What cha playing this weekend?
Comfy Switch Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Smash, trying to improve my Inkling, Isabelle and Roy game
FFVII, playing for the first time actually, 5 hours in and it’s more charming than I expected
Splatoon 2, mostly chipping away at Octo Expansion
XBC2: Torna. I am looking forward to grabbing the FF games and a physical copy of hollow knight
The fact that I'm playing this on an nintendo console is a surreal experience. Debating wether or not to abuse the cheats. Name changing Aeris to Aerith and Red XIII to Nanaki
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe..
Why do you fucks keep using this word? Can't it just be renamed to switch thread?
I wanna play Xenoblade but I have home work
Why are you angry? Why does this bother you?
Is Pokken really that good?
Has anyone here tried WiinUPro? How is it?
A fighting game enthusiast I know says it's really good.
Got it half off in the e-shop. The crafting stuff is kinda dumb and I’m not sure why they redesigned the worms but it’s pretty fun still.
so this is a bad time to get a switch right? Considering they are probably releasing those revisions soon
I’ve also been considering checking out FF7. It would be my first FF game. I have the PS classic but I’d rather have it on the Switch.
>playing Smash seriously
I would wait. I’ll probably be selling my old one and getting a pro when it releases. Unless the changes aren’t too siginificant
Not super serious or anything, but I enjoy those characters and it’s satisfying to improve
I bought some new release called Event Horizon. It’s shit and the $3 I wasted could have gotten me a tall boy.
Croxlieur Sigma. Super fucking mushy and repetitive, but it's really fun overall. Gameplay is smooth as silk and feels very good, ultimate attack placement is pretty bad though, easy to accidentally trigger.
Also, In Sunlight.
If the rumors are true yeah. Wait a bit
Now THIS is comfy. Been playing a shit ton of MHGU like this.
And undertale
Got it, thanks bois
based Jury-rigged setup
play it on the pc dude.
Is tropical freeze as good as people say it is? I'm looking for a new game and I don't know if its worth 60 bucks.
I assume MK8D is in god tier becaue of multiplayer, still not got around to trying online I must admit.
I forgot how fun it is messing with the menu screen colors.
Go for it. It's an enjoyable experience
But on the other hand portability.
God the joycons are such shit
Is it just me, or does FF7 on switch have forced smoothing?
The battlefield textures looked like they had a smoother on compared to the game on PS4 and PC.
You can find it cheaper than 60. And yes it is.
I don’t do pc gaming and I can barely tell a difference between those
How do you fix them disconnecting when attached in handheld mode?
I play Pokken competitively, it's really, really well designed for competitively play: It's got a stupidly well balanced roster, even the bottom half of low tier is viable in high level play and can make top 8's at majors; and in general most top 8's have likre 3-4 mid or low tiers making it, and the characters all play extremely differently, some with anime-fighter levels of gimmicks, it's got a lot of systems and mechanics that reward good fundamentals, neutral play, and adaption: The whole 2d-3d phase shift system means that on top of of frame data, damage, etc, each move has a phase point value, and you need to weigh if you want to shift phases faster or stay in the current phase (certain characters and matchjups favor one or the other, and shifting gives meter) and change up what moves you are using and your combo composition accordingly.
Pokken's attack height system also functions differently from other fighting games in that there's way more height categories, and height interactions occur between moves (IE, for a move to pass over or under other moves based on their height values) rather then on block/to bypass blocks, which also does a lot to encourage a wider use of your characters tool.
The problem (beyond the fact people mistakenly think it's a casual arena fighter when it's not, it's a legit traditional fighter; people misunderstand the phase mechanic and mistake the RPS stuff in the marketing to be meaningful when Pokken isn't any more RPS then other traditional fighters), is that as a casual title or for single player content, it's pretty shit. I'd reccomend it if you plan on actually getting into it and at least lurking amongst the larger community (discord.gg/pokken), but if you are just wanting something to play once every few weeks and that's it it';s not worth it
Ok this is epic
I finished the main story in VC4 this past week and loved the game so much I bought the original on the eShop.
Is this thing supposed to run like a toaster on the Switch? I'm getting tons of frame drops and the whole thing feels like a PSP game.
nani the fuck?
All jokes aside it’s comfy as fuck.
Sega fucked up the Switch port of VC1 and doesn't care enough to fix it.
I almost never play my Switch anymore. In fact I've been grabbing my 3DS lately when I want portable games because I still have a small backlog on it and it's so much more comfy
Wizard of Legend, Dragon Marked for Death and Doax3s on the side.
they look the exact same...?
Working on Tales of Vesperia 100%. I've also played some MHGU with friends earlier today.
What’s up with the Wii U controller?
Was the Shadowgate remake good? I'm wondering if I should care about the Switch port of it.
I can't get into monster hunter, the monsters take so fucking long to die and I'm an impatient lad
World of Final Fantasy. Is Bahamut as a Mega Mirage as powerful as he was in his boss fight? Touchdown hit like a truck.
