I play high elf for their well balanced play style that require you to play skillfully

>I play high elf for their well balanced play style that require you to play skillfully
>builds 200 sea guards

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What I'm I missing from the seamemes? They cost twice as much as unarmored archers and the AI is too retarded deal with regular spearmen anyways.

My ideal elf comps for campaign are
>teclis, one of each mage, loremaster, swordmasters, some seaguard backup
>everqueen, a couple handmaidens, sisters, trees & dryads
>alaster with white lions and treemen, sisters as backup
>alith with shadow walkers and warriors
>tyrion with basic bitch spearmen, archers, and cav
the game isn't particularly hard so you may as well get fluffy, though it doesn't always work in mp

Just play Dark Elves

>I play dark elf for their well balanced play style that require you to play skillfully
>builds 200 darkshards/shades

Just play Greenskins


What are the benefits for getting Warriors if your lord is Alith?

T-they're skillful, I swear

>dude what if we put a heavily armored race next to one with 0 AP lmao

flavor, but there's also more bodies in the unit, 80 vs 60, which can help against large targets. They also don't have poison missiles so you can support fire with them without getting the debuff on your own dudes. And the regiment of renown has snipe which is nice.
I'm not sure if they changed the tech trees having weird exclusivity for shadow warriors, walkers, sisters, etc.

Decided to boot up my save and found out they changed the launcher and disabled all my mods. I couldn't find any info on any major updates so everything should still work right? They just redid the launcher?

Please don't make me restart, I had finally crushed the other skeles and was about to spread the word of Settra to some non-kang enemies for the first fucking time.


I think the vampire coast update made wh1 race saves bad because it changed skill trees, but I think kangs should be okay?
I should also add that vampirates seem like they're actively trying to make the game experience worse

just cav charge them lmao

Things worked for me and me WE play through after the update, but your experience may vary.

it's a real shame boar boyz are absolutely awful huh
and biguns are anti large, except the savage variant which is a huge pain to get anyway
the best bet is sneaky stabbin' spam til you get rock lobbas going

The quality of the cav doesn't really matter, the point is that you can just cycle charge the fuck out of their rear line and there isn't really anything they can do about it.

Hope so, I love kangs but the early game of mashing 10k skeletons together for literally 20+ minutes multiple times per turn is hell.

wolf riders can tie up quarrelers but that doesn't mean much when thorgrim strolls into iron rock with 19 dwarf warriors. At least queek and skarsnik get some tools despite their startpos being so far off

I can't stomach Kroq'gar's starting location, and it feels really hard to get Mazdamundi out of his start with all the Vampirates. Why the fuck did they have to make Lustria a mangled piece of shit where he starts?

don't worry, lustria will only get worse with the skink and the stink dlc + whatever flc lizardmen lord
not only that, but kroq is really hard to confederate, I wanted to fight both lords across the world to meet in the middle and he won't even be friends

It's even worse when the AI cheats its way into scarab storm, and they get 2 or 3 charges per stack, plus their lord(s) have an aoe curse each to go off