Vita Thread

It's that time, post your Vita.

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It's still in the box. I'm not ready to take it out yet, sorry.

goddamn these things are so expensive are they all hackable? i'd be willing to blow $300 if the newest firmware can get CFW

Vita? More like garbage!

My what?!

I've still got the original model. I've always been partial to dead consoles.

Currently playing Hacker's Memory, a bit of Project Diva X on the side and I need to keep playing more VA11 Hall-A. I also just played Shovel Knight for a bit, but I cross saved that and will play more on my PS4.

Would take a pic but it's dark as shit right now.

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Any cool homebrew shit you can do with it now? Also stuck on 3.65 Enso, am I good or did something new come out to top it?

ofw up to 3.68 can be hacked then downgraded to 3.60 for permanent cfw
there are still plenty of hackable vitas on the used market

Been playing a ton of MGS3, probably my favorite game on the Vita so far.

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>goddamn these things are so expensive
Don't buy new Vitas, plenty of mint used ones out there.

I've been eyeballing one on ebay for the past few days because I want to play Persona 4. How hard will it be for me to hack it and never pay for any games?

What's that delightful grip on it user?

Are there any recommended accessories for the 2000 model?

You can also find it on Ebay. It's just branded as a generic grip usually.


hows the L2/R2? typical chinkshit or decent?

Looking to sell the hacked Vita, but want to remove the account beforehand.

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Not great but they do the job. They're surprisingly responsive considering how it works. Definitely no Xbox triggers. If I had to describe the feel, probably like the PS3 controller triggers except these are concave. They feel a little squishy but yeah, they work perfectly.

>If I had to describe the feel, probably like the PS3 controller triggers
good enough m8 I might order one

doesn't the vita use a proprietary memory card? i can't imagine you'd fit that many isos into it at once

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>unirronically liking tard-grips for your portable games.
You're the same kinda people that HAS to input your own control style is smash because you just can't sit down and play with whatever like a normal person.

t. small hands

t. Unga bunga hands

What? Most games don't use the extra buttons. The grip just feels better in my giant man hands, that's why I use it. The Vita by default feels incredibly unergonomic to me. The grip just makes it feel closer to a dualshock which is less painful for my hands.

Has Andy Nguyen released the 3.69/70 hack? The slant eyed fuck said March.

This. I'm still not entirely sure what the optimal way is to hold a Vita. It feels bad no matter what I try. Apparently those plastic things on the back are meant to be grips, I can't imagine anybody but children being able to fit more than 2 fingers on each though.

im in the middle of sly 2 on the vita..i have so many games on this system i havnt touched...

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I just recently bought one to use for remote play with my PS4 for when my housemates are watching something shit on TV.

I definitely need a grip with triggers though. Using the touchpad for L2 and R2 is awful. I need to get around to hacking it too.

Hello. #tardgripgang

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anyone have a torrent for complete sets of psp/vita games or did they all go down with emuparadise?


emuparadise is gone? shit

Soon. Been trying to get an OLED version for awhile now.

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My girlfriend has only played modern games. Should I get her a Vita so I can hack it and put older games on it? I'm either getting her that or a 2DS.

hey weebs

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It's 500gb though

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It's still functional it just needs a work around script now

Where does one find a vita strap?

thanks vitabro

Slim models look so nice in different colors. Way better than than simple black

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I would have liked a white one personally but I took blue.

Think it'll get anything out of FES?

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hey buddy how about you turn it down a notch

What physical vita games do ya'll own? I own like 4.

I have the opposite problem, I have big hands so I have grips for my Vita and my Switch otherwise my hands cramp. relax bro.

Going for Japanese stuff now.

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hey does anyone have a list of stable 60 fps games?
>inb4 overclock
overclocking it doesnt improve the frame rate that much.

Any racing games with high fps?

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did the homebrew app get compromised?

>red strap
yes please.

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based slimchad

Took me 6 years and 2 Sony handhelds, but I finally did it.

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Do these work on 3.68?

Is it worth playing the Vita in 2019? Sony ended production, they might shut down the store soon.

