Are these the most universally loved vidya characters ever?
Are these the most universally loved vidya characters ever?
Other urls found in this thread:
> No Kirby
I love Reisen!
no, women characters are out because women hate women video game characters for some reason, especially Zelda for being a "damsel in distress" in some games. There are people that don't like Snake because Kojima is a hack in their eyes. There are people who hate Cloud and Sephy for being anime. There are people who hate Sonic because Sonic games suck. And there are people who hate Mario because Nintendo.
are you ok reatard?
>someone finally asks are you okay retard
>Final Fantasy
>Worst iteration of Zelda
>worst iteration
>only zelda you ever bother getting to know
>only zelda who is guaranteed dtf link
>only zelda with any fucking personality
Cry more Divinity Kun, FF is more popular then any game you like
People are mad about Sonic's games, because they like the character so much, they want to like his games too.
Where's Crash? Chads love Crash.
Poor man's Sonic
I know right
>>only zelda with any fucking personality
there are people who hate Sonic because of his attitude and fanbase... can't make this shit up if I tried
>brings up something not even on the list
are you blind?
Replace Sephiroth with Kirby, Pikachu, or Donkey Kong and you're probably right
>autismos on Yea Forums represent the general public
Do people really like sephiroth as a character or do japs just like his character archetype? He's a fairly run of the mill villain, all things considered.
Everyone loves Sephiroth, he was voted a top 10 video game character every year from 2002-2011, and was added into the internet gaming HOF
But why? Final Fantasy 7 is in my top 3 favorite games of all time, and I don't find anything super special about him. All the one winged angel crap really annoys me, actually.
sure they do
every edgelord can relate to him
Fuck you, I like Sephiroth
>immediately loses her personality when she becomes zelda
He's the Broly of video games (and that's a good thing)
What you like != the most universally loved
>I paid no attention whatsoever to anything that was going on
But nobody actually hates Sephiroth, they just complain about his popularity
>no Kirby
>no tails
>no cute goat friend
>no saber
>no zero two
>no k k Slider
Stop using jew nose Zelda. LTTP is the most iconic one now.
I hate Kirby
I hate sephieroth. He's a broody bitch all through ff7 and he's pure cringe in every game after ff7, fuck sephiroth; fall into another mako stream.
t. Cloud
Get back in your wheelchair
When people say characters, what do they mean? half of these have no personality whatsoever, so what's the appeal? the design? the quality of their game? that doesn't really talk about the quality of the character itself does it?
I would play as wheelchair cloud if the game would let me.
>defend in the very fight fight
>sephiroth dies to a normal counterattack
Nothing personnel
>Sephiroth and Snake over Pikachu and Pac-Man
Is this a joke?
>Nintendo characters most people don't give a fuck
Tone down the Nintendo Bonus pal, Mario is the only one there people really cares about.
Where's Pikachu? Lara Croft? Sub-Zero / Scorpion? Ryu / Ken / Chunners?
>Literally all Japanese games
really roast the almon-oh forget it
I'm actually kinda mad, why can't the West make genuinely iconic vidya characters? It's not like the west incapable of making well loved and iconic characters in other mediums (Batman, James Bond, Spongebob, Snoopy ect)
What are we doing wrong? Why are the most recognizable and "iconic" western made character from the past decade either the Rabbids or Indie shit?
And before anyone says anything. Go ahead and try to name some iconic western characters that were made within the past 10 years and have stayed relevant
>sub zero/scorpion
Those characters are only icons of how shitty western fighting games are. All the ninjas were pallette swaps of each other for like 4 whole games.
>made in last ten years
>newest character on the op image is probably cloud/sephiroth, who started more than 20 years ago
you forgot the pokechu
I'm making a point here user. Even if you extended the time table, the most truly "iconic" character that is still just as relevant today I can think of is Master Chief and maaaaaybe Kratos
I dunno, maybe someone couldn't get over her shitty voice filter.
Lol mario's dabbing
Where's pikachu and white guy holding gun?
fuck kirby faggot
>says all this shit while forgetting ST Zelda and WW Zelda exist
Good to know you're not even familiar with the other games in the series.
Doom Guy
Lara Croft
Dovahkin (wow that game is old)
Relevance is because the characters in the op keep getting games. Maybe the west doesn't do that so much because of legal bullshit and just getting tired of characters. The characters I listed have been under the control of the same company for long enough to have survived to be relevant.
If we’re going with “loved” over “recognizable” then Snake still deserves to be there. I understand that the former is more vague than the latter though.
No. The most loved vidya characters are probably:
The Judge
mate, you know that the first time you actually meet sephiroth(excluding the cloud flashbacks) is on disc 3 right?
I'd say it's because of his boss fight