I scared you, didn't I? Now tell me who your favorite Pokegirl is or I'll put a curse on you.
I scared you, didn't I? Now tell me who your favorite Pokegirl is or I'll put a curse on you.
shit meme shit waifu and doesnt need big tits
This picture was taken in Israel.
Not you
Female aether foundation employee.
quick rundown?
MY waifu since 1999
Israeliās have a human/child trafficking ring and they mainly import slavic girls to be sold into sex slavery or have their organs harvested.
>roleplaying pokefaggotry
thanks for the redpill
For me, it's Mina.
You got it
for once you've made a decent post
May, always May
It amazes me how little Hex Maniac art has her in her outfit from Ruby/Sapphire
>doesnt need big tits
Almost had a good post and then you went full fag.
Valerie is the absolute best. Accept no substitutes.
like most shit from /pol/ its probably some dumb japanese fetish pic that's been spun into anti-semitical propaganda.
Lactating big tiddy Hex Maniac is my favorite pokegirl though.
got DAMN
90's anime sabrina
>slavic girls
where can I buy one? i've been meaning to adopt
Hex Maniac is the ideal big tiddy goth gf.
>doesnt need big tits
I wish I had a tough, rude but has a heart of gold gf
Are you kidding? If I can pop down to the local store and buy a girl, I might actually consider accepting that offer to move to Israel.
The sun isn't the only thing that rises with dawn.
See you'd be correct if didn't exist
Lorelei isn't goth, you fool.
why are 2D goth girls the best lads?