Yep... first-person RPGkino's back on the menu, boys

Attached: rpgkino.jpg (1536x4328, 1.35M)

>Getting excited about stuff like this in the modern era

I learned 13 years ago to not hype shit up. I understand teenagers who haven't learned theri lesson yet, but if you're in your mid to late 20s or beyond, you have no excuse. They could be good, I hope they're good, but I'll go in with very low expectations as usual.

Also I'm not sure anyone considers STALKER an RPG. It's just a first person shooter with some very light RPG elements. I can't even remember if you have stats past the first game, I don't think you do.

>Tranny/homo shit
>inevitable casualization of mechanics

>The Outer Worlds
>chinese botnet client required
>looks like a Fallout 4
>literally using the same engine as Fallout 4

>complete reduction of roles available, can only be a solo now

>made by entirely different people
>casualization imminent
>coming out soon(TM)

>System Shock 3
>scrapped twice
>off of development schedule
>shodan is a nigger now
Yeah real epic and based

Attached: 91EBAFCF-0464-4703-B7EA-78A220451828.png (425x275, 209K)

>I learned 13 years ago to not hype shit up. I understand teenagers who haven't learned theri lesson yet
It really is a life lesson, which applies to all aspects of life, not just video games.

>phoneposter has a stick up his ass
who knew?

>can only be a solo now
Nah, this game got absolutely castrated

Attached: 1535512078333.png (1029x211, 42K)

Can you respond legitimately to any single point I made?

>tfw all the cop showcases and groups like Trauma Team are ace
>can’t join any of them
It’s a reaaaal shame.

And then youll learn that even your low expectations are too high.

How is SHODAN a nigger now

Look at the image I attached to my original post. The appearance change is quite apparent.

> Outer Worlds
> F4 engine
It's made on Unreal Engine 4 you absolute fucking retard.
Also, you disgust me you piece of shit. Yoy sound like whiny bitch who looks for reasons to whine. Is that because of some microaggresions and triggers? Go colour your hair and be ProudFeminist because you sound like one.
I'm not saying that all of thesr games will be good but you are trying to nitpick so hard it hurts my dick.
Please go fucking die.

Bloodlines 2 is not made by original developers.
Outer Worlds is just poor man's Fallout.
Stalker 2 will be a generic multiplatform shooter.
SS3 feels like a fan made shitty remake.

SS 3 is also using Unity lmao.

>le Stalker 2 is going to be made for consoles meme
Just like every single GSC title right? Oh wait...

Am I whining or showing the very likelyhood of the situation? Yeah I was wrong on the engine but I think the similiarities are uncanny.

I can't wait to play them other than outer worlds
I couldn't care less about the internet outrage dweebs, and if they're bad or disappointing, I've played more disappointing games.

Out of those games only cyberpunk has a chance of being good.

>I couldn’t care less about internet outrage dweebs
Yet you make a post showing how much you don’t care.

A post is very low effort, so I'm not sure what you're implying, outrage dweeb

I’m implying that you actually do care and want people to respond to your opinion whether they’re your little strawman or not.

I haven't played Tarkov but is it really that buggy of an engine?



You don't have to hype things up, but you don't have to be a total buzzkill either. There is a happy medium

>I learned 13 years ago to not hype shit up
Yep, I learned this and patience.

People flipping out over OW's timed exclusivity for instance I couldn't really vibe with. Oh, I have to wait an additional year after release? Whatever. That's a year for bug fixes, additional content, and reviews+word of mouth to tell me if something's worth a purchase or a pirate. If it's shit? Eh, on to the next one.

SS1 remake is looking better than SS3 even though SS3 has the better team

How exactly can you describe something as better if they're achieving worse results?

You swallowed the tortanic pill and want every game to be bad based on minor shit. You want them to fail, user. Hence I got buttmad and spouted bunch of ad hominems.
Do you want to play some good video games? Your post says no. I do. I'll be carefully watching over each of these games and check if they are worth playing with HOPE that they will be.
> I hope that VtMB2 will not go crazy with SJWs and use those modern topics in interesting ways instead of filling the quota and being progressive for the sake of it.
> I hope Outer Worlds will not be just memecringy humor and will have some serious backbone to stand on. That it will deliver enjoyable story and gameplay mechanics good enough for me to buy it (on Xbone).
> I hope Cyberpunk will allow you to take missing roles like Rocker during the story (that's what was promised). And that it will properly implement both shooting and RPG mechanics to not turn it into something as shit as modern Deus Ex.
> I hope Stalker 2 will be a proper gopnik simulator just like first one. Bonus points for focus on sandbox rather than shitty OC story and crappy endgame corridor shooter.
> I hope System Shock 3 will just end up good. It goes through rocky development so I'm okay with it just not being a turd.
During last year I tried to give a chance to many games. Some didn't deserved it, but some truly paid off. I hope these upcoming games will be in second category.

Ok you're right except fuck you Stalker 2 WILL deliver

>post W1-CDPR
>good game but not an RPG

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