Party Van

Hey, it's Friday night! You know what that means? It's time to play some TF2 with Yea Forums and get drunk!

Password: the usual

Attached: TF2.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bump, come play fags

Fuck you im watching TFR

the total fertility rate?

>not watching uncle dane streaming right now

Also joining

Joining right now
though you probably wont get many players considering Sekiro and ROR 2 just dropped

>Tfw waiting all week for party van

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its always a slow trickle user, especially when its not 24/7 and theres no steam group or anything so you need to look out for the thread

dead thread, dead van, dead game
all because of sekiro and ror 2 releasing this week

6 people in game right now, come play and make that 8!


Attached: Yer ugleh.gif (480x270, 2.28M)


12 players in the server so far! come and join before we get full

Let me finish this ror 2 run and i'll join, how many players?

we got 17 people in so far


19 people onto minecraft payload!

desperation page 10 bump

delete sylveon and burn the hard drive

Attached: Your Daily Dose.png (1437x691, 524K)


We got 20 people in the server so far! Hurry before it gets full

joining in a minute, bump

23 people in the game right now! Almost full


>hes not watching /ourguy/ uncle dane while playing tf2

>Party Van finally comes online
thank fuck

25 players onto beta cp_sylveon, dont worry it works this time I promise.

oops hold on, forgot to fastdl it lmao

Now THIS. This is epic.

Attached: Epic.png (383x118, 4K)

But it doesn't, it says I don't have the map and got kicked out. Why doesn't it install, like every other map?

It didn't work...

bravo you dumb nigger

Ahem please avert your eyes to this post. FastDL is hard. Server will be back up in like 30 seconds

Even the fucking game doesnt want this shit map being played

Attached: Your EXTRA daily dose.png (1654x933, 634K)

>red spawn
>look around
>no walls

bravo you dumb nigger

Servers restarting. Sorry about this Just gonna remind everyone that this server brought to you in part by, people who have no fucking idea what their doing

For the love of all that is holy put cactus canyone on the maplist, I want to play it again with a full server at least one more time.



sum1 stream


i can't believe sylveon is fucking dead

Please give me the password, I'm dumb

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We've moved onto degroot keep with 20 people!


>rtv off shit map
>directly onto degroot

thank you friend :)

>spoonfeeding in the eyar of our lord

26 players on degroot keep! Hurry before the servers full


Always be thankful for your daily dose

Attached: You know what it is.gif (100x100, 1K)

Last week was my first time joining the server, how long does it usually run for?

every weekend, starts between 8 pm EST - 10 PM EST, usually goes until it does around 1 or 2 AM, but i've seen it go until 4 AM

Much appreciated, doctor

sorry guys, gotta go. Hope you enjoyed your daily dose. See you next time on dragonball Z

Attached: Thanks doc.gif (329x302, 6K)

stweam where

We got 6 slots left until we're full! Come join us on Hoodoo

reinstalling this game, i'll be in in a bit

dinner blaster

Attached: tf2.png (510x22, 12K)

Sylveon's cock-ring

Where are the sprays?

How does party van work?

open console
type "connect; password rage"
enjoy this spoonfeeding

Attached: jireneye.jpg (1280x720, 43K)

No I mean what kind of game mode is it I haven't played TF2 much.

playing CTF right now

>wait in queue
>finally starts connecting
fuck u

>server is full
Well at least I know it'll be a party when I get there.

password is rage

Can I kill friendlies?

newfags please leave the server

too slow again today. Dang.

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theres a discord server that gives pings when the server goes up
theres a link somewhere on the site


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>20 minutes and still can't get in
Okay maybe the party is a bit too lively.

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>lost my spot because me mum needed help with the printer

>britbong poster
Your ping would probably be bad anyway

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Remember to dab on Shartifact niggers for thinking they'd outlive TF2

i dont play early access garbage

okay retard

get out

We start at 8 PM EST throughout the weekend unless we're late then its between 8 PM EST and 10 PM EST, or its not happening.
You can always get in if you time it well enough. Servers dead as hell for the first half hour - hour

There is no discord that we know of, dont believe this anons lies we wouldn't use trannycord anyways.

>play tf2
Why play tf2 when I can play better titles like Overwatch, Paladins, Fortnite, or Apex Legends instead?


BLU fags beaten the fuck out

32 people onto dustbowl!

get owned blu

my children, my beloved children

remove cooldown on placing sprays

Want to play but completely out of TF2 right now and haven't played in a while. What should I do to get back into it?

hit the play button

Join the server

Get a mic

Is Badlands 2006 on the map list?

I fucking love that map, definately reccomend it.

Fuck uncle cuck. I long for the day I get a random crit kill on that piece of shit

If the map list behaves like shit then start taking away boring maps to see if that fixes it. I want a fun diverse experience not the exact same as hitting casual or skial servers.

>1 hour to download all the fucking maps
>all those anons having fun without me

we have fastdl user, the maps are just a precaution if some dont download and give you an error

well I got an error. it just won't finish downloading.

add spammable voice commands

why didnt you say so
Heres all the individual maps

why is this map so fucking big


we're changing in 55 seconds anyways

RIP killed by sylveon

what happened?


That shit isnt in the pack

had a good time. i'm done for the night.
See y'all tomorrow


Alright, time for bed. Server will stay up until 0 people are on it, same time tomorrow and sunday. Any map suggestions go in the thread. Have a good night fags

No, but it will now


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guys i cant pick up the auzzie scatter gun!

one last nightly bump

server still alive?

I hope so because I might be able to get on it soon

its dead


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it's mandril maze

there is someone playing mj sex though

I remember when i joined a Yea Forums steam group. I wonder what happen to them

it went to mandrill maze and lost half the players

I'd like to say, in earnest, you guys suck at this game

GGs, that was fun. Might come back tomorrow night. I'll try to get more cancer to play over mic.


this shrek thing is cringe

Ban machina snipers from taunting

Stop complaining about them, that just means that they won.


machina fags made dustbowl and Minecraft unplayable

I was waiting for this

Attached: yeee.webm (960x540, 680K)

Dustbowl has always been unplayable. We play Dustbowl mainly for religious reasons.

But I like dustbowl phase 3

phase 3 is the only good one.

TFC Dustbowl is way better simply because there are tons more flank routes that they got rid of for whatever reason

thank you, man

>try to play this game again after about 2 years of not playing FPS games
>suck absolute dog dick
i mean, im not surprised, but i used to be pretty decent. aim's completely out the window. it's a bit disheartening.

kick out the micspamming weebs and put on stock maps and I will consider gracing you with my presence

>kick out the micspamming

Attached: cringe bro.png (496x344, 117K)

>stock maps
Ew, there's a reason I'm not playing Casual you retard

imo get rid of meme maps like any variant of cp_orange, turbine, hightower, etc. Wacky and baloon races very sparingly, actual community maps could be cool, stock only if it's resurrecting old maps like hydro, mandrill maze is obligatory. 3 hours minimum.

Actually, Stock I 100% want, but only if it's alternate versions of it like the Powerhouse version where they reconstructed the unfinished area, or abandoned Upward.

I'm testing some maps myself and I kinda like this tc_meridian.