Playing ff7 with an iguide this time. There's way too many missable items/scenes in this game between disks and I want to get them all this time.
What weapon and style?
FF9 is much worse about missable stuff.
It was already sitting on my desk when I took the picture so just included it with my switch because why not. I do use it as my main controller when my switch is docked thanks to the mayflash adapter that's under it. The adapter also works on pc so I use it as my main controller there too.
>Snipperclips is mid-tier
It's the best co-op game on the switch, even to this day. What a shitty list
I've heard as much. Gotta rush through the game before a certain chest disappears forever and that side quest no one knew about for years.
You’re missing out. It gets a lot better the more the play.
Until you reach deviants, anyway.
this is horrific, does anyone actually hold opinions this bad?
I like the deviants
They're better than subspecies, but every single aspect about their quests and gear acquisition is indisputably horrendous.
I have exactly zero energy to put up with it.
Tetris 99, started breath of the wild earlier. Just bought a switch. I hope I can finish breath of the wild, I find it hard to finish games now a days.
Man I'm having fun with this game. I always like Yoshi games.
Just finished up WOFF. I wasn't expecting the difficulty spike at the end, nor was I expecting the "hey do all this side stuff now". sort of killed the pace of the game for me but I pushed through and beat it. despite this I ended up enjoying it for the most part, but that bit at the end really knocks it down a few points for me.
Finally got started on Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon and I'm enjoying playing it in bed.
I'm unable to do multiple games at once anymore so now I just do them in sequential order. I'm bad at juggling multiple titles and remembering what I was doing across multiple games.
gonna get my mitts into new yoshi.
gotta get all them fucking flowers or i can't get hard
that comic is a shit rebuttal
Was planning to pick up pic related but I heard it's 2 hours long. Disappointing, to say the least. Might play more BotW, been a bit since I've popped on.
Anyone have good indie recs though, or ones to look out for? I might still pick up The World Next Door when it's on sale, same with the Liar Princess I love cute shit, can't help it, but I'm looking for something else to fill some time and get some bang for my buck.
Wait this is out now?
This list is atrocious.
Working on building muh Labo vehicle kit I got for 20 bux
Fuck these things are time consuming, I've spent like 5 hours on it and so far I've got the pedal and key done, almost finished on the car part. Hopefully the driving game is fun enough for it to be worth it.
What game is that
Started playing Octopath again so I can beat it.
I got a craving for an RPG, was thinking about getting a Final Fantasy game too, since I've never played one.
I was thinking about getting 8 because Squall looks badass
8's not on switch bud. But if you really want to play it, your best bet is either as a PSN classic, or Emulating it. Alternatively the PC release can work but you need to mod the music to be the original soundtrack (not so bad), and you'd also need to mod the textures and other things to get it up to snuff with other re-releases (not too bad but a huge fucking pain in the ass).
However, PC allows you to alleviate the draw system ever so slightly (the big 'grind' of the game). So take your pick.
came out today, baby
That's fucking awesome.
Imagine being so butthurt you made this comic lmao
8 will also never ever be on Switch because Square lost the source code.
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
i think thats monster hunter
they say that, but honestly they could just port the PC version, but with fixed OST. Hell they could lift some mods to up the texture res among other things.
It took them 6 months of bitching from fans for them to fix the OST for 7 on steam, and the fix was JUST as easy as it is for 8. The source code excuse isn't valid when porting PC would be just as easy.
wait really? that seems like something incredibly stupid to do, I mean for a company that big.
Is there a physical edition?
And it happens more often than you think. Pretty sure Kingdom Hearts 1 had this happen too
Probably gonna play more Tetris 99 and Puyo Puyo Tetris. Been pretty hooked on these puzzle games lately. I want Celeste to go on sale cause I'm a cheap ass, and I'm honestly hoping for some good bullet hell shmups soon.
didnt they lose the rights to some of the songs in 8?
thats what i kept hearing
the short version is that back in the day, they never thought they'd re release shit in the future. It's was sort of an out with the old, in with the new mentality. They also had limited storage space so they just said "fuck it" and deleted the project files.
The fun story is how they managed to salvage re releases for steam and mobile.
They basically had the Bravely Default team painstakingly try to reverse engineer 7-9 with the old pc releases and probing around the ISOs. There's a reason why there's so much missing particle and sound effects. As well as lower res backgrounds. That dev team tried their absolute best to fucking perform necromancy on those games.
Nah, SE blamed the 2011(or was it '12) tsunami/earthquake combo on damaging their data centers where they had ps2 shit stored. They claimed they had to remake the game from scratch for the HD ports but that's honestly just PR bullshit.
Nope. Sorry.
I can’t into Tetris
There'd only be one song that would happen to if it even happened and that's the theme "Eyes on Me".
