Why the fuck can't they just lower the cut to like, 20% and end this horror?

Why the fuck can't they just lower the cut to like, 20% and end this horror?


>If ever you needed more proof that loud promises of internet boycotts doesn't always, or ever, translate into actual problems for actual companies, here we go. Metro: Exodus managed to put up some impressive sales numbers despite the widespread backlash against Deep Silver's decision to move Metro: Exodus from Steam to the Epic Games Store and cries of "no steam, no sale". The game sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light did on Steam.

Attached: 1553257525708.png (512x512, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/lower the cut/image/GUB6sDIRrhwEqZhCufqaSg/

>sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light did on Steam.
Fucking damnit.

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They will when the competition actually gets serious. Market hasn't actually shifted towards epic yet.

Why would you take a 20% cut when your semi monopoly allows you to take 30%?

>but we won’t actually give you any real numbers. Just trust us on this one!

Probably ignoring keysites/physical desu

>semi monopoly
Fuck off retard.

2.5 times 20 copies is like 50 copies though.

anyone believing that .
they didn't have it as exclusive how much did it sold then

Attached: 1552718255352.jpg (1920x1080, 1.16M)

>semi monopoly
That has been crushed in a matter of fucking WEEKS? They have serious problems now.

>actually advertise

They likely had a retailer setup, where Epic guaranteed to buy X amount of copies and shoulder any loss on copies that didn't sell. Epic's been doing this to bring developers over as a whole, because they have that Fortnite money as a cushion.

Similarly to how Walmart will undercut local stores by a substantial margin, even selling products at a loss, because Walmart has theoretically infinite amounts of money and they can deal with operating in the red for much, much longer than a local hardware store or a bakery.


Attached: images.jpg (300x168, 8K)

No ignoring nothing? Got it.

Which, might I add, is why the Epic vs. Steam situation is an absolute fucking joke, because in this situation, Steam is Walmart. That doesn't mean you should defend Steam, but it does mean that this console wars-tier nonsense is pure corporate shitflinging.

steam hosts my game library for free.
if they charge less they might have to introduce a subscription fee to let me download my games from their cloud.

>David Thier
>the same guy saying Sekiro is too hard
>the same guy saying that RDR2 had no meaningful interactions between sick Arthur and the world, because he beelined through the mainstory missions without doing any sidecontent

Steam's cut is NOT the problem. How many times do we have to tell you that simple fact.
First of all, if Steam's cut was the problem, devs would just release on other platforms too but not simultaneously, since Steam is still the biggest digital store for pc games on the planet.
And secondly, read up on how much money games make during Steam promotion. BoI sold 60x as much as it did normally during a steam promotion. Steam more than earns its cut in that regard.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-22 v - Video Games - 4chan.png (1893x212, 23K)

Things aren't absolute in real life. Stay in school retard.
You can absolutely have a near or semi monopoly.

>Steam is Walmart.
Steam is Costco. Epic is Walmart in this situation.

>game that was released in 2019 sells better than a game in 2013
>a game with its own e3 segment sells better than a game with no advertising
>still don't release the full numbers for it
Also reminder that the guy who made that article is the same as pic related.

Attached: Epic easy mode.png (694x244, 37K)

Fuck off retard.

Attached: epic.png (1268x1257, 268K)

Reminder that sites like Forbes were paid to say 2.5 to trck idiots like Sites like TechRaptor accurately reported 2.5 what Last Light did ON LAUNCH, which were really low numbers.

Don't be a gullible cunt.

unironically this, the answer is FEATURES but i'm sure of you don't use "big screen mode" so there are obvious cuts here and there they could make but their not going to

Nobody cared about metro back then,it was barely marketed

Meanwhile, riskyrain2 sells like fucking hotcakes on steam and is #5 in most concurrent players. One could argue that it's the steam integration that's pretty much mandatory for the multiplayer, but the storefront probably had less to do with it more that RoR already had a massively positive reputation by word of mouth alone.

This all reeks of scummy consolewar bullshit, and the sad thing is that it's probably going to work considering people buy into so easily everywhere.

This. Some "journalists" with an axe to grind and the typical shitposters want to deceive YOU, user.

>I-it sold more than twice as much!:




>Actually, it sold 2.5 as many times as Last Light sold on launch:




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Probably because they offer 10x the amount of features to developers that Epic will for the next couple years. That shit costs money.

>March 20
Earning that pay check, huh?

There's no proof that it wouldn't have sold even better on Steam. Metro is a lot bigger now than it was when Last Light launched. And notice that they don't say that it sold better than Last Light's lifetime sales (because it probably didn't).

>Why the fuck can't they just lower the cut to like, 20% and end this horror?
Because Steam offers more than any other digital distribution service, especially fucking Epic.

The only reason anyones putting their shit on EGS is because Epic is making it so anyone they offer it to literally cant afford not to, they're bribing them to shit covering the cost of development for the game AND also guaranteeing sales that they'll buy the difference of, which is a fucking retarded business strategy, it isnt sustainable in any capacity.

When Fortnite dries up, this shit dies hard, and all the people who jumped ship from Steam are fucked.
















>"?????? ??? ??? ??? ???"


>" ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? "


>"Winnie The Pooh, Human Rights, The Anti-Rightist Struggle"



Attached: 57cce0afa73a4b4c9c8c139d08aec588.gif (460x460, 190K)

Epic chinks full force again?

You're aware that Epic is literally buying all those copies right?

They have a sales guarantee, which means they're buying the product to guarantee they hit a sales figure. It probably sold like fucking shit.

>People are actually retarded enough to believe that 2.5x the first-week sales of Last Light is impressive

Do I need to remind you morons that Last Light almost didn't even release because THQ fucking died before it came out (and as such the game had zero marketing for it), as well as releasing in 2013 when the PC was a hell of a lot smaller in terms of users

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hello chink shill
what's your per thread pay?

Attached: 1553305049794.png (917x795, 202K)

also, Metro: Last Light was a smaller game with a small promotional push. I'm not convinced they wouldn't have sold more on steam. not that they would have made more money, considering the sweetheart exclusive deal, but article is obviously one sided

imagine caring about epic vs steam when you should really care about killing as many human beings as possible.

ending the human race is the only path forward. Force is the only way this can be achieved.

All of those shops are just steam resellers

That and EGS is on humble now

There is so little I can accomplish on my own though. Why bother?

GOG is the only digital store that worth a damn, fuck launchers and fuck Valve/Epic spywares.

>Epic still has to bribe developers for just ONE year of exclusivity
Why would Steam change when they just have to wait for Epic to bleed itself out?

>Metro: Exodus managed to put up some impressive sales numbers despite the widespread backlash against Deep Silver's decision to move Metro: Exodus from Steam to the Epic Games Store and cries of "no steam, no sale".
And yet, it would have sold even more because there are multiple times the users of Steam than their are of Epic Store.
Daily reminder that Fortnite players' accounts don't actually count toward the number of people using Epic's store as they already were, and continue to exclusively be, playing Fortnite long before the Epic store existed.

>why don't they like, just give up their money and earn less even though they're on top?
are you actually 12 years old? fucking retard


2.5 times what though???

Doesn't matter, Epic is good so install it now and buy every game on there.

Not only that, but they're comparing to the shitty original launch of Last Light instead of the re-release that sold like hotcakes.

Explain why I should


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valve already lowers the percentage to 20% for developers that sell over a million copies

Steam doesn't get a cut from any of those sales on those stores though

ITT Seething Valve shills. Imagine making hundreds of posts on Yea Forums defending Gabe's right to make billions off real game developers while Valve's last game release Artifact is just a punch line and the only reason people use Steam in the first place is because there isn't a choice for a lot of games. Except for a couple whiny faggots nobody cares about Epic vs Steam

You still need steam in order to run the game

Already Steam takes no cut out of sales you make on other storefronts like GoG, Fanatical or greenmangaming. Developers can make as many of those keys as they want too.

The whole cut thing is a smokescreen for whiny devs.

do you really think they'll keep the cut that low and be able to run the business? do you think they'll keep paying devs sweetheart exclusive deals if they manage to gain control of the market?

but i do care about my computer being scanned without express permission like valves hardware survey. i do care about some shitty dev making exclusive deals to try and make their shitty market place more palatable. its why i didn't buy a console because they all play that stupid fucking game

Just like others have mentioned, it means it didn't sell jack shit. Even if you take the misreported statistic of it selling 2.5 times as much (failing to mention on launch) it means it's still under 100,000 copies.
Always remember, they haven't even mentioned Redux. They probably never will.

anybody who thinks a 30% cut is necessary to run a digital store for video games is either a moron or a shill

True, this means steam is providing the same amount of services for copies that it makes no money off of

yea i guess if you want to outsource your support department to india sure

support issues with video games are very low compared to the volume of sales, half the problems get a canned response and the other half refer you to the developer for support. if that doesn't work they press the refund button. not exactly high skill labor

>The game sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light did on Steam.
So EGS will post total downloads for Subnautica, a free game if they think they can stick it to Steam, but they're vague as fuck about Exodus?

