Is this thing any good?
Been meaning to get a new gamepad mostly for playing emulators and retro games but 40$ bucks seems kinda expensive.
Should I get something else instead?
Is this thing any good?
It's a nice controller for general emulation nothing amazing. Too small to comfortably play games with the analogs for more that a few minutes.
Assuming you're looking for a good dead as most who buy for emulation are:
Yes, but get the game boy colored version. Apparently it's got a better dpad than the other versions (though both are very good). Another option is the xbone controller if the assymetrical layout doesn't bother you
If you're a waitfag then hold off for the SN30 Pro+
*dpad not dead
I think it's pretty solid overall but the D-pad is a little stiff (and the shoulders take some getting used to). Battery life and build quality are pretty good and the form factor is great to put into a bag or carry case. I use this controller and the WiiU Pro very often.
The new M30 is also really nice. Better D-Pad for sure. Good for fighting games. Quite annoyingly enough though the megadrive collection on the switch has no button remapping so you can't have ABCXYZ literally be that on the M30.
>If you're a waitfag then hold off for the SN30 Pro+
I agree. The controller is great but those handles would work wonders for those sticks. For 2d stuff it's awesome.
yeah it's fine.
i've been using mine to play sekiro.
It's also going to have analog triggers, which will be a godsend for general PC gaming as well
I like it a lot, good for emulation and modern games alike. The SNES style with all modern capabilities makes it feel like a controller that was built deliberately for playing Terraria.
It also has Gyro sensors if you wanna pair it to your PC in Switch Mode and play shit with motion controls, if you're into that. This part pnly works in wireless though for some reason.
The joystick rubber came off mine but I emailed the chink company and eventually got replacements, they're easy to take out and put back in if you can use a screwdriver, no soldering bullshit required.
I think it's at least miles better than Switch Pro but I haven't own one yet
Why do these threads always read like a paid Amazon review
Feels great but the dpad is so oversensitive it's unusable. Aparently you can mod it but that's not what you should have to do to a expensive controller
Yes, you should, get a fucking DS4, which is the same except actually comfortable to hold for long periods of time.
How is the Xbox One D-pad for retro gaming? I currently use a 360 pad and am looking for an upgrade.
I love it for emulation and when my friend brings his switch over. The sticks are aight, it's a good controller for a raspberry pi, so anything pre NES up to PSX I think is ideal
Because anons are asking for reviews, kinda makes sense
Mine became deadweight after 5 months. Rarely used it too. Skip that shit and get something else.
Because between this,ibuffalo, and data frogs it's the best option. Idk why making a functioning fucking SNES controller is so goddamn hard for people. My only complaint is the price but given if you're paying less than 20 bucks you're buying dogshit with a busted DPAD and a keylogger it's the best thing on the market
I've used the XBOne controller for emulation before. The D-Pad is pretty good IMO, but it's hit or miss. Loud and clacky, which a lot of people understandably don't like. The good side however is that because it's so sturdy, it always inputs exactly what you want it to with no errors, it always feels like it's doing what it's supposed to be doing.
It has input delay when connected via bluetooth and the dpad constantly registers random diagonals. Otherwise it's useable and okay.
Does the gameboy colored one have a not so stick or loud dpad as the first version? My only problem is how stiff it feels compared to an iBuffalo.
Why did they bail on the first version so quickly anyway? I liked the SNES look.
Its pretty good buy as another anonsaid. Wautfor the pro plus. If you cant wait or wanna get one now its not bad. You can connect to a lot of different devices with then too. Update the furmware first thing.
The sticks and increased size ruin the tight SNES controller ergonomics, and the lack of grips makes the sticks uncomfortable to use. It's basically a controller that sacrifices being either a great retro controller so it can try and be a mediocre modern controller
Just use a SNES controller for 2d stuff and an xbone for 3d stuff. Don't buy a mediocre controller for both
That's interesting. One thing with my current 360 D-Pad I notice is that a lot of the times when I press it I accidentally fuck up my presses. If you've played Sekiro, for example, when I try to use an item by pressing UP on the D-Pad, I'll press left or right by accident somehow. So, you're saying that wouldn't be a problem with the Xbox One pad?
The dpad is an upgrade over the 360s, as are the sticks. No more "uh oh you didn't hold the dpad EXACTLY over the center of mass so it fell into a diagonal" bullshit. I find it most similar to the one on the phat ds
Yeah, definitely. The XBOne D-Pad is the right pad for that sort of thing. It feels like each direction is a firm button underneath, and it goes where you want it.
Its pretty damn solid for me. I play new and old games on it. If you get a new version of it and not a first gen Xbone controller, you can play it wired or wireless hassle free.
I started to use a DS4 controller more once I discovered the branch of DS4 windows by a superior developer.
Still waiting for this thing
OP here, thanks for all input so far.
Guess I'll either wait for the pro plus or go for a XBOne gamepad
The dpad is pretty awful but besides that its a reasonably good controller
Hold up here... Are you saying that you have your 360 gamepad plugged into your switch via usb?
Does that work? I just bought a Switch and am considering a pro controller, but fuck; if I can just do what you're doing then fuck it.
No, talking PC, but I believe there are adapters you can get to plug a 360 pad into a Switch. At least, I know there are for Xbox One and Dualshock.
just get a Dualshock 3. Last controller with analog input.
Got it. Thanks for the info, definitely looking into it
Comes out in a few days
My bluetooth 8bitdo superfamicom controller is garbage. Buttons stuck in, and Dpad went to shit. Only used it for like 6 months playing snes games. I have no idea why but I never had any luck with 3rd party snes controllers. The retro duo controllers Dpads sucked so much. The only real reason I wanted a snes mini was because it was official nintendo controllers, then I could just get a usb adapter for wii nunchuck controller ports.
>With no errors
Speak for yourself
The left button on my bone s controller's dpad drops inputs if held
I'd get a controller with 4 buttons on top. It's important if you play fighting games.
no, buy the new version
the old one is known for the joysticks wearing out, the d-pad misregistering inputs, and battery overcharging
the new one is supposed to have lower latency too
autistic faggot. kill yourself. fighting games are reddit as fuck. die.
The analog Bluetooth model isn't out until the summer
>been using a 360 controller for GBA emulation all these years
Is it really that awful? I don't have anything else to compare it with
Fixed and updated
fighting games have existed long before reddit, zoomie
Bought this recently OP. Its all right it does the job of having a controller and it works on anything
Best cheap pad for playing 2d indies on switch? Is it possible to use those pokken controllers? I just want something basic with symmetrical dpad
P-people don't actually do this right?
This thing's only 19 bucks and works perfectly
It's not as versatile as the 8bitdo controller you posted but for NES, SNES, and GB emulation it's a dream
>No Windows support for PS controllers.
I get that they are the competition, but Microsoft should already drop that shit and stop being so stubborn. PS owners are not going to buy an Xbox controller to play on PC either way.
>no errors
My d-pad has real issues with diagonals. Often dropping one of the directions if it's not held exactly right.