It's still in the PSone classic. Which they couldn't distribute if they didn't renew the rights to it. Hell they still play it at the concerts, don't they?
I mean it’s not your fault bro
I got it to play every now and then and I think its pretty good regardless of never really getting into it, it makes also a nice game for get to gethers, you can button smash your way to victory and disregard combos and people would still have a good time.
When does the lock fall off?
>being a faggot telling others how to have fun
Importing this Kunio collection, should be here next week. I'm mostly just looking forward to Nekketsu! Street Basket, but the games also have a "Quality Up" feature that reduces lag and flickering so Super Dodgeball might actually be playable.
Are there any other exclusives worth importing? I also got Onimusha physical a few weeks back.
how far are you?
why are you pretending that ports and multiplats are exclusives?
After owning a switch for 2 years, the dock scratched the sides of my screen in the black bezel area. They're very small and very faint but no amount of buffing gets them out.
I feel really stupid for telling people for 2 years the dock doesn't scratch the screen.
just got an online subscription, what should I be playing (other than T99 and the NES games)
splatoon, smash, arms, mario tennis?
Just did the date with Papyrus
Post cheap-ass indies that.are surprisingly solid
>Strongly recommend pic related, looks like shit but genuinely the best puzzle game I've ever played
Picked up yoshi and its pretty chill, it’s a nice balance to smash and MHGU
Whoever made this list has an unlimited amount of shittaste
these robot requests for souvenirs are gonna be the death of me.
Gonna take forever to find everything in this game
>Pokemon LGPE other than shit tier
>Eevee higher than Pikachu
this is bait
Yeah. I got it last week 50% and it's a lot of fun with friends
What is the best controller for the switch?
>FF7 is 3.7 GB
This. It's pretty fun. Music could be better but pretty nice and slow
It's missing the velcro ties for the charging cable
This list was just randomly generated, yeah?
Holy crap 3x speed ff7 is such a gamechanger. I love it
is that bad?
You can have a custom control scheme, you know.
Just a bit skeptical on what could make it increase in size. Could've sworn FF7 hardly touched 2GB and if it were 3.7 all this time then I'd be impressed they were able to fit that all on 3 PS Discs as is back in the day.
Only bad if you don't have an sdcard I guess
friendly reminder that FF7 has the music glitch that was patched out of every other version
gg squeenix
clean the contacts
doesn't the pc have shittier sound?
Kirbyfags detected.
Anyone tried this?
You're right actually. The PSP version of 7 is 1.3 gb. Wonder where the size increase came from.
I doubt that's an issue. Micro SD cards are so cheap(64gb for 10 buck)
I did, there might be a good game in it, but I will never know because I could not stomach the devs attempts at "humor" and had to quit after 45 min.
Probably some more Darius Gaiden.
Dust is on switch? Did I miss something?
yeah, a medicore game praised for its art
>Want to get the atomic purple Switch shells I see around online
>Already have a Switch so pointless to buy a whole new one just for a different color
>Can't find body shell sold separately, and for the few colors I do find, I hear switching out the shells is a pain in the ass
>Joycons are like 80 dollars as well
>Can't find
First google/amazon result
That's the joycon, not the main thing
Is RXN Raijin any good?
t. fagnut
Weak, I connected my PSVR to the Switch, now that’s maximum comfy.
Switching out the shells is only a pain if you're being stupid and rushing it. There's plenty of videos online that break the process down that as long as you know how to use a screwdriver and keep track of your screws you should be fine. Also the process for opening the joycons is good to learn as its cheaper to replace parts than buying new joycons altogether if something fails. I switched out the shells on mine because the sticks were drifting hard even after using contact cleaner and compressed air so I just replaced them at the same time as the shell swap. The dpad is also good and makes me wish I did the shell swap sooner.
Any experience with swapping them out? I'm afraid to take my Switch apart
What d pad do you use?
It's not hard, just tedious thanks to all the screws.
Mario Kart is good mindless fun. Splatoon 2 is a very fun tps with ink as the main component. The bonus is the cute character design.
I use the dpad that came with the replacement shells like in 's picture. It just replaces the regular directional buttons on the joycon. It feels so much better than those. My only complaint about it is the directional lines on the dpad are painted on instead of being a part of the button itself. The directional lines were all rubbed off after playing The Messenger for a few hours. It's a minor complaint but still.
Propeller woomy a qt
Gal Gun 2 I guess.
just finished playing some monhun genU
>got $50 eShop from sister
>most of the good sales are over
>all that just to play yet another MH that's not as good as FU
Got $40 eshop credit.
Should I get Chocobo, Princess guide, or Touhou sky arena?
It’s way better than FU. The only better MH games than generations ultimate are 4 ultimate and world.
Any Mexicans here played this game?
It was developed by Mexicans.
It got a physical edition because Japanese loved it so much and it was Suda51 favorite game:
Yup. Shoulda got a screen protector
>smash isnt in god tier
>anything past 3U being even remotely playable
4 ultimate is the best game in the series. are you drunk?