I refuse to buy another memory card because one is the same price as 5 physical games. I'm too lazy to jailbreak my vita. so I just go digital for indie games that are under a 1GB. I think I'm one of the few none weebs that enjoy their vita

Why didn't you play Persona 3 FES?


>they might shut down the store soon
Nah, they won't. They still sell PSP games to this day. No reason to remove them when its just a passive revenue source, small as it may be.

I tried to get some psone isos to work, but no luck. Don't know if it's defective isos, or if I messed it up. Any guide for it you guys recommend?
Btw any psone pack torrent, by chance?

forgot pic

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and here's what I have on my main vita now

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nigger did you spend over 3000 usd on vita games?

Physical Vita games are pretty nice, I can carry all mine in a small SD card pouch since they're thin enough to be stacked.

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>Why didn't you play Persona 3 FES?
Because the benefits of portability outweighed the hit to presentation values since I started it up at a time when my main free time to game was on train rides.

By the time that stopped being a thing, I was halfway through the game and didn’t feel like redoing 40 hours of gameplay.

I have 31 physical games
it hurts anons

Why are you posting my vita user?

>Project Diva X
Play F2nd instead. Diva X doesn't even have PV's and unlocking shit is aids.

Mary Skelter, FUCK THAT PIECE OF SHIT. just wasted two fucking hours for nothing because the game without giving a single save point, decides to randomly, with 0 warning throws a fucking boss on my overpowered team and wipes me out with crits. Fuck that garbage. I don’t mind difficulty, but this is shit. That’s what I get for bothering one time with weeb garbage. I bought it for a dollar and I feel ripped off.

>updated vita to 3.70 in a drunken stupor

I await your laughter

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>not having multiple vitas

how the fuck do you get that drunk and still manage to operate the vita to get to that point

any fun racing games on this shitty system that runs good?


sonic all star racing transformed


All I do when I'm drunk is play video games so it's a habit if anything
I had fun with racing transformed and I remember need for speed most wanted being a decent port

Attached: way to go Lucas, you fat fuck. Thanks for selling SW to Disney and ruining it even more by doing so. (634x845, 199K)

table top racing, except they barely bothered with the physical controls when they ported it. you have to use the touch screen to navigate menus.

i tried sonic and it didnt run so well

its a stable 30 fps which is decent but a little lacking.
was a little disappointed because the psp game ran better in terms of frame rate.

ill check it out.

I got my Vita last month so I don't have that much yet. Finding Vita games cheap and CiB has been really hard, but I've managed. I bought Danganronpa recently, CiB for $15. It's in shipping limbo right now but I've never played it so I'm excited. I still want like, 5 or so more games before I'm done pretty much with my physical collection. Finding Uncharted and Killzone for cheap, literally impossible. I've been searching since I got my Vita, probably won't be happening. I have a rule not to spend more than $25 on any game so its yeah. Probably gonna have to pirate those. The Cold Steel collectors edition was cheaper than buying just the regular game, guess the guy just wanted to get rid of it. If I like Danganronpa, which I probably will I've heard great things about it, finding the second game for cheap is gonna be hard too.

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>and it didnt run so well

overclock like the rest of us do then

Or do I need to downgrade?

Can't you just factory reset it, then apply the hack right after? Also how much are you willing to sell it for? I'm in a need a Vita 2000. I have a hacked Vita 1000, but the charging port is really really bad so I fear it's on it's last legs.

the frame rates are not stable.
it dips every now and then which is really noticeable when youre playing a racing game.

overclocking really adds 5 more frames tops

Go back to your containment general faggot

thats still 5 frames gained

How bad does the actual game look compared to Cyber Sleuth? I saw some of those screenshots prior to its release and the environments looked PSP-tier for whatever fucking reasons.

As for me, mostly playing my backlog. Finished EDF2 earlier this month, and currently got AssCreed: Liberations and NSF: Most Wanted currently under way. Most Wanted looks like ass but I give the devs props for porting the full fat console game mostly intact, including online multiplayer. Traffic is less dense than it was on PC though, which is the main nitpick since that affects the gameplay difficulty.