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Don't care no steam no buy till then epic is pirate for life.

Attached: LOLLLLLL.jpg (217x217, 9K)

>All of those shops are just steam resellers
Right. So Steam doesn't even have a monopoly on the sale of fucking Steam keys.

What was your point again?

>sold 2.5 times more of a game released in 2013 that was broken on release


Don't care. Won't ever touch that Chinese spyware. Stay mad, filthy little chinks.

Steam, again, makes no money off those sales

Imagine being such a chinklover that you accuse everyone who doesn't want to use a substandard service filled with spyware of being a shill.

I'm still boycotting CoD

user, Metro Last Light sold like 50k, so 2.5 times is like 125k. Last Light Redux sold like 2 million.

>he fell for the propaganda
how does it feel to be fooled?

>be developer
>put game up on another store
>this store outright buys X copies from the developer instantly
>developer boasts that they sold X copies

Attached: a6bpo79_700b.jpg (700x491, 45K)

Aren't there 2 versions of Last Light, one that sold literally nothing and the other that sold in the millions?

>2.5 x shit= shit
Don't fall for it user, it's their version of bait

Attached: 1548000808804.jpg (320x320, 16K)


Yea the redux version is the million sale one.


Metro: Last Light was the best-selling retail video game in the UK in its week of release, but it failed to outpace the week one sales of 2033.[88] The first-week retail sales of the game in the US surpassed the lifetime retail sales of 2033.[89] It was the sixth best-selling retail game in the US in its month of release according to NPD Group.[90] While the exact sales of the game have not been revealed, Deep Silver announced that the Metro Redux collection sold more than 1.5 million copies.[91]

Exodus doesn't mention if it's just their sales alone or if it includes the Steam preorders that were honored. Epic is definitely not telling the whole story. They would show hard data if this were true as they have with Subnautica, a free game that came with the app.

When those 15 sellers are all bringing you into gaben's economy through the same mandatory third party client bullshit, yes it's a monopoly
Steam was a mistake, EGS was born en route to the logical conclusion of that mistake

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Fuck off retard. The devs had other choices and they chose to use steam. Go kill yourself you worthless nigger.

>The devs had other choices
Like what? And don't say GOG, you know DRM-free isn't happening for big releases nowadays

If you really don't know, you don't belong here. Go complain to reddit, they're more your type.

You have nothing, do you?

Why is Epic spending all their money on marketeers instead of features for their terrible launcher with no games?

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boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/lower the cut/image/GUB6sDIRrhwEqZhCufqaSg/
Stop this shit

Getting real sick of these shill threads and you retards that continually bump them. You stupid fuckers need to realize that them getting a lot of replies is how they earn their paycheck.

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this except 15% or lower

As a loyal metro fan from the start (i bought the book right when it came out back in 2009) i had 100% planned on buying this game through steam but since they took it off the store i pirated instead lol

Sucks for them but their decision

Attached: Metro_Last_Light_Reich_Heavy.jpg (1152x1070, 221K)

>Sucks for them
Not really. They get paid by the chinks either way. Guilt free piracy.

>The game sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light did on Steam.
I still don't get what that means, exactly. How did Last light sell on Steam? What are the actual numbers?

The only reason not to tell actual sales number is if it's embarrassingly low.

Interesting, source?

it's not about the cut they take, they could take 10% and epic would still be paying for exclusives

>Why the fuck can't they just lower the cut to like, 20% and end this horror?
It'll be Steams downfall.

Not like it matters, Gabe will be cashing out soon and the company will be left to it's currently inept overlords and whoever buys out Gabe, probably Chinks.

It's had a good run, as has PC gaming.

So it sold better than Last Light on Steam?

>loyal metro fan
>Sucks for them

Attached: 1546551005666.jpg (690x720, 29K)

>too stupid to understand what "sold more on launch" means.

>dev makes keys for free
>puts them on a keysite
>someone buys the keys
>keysite and dev profit
>steam gets nothing

>same guy made an article about how sekiro needs a easy mode


>which is a fucking retarded business strategy, it isnt sustainable in any capacity.
Tim Sweeney already said they won't be doing this for long. They're just trying to compete hard with Steam right now and build a good portfolio of games on their store even if it's by force.

Yeah with no fucking long-term consumerbase.


I think it's probably smarter for them to wait it out and see how deep epics pockets are and how paying out the ass for exclusives will work for them. It would have been very dumb for them to immediately try to lower their cut as that would be a pretty permanent decision

>Why the fuck can't they just lower the cut to like, 20% and end this horror?

>With that in mind, we’ve created new revenue share tiers for games that hit certain revenue levels. Starting from October 1, 2018 (i.e. revenues prior to that date are not included), when a game makes over $10 million on Steam, the revenue share for that application will adjust to 75%/25% on earnings beyond $10M. At $50 million, the revenue share will adjust to 80%/20% on earnings beyond $50M. Revenue includes game packages, DLC, in-game sales, and Community Marketplace game fees. Our hope is this change will reward the positive network effects generated by developers of big games, further aligning their interests with Steam and the community.



Source? I know steam takes a reduced cut on sales on key sites, but I would think their terms would dictate they still get SOME cut.


These were public groups


>While there is no fee to generate keys on Steam, we ask that partners use the service judiciously.

>as has PC gaming
I'll agree to that, the industry could take an irreparable nosedive tomorrow and dedicated mustards would still have enough quality games to last them the rest of their life

Pretty sick of ""journalist"" actively working against the consumers, trying to undercut them at every turn. Instead they're kneeling down holding there mouths open for corporation cock.

Exactly. "Sold more on launch" doesn't mean fucking dick these days. It didn't sell overall better than Last Light (especially given the Redux version and original together) , but it is zero surprise that it sold more. The original Metro titles were not big name to begin with and were niche gopnik style PC vodka powered fun, not AAA advertising centric shilling. The controversy probably got more people aware of and interested in Metro Exodus to an extent and even without it, the previous 2 games (and Redux versions especially) made a name for the series and got people interested, so its no surprise that there's a bigger interested group ready for the third.

The real thing is if there are less overall sales with this Epic shit than they WOULD have been if they just released it on Steam the way they planned, which I am sure is highly likely.

And sure, Steam can revamp their percentage and whatnot but they're doing a really good job justifying that their totally normal 30% comes with a LOT of good will and real, concrete services not to mention the best audience/community in PC gaming. Sure they can consider the split or whatnot but if they just try to one-up Epic, they'll lose in the long run because it justifies what Epic was saying which is complete bullshit - the 30% was a completely normal, reasonable cut.

Epic needs to be made completely toxic and their policies anathema . If you care about this, write to developers with titles in development and let them know they'll be losing customers if they sign exclusivity agreements or otherwise deal with Epic.

this but "steamfags" instead of "journalists"

Two points have been added to your social credit score

If the numbers were actually impressive, they'd share them instead of trying to trick people with words.

Notice they compare it to Last Light and not Redux.

Wrong country m8

Sorry ying it has to be done
Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life
半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数

They could setup all the infrastructure to facilitate the payment system, game downloads, updates, multiplayer, DRM, etc. on their own. Ya know, like what EA and Ubisoft have done. Turns out that running servers n shit is expensive and that people will pirate regardless of how good DRM is.

Hey me too. I said way back then I'd never buy another and a decade later I still haven't. Good for you too, bro. Fuck 'em.


>literally every person on this board thinks either that Epic will go out of business or that Valve will go out of business
It is possible for more than one store to exist, you know.

Valve would have to fuck up pretty hard, continuously, for a long time, in order to go out of business. It's not something that can happen overnight. The same is true of Epic as long as people still play Fortnite.

People don't care of Epic exists. They just want them to stop with this exclusive shit.

Attached: 1526787136331.jpg (500x375, 61K)

>Why the fuck can't they just lower the cut to like, 20% and end this horror?
The store cut narrative is just a myth, even if valve drops it to 1% the moneyhats will still continue

No, delete this! Epic only cares about what's best for developers and consumers alike!

The moneyhats would need to be significantly bigger if that were the case

>They just want them to stop with this exclusive shit
Exclusives are how Steam got its foot in the door when people didn't want any of this shit, it's also the only way another store's going to get its foot in the door now that's Steam's got most of the market share. That's how the game is played now, either take it or turn to pirating

>steam offers 10s of features for publishers who want to use their platform
>Epic offers no reviews, a freinds list, dodgy refunds and ???

Should Epic even take a cut?

In other words you want people to stop complaining about Epic. You're a boot licking cock sucking shill. Valve did this with its own IPs. It didn't bribe or coerce developers to actively not release on other platforms.

Personally I just find it hard to give much of a fuck, as someone who doesn't play "AAA" always-online live-service loot box dispensers. The biggest games of this decade are such ass that I don't care if they're exclusive to one store.