They are objectively good games. As for whether or not they are better than previous MH games or World, I don't care to comment.
>I don't care to comment.
Niggers who didn't play gen 1 and 2 need to fuck off.
>le mounting
>le every monster is just jump + ranged at G rank
>game looks like trash on the 3DS
yeah no
You have extrordinarily shit taste
>hurr old good. new bad.
Time to take off the nostalgia goggles gramps.
Dark Souls, obviously.
Nigger I've played through every MH since Freedom. I fucking imported 2ndG and P3rd while you were still in middle school
Go fuck yourself you brainless monkey. Imagine willingly eating up capcoms shit.
"hunter artes"
What a fucking joke.
>Joycon drift
>Calibratioon doesnt work
>blowing air doesnt work
>$80 fucking dollars for these
Should I get MHGU or Xenoblade 2? I have only played MH World but enjoyed it a ton.. have never played a xenoblade before on the other hand.
>not starting on ps2
I’ve played it longer than you faggot, and I’m not afraid of change and quality of life improvements.
Get your head out of your ass
>he thinks starting on the psp is impressive
Bet you prefer to claw over dual analogs too, you cuck
unironically comparing monster hunter experience like it's your cock size
No you haven't, stop larping to sound like less of a tasteless nigger switchsoi.
Imagine not being able to roll and move the camera at the same time.
Actually fucking kill yourself.
I just don't care to enter into yet another argument where neither side is willing to accept that they might be wrong in the slightest despite actual evidence proving it, least of all the same argument that occurs in every MH thread and usually "ends" in inane meme responses before they start over again to ruin another thread later.
I was just posting in the hopes that a bystander user doesn't take your opinion as objective fact.
Are you planning on playing either primarily in handheld? XC2 looks terrible in handheld.
Umihara Kawase demo and maybe Travis Strikes Again.
That's cute user.
God switchniggers are sad.
>n-no you haven’t!
Your insecurity is hilarious. Yeah fucker, back when you swung the sword using the right analog stick. Not that you have any idea what I’m talking about.
>he seriously prefers the claw
The jokes just write themselves ladies and gents.
That’s nostalgia goggles at its finest
Why are you here?
wow you knew about the analog controls in 1 and dos, very impressive.
You didn't play it because you were a toddler in 2004.
On the off chance that you're actually an adult with a mental deficiency, there's no way your internet was good enough to actually get online in 2004.
End it.
You are so insecure it’s hilarious.
Go play on your psp, fag.
You can make whatever assumptions make you feel less pathetic that you want
Has anyone here played this? Is it really that bad?
I've accumulated a bunch, but sadly, I don't have a 3DS or WiiU to get sales for games. My points expire on the 31st and I want to get something, ANYTHING that is remotely worth it.
chocobo, no contest.
Cool thanks. I’ll download it now
Holy shit, stop shilling this and Mulaka already.
Getting my copy of Yoshi today, gonna play when I get home from work at 1 pm
god im so bad at finding the red coins
Cool, you own a game you hate.
you're just angry your country has no culture
where can I get such joycons?
>It was developed by Mexicans
have they made anything better than cursed castilla? no? thought so
spain > mexico
Anyone else getting MKXI on switch? My friend got added me to his family plan so that's why I'm getting the switch version.
>can steamroll everything in ff7 when using god mode.
Man was not meant to have access to such power.
Gf has been playing yoshi for over 6 hours now. Is it really that good?
Nothing. There's literally nothing to play. Might replay XBC2, but even then I'm more inclined to emulate X on PC.
Look up Basstop joycon housing on Amazon.
closest to island yet
I played every gen of MH and they're shit past 3U, and honestly even 3U can't hold up to FU.
Does the Switch have any good JRPGs apart from Xenoblade and Octopath? Exclusives only
Don't listen to this idiot
They gimped the mechanics even more and now you can't even move while throwing eggs
Dude go to bed.
You are obsessed.
It's a cute game. Do local co-op with her.
ok grandpa, it's called evolution
Post your guitar setup you giant faggot
>hurr u old
>was the one who brought up Yoshi's Island in the first place
The word you're looking for is devolution.
but woolly world did it better?
whatever you say switchnigger
To be fair, it's easy to omit text when you don't care about facts or accurate analogies.
Part of me wants to get translucent joycons. How much would it cost to just get a pair custom made? I'm not in the mood to fuck around with replacing the shells myself and potentially break the thin-ass cables.
Here's hoping they do a physical cartridge that includes 7, 9, and at least 10, maybe 12. I'd buy that.
>How much would it cost to just get a pair custom made?
More than a regular pair of joycons.
>physical release
>X on cartridge
>everything else is a download code
why the fuck cant i get all the hearts on many fish fish in the sea?
I wouldn't put it past Square Enix. At least maybe it would be a discount over buying them individually.
