>boss is designed to be as anti-fun as possible
Boss is designed to be as anti-fun as possible
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no idea what from was thinking with that one. you just run around until you find a monkey then kill it in two hits. do this mindless shit five times and you are rewarded with the legendary mortal blade. i thought i was going to need to do some insane shit to get that sword but no just go stab a couple monkeys. shit's dumb.
ring the bell to kill the green one. wait for orange one to come to you then stealth kill it. lure the blind one into the windy dark room. the invisible on pops up with the 3 ghost monkey's. Fucking christ, you casuals aren't just buttom mashing retards, you're also unable to use simple strategy. Please kill yourself.
more like kino
This part was epic. Only if you are a brainlet you would have problems with it.
>puzzle bosses are now too hard for
Yea Forums
It's very simple to stealth kill all but the invisible one that follows you. And you just turn around and slash at the invisible one. The cool rooms are optional if you're a brainlet.
especially that part when you realize that the fourth monkey is actually invisible
I killed the invisible one by complete accident. Is there a way you're supposed to do it? Snap seeds? Is there a way to know if he's close?
Foot prints if hes close.
Oh cool thanks
I just figured out there was an invisible one after I killed the other 3 and realized there was a folding screen without a visible monkey on it. Then I kind of ran around aimless and bumped into it and attacked.
Is it just me or are the Azulite shurikens kind of weak compared to previous upgrades like madam butterflys shurikens?
I killed the invisible one in the same swing as I killed one of the others
I didn't like how easy it was to brute force it. The only thing I used was the bell to stun the green one. the other three I was just able to run up to and stab.
it sucked ass because it was too easy. there's zero use for all those cool things on the map because you can just run up to them and fuck them up
raise your skill level to something beyond novice
>how can we replicate Micolash aka one of the best boss encounters we've ever made?
>rets do monkey run alound go 'AHH! AHH!' you musting to findu and hittu fie times!
Racist boss
Micolash was shit
And how does that make the fight any more fun? No one was talking about difficulty your illiterate try hard.
i agree with this mostly but still think it was cool in concept. they just needed to make it uncheesable.
>the invisible on pops up with the 3 ghost monkey's
>not knowing he pops up right at the beginning right next to you
The plebeian is you
Micolash fucking sucked, even these monkeys were way better.
>it wasn't le epic anime fight :(
kill yourself
I just chased them down and murdered them, took me like 5 minutes
BB is still king by a wide margin.
this, I really liked the unique and creepy atmosphere. all those cool rooms and shit was such a waste because their AI is too simple to properly utilize the map
I love Bloodborne.
I love Sekiro.
I hate Micolash, the fight sucks. Not a fan of the monkeys either.
You're retarded.
>Kill all but the orange one pretty quickly
>Every time I approach him he sees me and summons more ghost monkeys
>Sprinting around the rooftops chasing him while being chased by like 15 ghost monkeys
>Remember the bell and use it
>the 15 ghost monkeys are still chasing me, but orange boy isn't alerted
>Run up and stealth kill him as 15 monkeys start wailing on me during the animation
both fights sucked
same, easy as fuck
who are you quoting? he's saying that it was too easy to find and kill them, not that it needed some epic fight
I would have loved a proper puzzle instead of just chasing slow and retarded monkeys
How the fuck does Miccy suck? It takes you by surprise but isn't convoluted in the least. You do more than just dodge, and the fight is over relatively quickly unless you get wrecked by his worm-hand. It really does feel like everyone who played Demons Souls loves Miccy and every baby who started with Dark Souls hates it.
>The boss was designed to be kino of the mind
4th monkey was just true master stroke.
How much of a brainlet do you have to be to fail at solving such a simple puzzle?
>but isn't convoluted in the least
which is why it sucks. I want them to go all out with a puzzle boss, not just running after a faggot and hitting him when he stops
I think he's boring, simple as that
Its a puzzle room.
It has glowing footprints
It's a boss fight. With a health bar.
>i don't want gameplay in my video GAME
go watch a move you cinematic faggot.
it's a puzzle boss. why are you being pedantic?
Its more a progress meter really
No. It's a health bar. That decreases when you hurt the boss.
>there's zero use for all those cool things on the map because you can just run up to them and fuck them up
Unfortunately this.
I need to take a break from Sekiro, what's a fun game I can shut my brain off and play?
I wanna be the guy.
>yfw this guy
I overestimated them and thought it was impossible for them to just be chased down so I tried my best to be as stealthy as possible and then lure the monkeys to their respective areas of weakness. It made the experience just a little bit better but that's only because I had to handicap myself, artificially making the puzzle harder.
Interesting concept but very poorly executed. Just shows again, besides the terrible detection normal enemies have, how inexperienced and bad From is at building a smart AI since all they did before is brainless zombies and monsters.
already beat that like 10 years ago
thanks for reminding me how much time I've wasted here
I love her, one of my fav boss fights of all time
One of the better fights the game has to offer. Too bad the game is horseshit.
Monster Hunter and Crypt of the Necrodancer are what I switched to when Sekiro lost fun.
>Pop the stealth sugar
>Stealth kill two of the monkeys before it runs out because they don't even move as it makes you less visible and suppresses noise
>Third one immediately cornered itself
>Invisible one I just turned around and started swinging
Token puzzle boss was kind of lame in this game, to be honest.
>nov 2018
>journalist edition
they're notorious for being super ez, that vid doesn't count. the flame on that sword extinguishes in like 5 seconds in the current version and she has way more hp and posture
That was my fav fight in the game, nice break from the usual epic boss fights
Imagine being this souls brainlet
Then entire game is shit. What do you expect?