>sequel to relatively little known game sells more than its predecessor
>despite it being the only somewhat major release available on Epic Store other than fortnite it only sold 2.5x more
I know you're falseflagging or samefagging, but this is still pathetic. Deep Silver are idiots.

>Epic is Walmart.
Consoles are Walmart.
Steam is Costco
Epic is a poor mans Sam's Club.

you realize Steam gets 0% of the revenue when a game is sold on any of those 15 sellers, right?

People who defend Epic don't give a fuck about the facts.

What's GOG?

serious why? They stopped releasing or working on games in favor of coasting on Steam. (Valve’s last game, Dota 2, was released in 2013) but get millions of dollars stealing 30% of profits, of other developers

That mom and pop store that tries to give good deals and fair practices but ends up having to increase prices and adapt with the market to make up for financial quarters getting worse and worse with everyone buying from everything else.

It seems Steam still has restrictions on the use of these keys to prevent resellers from becoming a true threat, though:
>You should use keys to sell your game on other stores in a similar way to how you sell your game on Steam. It is important that you don't give Steam customers a worse deal.
>It's OK to run a discount on different stores at different times as long as you plan to give a comparable offer to Steam customers within a reasonable amount of time.
>We reserve the right to deny requests for keys or revoke key requesting privileges for partners that are abusing them or disadvantaging Steam customers.
It's basically against the ToS to let third-party sellers have a noticeable price advantage against steam, so it's hard to argue that these resellers are offering "real" competition, especially when buying a game through them forces people to install Steam.

Cutting through your clowning
>Valve did this with its own IPs. It didn't bribe or coerce developers to actively not release on other platforms
You weren't pc gaming late 00s early 10s if you honestly believe this. Let's be honest, it wasn't first party Valve games that turned a lot of people onto Steam, it was the third party titles e.g fucking Total War at the zenith of its popularity to that point was suddenly fucking steam exclusive (think it still is now actually). There are other somewhat big ones that aren't coming to mind right now (Civ V might be one of them, been a while) but I'll tell you, physical releases started getting shipped with steam codes, people were complaining but there was nothing to be done. It was either live with the steamjew or fuck off
This whole epic shit is basically a repeat, only steamfags are the ones being encroached upon this time and the backdoor deals are getting leaked

t. piratefag

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Sam's Club IS walmart. So maybe your analogy is even better.

>be valve
>don't do anything for years
>throw out a card game that nobody wanted
>just ride the money you make from hosting steam and taking a cut of the games you sell
>other companies start doing the same thing you are and offer deals that make publishers and investors happy
>the average consumer is proven not to care where they buy their games
>your platform's current draw to the consumer is that you have social media features and those don't matter to video games
>claims of the other platforms spying on their consumers don't matter in an age where everything you do is being kept track of by someone

Steam will die if they don't do anything

Except it's not even enforced. I often use keysites like cdkeys.com to get brand new single player games for $40 on launch

There's still no evidence of steam/valve forcing/asking publishers for steam exclusivity

Well when you only have 5 different titles to choose from, you're most definitely going to have a lot less diversity of sales.

Also, Epic has nowhere near the same amount of users, so I'm going to have to call fraud on this.

This is a fucking stupid comparison because of the basic difference between exclusivity and ease of access.

Of course people would flock to Steam if it was easier to use. That doesn't mean people couldn't go out and buy a copy of whatever.

It's not a monopoly by law. It's only a monopoly because everyone else is shit and isn't offering real competition.

CDkeys is literally keys bought in Russia on stolen credit cards being resold.

GreenManGaming or Fanatical are legitimate vendors, and they constantly offer a better deal than Steam. The drawback being you can't refund with them.

Nah, now we know how many copies Epic bought.

Yes but that’s just steam keys, Valve doesn’t prevent them from selling their games on other storefronts, it just won’t let them sell a steam
version of it without these stipulations.

>because in this situation, Steam is Walmart
Literally worse than food analogies, because in this situation, Tencent *IS* *actually* the fucking Communist Party of China.
>known death toll: 120+ million people

If you think this is a simple platform war or some conspiracy by "the industry" to bring console wars to PC you should start paying attention to world events, because if you think giving the CCP an inch of power in this industry they'll kill it before you can say Nihao. And no I'm not some /pol/tard racist, my grandma was Indo-Chinese, but the CCP are on an expensionist drive and soft power is the wedge through which they bust open your front door and send you and your entire family and all your friends and known associates to a death camp without giving it a second's thought, all in the pursuit of "harmony under heaven" or some such cop-out bullshit. I am thankful that this whole situation makes all the shitstain-tier developers and publishers out themselves as the cancer they are though, it's amazing to see supposedly progressive developers like Ubi and Obsidian side with the most murderous regime in human history out of their own volition when they don't even need the money that bad, it's sad since they were doing so well, relatively speaking, for a while, and they threw it all away just for a chance to suck some Winnie the Pooh dick.

valved rones are the worst


Weird how the Microsoft Store and Bethesda's store apparently didn't do well even though "the average consumer is proven not to care where they buy their games"

>CDkeys is literally keys bought in Russia on stolen credit cards being resold.
You're thinking of Kinguin and G2A you retard

I miss when you could just buy computer games in disk form at the store or on amazon and play it without having a account on something

Attached: R14kkDj.png (657x527, 13K)

yeah gabe get's nothing from new clients to his store
the hat and card trading is a benign minigame
the ads on the client are just things he thinks you might like

cool guy, gabe

the amount of epic shills in here is astounding

The same 30% model is used by every fucking digital distro on the internet. Epic will raise theirs to 30% as soon as they've tricked everyone into following them. Don't think they won't for a second. The Chinese specialize in fucking you over shamelessly and openly.

I miss reading a lore-heavy manual to the setup music

Attached: 1534437784739.jpg (319x331, 15K)

I too miss having to search the internet for patches off of third-party sites at shit speeds, hoping that the patch I'm downloading is actually the most recent one
And hoping to god the game you want is actually at the store you're going to
And make sure to never lose the CD key that came with the game in case your computer shits itself
I also miss smaller games never being a thing because they could never justify the printing cost for discs and boxes along with needing a publisher otherwise nobody would ever stock you game

>I miss reading a lore-heavy manual to the setup music


Why don't epic shills cry about the "cut" gamestop and other brick and mortar retailers take?

Steam already killed physical sales years ago, what's there to cry about now?

>I too miss having to search the internet for patches off of third-party sites at shit speeds, hoping that the patch I'm downloading is actually the most recent one
>And hoping to god the game you want is actually at the store you're going to

None of the games I played as a young'un required patches. Is that a 2000s trend?

>The game sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light did on Steam.

Is that including or exclusing Last Light Redux?

Also, does that include the Steam pre-orders?

Patches were nice but they were rarely required because game releases had a higher standard back then. I didn't have home internet until like 2007 or something ridiculous and I got on fine with singleplayer games, cover discs existed as well and the pc ones would often collate a load of patches, mods and such so you'd still get a fair bit of the experience anyway if you were steeped in the hobby, on top of the demos and trailers

Attached: 1527006730559.gif (287x191, 2.77M)

Back in the day patches were used to address the very few bugs that slid past Q&A. Windows aside (ie: Win 3.11), the earliest patch I remember was Paint Shop Pro 5. I know Deus Ex had one. Online games like Diablo, Ultima, and Everquest had tons but no one paid attention because they were online already. But back then developers still did their best to debug software before releasing it. Now they just don't even pretend to test it and consumers all know they're paying full retail price to beta-test software.

I miss when devs would release games that didn't need patches

I just happen to have this.

Attached: 1543300594177.jpg (480x640, 111K)

hdd and modem aside, I had to roll back to a lesser spec computer for a couple years around 2010
had a grand time. Win98/XP partition of the year all years

Why the fuck can't they just publish a proper sales number instead of using 2.5 times of an imaginary one comparing it to a non-Redux game that barely had any marketing using some unknown sales period?

Because fake numbers are more impressive than real stats.

Also, no-one uses actual sales figures anymore.







>It probably sold like fucking shit.
I believe it. Literally zero threads on Yea Forums. I know that Yea Forums threads aren't always a metric for success, but with a niche series like Metro it's not like people are talking about it anywhere else.

Not counting Redux.
Nobody knows.

>Epic Store guarantees sales or pays the devs insane money
there's literally nothing wrong with pirating Epic exclucives, devs will get the fortnite bux anyway

>game sell gangbusters
>barely any thread in Yea Forums
That forbes articles is posted here more than actual discussion of the game. Who the fuck actually buy that game anyway? Reddit? TrannyEra?

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Do you not understand what the difference between an effective and literal monopoly is?

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Uh huh
Haven't herd that one before.

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>Literally zero threads on Yea Forums
I chalk that up to a mix of refusing to eat crow and mod overreach. I mean the Yea Forums consensus was mostly that Metro as a series was retroactively shit as soon as the latest entry became EGS exclusive, so anyone praising it after the fact probably wouldn't want to do it here. I can't recall threads about it being really shit either. At the same time there were a ton of threads so copypaste they could have only been trying to attract mod attention, as a result any Steam vs Epic drama thread up got regularly culled (even the interesting ones) and Metro threads being a good chunk of that at the time went too

It's one of those games that's hard to judge just going by Yea Forums, because of factors only found on Yea Forums

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I Really hope your trolling somehow i don't think you are but hat away i guess it's your right to be a moron.