>accuracy is more important than humor in literal memes
>comfy switch thread
How though, every day it's new games that could run on the switch announced for everything but the Switch, and Nintendo announcing nothing, and Indie's cramming their pozz into the Neghole E-shop.
Super Mario Maker 2 is 2.5 months away, and it's the second game for the Switch this year, meanwhile every other platform has had at least 5 big games on them so far.
Owning a Switch is painful.
your pic forgot to add the tall (combat) models to replace those trashy chibi models...
Fire emblem Warriors. Like it quite a bit.
I think my niece broke my left joycon. I cant connect it and everything I have looked up online doesnt work
Just beat Kirby Star Allies. Final boss was rad.
Now I've got the bonus modes ahead of me.
>new games that could run on the switch announced for everything but the Switch
Like what? A bunch of games got announced for Switch in the past few days.
>it's the second game for the Switch this year
I count at least 3 exclusives since the start of 2019, and we're still in March.
>every other platform has had at least 5 big games on them so far
lmao like what
>Owning a Switch is painful.
Oh, I'm being baited. You got me.
Just this week
>labyrinth refrain 2 for psv and ps4
>sakura wars for ps4
>persona 5 battle royale
>closers for ps4
>azur lane for ps4
>borderlands 3 all but switch
The Switch has had 1 exclusive of value this year, being Travis Strikes again, Yoshi is a writeoff, Super Mario Maker 2 is the only game of value coming next, and that rounds out the Switch's first 6 months of the year, pretty pathetic.
On other platforms this year so far you have
>kingdom hearts 3
>ace combat 7
Owning a Switch is painful, there's nothing on it and nothing coming, meanwhile everything else is full of life, but pay attention to what's being announced, it's three years in and third parties still don't want to bring games to Switch unless it's something they can fire and forget like an indie title or a re-release.
The Switch is legitimately disappointing, and there is no change in sight.
go back to crying about fire emblem you melodramatic faggot
that's the only thing you care about
>fire emblem is the only thing i care about
What? I'm far more interested in Astral Chain, and Luigi's Mansion, I'm not even sure if I will buy Fire Emblem Three Houses, need to get more details on it, shame that that will be at E3, considering the game should be out already.
save it, its not like the sales are gone forever. pretty sure golden week is gonna have a bit of sales.
>this guy is sick
Noooo they fixed it :(
Out of all those games
Only sekiro, DMC v and re 2 are good, all of which id rather play on my PC
The rest are shit or look like waifubait bargain bin trash
>three years in
user can't even count
That's fine, but none of those games or on Switch, and developers will NEVER step up and put even 1/3 of that effort into a game for the Switch, even if it's just Switch first.
It's the Switch's 3rd year and it's pathetic.
>games haven't been announced because it's too early
>meanwhile games that started development after the switch achieved success still are missing the switch
I'm stuck here and there's no games, Nintendo don't want to deliver, third parties don't want to deliver, It's like they just had no plan.
Labyrinth of Refrain is a legitimately good dungeon crawler, user.
>I'm stuck here and there's no games
Sounds more like you have a shit PC.
The backgrounds look a little better I guess? Big whoop. Is there anything else, more important that modded PC has over other versions?
How is FF9 on the Switch? I've been meaning to play through it and buying it would give me some impetus to actually go through it rather than just emulating it
No, I have a PC, and I played DMCV and RE2make on it, buuuuut, I bought a Switch and now it just collects dust, it's a waste of a console, I want to get more games for it, but there are no games to get on it.
What's the catgirl icon?
>games I don't like don't count
In that case, the switch has nothing of value. Everything is shit or playable elsewhere.
>$100 for a white shell
that's a lot of money for a case
I honestly think Im done with smash. None of my friends bought it so I only get to play online and its just making me more and more frustrated. Im not shit but Im nowhere near tourney ready and its a really frustrating middle spot to be in. I can place Top 5 at my Tekken 7 locals and I play DBFZ at an actual high level but for some reason I just dont feel like I have proper control of my characters in smash and it drives me insane
Might pick up Octopath and FF7 for some comfy RPG sessions now that finals are almost over and done with.
>buy ff7
Why, it's such a low effort port, I wish people who played games had standards, that way they could demand SE put in some effort with their shit ports.
>labyrinth refrain
>sakura wars
>azur lane
You can't be serious.
three years in != in its third year
It's been 2 years and 4 weeks since release. It's disingenuous to say that's "three years in".
Doom. Still working on nightmare mode. Not that anyone really gives a fuck in these threads
>None of my friends bought it so I only get to play online
Invite them over? Or did you mean none got it so you could all play online?
that's just in the last week, this goes on year round, wait for TGS this year, there will be like 1 Switch game announced and at least 40 for PS4, Japan hates Nintendo, with a passion too.
I misspoke you dingus, it's in it's third year.
I care.
Doom is great.
