid and means nothing

Fuck I can't unsee it now.

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Smash was a mistake and should of ended before the rosterfags invaded every corner of the internet

>Not wanting best goat

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Not even same person alsoo I’m sure there’s others besides Raymooo or quote

>not an argument

>asks about a certain character
>reply is about said character
Did u even bother looking at the screenshot??????
Also what is he going to say pfft fuck off faggot??? It’s not like much he could have replyed with

i dont think spoiler characters can be playable, iirc there isnt one playable rn
i want him in, too. but as a cute shota

Unironcally cutest character ever

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What if Steve gets in and he has a Banjo Kazooie skin as an alt?

The fact that he responded at all still shows his interest. Phil is not required to respond to every single person, yet he took the time to respond to this one in regards to Banjo as a DLC fighter. How about this? Another instance where he brings up Banjo on his own.

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Capcom does this shit with Darkstalkers and even made a teaser trailer to drum up interest but it went absolutely nowhere.

Konami, Sega, many other companies do this shit all the time. It's nothing but a courtesy for people who ask about dead franchises.

That was over 5 years ago, where's the new Banjo game if he cares so much?

>"That was over 5 years ago"
>he's right

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>Here’s your alts bro

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