I can guarantee sales numbers are bullshit.
A company with enough money and such a severe lack of morals and consumer connection, would have no problem forging sales by any means.

Chances are they just bought their own game, invested in the dev company, and payed the devs their dues as if the sales were standard. No one else but steam has that kind of money; but they never needed to do such a thing because of their monopoly.

So your argument is "Everyone is a Steam fanboy like me. I refuse to acknowledge the possibility that they are not. This company MUST be committing an expensive, elaborate and illegal fraud rather than most people just not having a big issue with buying from stores other than Steam."?

>lying to journalists they have in their pocket is fraud

Nah that's just called a Monday.

For a public company, which is what we are talking about here, lying about your sales figures and shuffling money around between your subsidiaries in order to manufacture non-existent profits is defrauding your investors and illegal.

That but unironically. PC enthusiasts are all conceited cucks. Im one of them and have never met anyone different.

The mere fact that they are even boasting about sales shows they are well aware of the boycott bullshit.

Come on now

Epic games isn't publicly traded

Why do chink shills spam Yea Forums even though their chinkware is supposedly better than Steam?

if you legitimately think doing something illegal is a problem when you are selectively buying out companies for millions just for single titles, you are the definition of a useless neet.

No self respecting dev or journalist would turn down $$millions for some reddit praise. Thats also assuming they arent already under an NDA to even start negotiating the deal.

Tencent is.

Good thing they've got fuck all to do with Epic beyond investment then

>Steam sucks, I know a store where they would've been really successful!
>Really, what's the store?

Remember concept art in the installation?

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>beyond investment

Huh, yeah. Tencent finances Epic and partly owns the company. That makes them a subsidiary to a publicly traded company and therefore indirectly bound by the rules that regulate Tencent.

The amount of cope replies this is getting is giving me a smile.

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Emphasis on partly, they're not even the majority shareholder. The Tencent/chink shitposting shite comes from shitposters and the ill-informed

>they're not even the majority shareholder

That doesn't matter. Contrary to what people think companies in these sorts of situations are not run by the majority shareholder, they are run by a board which consists of representatives of all major investors. Epic has received numerous investment from several holding companies, Tencent is just the biggest investor. All those companies are going to have some say in what is done with their investment.

Bethesda is in a similar situation. Technically they are a private company but they are financed by several holding companies and therefore ultimate control of the company lies with a board of directors which includes people like the filmmaker Jerry Bruckheimer and Donald Trump's brother.

>2 yuan have been credited to your government approved account
>5 yuan transfer fee has been debited from your government approved account

they already do for successful games

metro last light did the same

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>Steam will die if they don't do anything

i swear i've heard this before

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Why they force me to pay 30% steam tax? For what? I dont use linux for gaming (like all normal people), I dont have a tv to stream (what kind of retards do it in the first place?), all my games recognize my xbox gamepad natively, I dont have family to share my games with, and so on.
They ask me to pay more money not giving me anything useful for me in return. I guess I'll just start to pirate games again.

>implying it wasn't epic that bought all of those to meet the quota

>actual nostalgiacuck revisionism

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B2B deal. Like, product tie-in. As a bonus if you buy certain hardware.
Show me Epic's financial report then we talk.

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Lowing the Steam tax doesn't mean lower price, user. The price itself is fixed. Lower Steam tax just means more money to the devs. The games themselves will always cost the same.

>the game sold 2.5 times of Last Light
That means the game sold either 125k, or 4 million. And I highly doubt the game sold 4 million.

What revisionism? That had a hefty fucking manual, I've got it in a bag with other ones that I'd use for late night reading

Buy your games through myriad of other stores if you don't want to give steam margins. Humble bundle, GMG, amazon, publisher's owd store, etc.
>muh cards
They don't get jack shit if you just let them lie in your inventory.

> Lower Steam tax just means more money to the devs
It only works on storefronts with lower cut like epic. And it doesnt work if you buy a key from key sellers like gmg.

I was talking about the patches. Even with the patches, it's still a buggy mess

Epic claim the reduction in their fees gets you cheaper games (which is only true if you're buying from the US, $50 instead of $60)

>It only works on storefronts with lower cut like epic
You do realise Epic INCREASED THE PRICE OF GAMES in some regions to make up for the shitty 12% deal they are having? They kept the price constant in the US but outside the US and parts of Europe they increased the price.

Meanwhile it's $80 USD to $90 USD in other parts of the world so that the US price can be at $50.

No. That's bullshit.

Alright aye, took a bit to click on. It was fucked, losing stored items even in your own house and falling through the floor and such. I want to say the release I had came with debug commands to fix the probable problems, but I might be confusing it with the retrogamer freebie that came out years after
I'd argue it's an exception though as far as how game breaking bugs were on release

It's $110 where I live Singapore. Even at the worst conversion rate, that should only be $80 going by the original $60 price. The neighboring countries have it at $95 and $100. And Epic is the only store to do this, I got the new Far Cry at exactly $40 just a while back, without the currency difference even.

> It's $110
What game are you talking about? What payment method do you use?

>believing mere marketing claims that were paid for.
>still needing to steal metadata from Steam for some reason

Uhuh, I also wonder how much of the sales weren't actually just former steam sales.

Because they can't sustain themselves otherwise, it's imposible for Epic to sustain itself with just 12% in the long run, they just want Steam to lower it so they could raise it a bit later, it's a bluff

Because then Valve would lose a fuckton of future profit you idiot, it isn't worth doing it at this point.

Metro Exodus standard edition. Visa. That's fucking nothing, I have it easy, even converted for us SGD $110 is USD $83, other countries are fucked even harder by Epic, expecting them to pay over USD $100 for games. Of course, all Epic is doing is improving Steam loyalty since Steam charges us EXACT American prices. So if I got a USD $60 game from Steam, I would pay $60 USD, while Epic wants USD $80-90 purely because I live in Asia.

>since Steam charges us EXACT American prices
Wish they did for that UK

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I expected that you are going to tell me about high transaction fees.
Price is set by publisher not storefront. There are many expamples of fucked up prices on steam too (and that has nothing to do with valve in the same manner).

Steam is literally the Activision/EA of digital distribution, and in 3 years they will be nothing than a distant, horrible memory.

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What site is this?

Keep telling yourself that, Winnie The Pooh

In what way?

That's just Bethesda though. The internet has legit lowered the bar for what a developer could consider a Gold release. Obviously with complex software such as games they could never squash all bugs but I can't recall a single game from the era that I couldn't play to completion because of a gamebreaking problem. If anything I used to wait a few months after patches released to see if they didn't add bugs, and by then I'd usually finished the games anyway.

Activision/EA was never a good guy, at their peak they were competent devs/studios. Steam on the other hand forced its way into an entire generation of mustards and is the very essence of PC gaming to a lot of them, Valve could hang itself and leave a suicide note professing backed up crimes against humanity, and it'd be someone else's fault in the modern mustard's eyes

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they do this because people almost never go into walmart and buy one thing

So, i think we can mostly agree that if a game is on more storefronts, Steam, Epic, maybe GoG, maybe even Origin, it's healthy in general for the PC industry so long as RRP is about the same for fairness, and perhaps some kind of strategic alliance is needed for "cross play" assuming a game isn't using it's own matchmaking service - like some games use Valve's

And i know i'm a tiny minority, but it'd be great if other companies adopted Proton, i think GoG might, but i doubt the others will

>metro exodus sold 50k copies on epic while it sold 300k on steam

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>Why the fuck can't they just lower the cut to like, 20% and end this horror?
because they don't need to
epic's fortnite money will start to dry up eventually
and a lot of consumers are quite stubborn and will just pirate things if they feel like they're being messed around

Source? Genuinely interested where you found those numbers.

Replaced by a bunch of different companies waging war over buying up the rights for timed exclusives to THEIR PLATFORM ONLY on PC, what a bright and glorious future to look forward to, I sure can't wait to have to bog down my system even further by installing twenty different shit platforms.

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The old days of SecureROM, Starforce and limited installs keeps me from being nostalgic for disks. I do not miss them.

Trouble is, Steam exclusively sells a lot of games. Steam was hated 10 years ago for being DRM. I still don't like it.

Epic is going through the same thing now, eventually it will be used.

Bring back manuals and games where the DRM was type in the twenty fifth word on page fifteen.

Look up the numbers that last light sold, they are around the 20k only.
20k times 2.5 = 50k

Reminds me of the ones where they'd print them on those fuck super coloured paper that were nigh impossible to read and god forbid you lost the fucking paper than it'd mean no more game for you.

You should have turned piratefag at steam, this was always where it was headed

It's not like digital doesn't have the same plague. I will never knowingly buy a TAGES game.