Power Rangers Battle For the Grid. Gameplay is alright. Definitely not worth $20.
I'll give a fuck when they bring Doom down to the price that it is on other consoles. I'm not paying $60 for that game a second time, or even $30 when it's been on sale once or twice.
Kudos on buying the worst version, I guess.
Why did you buy an obvious cashgrab?
Not him, but it was BECAUSE the gameplay was so tight that I got it. What other tag fighter is there to play anyway?
BBTAG is a ToDfest, MvCI is garbage, and I've played Skullgirls to death. I might still get the switch port but I won't touch it as much.
Plus my boy is in
They're not into smash games, should have made it clearer
I mean its either the switch version which I can bring with me on commutes or the steam/free version. How bad of a port are we talking?
>super stressed to the point i wanna kms
what games should I get to make myself happy, I was thinkin yoshi
You can get it on PSP and PSV and phones, but the port is lazy, it still has a bunch of bugs the original had, and they haven't made any effort to improve usability or presentation. People should demand more, but I know they won't.
Ideally the game would have full widescreen support, some scenes redone where needed, character models touched up so that they aren't made out of segmented pieces at least, especially for battle scenes, dialogue redone to make it closer to the Japanese version, rebalance where needed, and new additional content. most other games get this sort of stuff, but FFvii, a game that has probably sold another million units from it's re-releases, won't.
What switch games do girls like?
Yoshi is so fucking boring you'll think about killing yourself for fun
You getting Doom Eternal bro? That shit is going to be sick
It's got the best control scheme.
>best control scheme
Mouse is still better than gyro.
Jesus Christ, Yea Forums, kill yourself. Your taste blows
Go Vacation is really comfy, but the Wii version was a little bit better
I want to live in this game
interested in skullgirls as well but man can't decide if i want the physical or just get digital like i always do. its the one system beside 3ds/vita where physical is not a priority.
I honestly wish I had the option to get a boxed game back when I got it on PS3 and PC.
This or God Wars?
Thinking about sonic mania.
I always am. It's so good.
Why was the Wii version better? Im interested in that game
what music glitch would that be?
They'll stop updating Splatoon 2 soon, what are the chances for a Splatoon 3?
about 70
fact, sonic games are catered towards speedrunning trannies
Im playing FF7 and was considering getting Baba is You.
So far I have Zelda BoTW, MK8D, Mario Odyssey, Pokemon LGP, Super Bomberman R, Smash Bros Ultimate, Blaster Master Zero, Fast RMX and Romance SaGa 2, I don't know what else to get.
The music resets everytime you get out of a battle in the overworld instead of playing continuously.
Also the Switch version has an ugly black frame that appears everytime the game changes from FMV to gameplay.
Probably nothing. I have Octopath to finish and final boss in xeno 2 and torna. I think Ill just play sekiro and borderlands 2
except stonefag can't into comedy for shit
Wait is Nintendo offering transparent tech again or is that 3rd party accessory?
wouldn't hold my breath
Playing comfy co-op Yoshi in bed with my qtpi 8/10 gf in between sweaty fuck sessions. Good times around.
Any Doomfags: change control scheme to Strafe ASAP. Thank me later.
In other news, my finger has been hovering over the trigger for pic related for the past few days. Do I need a sexy d-pad for fighters?
Is this English supported?
How's Atlier Rorona? I kinda want to play a cute RPG but I've never really gotten into the series.
Probably Smash Ultimate before my free online from splatoon fades out (no I'm not buying), and maybe Doom to test out my new Pro Controller since the joycons are pieces of shit and just keep drifting.
I got one because I've got a lot of 2D platformers. It's a pretty shitty d-pad, honestly. Imagine an even mushier Xbox 360 d-pad. L and ZL are nice and clicky though.
>Buys replacement shells for joycons
>Doesn't get one with a real Dpad
Look up some gameplay. Combat is pretty generic turn-based stuff, but you've got an alchemy system where you can synthesize items to help you in battle or finish sidequests to help people/expand the towns. You've got to manage your time since everything you do takes up days.
I bought these replacement shells and the dpad is great
Yeah, I got a custom one later. The Hori pad dropped in price for a reason.
Anyone else looking forward to Sega Ages Virtua Racing? That eight-player split-screen looks great.
Switch screen cracked. Any good recommended replacement?
deltarune is fun
Why does it take so damn long for these to release
Where's Sonic 2 and 3 already
How do I get a girlfriend?
Buy a psp then if you want portability and not a shitch
>Sonic 2
>Sonic 3
Never ever (muh music licensing issues)
Kinda wish we got a borderlands port bros.
I wish they made these out of higher quality plastic, you need to shave them to get them to close properly and they're a bit more flexible than the defaults. I'd much rather have them in matte instead of glossy, too.
But hey, all of those are minor niggles because it's the only way to get a fucking D-pad on a Joycon.
Did anyone here import that Robot Wars game?
