Was this game good? Always wanted to play it but never got to.
Was this game good? Always wanted to play it but never got to
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Yes. You can emulate it.
Had a alot of personalty, and the musics is really good if you're into chip tone, and as always its at its best with friends. Really good beat-em-up that really really desired more care then to fade away on xbox live.
He's obviously a console nigger.
>mr chau is a striker and not a character
It's pretty good...
>Great soundtrack
>Great spritework
>Fun co-op
... unless you are playing for the first time by yourself, otherwise you get fucked pretty hard by the game's bullshit stat design until you can level up your stats to do actual damage
everything but the gameplay was top notch
the gameplay was passable
I want to fuck Knives
scott pilgrim fucking sucks
boring ass self insert romcom
It sucks that they didn’t add online multiplayer until three years after release.
I you like River City Ransom then you would probably enjoy it. The character designs are pretty good. I like all the random background NPCs and the music is nice.
>not being the guy who self inserts as Wallace
>main character is constantly portrayed as a piece of shit who needs to get his life together
> I like all the random background NPCs
I like them too
>not being the guy who self inserts into Wallace
>Noticed this for the first time
>Stupidly stared for a good 5 minutes
>Become excited when there are different girls that do this pose
definitely the best theme in the game
but I prefer this shit because of that Mr Chau fight and the area you fight him
It's not the greatest but it's fun and has a lot of personality.
One thing that did bother me was tying stat-ups behind food and not level-ups. I think RCR did this, but if you haven't played it, you'll have no idea.
Kim is best girl.
that's not Lisa
It was ok. I vaguely recall it feeling like the kind of game that had a lot of hidden stuff but not being interested enough to replay it after finishing it. I think once you see the references and artwork, the game doesn't really have much fun to offer.
Fight N' Rage is infinitely more entertaining.