Or Denuvo, but that's down to performance.

...So how many sales did Metro: Last Light have?

Pirates would scan the page required and add it as an extra file to the cracked exe.

I never said digital was any better, it's got it's own set of problem but people seem to have forgotten the horseshit companies like EA tried before steam like having 3 installs only for each copy of Spore.

people have compared the prices of games available both on steam and epic and games on epic can sometimes cost 300% more than it is on steam

Yours truly, comrade slav.

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a "semi monopoly" is called an oligopoly, you piece of dumb shit

>he still thinks its about the cut
considering you let journos do all the thinking for you im not surprised

This is fucking good
More competition means better prices, the customer wins

This. I prefer it now, since I can buy every game from home and I am not limited to the new iteration of PES the videogame store had in line for me, but this is still true.

Steam allows them to generate keys and sell them themselves as well you fucking idiot. Without them getting a cut of that.

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It probably only sold more because there are less games there. Steam is fuckhuge when it comes to number of games. So big it's starting to hurt visibility.

>Competition among anti-consumer proprietary launchers that don't need to exist in the first place is good

How about we don't have any proprietary launchers that are 100% not required for games to actually function?

This isn't competition that benefits consumers, fuck off.

It would have got on front page launch day with a fuckhuge banner and you know

Here is my answer

> current lowerst price $29.99 oat Origin
on epic
> Order summary $29.99
What is your problem?

it's cheaper on steam without a discount

>>If ever you needed more proof that loud promises of internet boycotts doesn't always, or ever, translate into actual problems for actual companies, here we go
> always, or ever
Well which is it?

Because running a fully furnished storefront isn't cheap? Even Epic admits they can't keep the (barebones) storefront running on 12% so anyone that's not a burger can eat dicks with extra fees and no store discount.

>benefits from a year of being listed on Steam
>appearing in people's discovery queues
>discussion and hype
>being an established semi-large franchise unlike previous Metro's
>being the sole large release on Epic other than Fortnite
>only sells 2.5 times more
I'd celebrate their failure but I'd rather not get lulled into a false sense of security, we can't rest till both Epic and Tencent go bankrupt and their remains ground into a fine paste. Or at least till Epic Store closes down and they're forced to make another Unreal with a full SP campaign as well as good multiplayer.

Steam did that. Only for the really big publishers though.

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Steams userbase tripled since last light released, selling 2.5x more isn't even keeping up with the market.

>steam allows resellers, to price cut their own prices

They did for big AAA publishers.
They just rape indies because they can.

Doesn't UK prices have built in taxes like mainland europe?

it's for games that sell well not for big publishers

This seems a bit misleading because we can't know how much it would have sold if it was not an exclusive. Metro popularity has been growing since the last light. And I think the recent Exodus trailers attracted a lot of the fallout crowd etc.

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That's not true. Multiple devs confirmed they have to pay for steam keys.
The ones who give you a choice between downloading from their website or requesting a Steam key prefer you downloading from their website because giving you a Steam key costs them money.

because they know their steam drone fanbase can spam epic store memes on 4chin to counter it eventually.

>Running a storefront is expensive
Then how come tons of cash strapped indie devs run their own storefronts and beg you to buy on their website instead of Steam?
How come almost all the big publishers run their own storefront? Hint: It's because it costs virtually nothing to run a storefront.

epic is amazon fags, get your shit together.
>be amazon say you will not make profits, for years, your goal is sacrifice profits, in order to gain market share.

>be epic, get back by winnie da pooxi, pay for exclusivity, buy guaranteed sales. All to just get those little markets shares from those games.

epic will buy more exclusive and hemorrhage money. All to just claw bit by bit the market share. The other services will roll out, just like amazon rolled them out. Make no mistake epic is going for the kill here, they have backing to this shit thanks to retarded p2w chinks feeding tencent + the interest of the chink goverment backing them.

>epic is amazon
So they are the good guys?

>good guys
>pay works shit wage, that most are on government gibs.
>pay no taxes
>instead of getting ac, you have a ambulance to cart them all to hospital.
>patent wagecages
>kill small business.
>snake your way everywhere

The cut doesn't really matter as much as the money Epic is paying upfront. Reducing it would help, but not that much.

A year from now will be pretty interesting to see how things turn out. Will Epic still be throwing money around like they have, will there be a massive spike in sales once exclusivity ends, is the bad PR worth it in the end?

You say it like that's a bad thing. Do you want shitty brick&mortar stores back that are only open when you are at work, expensive and have very limited selection?
Amazon is so successful because it's all geared towards maximum benefit to the consumer.

>pay no taxes
This is false though.
Other than that all these things seem pretty good. And I thought it was just the amazing selection, pricing and one day delivery that made them awesome!


i fucked up once and lost my login data to steam.
the support was fast and it didn't took an hour to get my account back

protip: if you ever bought a game for steam in a story, don't throw the game-key away, it made it super easy to verify my account

It'd be referred to as an oligopoly, but the reality of the matter is, is that Steam has always had competition. Sites of olde that distributed demos, patches, betas, news, and so on were immediate competition, they just didn't monetize well.

And boiling steam down to it's basest function reveals a Chrome based browser and package manager. The backend is little more than a simple file hosting server. That is to say, that with a plugin, or an app, anyone becomes a competitor, any service that can post a photo to a webpage, distribute files to clientele reliably, and charge them for the exchange is competition. So they don't really even fall into the definition of oligopoly.

A good example of oligopolies in the US would be cellular providers, and internet companies. They have regional monopolies in some extremes, yes, but as a whole they are not monopolistic. Because anyone in the developed world with an internet connection can poke around freely, with little in the way of physical constraints like borders, it'd be virtually impossible to establish a true monopoly.

Steam is little more than the major market power in the video game distribution service. The concept that it is some sort of one and only is absurd. And frankly 30% is below the going price and they have countless other features to sweeten the deal for users and for publishers. On top of that they have 15 years of reliable distribution and clientele in the front and the back. That's just how it is. The sole appeal of EGS is the free buyout if a game doesn't hit sales targets, meaning someone from the publisher fabricated numbers, they negotiated, assumed projected sales on Steam, and then Epic made their bet. The publishers and developers are literally only betraying their community.

That's like the bullshit stories about Trump paying no taxes.
Accounting 101 for idiots: If you make a loss one year and a profit the next year then the loss can set off the profits so you don't have to pay taxes until your company is actually making profit

Also google what a tax rebate is. That being said, taxes are based on elasticity, not on who the money is collected from. I am sure Amazon eats a lot of consumer facing taxes, as well as personal income tax.

I don't even care for modern AAA shit, I just want to see Valve crash and burn.

what did valve do to you to hurt you so much? Did they not advertise your shitty game?

Hardly comparable. Amazon does incredibly high volumes, we're talking international coverage of basically all physical goods, and then some digital goods on top.

EGS sells children's toys, at middling volumes, that will make one sell per interested party at a razor margin. They're also competing with someone. Amazon filled a vacuum, little or no competition in their direct market. Page to door sales at an increasingly efficient rate. You can now materialize any product you can think of in 2 days. You want artisanal onions sauce made in oak barrels from Japan? 2 days.

Mind you Amazon has some people toiling away at games. I'm interested to see what happens with all the money in the world being thrown at some vidya.

Yeah I just want to see the numbers

They ruined my favorite game and destroyed the landscape of PC game distribution.

Sauce nigger.

there were metro threads, a few of them. people just don't think the game lives up to the potential of the open world and the previous games, and makes a lot of 180s or plain nonsensical decisions in terms of story and lore. the game looks good but plays pretty clunky and is limited for an open world game, to the point where it feels like a hollow imitation of stalker grafted onto metro. even the facial animations are very stiff and the dialog, while extensive, often feels like standing in front of animations on a fixed stage, waiting to hear their voice lines. half life 2 does the same thing better and that's from fucking 2004.

>Steam has a serious problem
What? this year alone Steam got, REmake2, DMCV, Sekiro and announced the Halo collection.

They are not in trouble at all.

Where's the numbers? That's right, there's none. The chink is afraid.

Attached: 1553303283528.gif (483x556, 3.77M)

>no actual sales number given
>sold less than far cry new dawn

>valve lowers their cut to 20%
>epic just keeps paying for exclusivity deals anyway
WOOOOOOOOW that sure helped
the moment you realize theres more to it than "muh cut" the better, this is just what journalists and shitty californian indie devs want you to believe, and they're succeeding by the looks of it

>Console ports
Why is 90% of the Steam audience console niggers who bought a PC for muh sales and muh graphics?

>steam is a monopoly because they made me use a launcher

then petition the dev to make the game work without steam, then you would only need it to install the game from valve servers. literally the only thing valve forces on devs in terms of software is that the game is distributed through steam which makes complete sense, if they choose to use and rely on steam's own services well no shit, that's why they go to steam, it has an audience and features.

just because it is multiplat doesnt mean it is a lousy port. And even if it is a "port", as long as it has some PC features and doesnt run like ass what does it matter? If you care about exclusivity please go and move to the console yourself.