Is it worth it?
Yeah my right joycon shell isn't flush with the console and I'm too lazy to take it apart again
much later
>>Yeah my right joycon shell isn't flush with the console
Neither of mine are, but I don't really care because I never use the console handheld anyway. It's too heavy and cumbersome, I'd rather just prop up the screen somewhere if I have to play away from my dock.
>Did anyone here import that Robot Wars game?
>Is it worth it?
WiiU pro with an 8bitdo adapter. Or the SN30 Pro
I prefer using the SF30 Pro to my actual Switch Pro controller.
Silly user I already have ff7 on psp. It doesn't have 3x speed though :3c
What's with the mischievous smile?
Is it responsive d-pad though that's my main requirement. Precision and responsiveness. I'm not too fussed about squishiness.
I don't have the patience to swap out cases.
>Friend who bought a switch thinks DMC and other skill based games are for "try hard autists"
Hmmm, almost as if nintendo literally rots your brain
Ended up getting BoI Afterbirth+ for Switch after waiting forever for that DLC to come on Vita. Feels weird playing it in a bigger screen, but it's nice to not have to use touch screen for the map or cards/pills. That and Smash Ultimate, probably.
Looking at gameplay it looks good, also cute. Seems similar to Pop'n Music in gameplay, too? Will keep that in mind to buy in the future, thank you!
>Precision and responsiveness
Thanks for the laugh, user. Don't get the Hori for that.
>I'm not too fussed about squishiness
a squishy d-pad is a shit d-pad mate
Dude can you post a link of the model on amazon so I can be a lazy shit like you.
Please and thank you
Get this instead
Responsive, not squishy at all
>Warioland 4 is still locked behind the ambassador program on 3DS along with many other titles
>fuck all virtual titles in general on the handheld that supposedly succeeded the DS which could play GBA, GB and DS games
>expecting the switch to have a good virtual console just because it'd be the perfect platform and everyone would buy that shit like hotcakes
what a retard lmao, forcing people to install homebrew is a far better strategy by nintendo
There's no virtual console because Nintendo wants indie games to actually sell. It was a problem on 3DS and Wii U, Nintendo's own old games outsold indie and third-party stuff by a landslide. I imagine they wanted to give indies some room to grow on their platform and not immediately overshadow the games with their own re-releases of timeless classics.
Like if I'm looking to spend $10-15 on a game or two, I'm probably going to go for timeless stuff like Mario World or Super Metroid I know I'll enjoy before taking a risk on indie stuff I've maybe never heard of. Sucks because I want to play old games on Switch, but I can see the logic behind it and I also want it to keep getting strong third-part and indie support. Hopefully we'll get virtual console stuff at some point, but given the fucking abysmal NES bulllshit they have I'm not holding my breath. It'll likely be tied to the fucking stupid online """""service""""" because its underperforming if we ever do get more VC games.
>will probably be a couple of years before we get to GBA games if Nintendo keeps this shit up
I just want to play Battle Network and Golden Sun on my Switch. Is that really asking for too much Nintendo you fucking faggots?
>chilling in bed playing Minecraft on my Switch
>see giant hole
>peek down it
>suddenly hit by something
>turn around
>two spiders
>they both push me down the hole
Have you ever had your comfy morning ruined by some serious bullshit? Fuck I might just play some Baba is You.
Playing Yoshi's Crafted World right now. Such a beautiful, relaxing game that gives me vibes from stuff like Crayon Physics and other games I played as a kid, I just love it so much.
Did the visuals change at all from the demo? Resolution seemed real low and tons of stuff was real blurry and grainy, so while the art direction was great it still looked rough and unfinished
How do I get into MK8D? My friends and I only end up playing double dash instead
I think it looks slightly more polished compared to the demo. The visuals look fantastic and the resolution is barely noticeable. The background elements still have the blur applied to them to build that feeling of depth, if that's what you were asking. It definitely could have been more optimized, but Good-Feel get a pass since it was their first time working with UE, the art direction alone makes up for it desu.
Just play tekken, hombre
>Waaaaah stop playing the way you want
God, I fucking hate posers. Enjoy your robotic-ass animations, enjoy your misplaced hitboxes, enjoy your extremely basic weapon movesets if you must, but don't try to force that shit on other people. At least I love FU's visual effects.
this console was not made for adult hands
It's pretty easy. Mario Kart is one of those series where you'll see people saying that their first one is their favorite, when that in fact is a lie. It's like GTA where it's only as good as the newest entry.
Unfortunately Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed isn't on the Switch. That's the best kart racer after all.
Absolutely not. Woolly World is closer to Island than Crafted World, but it doesn't innovate as much. I feel like Good-Feel are taking Yoshi in a different direction and it's working very well considering they're a separate entity from Nintendo. They're just good at handling certain Nintendo IP's.
