>your normie test results
>your favorite game
for me it is pic related and Ace Combat Zero
Your normie test results
>Listens to electronic dance music, his favourite show is what's being pushed on the on-demand streaming service he uses.
I hate EDM, and I certainly don't watch front-page Netflix. Your test is shit.
The last line is so true it hurts
My fav game is probably Mother 3 or KH1
Dude don't take this seriously, it even states that at the start of the test.
>He might not get laid, but he can.
fuck you too asshole
Sperg, Baten Kaitos
Pretty accurate, actually.
Party Dude
I like Earthbound I guess
Oh yeah, and my favorite game is either Dark Souls or Chrono Trigger.
>Am complete depressed schizoid, no job, barely any friends, spend all free time on the computer
>Cool Normie
Favorite game is Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, but the game I've played most and enjoyed for the longest amount of time is Path of Exile.
I know this test isn't serious at all, but all of these questions are hindrances to people who know how to hide their power level and/or are empathetic to other people while being autistic in other social situations.
I got "normie" and my favourite game is System Shock 2.
Nice little application, OP.
I have actual diagnosed sociopathy (Antisocial personality disorder, I do not feel empathy for others) and this test placed me in the normie category so I can;t help but question its validity.
>lowering height ups autism
Normie, feel like a Niche Normie at best (I hate all normalfags) but I guess getting laid and having some friends will take you places in this test
Persona 5
My favorite game if I'm being truthful is probably Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, but if I'm posturing for Yea Forums my favorite game just based on singleplayer is probably Mass Effect or Ninja Gaiden Black
You must have answered what you wanted, not what you are.
>Cool Normie, but more like a Lame Normie
>Probably Morrowind or Gmod
Then don't hide your powerlevel. Why are you lying to an anonymous test?
Diablo 2
Niche Normie
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
But the shit with "friends" and hanging around with people completely goes with the power level hiding. If you are actively trying to hide your power level, you will be put into social situations and be around "normies" even if you don't follow what they are talking about.
It's more lying to myself than anything else.