It's not about the cut. Epic are literally paying developers to put their game on their store. Like not a bigger cut, actual sums of money

>still no regional pricing of any kind
seems about right

>Falling for chinaman propaganda
>Rwby image

>That's not true. Multiple devs confirmed they have to pay for steam keys.
Where's the source?

I thought it was a revenue guarantee e.g. game will sell a certain amount, and if it doesn't, Epic pays the difference.

evidence that those were actually exclusives and not just people flocking to steam and no established competition? iirc the only competition at the time were launchers owned/controlled by publishers which were 10x worse and didn't resell keys anyways or participate in any kind of free market. steam forced digital distribution to be competitive. without that PC would already be like console as epic are trying to make it.

Steam "exclusives" in 10s happened because it was free drm and free distribution, fucking retard. Or do you think Steam actually bribed SEGA?

well you should care because Epic is trying to make the market harder for smaller games. part of their "appeal" is that they gate their store heavily to only allow AAA or "indie equivalent" games. indie stops being indie if to exist you basically have to take exclusivity bribes and rely on the ecosystem that empowers that behaviour. it's even worse than that AAAs have done to indies before, it makes it like you have to make a game and then hope you get poached in order to succeed. when that happens indie devs will start shaping their games to be more mass-appeal to try and get in good with exclusivity deals.

Why do Journalists cite bigger cuts as a better reason to support Epic? Do they expect us to believe that the difference actually goes into the pockets of the programmers and not the executives who hardly do anything?

gamedev here.
Our games going on steam cause they have better support and are more customer friendly.

Were not in gamedev to get rich, if we make enough money to continue and work on next games that's great.
We'd rather not cause our customers grief by having to install another program and having their game in same library as all their other games.

we will be releasing an official piratable version as well cause we understand sometimes people just don't have the money or they don't want to buy something they are unsure about

Even if it did, why would you care? You want the cheapest games possible with the best service possible. The underlying mechanics are of absolutely no consequence to you.
Unless you actually want to support the developer directly, but then a postcard addressed to the studio would probably mean more to the people that made the game than the 10-20% difference in profit on a $60 sale.

it's that plus a bribe (depending on the game), basically buying "success" so that they can distort the market.

Steam is part of the business at this point, can't escape it
>we will be releasing an official piratable version as well cause we understand sometimes people just don't have the money or they don't want to buy something they are unsure about
This though is the kind of stuff that'll really nurture a core base and spread through word of mouth, pure goodwill in my eyes. I'll keep an eye out

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Based bro. What game I'll buy a copy

If you seriously think PC gaming was in a good spot in early 00's you are delusional
>oh boy I sure love the Whole PC section being full of nothing but sim games, shitty kiddy educational games and MS office garbage
not to mention the fucking cancer that was security Keys on the back of the manual, lost the manual? fuck you can't play your game anymore.
Physical has no upsides it just takes up more room so you can look at some artwork every now and then, if you want a physical version so bad burn your own disk and print out the artwork for yourself.

>You want the cheapest games possible with the best service possible.
so, steam?

Actually maybe don't say lol

they either get paid to shill or want to play pretend economist thinking they have an actual understanding of the business segment. that plus clickbait, also it's very easy to write "articles" when all you have to do it paraphrase PR the company gives you.

failing that, key sites

You are a real dumb.

its a vr game and I'd not rather tell

That post didn't even mention early 00s but if YOU think they were bad you are a nutcase
Late 90s-2005ish is the true PC golden age, had the peak of everything

steam has the best VR support and market anyways

at least 3 old games I played from there were inferior to the steam version/pirated retail version in that they needed more workarounds due to retarded GoG patching

can I get sekiro on GoG btw?
>key sites
no thanks I don't want to support shit businesses unless I want to circumvent giving money to a shit publisher like zenimax

also for example I got GOTHIC UNIVERSE for like 3$ on steam, and it regularly goes on sale. meanwhile GoG only sells them separately, with rarer sales

how is it cheaper in that case? you anti-steam, gog bots are disingenuous as fuck

>at least 3 old games I played from there were inferior to the steam version/
name them

gothic 2, carmageddon 1, ultima underworld

>Then how come tons of cash strapped indie devs run their own storefronts

Fucking show me the Indie dev storefronts ill wait


>strategy games
>point and click & puzzle games
>online gaming a decade before consoles
>racing games
>platformers too

he's right you know

steam takes a smaller percentage if your game sells well btw

And what does Gothic 2 from steam has over the one from gog?
I haven't played carma and UU but I assume they're just the game binaries bundled with dosbox and maybe nglide for convenience.

one of the ways they get big publishers on board, until said pubs get too big for their britches and launch a sinking ship

nothing. that's exactly the point, it goes with the unnofficial fixes straight out of the box unlike gog version that needs downgrades (or needed when I played)

carma had some carma95 graphical tweaks that were only possible on the steam version (or maybe retail, I didn't try), the way the files were handled on GoG it wasn't possible

ultima isn't on steam, that goes under the
>pirated retail version

well bethesda are back already. EA probably wont, because due to the nature of the games they sell, eg sports games, they will sell even if you need to stand upside down while playing the games, so their launcher has traction for other shit. ubisoft will after they get tired of fleeching epic for some of that sweet tencent bucks

They don't take a smaller percentage ; you have to negotiate it and having a blockbuster is the bargaining chip.

yeah it was a great era for PC games except almost all of them ended up not selling well and going bankrupt.
I honestly feel that if there was a popular digital platform out on PC in mid/late 90's PC games would be much more popular and looking glass would still be alive. One of the reasons Blizz did so well was they had battle net as well as good games.

so they take a smaller percentage if your game sells well?

You do know tencent also has a stake in Ubisoft, right?

No? If you make a one hit wonder and/or don't have the ressources to negotiate with valve they still fuck you regardless of how well you game did.

wait so seam G2 has unofficial patches bundled with it and you're praising that?

daily reminder steam are one the only website that regularly sells games + all the DLC bundled for cheap without any sort of trickery. other websites like humble bundle, fanatical etc put the games on sale without the DLC on sale, or sell the DLC separately which in turn puts you above the spending price on steam

the only other, non-grey market websites that are worth it are GmG and gamersgate (no affiliation to the alt-right gamergators)

>fuck you
by offering the best distribution service out there?
>so they take a smaller percentage if your game sells well?
you can spin it how you want but it's still true :3

Post the actual sales numbers and there will be an end to the horror Epic.

Attached: LordH.jpg (500x436, 64K)

that's not what I said at all hahaha. GOTHIC 2 ON GOG HAS THEIR OWN, GOG MADE, 2.7 PATCH. this does not, however, fix the game in any way, or form. THE GAME NEEDS THE OFFICIAL PATCH 2.6 for the UNOFFICIAL FIXES, THAT ACTUALLY DO FIX THE GAME.

the downgrade process from 2.7 to 2.6 causes issues for some people, so that version is better skipped entirely, it's also cheaper on steam if you want all the 3 games (which are legendary, even gothic 3)

why are valve drones so entitled?

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Can't refute the bankrupt part because the only studios I kept up with did go fucking bankrupt, but as far as the games went I think they spoke for themselves. Even now the generally recommended PC games if you could only play 10 just say, on a platform that spans decades, comes from that era.

>go to local wallmart to buy game because there was not game store near where I live
>go to the PC section
>Flight sim
>the sims
>the sims expansions
>train sim
>sim city
>roller-coaster tycoon
>maybe one Command and Conquer
>a fuck load of "educational" games for 5 year olds and under
>rest is all Microsoft office or anti virus software

finding games for PC was a fucking pain in the ass for me in the late90's/early 00's

the hell is this shit

You didn't have screaming Rome: Total War man on your shop shelves?
C'mere, bro

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bro please think out your analogies before you make the effort to MS paint them, unless this is some elaborate joke... is it?

I didn't either; the only time I was able to play it was at my uncle-in-laws house which was the shit since he had STW, RTW, and MTW and there was no way in fuck my parents would let me buy that shit at 12 so I tried to go over to their house pretty often; bought them all on steam the second I got the chance
Hilariously enough, my uncle later got divorced from my aunt and I had snarky jokes from my cousin that it may have been because he played the everliving shit out TW/obsession with FBI job; damn shame

It's been a while but I don't remember any issues putting the unofficial patches and the dx11 renderer over the gog version.
And their patch was in there probably because gog ensures that the games they sell actually run out of the box, but in my experience they always have a way to get the original untouched binaries.

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Isn't the better food analogy that the restaurant decided to open their San Fransisco branch in San Jose instead of downtown because it'll save them a bit of money at the cost of a significant number of consumers?

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>chinaman propaganda
I didn't know even forbes also belongs to China now. Damn China really is unstoppable! China Numba One.

I made something equally as stupid for you, user.