They fit fine for me. I won't lie that despite its appearance the gamepad certainly felt better to hold for extended periods of rime
>actually had to dust my switch yesterday
mario maker and astral chain can't come soon enough
>Unfortunately Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed isn't on the Switch
>tfw very little hope for the next game
At least we get CTR the month after.
Reminder: you get a free 1 year Nintendo Online sub with Twitch/Amazon Prime
At the very least, I'm glad some people are still putting old games up there. The Switch has more arcade games on it than any other system, as far as I know. Psikyo games are actually being ported to this thing in droves, and being able to play the Gunbird games on this thing has been a blast. There's also some Nintendo arcade games there, which has me wondering what the difference there was in okaying those to be released on the Switch.
There's also other stuff like Sega's "Sega Ages" line.
I wish there was a comprehensive VC setup like the past couple of Nintendo consoles as well, but at least it's not absolutely nothing.
Imagine actually using the online function on a Nintendo device.
I'll stick with free games for the lifespan of the console, thanks.
They better unfuck the Switch version of Bloodstained RotN before launch or I'll be pissed.
been playing all week
just because you have massive, frail hands, too weak to hold the Switch don't cry about it
You'll stick with lonely absence of multiplayer is what you'll stick with.
I just want mortal kombat footage, lads.
my only question is why would you consider them different?
is the 8bitdo actually worth it? does it let you connect any controller or just older nintendo controllers?
Is Crystal Chronicles fun as a single player game?
>he never played Splatoon
Yikes, I feel sorry for you.
I have Switch for a little over a month and i only played on it Smash and Tetris
No regrets btw
Crafted world is actually really nice. I get a better satisfaction than i did with wooly world so far. Unfortunate what they did to the co-op though, wooly's co-op was more non-gamer partner friendly
I tried it out on Wii U, it was easily one of the worst online shooter experiences I've ever had.
I cannot possibly imagine paying for that experience. I paid nothing and still felt ripped off.
Holy shit who made this awful list?
>that shit taste
Now I feel genuinely sorry for you.
Anyone got a list of the key amiibo for crafted world?
You can play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Arms, Pokken DX, Mario Tennis, Bayonetta 2, Smash Ultimate, Monster Hunter, Puyo Puyo, Diablo 3, Rocket League, Dragonball FighterZ, Stardew Valley, Fast RMX and Worms completely free without Nintendos garbage online though?
Don't feel sorry for me, I played Quake 2 CTF back in its heyday. Feel sorry for yourself, for enjoying such a bland experience that the only other people playing are fucking japs because they get instant motion sickness from any FPS game.
Where did you improt it? Play Asia?
Splatoon is legitimately dogshit though, its not much of a shooter if your projectiles take up the entire screen and make it impossible to miss. Then again, it is a game for children, so maybe you've just got a fucking peabrain so you're entertained by it.
Guess thats why you've got shit taste.
Tyrone Gooseneck
easy come easy go
>defending splatoon
>its not much of a shooter if your projectiles take up the entire screen and make it impossible to miss.
So you didn't even play it, not a surprise.
You've clearly not played it or are really terrible at it.
kys faggot horrible taste
Based Switchad
I'm playing Everybuddy and Phoenix Wright HD Trilogy.
Going through PW in HD is blowing my mind. All these facial expressions and little details I never noticed.
Just swapping the body is a piece of piss, just follow an tutorial on YouTube, take it slow, make sure you've got the right kind of screwdriver and turn the screws slowly and while using a good amount of pressure.
The joycons are much more complicated, but again, take it slow and make sure you do it with a stable flat surface, plenty of light, somewhere to put the screws and to keep track of what goes where, all while following a video guide, and it's super straight forward.
I'm more appreciative of the fact that Psikyo did the unthinkable and are actually releasing their titles in physical form. Hell, I bet no one even knew that a 2nd and 3rd Vol. of Psikyo Collection were made.
isn't it like 3 months?
>They also had limited storage space so they just said "fuck it" and deleted the project files.
You zoomers wouldn't know but back then we had things like "Cd-roms" which were used to store data so you wouldn't actually check and see if your very small hard drive was full or not, you just put in the correct cd-rom and used the files from there
lol I love how angry he makes you people. it's a fucking meme and it's funny. like you
After 2 months you get the other 9 months
Tinder. Ask a random slut to play Mario kart after chatting her up/going on a date. Ez
>tetris and splatoon isnt god tier
fuck you cunt
>Hell, I bet no one even knew that a 2nd and 3rd Vol. of Psikyo Collection were made.
I did! I've been meaning to get my hands on all three of the collections. The only Psikyo game I own physically at the moment is Gunbird 2 on the Dreamcast.
Playing some Smash right now, just uploading recent webm I got, absolutely nutted when I got it. That aside, I tried Baba is You but couldn't get into it. Quickly " finished " it and don't have the intention of looking back.
ff9 blind, I only watched friend play it like 20years ago. Now its my turn.