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Get Muv Luv

You can use Rabbit Hole and make a save point literally anywhere user.

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i mean it helps when the frame rate is stable to begin with but when the frame rate isnt stable and youre playing an action game, its doesnt feel like a huge improvement.

Just recently hacked my vita and why does my theme resets to default whenever I shut it down?

I don't see how its possible to die in Mary Skelter before the Temple Nightmare.

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Having a hacked vita is great

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The graveyard boss can fuck you up if you're unprepared for it. Most people probably don't class change or anything before then.

But yeah, having Alice as a Paladin and Snow White as a healslave makes the game trivial.


Little Busters

White Vitas are so nice

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any anons change their vita's battery? Was it difficult? I've had mine since '12 and the battery is pretty much dead

>white vita with black grip

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I've been considering getting a white one but at this point why bother

Vita is literally the only thing sony done good lately

PS4 is fucking ass

I opened my vita and disconnected/reconnected the battery multiple times when I was swapping mobos. there's nothing to it.

3.69 hack when?

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I really should buy a Vita-2000 for CFW/when my OG model dies.


>sony done good
no you fucking retard

Christ, what a faggot...

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I don't understand your frustration.

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Please understand that we're all on Yea Forums here.

>mfw hollow knight could have been on vita
>mfw bloodstien could have been on vita

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3.70 hack when?

My Vita is the cutest

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Muv Luv was fucking garbage and I hated it. It's obviously inspired by Eva but then they took the fucking joke ending from Eva and made it the real ending to their game. Gotta appease the waifufags.

Also if they only respected the will of silicon based lifeforms why didn't Sumikabot just tell them to fuck off lol

I would just like to say that this user is not me, and is indeed a tasteless nigger.

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you don't technically need to downgrade, but having to manually mount your SD card after boot each time kinda sucks so you really should downgrade to 3.65

am i good to go on my 3.63 vita?

What is with this huge uptick in Vita and Switch threads.
You newfags know about /vg/ right?
Yeah that is the board for generals

Ok but did I actually miss a reason for this? And why the beta would 'target' computers if they served silicon based lifeforms?

vita if you want PS1 and PSP games, 2DS if you want DS games

>dub only games
>NISA games
>read only memories
>imas must songs
>airship Q
>miracle girls festival

Yeah you're good.

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Are there any good vita sellers on ebay that sell decents ones on 3.68 or less or should I take a gamble and buy the most decent one and hope it is 3.68?

danganronpa intended order:
play 1
read 0
optional: read if
play 2
play AE
watch 3
watch 2.5
play V3
protip: the english vita version of another episode has save corruption issues not in other versions, so rotate saves to avoid getting fucked. also play on hard, it's still not hard but enemies drop more money.

nice. when did they sell that?


Both Japanese imports, black one is a used OLED model, and the aqua blue is brand new.

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brand new japanese aqua blue? if it came with over 3.65 it'll be a big drag not to have enso

My Vita and 3DS.

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Is the vita's battery supposed to drain incredibly quickly?Mine only holds a charge for 2 or 3 hours. I figured that I'd be safe putting it in sleep mode but the thing is dead when I go to grab it next when I do that.

If it's a 1000 yeah, but only because the battery is fucking old now and has been charged/discharged hundreds of times. Could happen with a heavily used and abused 2000 too I guess.

Turn off wifi and bluetooth.

I keep mine at fairly low brightness and get at least 6 hours of playtime, and probably weeks of sleep time(but I've never left it unplugged long enough to time that exactly)

It is a 1000 that I got used awhile back, I'm sure the battery has been put through its paces. I do have a psvsd in it, I'm not sure if that has some effect.
I'll try these suggestions though, thank you.


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pet the damn cat

This. The wifi consumes a deceptively large amount of battery life even in sleep mode. Once its turned off, the Vita lasts literally a month in sleep mode.

either that cat is gigantic or it's an optical illusions where the vita's are actually a foot or two lower than the kitteh kitteh.

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