Attached: 15310519.png (974x720, 46K)

Watch, he'll be one of the AI modders that are still going

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It doesn't have anything to do with the price cut. Epic Games puts them under contract for providing a sum of money to them for a year, while Valve doesn't obligate publishers to stay with their platform for an X amount of time. Who literally cares. Just don't buy from the epic games store and don't fall for the free game shit.

Wow, it sold less than 100,000 copies on Epic.

Why is Steam getting singled out for this and not every other retailer on the planet, most of which has larger cuts?

>tfw pirated it

Actually, it's a PC port to consoles.

Based and fitness pilled.

>They're still quoting the 2.5 sales number spin
This has been so thoroughly debunked, it it truly bizarre to see it coming out of forbes

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>why don't they just lower their profit margin by 1/3?
Gee, I dunno. Really makes me wonder.

Doesn't fit at all. There's too much life in those eyes.

Yes, but they also charge above that as well.

Okay just so you guys are aware the title is misleading as hell.

Metro exodus has SO FAR sold 2.5x the amount of copies last light sold on DAY ONE on steam. It's intentionally misleading but you can look this up on your own and it's not doing better than last light.


I beg to differ

Attached: Tim Sweeney.jpg (1702x525, 189K)

Left is still more humanlike


Steam is not a monopoly just by the fact that you can also buy shit on gog and other shitty launchers when applicable, like ubisoft's games which by definition already stops it from being a monopoly.
>but not all games sell there
And it is a developer's choice. Not big bad volvo telling them not to sell on gog or some shit like someone else does.

There is more benefits for the devs on Steam than on the Epic Spyware Store

Fuck Steam

>There is more benefits for the devs on Steam

Which would be?

Servers, forums and other utilities

a userbase

What if you don't use any of those? Like people brag about workshop, but what if my game doesn't use workshop?

Or if I want a forum, I can setup one on Reddit and moderate it myself.

Then host it on itch.io, you can get a much larger share of revenue than on epic

Look at the local currency.

Nobody uses itch.io, and the owners are bizarre weirdos on Twitter

Nobody uses epic either, 100% of $0 is still better than 88% of $0




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PC exclusivity matters. If you don't know why then you obviously don't remember the good old days when PC exclusives existed.

Mountain Blade
777 Studios


Once you lower it you can't bring it back up without a lot of backlash. Fornite money won't last forever.

>Fornite money won't last forever.


Attached: apex fortnite 3.jpg (1292x926, 150K)

>People hate Valve so much that they unironically want Epic to become the new Steam
Love it how you niggers also claim that it would "save" PC gaming when you're just trading one drm store for another who also values developers more than consumers. You fags would have supported GoG or other DRM free alternatives if that was your main problem.

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Yeah except Epic Store belongs to Americans, and it's not Tencent's platform.

t. ching pong

>t. Donald T. Obango

Tienanmen square massacre

absolutely this

please repost this shitty OC i made in 20 seconds

Attached: tiananmen square.png (795x433, 393K)

t. doesn't know how taxes work

it's tienanmen, not tiananmen

please refer to the "made in 20 seconds" part of my 9 word post

Because that's the narrative Epic is trying to run with.

Really, it's not about the dev cut. If it was, itch.io and Discord would have put Valve out of business years ago.

Discord only started selling games

And nobody goes to Discord to buy games, it's a chat program

Also thanks for proving Epic right as buying exclusives is the only way they can do it.

Very good post


Look at all this shit that you get to use or is simply automated by Valve on your behalf. Meanwhile the Ebin Games Store had to add a search bar in an update.

Now I don't blame devs for "selling out". It's a difficult market and the temptation of guaranteed money is hard to resist. It just means I'll be buying those games on Day 366, on Steam.

>w-w-w-we don't need you we're doing g-great. please buy our game

discord sells games? what the fuck?

>any of those
selling your game on a website isn't a storefront
they are owned by Microsoft you tit

please dont respond to people who are obviously not even 16 yet

user there is a reason companies use % and "sold X times" instead of real numbers
so make it easy for you
"game sold 50% more" = 50% of 100k is just 150k
"game sold 2.5 more" = 2.5x100k is 250k

they only use real numbes when the sales are huge like millions of copies but when these are small numbers they will use % and multipliers

also people is terrible at amth

>More than half of the participants in the Yankelovich focus groups questioned the price of our burger. "Why," they asked, "should we pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as we do for a quarter-pound of meat at McDonald's? You're overcharging us." Honestly. People thought a third of a pound was less than a quarter of a pound. After all, three is less than four!

>using studies done in america to measure intelligence
>american intelligence studies MUST encorporate Mcdonalds to some degree
get me the fuck out ok it used to be funny but what the fuck is happening to this planet

>Steam is literally EA
>What is Origin

Okay I know shit about Fortnite but isn't it FtP with lootbox shit? How the hell does it make so much money? Are parents really dumb enough to give kids money for this garbage?


>When Fortnite dries up, this shit dies hard, and all the people who jumped ship from Steam are fucked.
I don't think you quite understand just how much money Epic are sitting on. They have a war chest that rivals Nintendo.
They're the developer of the fucking Unreal engine, do you have any idea how prominent that is the video games? Fortnite is raking in some fat stacks for them but they are by no means dependent on it.
I mean they are literally giving away millions of dollars to fund indie devs with no strings attached, they don't even have to be using the Unreal engine.

The Epic store is good for the industry and for consumers, and when every single one of your retarded, uninformed arguments get shot the fuck down you can only ever fall back on one thing:
They're share holders.
They have ZERO influence on how Epic is run. They sure as hell wouldn't be giving away free money if they did.

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People said the same for many other franchises user.

>they don't even have to be using the Unreal engine.
that's false

You're retarded if you think significant shareholders don't influence how a company is run by being on a board with other significant shareholders. Learn how companies work you fucking retard.

>Good for the industry and customers
I wouldnt expect someone from a starving communist shithole to know how economy works and what's actually good for customers and industries. See Chang, out here, we can do what we want and not what Glorious leader does. Nobody is breathing down our necks telling us to buy steam. Can you say the same for Epic?

>take the truth and say the opposite
>look mom im shitpostering!
in reality EPIC has been btfo for months, and their ACTUAL PAID SHILLING CAMPAIGN ON Yea Forums is constantly destroyed within 50 posts
and they always ALWAYS fall back on "theyre JUST shareholders" "theyre JUST checking your friends list" "theyre JUST trying to save gaming!" "theyre not the monopoloy (they are), steam is!"

>Nobody is breathing down our necks telling us to buy steam
>He says while shilling for Steam
Holy shit what a brainlet.
The absolute state of you.

It is 20% for partnered publishers.

And how much extra are they charging you in order to access their "monopoly"?
Oh what's that?
It's a free to download platform?
And the games are actually cheaper?


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>shill accuses others of shilling because he doesnt know what shilling means

>Mrs Benny slapped me in Math today!
>..No she didn't i was there, you called her a cunt and got sent out
>OH MY GOD ok i get it you're in love with Mrs Benny, god will you fucking shut up about her? Mrs Benny! Mrs Benny! You're so annoying...

Just FYI until they clarify what the numbers are, you can safely assume that:
-They did not bundle Last Light and Redux together
>They are avoiding throwing out console numbers
>There is no verification for the data

So, take it with a grain of salt.

What does "Tencent" mean? Is it like Ten Cent as in the coin? 10 cents?

>And how much extra are they charging you in order to access their "monopoly"?
>Oh what's that?
>It's a free to download platform?
>And the games are actually cheaper?
none of these points have anything to do with the definition of a monopoly you spastic

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Because being forced to buy things on a feature lacking storefront full of chinese spyware is so good for the consumer. Btw I'd be pissed if Valve forced a third party game the be exclusive to Steam (which has never happened as far as I know).

>They're share holders.
>They have ZERO influence on how Epic is run.
user tencent owns 40% of epic, that mean epic needs atleast a 41% to be the largest shareholder to avoid tencent making the laws at epic
so there is a 60% left for epic and the other shareholders (if there is any)
so if tencent is smart and start buying more shares and reach the magical 51%, epic is fucked

It's the name of the chinese company that is funding Epic

>And the games are actually cheaper?
user, we're trying to talk about Epic.

if someone disagree with china you send 10 men, 1 each to a strategic location (their family, their work etc), and they all activate at the same time unless the initial person silences themselves
so it means there are 10 sent, tencent

They're not publicly traded, they're private. Are you actually so paranoid that you think Tencent will start demanding they censor their games for the Chinese audience or something? Their business agreement has mutual benefits and Tencent would have a lot more to lose should they have some sort of disagreement, worst thing that could happen is Epic just buy their shares back, it's not like they can't afford it, or that there's a shortage of people looking to invest in one of the most profitable entertainment/tech corporations on the planet. This is Epic games we're talking about, one of the biggest developers in the industry and pioneers of development technology, not some shitfest SJW hive like Riot.
Go cry about (((them))) on /pol/.

Um, sweetie, they're not publicly traded, they're private.
Metro got it's price cut when it switched over to Epic, thanks for playing.

