>game gets a sequel
>the sequel is actually a prequel
Vidya Red Flags
>it's a video game
It worked for Metro 2033 decently enough
>game gets a sequel
>its developed by a different studio
Last light isn't a prequel
>the women are ugly
a prequel is a kind of sequel dumb faggot
learn to english
>appealing to a wider audience
>game makes the characters constantly break the 4th wall
>game gets the characters to constantly make constant dialogue mentions that relate to other games, comics, or anything else from our world in particular
>game gets a prequel
>it's actually a sequel
>game gets a sequel
>it gets cancelled
Pre- means before something, but what the fuck is quel? It means "high" in blood elf language.
>game gets a fuckload of spinoffs and prequels before a sequel
>indie game that's a spiritual successor of a different game
>next game is a prequel that switches to the sequel
*rdr2 intensifies*
>sequel has you playing as a female protagonist
>when all the other games in the series had you playing as a male protagonist.
>game is just a throwback to the original hit
Imagine not hating video games in 2019.
>it's mobile exclusive
>we want to subvert the player’s expectations
>it isn’t about fun
>we want it to be realistic
>we want it to be accessible
>It took over 10 years to get a sequel.
I mean, why bother? Even the nostalgiafags won't like it. Just let it die.
>the prequel protagonist is somehow stronger than the protag from the original game
>prequel protagonist is a temporary antagonist but joins you afterwards late in the game
I don't get it. Why is the guy backwards C'ing her flipping the bird?
>made by EA, Activision, Ubisoft
fuck you i'll wait for an advance wars sequel forever
>Game gets a sequel
>Is a prequel
>It has Diablo style loot
>Third game in the series is fucking trash
>lead developer is a tranny
>third person
>prequel adds a bunch of supposedly important characters that were never even mentioned in the first game
I am not a native english speaker eother, I learned that like 2 yrs ago.
it worked for Valkyrie profile.
The 2nd game looks like a Prequel but is actually a sequel
>game gets a sequel
>the gameplay is entirely different so your skills are not transferable
>made by Square Enix
what games actually transferred shit besides maybe pokemon
You're retarded
Your skills, as in how good you are at the game, do not apply to the sequel, because the gameplay is different.
sequel the prequel 2: the game (deluxe edition)
preorder y/n?