Steam's issue is that they don't let you sell your game at a lower price on other platforms. So you can't charge 15% more on Steam than the Epic Store to offset the cut, and let the best platform win. Maybe they will change their tune when they realize they ARE losing games to it.

>worst thing that could happen is Epic just buy their shares back
>LOL ill just buy these shares back lolllll dab dab dab dab
you are retarded

Only in the United States and Israel. There's some places where the price of Metro tripled when it went over to Epic.

Fuck off chink shill.

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Sounds like it sucks to be them, lol.

>they realize they ARE losing games to it.
losing games isnt an issue user, its all about audience
steam incurs 0 losses from satisfactory moving to epic, because the game released and everyone watched the footage and they realised the game is shallow and shit and still in early access. more harm done to epic and steam
repeat this process for literally every game epic has so far
i truly want to see what will happen if epic manage to get a good game on their launcher, might shake up the scene a bit
until then steam sort of just have an annoying retarded cousin who keeps screaming for toys


3800 rubles bozhe moi.

(That's 56 USD, for reference.)

>Steam's issue is that they don't let you sell your game at a lower price on other platforms
[citation needed]

It's a free fucking platform you mong, you can download it without paying a penny and it doesn't inconvenience you in the slightest.

saved this post for next time epic shills shout monopoly

>prices are lower on Epic
>they aren't
>well not my problem lel
This is some elaborate falseflag right? I can't imagine anyone says something that stupid with a straight face.

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>Tencent makes demand
>Epic refuses
The only recourse Tencent would have would be to sell their shares and say "fuck this then we're out". Again, Epic could easily afford to buy them back, or simply sell them to the massive pool of investors who would be interested in one of the most profitable entertainment companies in the world, you absolute fucking brainlet.

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it inconveniences me with its drm

>Epic refuses

Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

>The game sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light did on Steam.
So it's the modern warfare 2 fiasco all over again huh?

>Prices are lower on Epic
>Demonstrate the is fact
Deal with it mudshit.

Actually they have been posting threads about it for 2 months trying to increase their playerbase, so yeah it actually is pretty fucking inconvienient

Give me one reason why Epic would comply with any kind of draconian demands made by a minority shareholder.

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Are you mental? Not even apple charges for downloads. In fact you can't name a single company that charges for stuff you've paid for or even charges a small fee for FREE games.

>majority shareholder demands
>also happens to be the face of the communist party in china
>Epic Refuses
who would have guessed that a dumb frogposter would post something like this

>They're shitting up my chinese basket weaving forum!
As if 10,000 Nintendo threads a day is any better.

>minority shareholder.
just saying the opposite of the truth isn't shitposting you know

And you call other people dumb, wew lad.

but i want the 16 year old nintendo kids to fuck off as well

Attached: Nintendo makes a thread.gif (250x187, 1.68M)

>I don't think you quite understand just how much money Epic are sitting on.
Reportedly it's in the neighborhood of 1.8 billion USD. Assuming they have to pay for the failure of every exclusive purchase, that 1.8 billion will buy them approximately 35 AA-AAA exclusive titles.

Now, Fortnite is not not making money, so that war chest is sure to expand a bit. Plus Tencent can just buy out a larger share of the company (oh wait they already did) and provide more funny money to spend. But really, IDEALLY, Tim has about 50 "gets" to steal the market from Steam.

We're what? 5 deep right now? And they're floundering so hard they're paying "games journalists" to write fluff pieces? Tim himself is having to do damage control on Reddit? At some point Tencent will probably decide their money is being wasted.

>They're share holders.
>They have ZERO influence on how Epic is run. They sure as hell wouldn't be giving away free money if they did.
Your confused. YOUR shares are worthless because they're Class C stock. You're buying a piece of the profits, not the right to have a controlling interest in the company and a seat (or seats) on the board.

Tencent owns half the board of directors. HALF. This is why the fact that they "only own 40%" doesn't mean a goddamn thing.

>Oh shit I can't answer the question!
>Better bait and switch!
See and then neck yourself.

Attached: 1518116480321.gif (320x240, 2.87M)

>look mom i posted it again
i know you've been told already, and we're 450 posts into a thread where its been explained already, but out of:
40 is the biggest
ready? i'll say it again
out of 40, 30, 20 and 10, 40 is the biggest
say it with me user
40 is bigger than 30

>question has no basis and reality
>Answer the question!!
imagine asking someone "why would you eat chocolate when you die 30 seconds after?", and then when you say "you dont die 30 seconds after retard" they say "LOL answer the question faggot"

allkeyshop lists grey market sellers which you don't know if their keys are obtained legally or illegally
while isthereanydeal only lists authorized key sellers

you don't even know if the money you spend on allkeyshop sellers actually goes to the publishers or not, or in some instances its more harmful than simply pirating

I love capitalism, I really hope Steam goes down on what they charge the game companies

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Nice try retard, Tim Sweeney owns 50%.
In case you didn't know, 50 is a bigger number than 40.
Thanks for playing.

because valve is extremely arrogant and has enough of a headstart that they can probably outlast any competitor

All they have to do is buy a big IP like DMCV or Sekiro to seriously dent Steam. Not sure why they keep buying random shit like Division that no one cares about.

>Nice try retard, Tim Sweeney owns 50%.

>look mom i posted it again and again and again

Because it isn't purely about the cut. Epic is also giving sales guarantees and similarly lucrative agreements.
The calculus is tilted far more in favor of the publisher than the consumer on the Epic store, which is very appealing for developers who feel that things have been too pro consumer for far too long.

Are you having a stroke or something?
Tencent are a minority shareholder.
But hey if you don't have an answer that's fine, you can just admit you're a retard now and we'll carry on.


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CDKeys is just like them too. Don't tell me this is your first time finding this out?

did I say anything about epic. Looks like you've got to be off to collect your shekels from gaben user.

>get demonstrably, irrevocably blown the fuck out
>regress to memes
I knew all the butthurt Steam fanboys are dumb as shit but this is just getting sad. I don't normally like to bully the mentally handicapped.

Holy mother of COPE


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As it's been said a million times, the cut is not the problem. Developers would go to the platform that they sell the most on, or release on as many platforms as makes financial sense. Epic's cut is merely for deflection, because the real deal is the massive loads of money they offer to developers to publish on their platform.

Because none of thsoe big name companies are going to shoot themselves in the foot locking their games to the Epic store when they know they can sell millions going on Steam.

If you're that butthurt about DRM just do what everyone else who fervently hate DRM do and pirate it and stop whining like a bitch.

What Ubisoft is doing is putting games only on epic store and uplay to force people from both epic store and steam onto using Uplay instead to the other two. Basically epic is getting fucked in the ass by Ubisoft while promoting games for some other launcher.

So they're not lower than Steam. Gotcha.

Ubisoft has been doing that for awhile. Even if you buy on steam you still download their client anyways lol

Not him but how retarded do you have to be to make the leap from attacking someone for defending Epic, then accuse them of being a Valve shill?

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Not a solution retard.

Maybe not in your shithole country.

It is literally a solution, retard.

no u

anything that kills Steam is a good thing. stupid monopoly, dumb gachashit company.

That's dumb. I'd pay 10x as much for Sekiro exclusivity over The Division of I was Epic. They really are out of touch with the games people want.

this is the calibre of 16 year old posting on Yea Forums these days
what the fuck is gachashit

Lol those games selling like shit in steam. Much bigger success if go to epic.

>The game sold 2.5 times as much as its predecessor, Metro: Last Light did on Steam.
With absolutely no proof over than the word of cunts whos entire existence right now is built on making it appear they're totally a viable alternative and good.
Yeah, sure, forgive me for not being a fucking retard lol.

Steam don't have to do literally anything, they just have to do business as usual and ignore everything tenecent tries to do until they've sunk too much money into bribing devs for exclusives and give up due to the consumers not falling for it.

ok chang

Hey dumb he means people are actually buying on uplay so that ubi gets all the money.

Considering how often RB6 is on the top sellers in Steam I think you're the dumb one.

>selling your game on a website isn't a storefront

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nigger what, epic themselves said their 12% cut is not remotely sustainable and that they're just doing it as part of their grab to own the market before they bump it the fuck back up lmao

not a real word

this is sadder than console wars

i thought that PC faggots are the master race, what happened?

>It's basically against the ToS to let third-party sellers have a noticeable price advantage against steam
That's demonstrably not true when you can check how cheap any game on steam has ever been and see that plenty of the time 3rd party sellers are lower.

I'm beginning to get the feeling EGS is tsundere for Steam.

Attached: 1553540166806.jpg (816x1356, 348K)

last light sold like 10k copies on release so I really don't see how "2.5x sales of steam!" is impressive in anyway

>calls other guy noob
>doesn't know gachashit
vidja with no gameplay that just make a company money
i.e. anime phone games
so actually
i.e. i.e. DOTA, CS:GO, Hatfortress

Cringe bro.

Also, if those games don't have gameplay I would like to see what your threshold for gameplay is